The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 07, 1917, Image 2

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First (.'»II W ill Be for From 900,000 to
American Delegation Make« Ising Voy­
1,500,000 Mon Under New Plan
625,000 W ill
Be Selected.
age Secretly on Fast llattlenhip
to Help Troubled Country.
Washington, D. C. — Plans o f the
Washington, I>. C. Safe arrival at
a Russian port o f the American com­
War department to draft from 900,000
mission to Russia headed by Klihu
to 1,500,000 men o f the 10,000,000
Root, ambassador extraordinary, was
who, it is expected, w ill be registered
announced in u dispatch to thu Navy
for the new army, were disclosed Tues­
The commission left Washington
day by Provost Marshal General Crow­
May l, charged with greetings to the
der to the senate military atfairs com­
new democratic government o f Russia
mittee. Exemptions, he said, prob­
and authorized to give aid from the
ably would result in reducing the num­
United States not only in the prose­
ber to 625,000 men for immediate
cution o f war against the common
enemy, but in the rehabilitation o f the
While the War department had or­ English Force o f Light Cruisers A t­
Events o f Noted People, Governments
Arrest o f Three Men in New York
demoralized country.
iginally planned to select 500,000 men
It was preceded by a special mission
and Pacific Northwest and Other
tack Six German Destroyers in
May Explain How Naval Secret*
first. General Crowder told the com­
o f railroad experts, whose arrival al­
Things Worth Knowing.
Hot Fight Capture Men.
Reached Kaiser'• U-lioata.
ready has been announced.
it now is proposed to require 625,000.
A fte r a final conference between
To secure this number he said it
President Wilson and Mr. Root, the
probably w ill be necessary to draft at
commissioners traveled overland to the
Theodore Roosevelt w ill g ive an ad­ least 900,000 and possibly 1,500,000
London— A German destroyer has Pacific ('oast and there taiarded a fast
New York
With three men under
dress in Lincoln, Neb., on "A m e r i­ cause o f expected exemptions.
been sunk and another damaged in a naval vessel.
arrest who are alleged to be only
General Crowder told the committee | running fight between six German de-
canism,” Thursday, June 14, the clos­
Under the voluntary censorship, at minor figures in a conspiracy to truns-
ing day o f the Nebraska semi-centen­ the additional 125,000 would be needed ! stroyers and Commodore T yrw h itt’s
the request o f the government, nearly nut information o f military value to
to fill up vacancies in the army o f 500, sqaudron, the admiralty announces.
nial celebration.
American newspa|>er» refrained
000 and to keep training camps,in con­
Tho German naval base at Ostend, from publishing anything about their Germany through regular mail chan­
Ambassador Sharp at Paris has noti- |
tinuous operation.
on the Belgian coast, has been lium- departure or tho [stints through which nels, the Federal authorities Monday
fied the State department that he has
When the original plans for service barded by British warships. The B rit­
they passed along the way.
transferred to Spanish diplomats Turk­
indicated further arrests which they
for 500,000 men were made, he said, ish forces were undamaged.
While no German submarines are said might result in disclosures of a
ish interests in France for which he
the department had not planned to
The text o f the admiralty announce­ I known to be operating in the Pacific,
has been caring since early in the war.
German spy system.
send American forces abroad so soon.
ment reads:
it was deemed wise to print no details
So great had the crowd o f persons
Casualties from foreign service, he
"T h e vice admiral at Dover report» o f the trip until the voyagers were
Apparently the government officers
receiving liquor shipments become believed, sickness, etc., make neces­ that the enemy naval base and work-
ho|>ed they could uncover an explana­
safely landed.
around the Wells, Fargo express office sary a reserve o f 125,000 men, in ad- ships at Ostend were heavily bom­
The arrival o f the mission at Pctro- tion o f how Germany knew in advance
at Tacoma, Wash., Wednesday, that i dition to the duty at training camps,
barded in the early hours Tuesday grad is awaited anxiously, because it
o f the approach o f the American de­
the police were called to preserve
General Crowder told the committee morning. A large number o f rounds
j is confidently tielieved here that the
he favored immediate drafting o f men were fired with good results.
The assurances it brings from the Aineri- stroyers to the British coast so that an
Santos Dumont, the Brazilian avi- registering, rather than postponement enemy shore batlerit-s^ rcturiu-d our j can government and the people and the Irish |s>rt could be mined.
Two o f the men, whose names were
ator, has invented a powerful type o f
^°r several weeks after fire, but our bombardment forces suf- counsel o f its members will do much to­
seaplane for fighting submarines, ac- r*K,stratlon- He regards it desirable fered no damage.
ward steadying and strengthening the kept secret, are said to be American
born, and the third a naturalized c iti­
cording to a Turin dispatch, which says that men drafted may know and have j “ Commodore Tyrw hitt also reports hand o f the provisional government.
zen o f Switzerland. Examination o f a
that the new machine w ill be manufac- a few weeks to make their personal . that early Tuesday morning a force of
quantity o f mail seized by federal
arrangembnts before called to the col- light cruisers and destroyers under his
tured in the United States.
COMMENCEMENTWAR THEME agents indicated transmission o f in­
1 command sighted six German destroy-
A New York Federal grand jury has
formation on steamships to Mexico and
Details o f making exemptions also ers and engaged them at long range
indicted 14 individuals and four cor- ; were explained to the committee by in a running fight. One o f the enemy Discussion* o f War Purpom* to Stir Up thence ¡sissibly by wircl»*»* to Ger­
porations on a charge of conspiring to the provost marshal general. He said destroyers, the S-20, was sunk by our
Martial Spirit 1* Urged.
defraud through the mails investors o f the government does not contemplate gun fire and another severely damaged,
Am erica’s purjiose in the war — n
the Emerson Motors company,
a Dela- any class exemptions, but that all will Seven survivors from
the S-20 have
ware corporation with a stock o f
$10,- be personal. Farmers, factory opera- j been picked up an<l
and made prisoners. lasting world peace- how to get it and MOON SHINES OVER BATTLE
000 , 000 ,
tors and other special classes would There were no casualties on our side.” how to keep it, will l>e thu theme o f '
essays and orations in thousand* of l-ong Lull Broken by British Armies
Roumania w ill establish a legation not be exempted as such, nor territor-
schools ami colleges this June. The
in Denpcrutr Fighting.
Roumania recently I ¡ally. but all exemptions w ill be made United States Trade to
in Washington.
subject under three different titles
asked this government i f the establish- individually.
Get Ten Billion in Year has a prominent place in the list o f London- The infantry lull o f weveral
The men drafted probably w ill be in
ment o f a legation here would be
i topics for discussion at commencement weeks was broken Sunday night, when
agreeable and has just been told that training camps by September I, Gen­
New York— Ten billion dollars to be exercises recently issued by Franklin under the light o f a n«*arly full m«jon,
the United States would be glad to
spent during the coming year by the
the British made an attack southwest
favored beginning selections within United States and the allied govern­ K. Lane, secretary o f the interior.
receive a charge d’affaires.
Mr. Wm. D. Wheelwright, chairman o f Ixms and in the direction o f that
two weeks after registration so that ments for the products o f American
of the Oregon branch o f the League to besi«*ge«l city.
Ruth Law, aviatrix, circled over exemption work may be expedited
The [loint o f attack was due west
Cleveland, Ohio, environs Wednesday, and notifications o f final selections farms, mines and factories, Secretary Enforce Peace, says that tho national
dropping “ Liberty Loan bombs.” Miss may be made as soon thereafter as McAdoo declared here Tuesday night, headquarters o f the league, at 70 Fifth o f Avion, which is one o f the southern
w ill bring to the country the greatest Avenue, New York, had prepare«! ma­ suburbs o f I xtis , the latter being the
Law has started on a 10-days’ trip in possible.
prosperity in its history.
terial which will be mailed upon re- center o f a mining district which
the interest o f the Liberty Bond cam­
"Som e people profess apprehension j "* ¿ 7 to"'students wishing to write sprawls for miles along the valley o f
paign, dropping literature on several
o f thc foI|owinK „objects j n the StiUrhez river.
Middle West and Southwestern cities. BABY PLAGUE BEING TRACED about the future o f business, said Mr. |
“ Why, gentlemen, prosper- Secretary I W s list:
Most o f Sunday night's fighting was
Frank C. Webb, o f New York, and
|i t yi n the next 12 months wi l l be
to Enforce Peace.”
south o f the river although an advance
J. E. Munsey, o f Salt Lake City, are
greater than it ever has been in our
.•f repBration f „ r pe«c e at Close o f post was establish«*! north o f that
en route to their homes following their
Communicated by Contact.
' history. You cannot prevent it i f you i
War ”
stream. The British by early dawn
release from the Federal Penitentiary
try. “ The only thing that could stop
•«international League o f Peace."
had raptured all the intended [«ositions
at Leavenworth, Kan., where they had
prosperity would be the refusal o f the
Xhe memben o f the ,eaifue> he de­ and were still fighting Tuesday along
served six-year sentences imposed after communicated by personal contact, and people to support the reasonable meas- clare<| are 8lrivinKi with the approval
the Lens-Arraa road.
conviction in the Indianapolis dynamite not from contaminated sources o f milk ures o f taxation that are nee«led and to o f the af|mini„ tratIon, to emphasize
They had raptured the electric power
nor from lower animals, insects or by
k°n< 3
the high purjiose o f the war as defined station just south o f the river where
clothing and other extraneous objects,
The secretary addressed a great mass by President Wilson, in the belief that the Germans had lieen establish«*«! for
The Petrograd provisions committee says a report made public Tuesday by
has decided to reduce the sugar allow­ the special committee of physicians meeting at Carnegie hall in behalf o f ■ thi„ ¡8 th(. tieHt way to Htir up mnrtial many months and which was fairly
Liibery I-oan, which, he warns, gp,rit( which must be the basis o f all stiff with machine guns.
ance to one-half a Russian pound appointed last summer to conduct an ‘
The station
monthly. Only black or brown bread inquiry financed by the Rockefeller
effective preparation. The league, it had been pretty well blown about by
i f everyone did his duty.
He appeal­ is unnecessary to point out, is not a artillery fire, but was still a formida­
may be baked hereafter, according to Foundation.
ed to those who cannot fight on the pacifist body. It advocates war until ble fortification.
an announcement, under penalty o f 18
The report made to Mayor Mitchel
months’ imprisonment, or a fine of gives the record o f a study o f 5496 battle front to supply the means that the world, in the words «if President
Further south the British captuml
w ill enable the government to provide Wilson, is made “ safe for democracy.” some brick chimneys which had been
$10,000 rubles.
cases. It asserts that slight and non- j
for the soldiers who go to the front.
Former Preisdent William H. T a ft is transform«*! into a strong [xiint.
Applications for admittance to the paralytic cases are the most frequent
its head.
second reserve officers’ training camp sources o f infection, "a s these cases
Slackers Kush to Altar.
strange, but most o f the bitterest
at the Presidio w ill be accepted on and arouse no suspicion and other persons
New York— On the eve o f registra- German Army on Strict Diet;
fighting in the world-war on a vast
a fter June 15, according to orders re­ come in contact with them; "th a t the
disease usually developa frcim thme to tion day hundreds o f men and women
front has, from time to time, swirled
ceived in San Francisco June 4 from
gathered in the municipal building to
about sugar factories, windmills, farm
the W ar department by Lieutenant ten days after exposure, and that obtain marriage licenses, which were
buildings, cemeteries, breweries, slag
Colonel Albert Laden, commanding the "previous good health does not give being issue«! at the rate o f one every
London— The condition as to f<wxl
heaps, unimjtosing mounds like the
immunity from attack.”
m ilitary camp.
minute and a half. Before noon 125 supplies In Germany may be conjec- Butte Warlencourt, church«*», monas­
The report says that males apparent­ _______
The Chicago Board o f Trade direc­ ly are more susceptible than females. licenses had been hanfled out and 50
teries and even asylums for the insane.
tors have fixed a minimum price for Parents are urged to isolate sick chil­ couples had been married in the chapel. >nitely settl«*«! that the best fml o f the
com, as was done with wheat several dren.
I » w .Suspension Disliked.
bureau declared the m ajority o f the tion which equals only three-fifths in
weeks ago. The price fixed was $1.65
Washington, I). C .--T h e section o f
prospective bridegrooms were taking
on all contracts o f corn for future d e -:
Gains Lost by Austrians,
British troops.
The best nourish«*! the immigration law under which Sec­
There was less excitement
Rome— Itailan troops Tuesday with- wives in the hope draft.
German troops are those in reserve retary Wils«.>n has been suspending the
among the brokers than on the occa- stood a heavy attack by the Austrians
just back o f the fighting lines. They rules and permitting Mexican farm la­
Russians Win Positions.
sion o f the similar action taken on on the western slopes o f San Marco in
receive the maximum ration. Since borers to enter tho United States
wheat some weeks ago.
Petrfjgrad, via London — Russian
the Gorizia area. The war office an­
the spring o f 1916, however, their would be repeale«l by a resolution in-
President W’ ilson’s communication nounced that at the points where the scouts Tuesday broke through four! bread allowance has been cut «lown troducc«! by Chairman Burnett, o f the
to the Russian government on the war Austrians had been able to penetrate rows of wire entanglements in front of one-third. The greater part o f this house immigration committee.
The committee contends that if the
aims o f the United States has been de­ lines leveled by their artillery they the German position near Kovel and reduction has occurml during the last
secretary can make suspensions for
eight months.
livered at Petrograd by American Am ­ had been promptly driven out again dispersed the Teuton barrier guards.
There arc now two meatless days a Mexicans he can do likewise for Asi-
bassador Francis. It w ill not be pub­ and back to their own positions with
Farther south in the Carpathian
week in the German trenches. Even atics.
lished in this country or Russia for a severe losses. Austrian attacks else­
mountains Russian scouts penetrated
the indispensable sausage allowance
day or two, while the State depart­ where between Vertoibizza and the
the German wire entanglements near
Lumber Bought by Goethals.
has been cut down to two and three-
ment is clearing up what are officially coast were stopped in their incipiency.
Pnevi, drove the Germans from their
quarter ounces daily.
Rice has been
Washington, D. C.— Lumber for 100
characterized as "m atters o f detail.”
trenches and capture«! a machine gun,
Spain Sends Sharp Note.
eliminated entirely, being replaced by woixlen ships has been ordered from
The Fashion A rt League o f America
Madrid— The Spanish government, the War office announced.
dry turnips.
members o f the Southern Pine associ­
has decreed that a woman must spend it is announced in the newspapers, has
A comparison between the British ation by Major General George W.
Brussiloff in Command.
$653 for clothes if she’s to be properly instructed its representatives in Ber­
Petrograd General Michael V. Ale- and German rations is interesting and Goethals, general manager o f the ship­
dressed this year.
lin, Vienna and Constantinople to pre­
illuminating. The only issues which ping b«)ard’s emergency fleet corpora­
gieff, commander in chief o f the Rus­
sent an urgent note demanding that
common with the two forces are tion. The pri«*e is $35 a thousand feet
Memorial Day celebrations were held
sian armies, has resigned. General
there be an end to the persecutions,
These at the mills.
Alexis Brussiloff, commander in chief bread, meat and vegetables.
a t both ends o f the Panama Canal,
deportations and lootings practiced
The orders call for approximately
with speeches by W iliam J. Price, the
o f the armies on the southwestern
against the Jews in Palestine.
140,000,000 feet and delivery w ill lie
front, has been appointed to succeed weight or quality by any means.
American minister to Panama, and
Alfonso, it is said, has intervened di­
made as fast as the mills can cut the
him. Genreal Gurko, commander o f
Major Herbert White, o f the United
rectly in this question.
Officers Miss Dinner.
States Army.
the western front, replaces Brussiloff
San Francisco — The water supply
on the southwestern front.
Briton* to Be Retried.
Ideas embodied in Rear Admiral
Mexicans Rob American Ship.
gave out temporarily at the Presidio
141 Alien Enemies Taken.
Bradley A. Fiske’s invention o f a tor­
Washington, D. C.— Ralph K. Blair
here Saturday and the army cooks
Galveston, T ex.— Tho American fish­
pedo-launching seaplane have been and Dr. Thomas Addis, British citiz­
New York— The government’s activ­ were unable to wash the breakfast ing schooner Areas, was boarded by
"appropriated” by the Germans, and ens, by a Supreme court ruling Tues­ ities against alien enemies, it was dishes.
Consequently, when several the crew o f a Mexican gunboat off the
were used by them in torpedoing the day, must undergo a second trial at learned here Wednesday, have resulted thundred leg-weary “ rookies,” candi­ coast o f Tehauntepec, Mexico, on the
3000-ton British steamship Gena off San Francisco on a charge o f conspir­ in arrests o f 141 persons in recent dates for commissions as officer* o f the high seas on May 31 and looted o f
Aldeburgh, on May 1, according to a acy to violate American neutrality in weeks in this district, which includes Reserve Corps, returned from a two- clothing, fishing gear and medicine
statement given out in New York by recruiting Englishmen in this country parts o f Northern New Jersey and hour march with 20-pound packs and chest. This news was brought here by
the Aero Club o f America. Tw o sea­ for service in the British army. The Western Connecticut.
The specific rifles, there was no dinner.
The men Captain S. A. Macdonald, o f the Areas,
planes participated in the attack and court refused to interfere with a sec­ charge in each case has not been made were forced to line up and take their who arrived in port directly from the
one was brought down by the British. ond trial ordered.
"ch o w ” in strict field method.
scene o f the robbery.
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Kaiser’s Naval Base on Belgian
Coast Bombarded by British.
Military News Sent to Berlin by
Mexican Wireless.