U. S. IN WAR FOR FREEDOM WILL HUNT SLACKERS No More Leniency to Bo Given De- linqut-nts and I’riMon Loom* for Those Who Failed in Duty. STATE N E W S IN WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK On oonaent o f thè State Board of Control, its secretary, R. B. Goodin, Washington, I). C.— The period o f investisi $5000 o f thè “ patients’ fum i" leniency ended Monday for men be­ at thè Oregon State hospital in liberty tween the ages o f 21 and 30, inclusive, lonn bonds. who failed to register for the war Lester Sinnett, employed at thè L e­ army last Tuesday. gali tie camp, South o f Bend, died Provost Marshal General Crowder Wednesday in a locai hospital freni in- sent to the governors o f all the states juries received when a wagenlead of a message asking them " t o inaugurate ties ran over hiin. from Tuesday a vigorous, aggressive A medium-sued black bear was Wrongs and effective enforcement o f the penal i killed within five miles o f Albany ro- Washington, D. C.— President W il­ executed for that purpose. clause o f the selective service law i cently, it lieing the first time a bear son. in a communication to the new must first be righted and then ade­ against all who have by their failure quate safeguards must be created to | has been seen that close to Albany for Events o f Noted Pwiplr, Governments government o f Russia, has made plain to register brought themselves under , probably 26 years. the war aims o f the U n it«! States and prevent their being committed again. those provisions." and I'arilir Northwest and Other its positon on “ no annexations, no in­ We ought not to consider remedies David I.. Woods, alleged deserter The message follows: merely because they have a pleasing Thing* Worth Knowing. dem nities.“ “ Quotas are to be assigned to the ' from the United States army was ar­ Practical ques­ “ No territory must change hands and sonorous sound. rested at Bund Saturday night. He is several states in proportion to their except for the purpose o f securing tions can be settled only by practical Phrases will not achieve the l*°l,ulHtion as determined by the bu- i in jail awaiting the arrival o f a guard those who inhabit it a fa ir chance o f ’ mea™ 1 *be census and not in proper- from Vancouver Barracks to take him life and lib e rty ," says the communica- re8U,t- Effective readjustments will, roHU Snow fell at Anaconda, Mont., and The resuit is ! to a m ilitary prison, and whatever readjustments are neces- l '«>n to registration tion. in the surrounding country Tuesday to has failed to sary must bo made. that every person who A chapter o f the Red Cross w as or­ “ No indemnities must be insisted on “ But they must follow a principle rt‘K>ster is seriously increasing the ganized at Frineville Saturday. Tele­ the depth o f from two to three inches. except those that constitute payment Another encounter between an Am er­ and that principle is plain. No people ^,ur,*on °t those who have registered, graphic authority was received in the fo r manifest wrong done. Ample notice and every opportunity morning, and by evening over 300 ican steamer and an enemy submarine. “ No readjustments o f power must most be forced funder sovereignty uri- has now been given and there is no be made except such as w ill tend to der which it does not wish to live. No longer any argument upon which the members had been signed, and bad In which the steamer narrowly esca|H'd destruction l»y torpedo was re|*»rted secure the future peace o f the world territory must change hands except for conduct o f non-registrants can be con­ paid the entrance fee o f $ 1 each. Tuesday to the State department, the purpose o f securing those who in­ and the future w elfare and happiness The official count in the Baker habit it a fair chance o f life and liber­ doned. o f its people.” Germany has notified the United “ The period o f leniency has now county recall election showed that The President's communication was ty. No indemnities must be insisted passed. It is requested that every ! County Judge J. B. Mustek had I m - cm 1 State** that she regards Ibi* < I Ameri- delivered to the Russian government on except those that constitute pay­ effort be now made to detect and ar­ recalled by a plurality o f 32 votes, | can merchant sailors brought in by the by Ambassador Francis at Petrograd. ment for manifest wrongs done. No rest persons subject to registration that W illiam J. Duhy hud been elected raider Moew«* ss prisoner« «»f war, and readjustments o f power must be made In full it is as follows: his successor and that the attempt to that they w ill be treate«i as such. except such as w ill tend to seourv the who have not registered and to bring “ In view o f the approaching visit o f each case promptly to the attention of recall Commisaioner J. I*. Ritter had The king of Bulgaria ia visiting the the American delegation to Russia to future peace o f the world and the fu­ the nearest representative o f the de­ failed. royal Bavarian family at Munich. He ture welfare and happiness o f its peo­ express the deep friendship o f the partment o f Justice. Two laws o f the last legislature re­ is understood to be arranging the | m > m - American people for the people o f ples. “ Wide publicity should be given to lated to bounties on seals. “ And then the fra# peoples o f the One pro­ sible betrothal of the Bulgarian crown Russia and to discuss the best and the effect o f non-registration in in­ vides that only the scalp and the other ; prince with Princess Gondelinde, the world must draw ito jp th e r in some most practical means o f co-operation, creasing the burden on those who have the whole hide must be presented to youngest daughter o f King Lu«lwig. between the two peoples in carrying common covenant, sotto genuine and registered. Care should be taken secure the bounty money. The attor­ practical co-o(>eraMon that will, in the present struggle for the freedom Final action on Senator I^sige's bill that the lists prescribed in paragraph ney general holds that the whole hide o f all peoples to a successful consum­ effect, combine their force to secure to authorize issuance o f government 39 are promptly jaisted and all regis­ mation, it seems opportune and appro­ peace and justice in tne dealings o f trants should be asked to assist in must be brought in, as the last art rifles ami other equipment for home passed is controlling. The broth­ priate that I should state again, in the nations with one another. guard organizations, was taken in the bringing non-regit trants to the atten­ light o f this new partnership, the ob­ erhood o f mankind must no longer be tion o f the police. It was announce«] at a recent meet­ senate Tuesday and the measure was jects the United States has had in a fa ir but empty phrase; it must be "Summarization reports o f regstra- ing o f the State land board that $200,- sent to the President for his signature. given a structure o f force and reality. mind in entering the war. 000 worth o f the latest issue o f the The Petrograd propaganda in fav«>r The nations must realize their com­ tion from the various boards should be “ Those objects have been very much rural cre«lit bonds had b«-en taken up of a "w om en’s fighting regim ent” has compared with estimates o f the census mon life and effect a workable part­ beclouded during the past few weeks bureau land efforts should be made on by bankers o f the state and o f this made considerable progress. Eight by mistaken and misleading state­ nership to secure that life against the those districts where discerpancy be­ amount loans o f $0000 will be ap|x>r- huntin'«] volunteers have already en- aggressions o f autocratic and self- ments, and the issues at stake are too tween registration and estimates seem tioned to each county. The lioard als«» liste«l, among whom, it ia reported, is momentous, too tremendous, too signi­ pleasing power. lowereil the maximum amount o f sing­ the w ife of the war minister, A. P. greatest. “ For these things we can afford to ficant for the whole human race, to “ In case o f doubt as to age or per­ le loans to be made under the school Kerensky, pour out blood and treasure. For permit any misinterpretations or mis­ sons who have not registered, the tab­ fund from $5000 to $2000, as the understandings, however slight, to re­ these are the things we have always James Maxwell and Edward Madi­ ulated record o f political organizations school fund m«>ney is nearly all loaneti professed to desire, and unless we pour main uncorrected for a moment. son, convicts who esca|M*<] from the out. and other local records should be con­ “ The war has begun to go against out blood and treasure now and succeed Utah state penitentiary, returned o f sulted and data may be obtained from The Public Service commissions o f their own accord and askiai admittance Germany, and in their desperate desire we may never be able to unite or show- the bureau o f the centus. Washington and Oregon, working in to escape the inevitable ultimate de­ conquering force again in the great General Crowder has nearly complet­ co-operation at a aeries o f hearings to to the prison. “ We kane June 20 and ! feared. The telegram came through very men they are using. by the exemption boards. the Swe«lish minister at (Vinatanti- Pendleton June 21. “ The position o f America in this A few more states report«xl regis­ j nople. war is so clearly avowed that no man A t a joint s«.*ssion o f the State Board trations to the provost marshal gen­ can be excused fo r mistaking it. She American General and Staff Cross At- The level o f prices paid pnxluoers o f eral’s office Tuesday, but indications o f Control and the State Highway seeks no material profit or aggrandize­ principal crops on June 1 was 99.8 |>er commission at Salem Saturday, it was were that all would not be completed lantic Unannounced. ment o f any kind. She is fighting for virtually decided to carry to the Su­ cent higher than a year ago and 107 for nearly a week. no advantage or selfish object o f her London — A British trans-Atlantic | Among the states reporting so far, preme court, in a friendly suit, th«- per cent above the past nine years’ own, but for the liberation o f peoples steamer came slowly into her moorings average on that date, the department Ohio stands first in the proportion of «|uestion «*f whether the state can issue everywhere from the aggressions o f in a British port Saturday morning o f Agriculture re|»ortends of the Farmers’ and Laborers’ Protec­ Germany and the selfish advantages o f the first division o f the American office closed Tuesday night 33 states to cover any «leficiency that might tive association at Dallas, Tex., were which they have wrongly gained for army that w ill co-operate with the had sent complete returns showing a exist, after the highway millage tax j charge«! with seditious conspiracy themselves and their private projects British and French armies on French total registration o f 6,358,388, com­ has been applied to meet the Federal against the Unite«] States government o f power all the way from Berlin to soil in the world war — Gen. John J. pared to census allotments totaling road fund. A ll sides j*ea«lily agree«! in indictments returne«! late Tuiwiay Bagdad and beyond. Government a f­ Pershing and his personal staff and the 7,063,482. The returns during the that none o f the $6,000,000 to l>e de- by a Federal grand jury. Some o f ter government has by their influence, officers o f the general staff, number­ day about kept up the percentage o f rive<] from the big road bond issue can those indicted are alreatiy in jail. without open conquest o f its territory, ing nearly 60. previous reports, and pm lictions as to be used to match up the Federal road N’ am«*s are being withheld |s*n«ling ar­ been linked together by a link o f in­ There also were on board aEiout 70 the grand total ranged from 9,000,000 money, State Treasurer Kay recetling rest o f «ithers. trigue directed at nothing less than private soldiers, a clerical force o f the to 9,250,000. The possible exemptions ^rom bis original poeition in that re- the peace and liberty o f the world. same number, a score o f British offi­ indicated were 3,439,527. spect after making a more thorough ' The government has lx*gun to tigh t­ “ The meshes o f that intrigue must cers from Canada and a large party of en restrictions governing the travel examination o f the law. .be broken, but cannot be broken unless adventurous civilians, including sev­ between the United States and foreign “ Washington, June 4 .- Mayor F. C. i government*. wrongs already done are undone, and eral women. lla rl. y A >t.,r|a, )r. ; In h,,i:..r *,f ■...lii- w,.rt. instructed ,,, accept nopUNtl- adequate measures must be taken to city, the German ship Freida I,eon- [ RerB f or foreign port* uni« ss they pos­ prevent it from ever again being re- Washington, D. C. — Maj. Gen. Per­ woven or repaired. shing, whose safe arrival in England ; Washington, D. C.— Prohibition took hardt, taken over by the United States I sess passports from the State depart- “ O f course, the imperial German is recorded in the foregoing dispatch, more forward steps Tuesday in con­ government und assigned to the navy, j . m«*nt which have b«*«-n vise«l. The recent'y r e r e j exemptions. 19,789. Eatim.ted eligi- the power o f the imperial German gov­ Reports from Paris said sites for the tilled spirits. The senate agricultural visited by C. K. Crosno, an appraiser bles, 36,926 ernment within the empire and its camps o f American troops had been committee reached this decision. | o f the Spokane bank, and local appli­ widespread domination and influence selected. Presumably Gen. Pershing Belgium w ill send an official mission The senate judiciary committee fa ­ cant* expect a definite rejsirt next outside o f that empire. w ill inspect these and make complete vorably reported a resolution by Sena­ week. The total o f local applications I *° the Unite«! StateH, hea«le«l by Baron “ That status must be altered in arrangements for the reception o f his tor Sheppard, o f Texas, for a prohibi­ for Federal farm loans will reach al- Moncheur, ex-minister to Washington. It will arrive within the next three such fashion as to prevent any such troops. most $150,000. tion constitutional amendment. weeks. hideous thing from ever happening In announcing the personnel o f Gen. The Sheppard resolution was ap­ The officers o f Schoid District No. 1, again. Pershing’s staff the War department proved with Senators Culberson, of The tariff commission’s trip to Eu­ “ W e are fighting for the liberty, the made public the first general orders of Texas; Reed, o f Missouri, and Bran- comprising the city o f Klamath Falls, rope and Asia to study tariff and trade have kept the district expenditures for self-government and the undictated the commander o f the American expe­ degee, o f Connecticut, voting against problems has been post|tone