Site JfnrpHt (Brmtr Sxprpaa INSUKE AGAINST GHASTLY DEFEAT! Publish«! every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. The American people h a v e W. C. Beufer. Editor am! Publisher. plunged into the gulf of war and Kntered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, liMtf, Ht the noetoffice at Forest Grove, they must tight their way out Oregon, under the Act o f March 3, 1X7:* with sword and smew. The sword of victory will be Subscription Hates We have everything with which to build. forged from the dollars of the Paid in advance On Credit $ 1.50 People. The Liberty Loan will We bought last fall and we are selling $1.00 One year One year .50 Six months Six months .......... .75 help to win the war. The al* cheap. You will be building a house, barn, .25 Three months Three Months .to rernative is an overwhelming dis- silo, auto house or an up-to-date chicken aster for us. T H U R SPA Y , JUNK 14 1017 house, and the first comers are going to get We are at war, whether we like the best prices, because we can’t buy now "I am sorry that you do not wear a flag every it or not. The groans of our day and I can only ask vou if you lose the physical for the prices at which we are selling. ! woundod have not yet reached emblem to be sure that you wear it IN YOUR H E A R T ; the heart o f America shall interpret the our ears. The casualty lists of Our lumber is all dry and we have the best- heart of the world." President Wilson. our dead have not yet been po-t- kept stock in Washington county. ;ed The full force of our sacri­ N O T E S AND C O M M E N T S fice has not yet been felt Hut for $1-25 a roll. Water-proof I V O O n n g paper, $1.75 for 500 feet. Doth Copeland » & McCready Lumber 1 hfite will come, It is rumored Joey will "trade out” that hospital ad when the company informs the Express th a t'. The ^ United States has to fight just what you want for chicken houses. that amount gets big enough to offset I the farmers of Washington county ' wa^ *° liberty by wading the cost of the operation he needs, are building more silos 'his sum- through blood an'l every Ameri- RED PAINT at $1.25 in ones, $1.20 \h fives. mer than anv season since he ram.■ l‘:m hom‘‘ wUI t,u' >"lemn na- Whetheryou drive an auto, a here Fine, That means more ture of the death grapple The horse or a mule, you better study green fepd f()p thp dairy COW8 next world can be "made safe for de- The Main Street Lumber Yard the traffic ordinance published in wjn(er and either cheaper butter mocrac3’ °nly after a year or last week’s Express and supplied to the consumer or better profits more tremendous sacrifice in free by the city treasurer1). If to tbe fia irymen# Unfortunately. nu*n and mont*y- you don’t understand the ordi- siIo ,umbt>r ¡s scarcp and many of Our 500,000 army of liberation nance you may cause a disastrous the mi„s are tjed down fi„ ing con. will Hght in Europe; but the r.-al accident and get pinched. tracts made months ago, at very will be at home to back up directors »ml arhiHil I'lerka; provided, _ , , , , noor Drices that army with Canada has so far contributed prices. , ,, ___, dollars. Every g.ince and the merciless rocks of , _ . , , . , . .... , ._____________ dollar that the people can save Penury. At public meetings, Mr. further, that any |wrson ahall be for field hospital work (like the ______ . , - deemed to have complied with the Graham has stated that hr did property qualification ¡m|xMted by thia Red Cross work) two dollars for The Express believes that, n e x t i '™ every inhabitant. The United *? the fighting and food produc- •“ 'htional economies will he nv«l not believe in wasting the school section who presents to the directors or funds, nor did he believe it ad- judge« o f election satisfactory evidence states is asking one dollar per tion, the work of the Red Cross visa hie to a b o lish th e manual t»"*t he or "he ha« «lock, «hare« or is the most important thing in No man is exempt. No man is capita. Many people are too training or domestic science count- ownership ... any corporation, firm er which men and women can en- f°° P°or to do his bit by suhscrih- poor to give even one dollar, so ^ >r a Liberty I/>an bond, a es to save a few dollars. There llmtricl a, , hl(WII by lh,. UHt ,.„unty some of us will have to give more gage. The writer does not mean that we should all go to the front k°ntb or a *1nuanc of business and in- It doesn’t make much difference In the County Court o f the S tate of Oregon, for W ashington county. dtJ-s , tr> and of bis own occupation who ¡g elected clerk, so long a s he In the m atter o f the I.ast W’.ll and Oregon has not yet bought all to help this orcanizarion, - brother? ,,, T estam ent o f Herbert G. Hazlitt, of the $8,000,000 Liberty Loan Remember, the Red Cross may Ja k e out your war insurance to- is competent. d eceased. Bonds assigned to her people. ^ cal'ed upon to do something wh.. ( an Vote ting day; buy a Liberty bond. Notice ¡ h hereby given by the under! Section 40hÿ o f Lord's Oregon Laws signed, executrix o f the last Will Have you bought yours? Re- f°r your son, father, brother, uncle g ru Q O I El FCTIONS has been amended to read us follows; and T estam ent of Herbert (». member, they pay 3^, per cent or cousin. Many who are not in **'““ * " ' ••Any citfawn o f this l U U , mate or Haxlitt, deceased, to the creditor« and ARE IMPORTANT fem ale, who is twenty-one years o f age all J i e t h o m s having claim« again«! «aid and are free from taxation. And, kne Prussian bullets may get estate, to present them, with the nec- A well-known business man re- a.,d has resided in the district thirty M tary vouchers, within six months what is more important, it is in- t *iere later. In this event, you , . the date o f the first publication surance against Prussian domi- would want the Red Cr038 to be marked a few day« since that he days immediately preceding the meet- o from f this notice, viz: the 7th day of June, iT X V « “» nation of the world . How would financially equipped to do effect- never could undenuamlI how tath- „ „ . I , ,.y lh. ^ ^ you like to see the United States ¡"e work wouldn't you ’ « ^ e " s a n d mothers »ho have child- mc„t the Kaiser? y°u wou d - Go planning right ren or scnooi age could h e indif- on which h.* or she is liable or subject Dated at Forest (»rove, Orvifon, thin pay indemnity to __ __ _ . . . . .. i j -o now flo w on on how hriw much m iii'h you vm i can give ffiPPnt t.OW3Iii Rather buy a bond, wouldn’t you? toward School school plPCtioflS. elections, to to rmv pay m a t U u x x . «hwll shall tip be pntitlptl entitled to to v«»ti» vote 7th 7th