V — 'S / :u u . N Y / ' __^■ ^ii;iiiiglB|Hi|-n,<^ Z ^ t ~k ') » ' ' > . -'k * Farmers and the New Banking System The Federal Reserve Banking System estab­ lished by the government, with its thousand million dollars of combined resources, stands back of the grain fields and assists its member banks in taking care of the farmers. Our membership in this system gives us special facilities for enabling farmers to plant, gather and store their crops. The next time you come to town stop in and let us tell you how this new system enables us to help you. The Forest First Grove, National Bank Oregon CONDENSED NEWS NOTES We have just received a car- loud of John Deere wagons, bought at a fair price. If you need one soon, buy at once, as prices are going higher. Goff Bros. Mr. and Mrs. K. Rivett Satur­ day and Sunday enjoyed a visit from one of their former Michi­ gan neighbors, A. R. Cole of Ann Arbor, who was faborably im­ pressed with this portion of Ore­ gon. Miss Ellie Sage, for several years a teacher in the Dillev schools, left Tuesday for Portland, and after a few days’ visit there will go to Poplar, Montana, where her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. I). Sage, reside. They were formerly residents of this city. A. P. McKenzie, late of Spring- field. is a new man in the dry goods department of the A. G. ; Hoffman store. Mr. McKenzie I has been twelve years with the Hampden company of Eugene and comes to Forest Grove highly recommended. While at Sheridan he was city treasurer and school clerk. The public n it at the A. T. Buxton placeyesierday was largely attended, Mrs. Buxton and her assistants serving more than 500 lunches. The livestock, which was choice in quality, brought satis­ factory prices. The pure-bred Jersey bull and male Berkshire hog were bought by Mr. Traver and will remain on the place. The funeral services for Mrs. John VanKoughnet were held at the Congregational church at 2:30 last Friday afternoon, Rev. Pat­ ten officiating, with vocal solos by M's. W. W McEldowney and Mrs. E. FI. Williams at the organ. The remains were interred in F’or- est View cemetery. Dr. and Mrs. J H. McSIoy of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bitney and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bunting of Wood- burn, former South Dakota neigh­ bors of the VanKoughnet family, were here to attend the funeral. FARMERS, Take Notice! O X 1U 1X I WE WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR Binder Twine at the following prices, for two weeks, or until June 20th. We only have a limited amount lx>ught, so first come first served. Clover Leaf, 650 ft. - 21c; Portland price 25c Diamond Munillu, 600 ft., 20c; Portland price 21c Standard, 500 ft. - - 18c; Portland price 22c Buy a Florence Oil Stove and Make your Wife Happy. ‘ GOFF BROS. Phone 6 83 Forest Grove, Ore The Pacific Market =— for — I Arsenate of Lead for the next spraying at Littler’s Pharmacy. Mrs. M. A. Roe left Friday for Money to loan—Valley Realty Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Newport. Mrs. L. C. Misz visited her Thomas Roe and Miss Kate took the Columbia River mother, at Canby, over Sunday. Roe Highway Sunday. Clarence Lenneville has taken a The new trip curve-cut, TRY OlIR job with the surveyors on the new collars for men just form-fitting received by railroad. John Anderson, the here-to-stay C. W. Handlin will spend his The latest thing out. Phone 0301 C. H. G1GUKRK. Prop. vacation assisting the local ento­ merchant. Mesdames Burlingham, Thorn­ mological bureau. burgh, Hughes, Potwin and Hur­ Don Misz and Milton Simon ley gave a silver tea in the Con­ took a hike to Wilson river and gregational church parlors Tues­ "trail blazer,’’ will be in Forest Why He Drives a Chevrolet day. back a few days since. Grove, afternoon. June I have driven my Chevrolet 9th, and Saturday LaMont, Cecil Hughes,1 Mrs. M. S. Allen entertained Jim Emery wishes to everyone over 20,000 miles in the pa«t interested in Forest meet of this city and Harold the M. E. Aid society on her lawn Judd Benoit Grove thirteen months, with {x-rfnot sat­ tauqua at I^angley hall at Chau­ of Dilley this week enlisted ( Continued from Page One) yesterday afternoon. in the engineer’s reserve and are in his opinion, a serious thing to isfaction I have made 24 miles o'clock, p. m. of that day. three Howard and Clinton McGill of awaiting on a gallon of gasoline; am using It is now just a month until call. Portland visited their parents in To get a the be a citizen of this great country, one the original tires, and the F'orest Grove Chautauqua will most salable fruit for that citizen hip implied grave i motor of has this city over Sunday. be n overhauled, open and it is the biggest and best is necessary that the trees be \ responsibilities. He envied the not even so never much spark plug that has e v e r bee n in F’orest Jim Ritchie has returned from it kept wel l s p r a y e d . Get your ! boys of the class who had enlisted I has been removed as a during the Grove. FIvery citizen should he his visit to Umatilla county ar.d Arsenate of Lead for the next and cautioned them that, while 20,000 miles of travel and all that reports crops looking good. spraying at Littler’s Pharmacy. their first duty was to God, the I can say about a Chevrolet is interested. lift’s start off right, Dudley Knapp returned Satur­ You are going to need auto second meet Mr. McCaddam and learn was to their country. He that this car has given perfect how to do it. day from his visit to Pendleton. tires soon. We h a v e a good denied that the pen was mightier 1 satisfaction and I shall continue His mother remained for a furth r stock. Prices are going to ad ; than the sword MANCHE LANGLEY, and questioned to drive a Chevrolet car. visit. Secretary of Local Association. vance from 20 to 25 per cent j that knowledge was power unle-s Signed, CHAS. B. MURPHY, Mrs. George March and little t soon. Enough said. Goff Bros. I the knowing one also posses ed ¡Sup’t Department Public Safety Christian Church daughter of Pasco, Wash., are Charley VanDoren has taken the ability toapply the knowledge. City of Ix>ng Beach, Calif The services Lord’» day as follows: visiting in the John Beahen home! the contract to lay a cement walk He did not think a college educa­ Bible School 9:45 a. m. Remember on the east side of the Caples tion essential to success in life,but in this city. Masons Patriotic the contest. Which will win, the Bed block, north Main street, which admitted such an education would Blue’s? At last Saturday night’s meet­ or Mr. William Brooks and Gertrude means that there will soon be a be a great help. He would rather Thompson, a native of Africa, ing of the local Masonic lodge, Moar, giving Forest Grove as j good walk there. will till the pulpit at the eleven o'clock a child of his knew one language their residence, were married at A four-year-old son of Mr. and and possessed ten ideas than that the members voted to purchase hour. Come and hear his message. with lodge funds a $1,000 Liberty Christian Kndeuvor 7 p. m. Vancouver last Thursday. Mrs. Wm Hinch wandered away it should be able to speak ten I Loan Bond. It is reported that Song service and sermon 8 p. m. Brady Chowing has received from Subj: ‘‘Christ in M an." Everybody is yesterday and was languages and possess one lone $20,000 has so far b