Supplement to Forest Grove Express v»l 2________ Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, JUNE 7, 1917. No. 22 1 ited A rthur at the military camp at School Election June 18th Road Rond Rill Estacadn. The boys think they will At a meeting of the board of soon held last night, a call Mrs. be J. moving. Pulls Through education, W. Hughes entertained the The measure to bond the state was issued for the annual meet­ G. L. R. last Thursday and all had a for $(>,000,000 earried in the state at last Monday’s election by about 17,000, Portland's heavy vote in the affirma ive having pulled the measure through. The proposition to permit ports to bond to facilitate water transpor­ tation also carried. The vote of Forest («rove was as follows: Authorizing |x>rtM to create limited in­ debtedness to encourage w ater trans- («ortation. Yea 299 No 156 Limiting number of bills introduced and increasing pay of legislators. Yea 82 No 422 declaration against implied repeal of constitutional provisions by amend­ ments thereto. Yes 161 No 294 Uniform tax classification Amendment. Yes 239 No 220 Requiring election of city, town and state officers at same time. Yes 341 No 175 $400,000 tax levy for new |>enitentiary. ing, to select a director, in place of Chairman Roe, and a new clerk said election to be held at 2 p m. on June 18th Dan Pierce yesterday moved the household goods of Victor De- Cuman of Gaston to Camas, Wash , making the round trip (100 miles) in a day. good time. Mrs. C. A. Brodersen is on the mem­ bership committee of the Red Cross and anyone desiring to join will please call her up; phone, DiUey 4. Grange meeting tomorrow, June 8th. All come, please. T H A T C H KK N O T E S M. E. Simmons had business in Port­ GALES ( KEEK land Saturday. E. J. Ayres and Chas. Maitland were Mr. W’hitfield, who recently purchas­ in Portland Wednesday. ed the Beighler property, suffered a Jesse Rainwater had his jaw broken severe attack of heart failure in Forest while working on the piledriver. Grove May 29th. A fter summoning a Mr. Ryan is building chicken houses physician, his friends removed him to for E verett Parkin. the home of W alter Buckley, at Thatch­ Mrs. Hulda Wilson was calling on er. where he remained until Saturday, Gales ('reek friends last Sunday. when he was able to go to Portland, The Ranks baseball boys Sunday de­ where he has an aunt. He will remain feated Gales ('reek, 7 to 6. there until fully recovered. Mr. Eler’s two sons of Mountaindale A. Frcersen last week lost a $200 visited him Sunday. horse of colic. He had owned the ani­ Misses Elliott andr'utright have gone mal but a few days. to White Salmon to ¡>:ck strawberries. Mrs. A. Ballinger entertained the Mrs. Winkle of Portland and Mrs. Ladies’ Ind. Club at its last meeting. Pierce of Forest Grove visited their Y. 198 No 844 sister, Mrs. Churchill, Decoration day. The committee on information regard­ $6,«»,000 state road bonds. Rolla Lilly is visiting his sisters at ing the forming of a Red Cross auxil­ Yo 811 No Ranks. iary gave a lengthy report, after which Hillsboro’s vote on the road bonds Cicero Hines visited his daughter, the members decided it was beyond the Mrs. Herb Smith. Tuesday. was Yes, 333; No, 204. power of the club to carry out the in­ Harrison Heisler was in the Grove tricate rules and regulations governing Grangers boost Fair yesterday. an auxiliary and therefore recalled to Mr. and Mrs. Her­ such Gale Grange held a good meet­ bert Congratulations the motion made at a former meeting Kyle. ing Saturday. R. M. Stevens was Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher of the to form an auxiliary. They further de­ elected assistant steward. It was Grove cided that they would expend their ef­ visited at Sargent’s Tuesday. decided to have a G i ange exhibit Eli Howell to give assistance in a financial at the county fair t h f a l l and fish pond. again has charge of the forts way. A fter the business meeting, a Ma ter A. T. Buxton appointed number of the children gave a little en- DII.I.EY NOTES the following commette on ai- • tertainm ent of recitations and songs, rangement: R B Newton, chair­ The Grange ladies of DiUey are some which were enjoyed. A de­ man; (’ S. Aydelott, Abbie Rice, workers, serving public dinners on licious luncheon greatly was then served by the H. T . Buxton. R. M. Stevens, Monday and Tuesday dollar din­ hostess and everyone, on departing, de­ Eva Adams anti Emma Howland. both ners for 25c clearing $40 on Tuesday, clared they had spent a most enjoyable Resolutions were passed on the which was registration day and flag- afternoon. death of Herbert Hazlittand the raising day. The Sunday evening song service was charter was diaped. The school board has engaged the fol­ held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Following the usual good dinner lowing teachers: Mr. McGlasen, prin­ Sills and an unusually large number at noon the afternoon meeting cipal; Miss Weed, 7th and 8th grades; were in attendance. A special program was called and several Grange Miss E. Craft, 5th and 6th; Miss Eliza­ was given, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. song> were sung after which a beth Johnson, 3d and 4th; Miss Hillary, Sills, clarionette and piano; vocal selec­ lively discussion of the Road Bond 1st and 2d. tions by a number of the young ladies Bill was conducted by Ira T Pur- The flag-raising celebration at DiUey and a reading by Russell Gilpin. N ext din, A. T Buxton. R. M. Stevens Tuesday was a great success, between Sunday the service will be held at the and S. T Walker. 500 and 600 attending. There was an E. Cummins home. abundance of good music and patriotic Mr. and Mrs. A. Ballinger were mem­ Registration Was Quiet speeches galore and the raising of the bers of a motor party which took a trip The registration of those eligible pole was an interesting sight. on the Columbia Highway Sunday, go­ for military draft was very un­ 92-foot When OKI Glory was unfurled, hundreds ing as far as Cascade Locks. The party eventful in this city and county of small flags fell, like confetti, on the consisted of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. W est, and, while there are more eligibles crowd. Give us some more of this pa­ Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Graham, Miss in the county than had been sup­ triotism ; it does us good. Maude and Master Laddie Graham of posed, this city dot's nat show up Watch for the patriotic social to be ’ Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps very heavily, because more than given in the near future by the Ladies’ of Cornelius. From the time they sta rt­ 70 have already enlisted and many ed, at an early hour, until they return­ of the young men are away at Aid.Mrs. Miller, a former resident of this ed, at a late hour, every hour was en­ work. Forest Grove registered section, is visiting friends here. joyed to the utmost. Resides the na­ 143 and the entire county 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Vogel of Fern Hill vis­ tural beauties of the highway, the The nation has more men between ited at the Ilrodersen home Sunday. party enjoyed a visit at the state fish 21 and 30 than was estimated. C. A. Brodersen and son, Frank, vis- hatchery at Bonneville.