Clip Jfnrrst (6nutc ÍExprPSfí — . ^ 1 --------- - - -»■ —' » — •- — —•- ■ < "■» --------------------- -----— - - ^ • ~* ■* Talk to McCready CONDENSED NEWS NOTKS Public sale bills printed at the Express office. Found—Man’s purse. May be E n tered as second-class m a tte r Ja n . 12, 1916, at the no recovered at this office. O regon, under the A ct of M arch a, 1679 The Express prints butter wrap* Subscript ion Ratos pers with non-poisonou.s ink. We have everything with which to build. On C redit Paid in advance Shetland pony for sale. In­ $1.00 One y e a r We bought last fall and we are selling One y e a r $1.50 .50 Six m onths Six m onths .75 quire of H. B. Johnson, phone cheap. You will he building a house, barn, 21-4* .25 T hree m onths T hree Months , .40 932. silo, auto house or an up-to-date chicken Second - hand sc h o o I books T H U R S D A Y , J U N K 7 1917 bought at the Book Store. We house, and the first comers are going to get are in the book business. 20 “ I am sorry th a t you do not w ear a flag every the best prices, because we can’t buy now See that new line of shin's, for day and 1 can only ask you if you lose th e physical for the prices at which we tire selling. em blem to be sure th a t you w ear it IN YOliK men, women and children, at A. hkakt ; the h e a rt of A m erica shall in te rp re t the G. Hoffman & C o ’s. h e a rt o f th e w o rld ." P resident W ilson. Our lumber is all dry and we have the best- Fred Peterson and Mrs Rilla kept stock in Washington county. Nelson of Buxton were married in N O T E S A N D COMM E N T S Vancouver last week. f°r $l-2*r> 51 roll. Water-proof George G. Hancock, real es­ paper, $1.7f> for 500 feet. Moth Forest Grove cast more votes one present. The earnest prayers are offered for the young Levite, tate, farm loans and fire insur­ Monday than Hillsboro. just what you want for chicken houses. 50 . and another visit is looked tor- ance, new Anderson block Verv few of , the . ,’° - s ,n . e ward to. He haves on the 13th Highlit price paid for wool and RED PAINT at $1.25 in ones, $1.20 in fives. logging camps claimed exemptions (lf June for Newfoundland t o visit ........... ........... and .......................................... mohair new and second hand from military sen,ice, man) say- his aged mother before taking up Wool sacks for sale at A. G. Hoff- ing they wanted to go to war his duties M inttructor at Mt. man & Co.’s. There is something about life in Angel College. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Walker the big out-of-doors, it seems, The Main Street Lumber Yard At five o’clock a dinner was and daughter Helen spent Sunday that develops the fighting spirit. given at St. Anthonp’s Rectory, at Dillev. visiting Mr and Mr* It is generally the cooped-up, cigarette-smoking aneamic who is covers being laid for t w e I v e. Walter Wolf. Those present were the Rev Ben .. , afraid to fight. edictine Fathers L eo Wa l s h , . People who have rooms to rent Frank "Hinman didn’t believe Thomas Meier, Hildebrand Mel- during fhe G.^A. R. ^encampment the road bonds the best way to choir and the Rev. Father R ubs —June 26, 27 and 2 8 —please secure funds for road building, of St. Mary’s Home, Beaverton notify Mrs. John Anderson. but he thought, he said, we might and the Rev. Father Costelloe of A fine line of ladies’ spring as well vote “ Yes,” for if the road of St. Francis Church, Portland. coats, in the latest style and most boosters didn’t win this time, they In the evening Solemn Benedict­ approved pal tern, iu-t received at would keep on till they had th ir ion was given and Rev. Father Anderson’s. Come and see them. way. The Express believes in a Rubis preached the sermon. The short burner “ Bon-Ami” year or two Frank will have other kerosene stove brings the heal reasons for being reconciled. Fruits and Vegetables in Season close to your cooking utensil. Sunday afternoon a portion of See it at the Gordon hardware In spite of t h e threatening the famous Walker Orchestra of store. Miss Elcy Walker, who has weather and bad roads, the Sol- this city went to tin* county farm P H O N E TOI emn High Mass of Rev. Father and gave the inmates and aitend- been teaching in the high school South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore Leo Walsh, 0 S. B., a newly or- ants an hour’s piogram of excel- at W lbur, Oregon, during the dained priest of St. Benedict's |ent music. The personnel of the past year, returned home Satur­ Abbey, Mt. Angel, was a grand orchestra was S. A Walker, vio- day. Joe A. Wiles would ... like to -----------,.................... beautiful potted fern. The con- success. The Mass was sung in fin ; C. L. Walker, xylophone; Job printing phone 821. .. St. Anthony’s Chapel,at half past Winnette Walker, piano; Walter write your insurance, " 111 Rive solation prize was a beautiful little ten o’clock on Sunday morning. Sears, clarionette; Arthur Jones, you service that will be to your plant and was presented to Mrs. I). I). & M. B. HUMP Long before the appointed hour traps and drum. The concert advantage. Upstairs in Ander- Creel A delicious luncheon of 52 the congregation began to gather was doubly appreciated by th e ' son block, room 2. truit salad, sandwiches crackers Attorneys at Law and by the time the asperges was small, but interested, audience be- You'll enjoy mowing the lawn and cheese, cake and coffee was Loans and Real Estate intoned, the seats were all filled, cause of the excellence of the mu- if you get the easy-adjusting, served. including the extra chairs of the sic and the further fact that it light-running ‘-Eclipse” mower, M. B. BUMP, The Ixiveland (Colo.) Daily Her­ D. D. HUM I'. church, as well as those provided came as a surprise It was a free Adjusted by a single thumb-screw ald of May 31st pays a high trib­ Kenidenre Keiddenre llillHlxiro for the occasion. The choir, as- will offering from the members of ¡and is self-shaipening. See it at ute to the hu-tling ability of Cor­ F o re st G rove. 1*1.01... lit Offio-H - H ILLSB O R O sisted by the Cornelius choir, sang the orchestra to p ople who are the Gordon Hardware Store. poral Fred W. Moore, son of Mrs. “ Kind-Jesu-Messe” J. Schweit-j not in positions to hear much mu The public is invited to attend S. A. Walker of this city, who is f r; ° P*t26u W!lih a p“au t,ir ,i?f‘ fwand these people wi; doubt, the closing recital for the y-ar recruiting in Loveland for the U. fertory by Holden. Rev. Father long remember the kindness of the ^¡ven by the piano and voice stu- S. Marine corps T h e Herald jf? . was^assisted ,b- V £ e . Rev. members of the orchestra. dents or the Conservatory of Mu states that, mainly through the t QerSpTh°ms_ and Hildebrand Dan Pierce took the party with s,c at Marsh Hall Saturday even efforts of Corporal Moore, Love­ J. b. t$d as Lteacon and bub- out pay in his auto truck, other ing, June 9th The program will land lias furnished more recruits Deacon, and Rev. Father Buck £ being Mrs. S A Walker, bt gin at. eight o’clock than any other town its size in acted asm asterofcerem A Miss Florence Webbly, Miss Iva Colorado. Ladies, do you know that John very instructive sermon was well Smithi Frank Smith p Anderson can sell you ju-t as delivered by Re\ .^hom as Meier, pjerce and George Christianson. stylish waists, N. HOFFMAN skirts and coats as O. S. B. It being 1 rinity Sunday, he took for his subjec “The Most, Mrs. Maude Norelius and two you can get anywhere? Corne Attorney At Law Blessed Trinity.” After Mass children of Vancouver are visit- and see them before you send fur the newly-ordained priest gave ing at the home of the former’s something you can’t see until af­ Patent Office Business Solicited ter you have paid for it. his first blessing to nearly every- brother, H. J, jr. Forest Grove, - Oregon ’ Last wet k’s Express stated that Bruce Roe had given a party to a number of young friends The article was incomplete, as it should have stated that B uee Roe and Donald Misz gave the party in honor of Maurice Buxton. The WHY DON’T YOU item was contributed, and was not verified by the editor. CALL ON H a r l e y LaMont and Pete The firm of C. E. ROY & CO. has opened Thomas came over from Wheeler Sunday to write their name-, in up a new Gents’ Furnishing Store next door to Uncle Sam’s register. Harley, I t cotta n o th in g to inquire Caples & Co., with an up-to-date line of Frank Smith and several other ASK HIM ABOUT local boys have gone to Cherry PRICES ON Grove with Ed Dixon to do some M anufactured by construcaion work, the work at Whei-ler having come to a temp-, orary halt, through a lack of ma­ terial. We want you to take this announcement as AND GET A HIGH CASH Mi8. W. H. Danser entertained j PRICE FOR YOUR more of an invitation than a ad, and a large number of ladies at a card PRODUCE ? party Friday afternoon, in honor will be pleased to have you come in and see the Portland, O regon of Mrs Boyle, who is visiting here. The room was decorated with good things we have for FO R s a l e b y Phone 181 flowers and illuminated w th elec-j trie lights, th ■ blinds being draw n.! Pacific Ave. and Third St. The honors were won by Mrs. Hurley, who was presented with a { Phone 0232 Published ev ery T hursday at Forest Grove, O regon. W. C. B enfer. E d itor and Publisher. Copeland & McCready H. T. GILTNER New Priest Sings Mass Staple and Fancy Groceries A Treat for I nfortunates J. Open for Business ! Say! F. A. Moore GROCERIES Hats, Caps, Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Etc. But ITard To Beat A R oofing for E v e r y K ind O f 11 u i I d i n £ compelling Roofing Manufacturing Co. Forest (¡rove Planing Mill Men and Young Men Have a complete line of Work ^Shirts, Sox, Khaki Pants, etc. Suits Made to Order, $15.00 up. Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. c. E. ROY & CO S&H STAMPS GIVEN S SH STAMPS GIVEN 3 STRONG VALUES c£ipn C& tfilng Go i M OR PIR O N C/ ^ PORTLAND, OREGON Double S. & H. Stamps Given w,thin t SUITS OVERCOATS RAINCOATS tU cn Cébtfong Go. 146-ITO T H I R D AT. C S r. (i. Ex.. 0-7-17