KEEP COLTS GROWINC Portland’s Rose Festival ings fo r Y o u M a y B e the Result! '‘Fluwcr-(own«d "Foraat-bound “ RoM-crownad Dort, Reo, Cole, M arm on , Passenger Cars "Portland“ D u plex 4 -w heel Drive, Reo, Stew art, Low Rates on all Lines Indiana and A m e s Trucks. A k aolu U lr I irtp ro o l I Hotel Hoyt Cornar S tilli and Hoyt 3la., Portland, Ora. Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated IA)U IIIMKS. Maiiagrr R ATES: 78c tu C . S PE C IA L, Patriotic Rose Festival Opportunities fo r A ddition al E arn ­ AM ERICAS GREATEST PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION N «a r B how you can arcura rriMliu and hava Your work dona FREE o f Charira. W rit» tiMlay. or »and u> for trial a roll o f film or negative« to ba printed and racaiva A‘ J par I PHOTO C R A F T Mil OP. Pittork Hlork. P. O. Ilot 72ft. Portland. ( »rtfo a S T U D Y tnokkaaping. ahorthand. telegraphy, anlaamanahlp, K nfliah branche«. at an arcrv»i(rk*d Mhool; aril* <>r phono Main IkHi for catalogua, g ra< tua ta« guaran torni poattlona. iWhnke-W alker lluatn«*aa Colle*«*. 167 4lb Street. nonr Iforriaon. Portland. Orogon. U K ìO C D -O F K L A N D S chaap. famous Fruit and Hay Halt. Hood Rivor Vallay, lavai. Irrigatod; torma Hot 1H¿. Iloud Kl vor. Oregon. Grasping. “Grain han been found clutched In tho hands of an Egyptian mummy.’’ "It t a l l all." commented the Chi­ cago man, "how Home of those specu­ lators will hold on."— Washington Star. Lying In Walt. Young Man— Ho Miss Ethel is your oldest sister? Who cornea after her? Hmall brother Nobody ain’t come >ci, but pa says tho first fellow that comes can have her.— l’uck. "Your friend did not appear to be enthusiastic when I spoke of a com­ ing wireless age.” "N o wonder! Ho is a wircwalker in u circus."— Exchange. ■ 1 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - — ................ ■ .. ................................... “ C. B .” M I N E R S & CO. UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP A I T I O M I l l I f PAIRISQ A l l I t l l l l l l l S . 1.1, to* r a n and sh u n its n m t o n i , i i u i i ' HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. Ne win! all you have. Writs for prices ind shipping tsgs TNI H. F. N orton C o . Portland. Ore; Seethe, We O FORD CARS E very Forti Car «houli! carry one e x ­ tra tint it nave changing on the* roail. TH E T W IN R IM flu both front anrt n-ar wheel. Applied In 8 min­ uti-«. Havaa time, cloth**., temper end religion. I'rire IM.60. Sent parcel poet prepaid, upon re ­ ceipt o f price. 01(001 m i A IIIIIO CO., "T h e Tire S hop." S33-338 Hurnaido at., Portland. Oregon SHIP Vaal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egga and Farm Produca to the Old Reliable Kverdina house with a record o f 48 year* o f Square D ealln n , and be au n rod o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 45-47 Front Street Portland. Oreaon ny haying direct from ua at wholesale prices and nave the plamber'a profits. W rite ua to­ day your needs. W e will «rive you our rock- bottom "dlrect-to-you” prices. I. a. b. rail or boat. W e actually aare you from 10 to U per c en t A ll roods ruaranteed. Northwest headquarters for le a d e r W ater Syatema and Fuller A Johnson Enstnaa. STARK-D AVIS CO. S13 Third S tr e e t Portland. O re ten aa^arr——r- P, N. U. No. 3, 1917. It Works! Try It What Is Uric Acid ? K ill A ll F l i e s ! Ths £ 2r - 3SH KOVERALLS Keep Kids Kleen §