i: STATE NEW S ! IN BRIEF. ! i ► X Union county crops, Ion# hold bark by unusually cold and sunless weather, are fairly "Jumping” out of the soil this week, following several days of improved weather. Harold Hansen, o f Carlton, altout 3« years old and a native o f Denmark, was crushed to death Friday about midnight by a cave-in in the tunnel being dug to carry the pip«' lino from Haskins Creek to McMinnville. itecornmendation o f Coo* Hay for an aeroplane base by the naval commis­ sion was the result of a recent visit to Marshlleld by the two submarines H-l and 11-2 and the lieutenants who wem instructed to examine Coast ports for submarine and aircraft bases. CORN YIELD W ILL BE GREAT Immense Volume o f Business Done on Hoard Sends Business Down. Chicago —- LikelihrMsi of a record- breaking corn yield this season had much to do with sharp declines in prices o f corn and wheat Thurs«Jay, The market close«l heavy for wheat, with values 1 to 6 cents net lower at $2.05 for July and $1.84 for Septem­ ber. Corn finished i to 5 down, oats unchanged to | higher, and provisions off 5 to 25c. General rushes to sell on the part of both longs and shorts brought down corn prices in a hurry. The greatest smash o f values was in the July deliv­ ery, which made an extreme descent o f 7|. Aggressiveness on the bear side was accompanied by widespread assertions that with a continuance of existing favorable weather conditions the 1917 crop would surpass all pre­ vious known totals. Wheat showe«l a little more activity than has been the rule o f late, but the amount was puny alongside the huge volume o f business in corn. Foreign­ ers appeare«! to be the chief sellers of July wheat. The fact was not«si that world shipments were larger, espe­ cially from Australia. Moreover, Brit­ ish advices reporte«i less apprehensi«jn regarding supplies. In addition there was decided optimism here concerning the outlook for the growing domestic crops. A big decrease in the United States visible supply figures, however, led temporarily to some firmness, but the general tendency in the end was again down grade. FALSE ECONOMY IS THE DEAL MENACE 00N1 EAT ANY OLD POTATOES Stop Wastage of Food, but Do Not Curtail Necessities, Says J. Ogden Armour. URGES "BUSINESS AS USUAL” Continuous of Great Prosperity That Has Ruled Country for Two Years Is Assured— Billions Loaned Allies to Be 8pent Here. Chicago.— The Unlt«-«1 States Is In a position where optimism Is justified, according to J. Ogden Armour In un Interview discussing the economic condition and future of the nation. *The prompt adoption by tbe Ameri­ Judge Charles 1^ McNary, Republi­ can people o f the ‘budness-as-usuAl’ can, o f Salem, has b«en appointed Idea Is going to enable this nation to United States senator for Oregon, to prosecute war without experiencing a succeed Senator Harry Lane. The temporary depression such as England official announcement o f the appoint­ and France liuve recently recovered ment was made by Governor Withy- from,” said Mr. Armour. “ Modern war combe, and Judge McNary has left for nsjufres the expenditure of huge sums Washington, l). C., to take up the du­ of money arid means maximum eiuploy- ties o f his office. meut and high wuges for all workers. Other conditions, peculiar to this war, The University o f Oregon is consid­ make It certuln that this nation will ering a plan o f sending professors enjoy a period of business und Indus­ along with military organizations, if trial uctivlty tbe like of which has the War department will |a:rmit such never beeu seen und which Is assured an arrangement, according to an an­ , whether the war lusts several months nouncement by President P. I,. Camp­ ! or several years.” bell. The purpose o f the plan is to No Reason for Alarm. |iermit students to continue studies i “ But suppose people become over­ while in the service. cautious as the result f the United Stutes Is now a buyer for club for sowing this year had been Stock hogs................................ 12.000/ 13.00 seeded, according to a statement made Sheep— W ethers.............. $10.250/13.50 war punioses and the dollars o f Uncle by Harry A. Schoth, g«ivernment flax E w m .............................. 9.000/11.50 3um already have begun to pour forth to stores, factories, and furms to pay exjiert, who has had charge o f the 1 L a m b s..................................... 10.25<acks are prlnte«! on fly-paper.— Pltta- The man who gets the smallest yield Cascara Bark— Old and new, f| c per rargh Chronicle-Telegraph. must be host at a banquet to the rest. pound. “ I consider the present the most aus­ picious from the standpoint of national prosperity In my memory. There la \ not one good reason why the business I Millions of Patriotic Citizens of this country should not proceed In Its normal course and on ever Increas­ Will Obey Edict to Insure ing lines. There Is not one reavrn why Big New Crop. people should fear for the future or should permit therns