New Houston Hotel HUTH A N » KVKKKTT HTS. Faur Hink* f m »m ii— n n n l Unten Matten. Unter MW All raum nnrly <« m te l HMCUAL MATCH MT WECK OK MONTtl K ate SOt. 70c I I . 11.00 PW Ite». W H E N IN SEATTLE f TRY THE SEATTLE’S LARGEST HOTEL Unlf Ihra* b ten * Pram Ijnixrte and Hue»*. puaite CUy Hall Park and Court U u d m . (> u - T ill FIMHHT DOLLAR ROOM IN AMERICA Wltk detected balk. 1 lanwi. II rjo ll tli I iMwauna, II.SO t i ' l l With prirate hath. I p««n. HI UU O tO 11.00 linrauna. «3 00 ti.Ui K UO "W h e n In Bteattie Try the Frye” BEAUTIFUL RUGS Are rniute from your OLD CAK- I’ KTS. Hat; Rugs woven oil oizea. Mail order* receive prompt and care­ ful attention. Senu for booklet. NORTHWEST RUG CO. E. Hfh and Taylor Sto. Portland, Or. W « «111 I»s/ SLIP SHOWS STYLE rssh prions for H Q P W lR F ^ a o d d B a i S C R A P IR O N <*• * P 0* W O O L A N D M O H A IR < nmnunlrate with n* and mak* than* axle* itnl In I I • I I I I I I I I W r ia w r a ll ¿ALASKA BAC A METAL CO. PKon. Main 8232. 171 I runt, lint Murriam A Tamhlll. Pori tend. Or. DRUGS BY MAIL Wn Par tha Poatano I f In Mill of Puro D n ifi and Ckamkalo, Arch Xepporta. Xteulder H r » « . TRUSSES. tJetetc Stockinao. Abdoialnol Suppartarr. Suapnnaurr Handapaa for Man. and all otter Ituldnr (jr u li of ovary daarnptlun. »and In tha L A U E D A V I S D R U G CO. Truaa E xp erts Third and T a m h lll, P ortlan d , Or. DEVELOPING and PRINTING for YOU litt W Ifcx«t1r* Sfivmtf Tour frimmlm «Ith FREE Smartness Can Be Worked Into Youngster’s Clothes. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bou(kt. Sold. Kan lad and Repaired W A L K E R ELECTRIC WORKS llumakla. our. luth. Portland, lira. Smart Frock for Youngster. UNIVERSAL REPAIR u d MACHINE SHOP aiTMNHH IIM K IM kM IIM U IIM . a. I. aM ra n t w auua era rarruaa, M ia a r F R E D P . G O R I N , Paint Altarwy. Orrsnisrr and D vrslop«. Patents arrursd or Fa»* lUfuiided. FKKK. Toy X Hay Plats. ak u «i m r y buns In your bo*i/ rttfht through your clothing. HulU« 701. 701A. 701B. 701C. Csntsal bid*.. Sssttlr STUDY bookk*»t>inff. shorthand. t*W»*rmj>hy, salsamsri*hip. Kn*Hsh branchsa. at an arcmdlfrd srh«*il; «rib «, or phono Main 6fco for catalo*u<«; *raduatr>s *uarantssTits disks In pluln or broken strli** colors found In Oriental countries that I kmit und the skirt Is smurtest when plulted carvings of chairs. Most o f th«*se, or guthered below a fitted yoke, n however, are without backs. The first broad snsli of the material going twice chairs with Imcks of which we know around and knotting below one hip. are said to have been Introduced into Very fetching Is u pattern of Itonmn Asia Minor by the Persians, who. In striped disks on n wedgewood blue 'urn, got the Idea from the Assyrians. grouud; another puttern shows green disks on n pale tun ground— this In With Another Twist. light shantung weave. Sports silks In ’•Sir," roar«nl the girl’s father to tlie the soft I. 4 i Jerx weave, which will rich young man. "iHi I understand you not stretch like ordinary Jersey silk, wish to niurry my daughter?*’ have rose pink dots on u white ground, " Y — es, sir.” was the m«>ek reply. and one may buy plain rose La Jerx ’Then tell me; can you support her for trimmings and coat. O f course, in the poverty to which she Is accus- there are many other colorings, but hKiavl?" the rose hue seems to be loveliest of all. Utter Cruelty. Copper-colored blouses are gain­ “The primu donnn's going to quttf* ing ground so fust that the fashionable exclaimed tin* music d!r«*ctor. mustard shmle is beginning to look " I # know It," r«*plle«l the manager, u bit green with Jealousy. The cop- coldly. “ She demanded more «alary per-hued blouses are of lustrous silk, and 1 told her I’d give It If she’d use like soiree and fnllle matinee, or of the dlfferetMK; to take singing letssonsi" satin meteor. They ure simply made, hem-stltchlngs or rows o f machine Eliminates the H eat stitching in self-colored sewing silk By using two slightly separated giving a dainty finish. ten sue and passing a current of air Ju*t Plain Cake. "Ma, have you any conspicuously SILKS FOR OUTING SKIRTS saccharine combination* for gastrono- uilc&l enjoyment at supper?” “ No, Hctay; al! we got extra for aupper Is New Designs for Sports Wear Have Huge Disks in Plain or Broken acme candy and cako.”— Baltimore American Stripe Colors. Tha L a te s t. Hobo— Just a dime, please, mister. Mo pal's stranded two miles up in de air In his alryplane, an' ain't got enough gasoline t* come down.— Bos ton Transcript. D e s tin a t io n . "W here doe« this car go?” "There's only ono place I can men­ tion for certain,” replied the strike­ breaker, "and that's the repair shop.” — Washington Star. A Departed Jest. "Remember the old boarding houso jokes about b a s h ? ” “ Yes. They flourished In the time when people could afford meat and po­ tatoes on the same day."— Washing­ ton Star. o FORD CARS Evary Font Car ihould carry one ax • tra tir* it u n changing on tha road , THE T W IN R IM at* both front and ra*r wheal. Applied In t min­ ata*. Savaa Urna, cloth**, tamper and religion. Price $S fie Sant parcel poet prepaid, upon re­ ceipt of price. Misaa VILU IIIIM a*., "The Tire Shop." 3*3-336 Burnable *L. Portland. Oregon HIDES. PELTS. CASCARA SARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. V i a n t til ran k m Vrtti far print ind shipping tags T N I H . F. N O R T H CO. taU nd. Or*.; luti)«. Vi. n | | V (> •J1 11 1 Vaal, Pork, Boof, Poultry. Butter, Egga and Farm Produce to the Old Re«able Everting hone* with a record of 46 year* of Square Dealing*, and ha m ured of T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 48-47 Froet Street P. K U. Pert teed. Oregee No. 12 , 1917 W. L. DOUGLAS “ THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE** $ 4 $ 4 .5 0 $ 6 $ 6 $ 7 & Steve Money by Wearing W . L Douglas »hoe*. For sale by over BOOOaboedetelera. The Beat Known Shoes In the World. $ 3 On* tmeglnetton Hi grow fly taken and flleewte, titillated hy the ikaolp ttco o f * fokling fmngukrw JoM jsit In u rn *- tlon, whW'h may o»iiLalii two rooms or M o th e r * A r e In c lin e d to E r r on S id e lh*H. at file owner’* pHeiMir,,. The per- o f S im p lic it y In A v o id in g tlfloris run on ball bearings, and cun Q v a r d r c a e ln g o f th e lm shift««! us cuslly a« tlui trick doors L it t le O ne. uixl ceilings In that ancient spoctacle wfik'b y<«i may rrsneinfM»—glanlou’s It Is not un (‘iisy mutter to work ITuintunmu, obwir w * tlte BL Louis style or sum riot»« Into Ute youngster’s (ilofe- I teiiMM-rat. In tills phuntiisrn o f a bungalow you everyday clothe«. One I m so afruld of overdressing Die little one, iuieg1n dren to drena feels when nlm comes «hnsrlng lairtltlons al*out—cluck, clack, u rn e. such a smart little slip um this to I m * made from u lightweight lliten clack—Just like that, and two tied -humbers appear completely furnished, or chamhniy. ffte ti«dr<*»rn furniture irpenlng r/ut Tie* whole chkr o f the fro*-k renters from tlte walls, where It bus been us In tie- crow ed straps, which, with th«4r meitly luK'krsl as tl»e wings of a but­ «'«intrusting stitching and oddly loot**«! terfly tn Its chrysalis. In this wimder- ful structure,* we understand, walls fold together a« tiandlly us four sec­ tions «if a fire screen, with hinges work­ ing both wuy«. We niiptM,se, wtien s«*v«vul fK*rsons are tn tin* leNise, due warning must tie given tiefore th<* metamorphosis lie- glns. OrH* wiiuhln't like to be shunt«*«! riaif- . / gon. N o te : Dr. Pierce receives, daily, many letters like the above from all Front! " I heard the boys say, Sam, that you over'the world. were bragging to them about going to the fronL” "Yes, sir. I've just got a Jr b as a hotel bellboy.”— Baltimore American. Doctors Prescribe It for the Skin In our file or reports, covering a period o f wenty years, literally thou­ sands of physicians tell how success­ ful the Reslnol treatment is for ecze­ ma and similar skin troubles. The first use o f Raalnol Ointment and Resinol Soap usually stops the itching and burning, and they soon clear away all trace of the unsightly eruption. No other treatment for the skin now be­ fore the public can show such a record o f professional approvaL Sold by all druggists. The mighty restorative power of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription speedily causes all womanly troubles to dis­ appear— compels the orgaue to prop­ erly perform their natural functions, corrects displacements, overcomes irregularities, removes nain and misery at certain times ana brings back health and strength to nervous, irrita­ ble and exhausted women. What Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ scription has done for thousands it will do for yon. Get it this very day from any medicine dealer, in either liquid or tablet form. Doctor Plcrco’s Pellets are uneqnaled as a Liver 1111. Smallest, coxiest to take. One tiny. Sugar-coated Pellet at Dose. Cure Sick Headache, Bilious Headache. Dizziness. Constipation, Indi­ gestion. Bilious Attacks, and all de­ rangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels ** 9