J)r^ . Jt f \4 <ew that they wish. Please Mr- lasham will visit her parents dowed with the spirit of Divinity 8:00 P. M. Address before the Chris­ ed by President Wilson as Red ring up Mrs. Hurley for dates and her husband’s famby for the tian Associations, Rever­ and that made them different from Gros-» week and the local organi­ Please bring your own needles, present end Warren M o r s e of the other animals. He and Edi­ Portland. Congregational zation was going after members thimbles and scissors. son saw the telegraph in the same Ober-Phillips Church. that week as never before CO RRESPO ND ENT. year; he gave it a passing thought, The marriage of Heien Marjorie Monday, June I I H. J. Gotr, chairman of the but Edison was deeply interested Phillips and Harold Elmer Ober 2:00 P. M. — Senior Class Day Exer­ committee on civilian relief, re­ W E D DING B E L L S and became the master electrician was solemnized Wednesday even­ cises. College Campus. ported that he was preparing a list of the age. Choose well your pro­ ing at the home of the bride, Rev. 8:00 P. M. Commencement Concert, Abraham-Briggs of all boys who hud enlisted from Symphony Orchestra and fession or calling and then throw A. B. Patten officiating. To the this section and would give it to Paul Abraham, son of M r. and It was, Cantata. “ Joan of A rc .’ ’ your whole soul into it. the press when completed. He Mrs. V. S. Abraham of near Gas­ strains of the wedding march the Chorus of Fifty Voices; (Continued on pagq, Eight) Soloists— Miss Goldie Pet­ hoped people would write as many ton ank assistant cashier of the couple took their place by the erson, soprano; Mr. Harry letters as possible to the boys in Gaston State Bank, was united in bower of greenery, where their Miles Whetsel. tenor; Mr. the camjw, to keep them from be­ marriage w i t h Miss Elizabeth hearts and fortunes were united On Wednesday. May 30th, Mrs. Mar- Harry Scougall, baritone. with an impressive ring ceremony. coming downhearted. Marsh Hall. Briggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. After the congratulations the silliott, with four young women as help­ Tuesday, June 12 Mrs A. B. Todd, chairman of Abner Briggs, at the Briggs home ers, appeared at the G. A. R. head- wedding supper was served. the military relief committee, told in Dilley at 3 o’clock Sunday after­ 3:00 P. M. Reception bv Literary So- quarters before the procession started cieties. College ( ampus. f or the cemetery and presented to each what was being done in the sew ­ noon, Principal Bates of Pacific huhm-Via 6:30 P. M .- Alumni Dinner. soldier a button-hole bonquet of forget- ing rooms and showed samples of University performing the cere­ Stella Via, only daughter of 7:30 P. M. Alumni Program, followed me-nots, tied with the white ribbon some of the articles being made, mony. Mrs Emma Via of this city, was by Business Meeting. badge of ^ w c T y after patterns furnished by the The bride is a graduate of Pa­ yesterday united in marriage at c nt* a>, une Friday, June 1st, “ Flower Mission Red Cross. The workers need cific University and taught the Vancouver, Wash., to Mr. Walter Annual Meeting Board of n „ . , . , linens, muslins and other fabrics past term in the Gaston schools, J. Kuhm, an employe of the Pa­ 10:00 A. M. Trustees. Administration Day* was observed <** Mrs. Bishop s. (See official notice following this while the groom is one of the cific Coast Condensed Milk com­ Office. A short program was rendered, con- j most promising young men of this pany in this city. Mr. and Mrs. 3:00 P. M. Commencement Exercises, »¡¡sting, after devotional service, led by article.) Address by Reverend W . Mrs. Penfield, of music (solo by Mar­ Miss Farnham, vice chairman, section. After the wedding, Mr. Kuhm have not yet returned, but ti. Eliot. Hr., of Portland, garet Jones), and an exercise showing spoke at considerable length on and Mrs. Abraham left for a short it is understood they will make Marsh Hall. , f. , , a . . . . the plan of flower mission work, in the history of the Red Cross and visit at Portland, after which the their home in this city: 6:00 P. M. — C o l le g e Reception and the scope of its work. Wherever ; groom went to Vancouver bar Congregational which Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Showers, Mrs. Auburn R. M ayeaof Scappoose, Church.r Connett and Mrs. Marsilliott took part. the destroying hand of disaster ; racks and offered his services to .... • A recitation was given by Frances vi-its, there the Red Cross nurses Uncle Sam a- a soldier. W hether a son of Louis Mayea of this city. was married in Portland yester- . P ,n" e!; ... Jones and a closing prayer offered by will be found, not only to dress he was accepted, the Express has il'iv fn Mis-; Rlancho k’ plb-r of Reservations may be filed with the Clay to Aliss I lanem Keller of President of the Association (Principal Rev. Patten, after which six Boy wounds, but to feed and clothe not learned. ihat city. They will make their a . J. Prideaux, ~* ' Woodstock School, Scouts carried bouquets to shut-ins, in- the* hungry and naked. Follow­ Abraham -Parker home near Seappoose. Portland) or with the \ ice 1 resident, vaiids and others who could not enjoy ing the ’ Frisco earthquake, the Miss Margaret Hinman, Forest Grove. N ot to be outdone by his the occasion with us. The boys per­ Johnstown flood and other great CONDENSED NEWS NOTES _ forming this service and who seemed disasters the Red Cross sent its , younger brother, who was mar­ All-College Dinner to enjoy it with us, after a treat of ried Sunday, Richard I. Abraham, nurses and its money to relieve A son was born Saturday to (Plates Seventy-five Cents) cake and lemonade, given them by suffering. During war-times, all for the past two years an instruct­ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thompson. Professor H. L. Bates, Chairman Mrs. Marsilliott. were Frederick Olm- money for the Red Cross goes or in the Forest Grove high school, Richard Wilson and Claude See of Committee. stead, Ralph Broderick. Elmer Shaefer, through the war department, so at 6:30 o’clock Monday morning Johnson yesterday enlisted in the Charles Myers, Kenneth Benfer and ! was united in marriage with Miss that none of it is wasl d. hospital reserve corps. Orval Howard. Some arrangements in Frances Parker, the ceremony be­ Commertcement Concert Principal Hates spoke on “ Our Ed. Ahlgren went to Portland the way of decorations were omitted, Duty,” and showed that if we do ing performed by Principal Bates this morning to meet his brother, i Tickets, including Reserved Seat, Thirty-five Cents. owing to the inability,on account of the our full duty in this work, we will of Pacific University at the home Albert, who is c o m i n g from Prof. P. M. Gilmer in charge of weather, to use the lawn for our gath­ have our hands pretty full, but of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Fan­ from Streator, III., to accept a sale o f tickets. ering. K. B. P E N F IE L D , nie Parker, of Dilley. the good that can be accomplished place in a local store. Press Superintendent. will more than compensate for The bride is well and favorably Sale on Groceries Mrs. Albert Anderson left today the effort. The national Red 'known in this city, having taught Having decided to discontinue Chautauqua Dates Fixed Cross officers are asking for one in the Forest Grove schools for for her home at Sturgis, S. D , groceries, the undersigned will, on after a visit with relatives in this _ Forest Grove’s Chautauqua will hundred million dollars for the two years and for the past year European war and the big finan­ j in the Dilley schools. Dick A b­ city, she being a daughter of the Tuesday, June 12, place on sale ()pen jn the big tent on P. U. all Groceries, canned goods, salt, Campus on Saturday, July 7, with cial men of the country have raham, who is a graduate of Pa- late Mrs. John \ anKoughnet. Dr. V. R. Abraham of Hood soaps, etc., at absolute cost, the Lyric Glee Club; Francis Hen- started the ball to rolling with cigc University and is well and River, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. S. “ S P^CU* t prices on^ fruit jars, lids : dry, impersonator, and Dr. An- heavy contributions. T h i s is ! favorably khown in this vicinity, and rubbers. S h o w cases and drew Johnson, humorist, as the Abraham of near Gaston and son- about $1.00 per head and may needs no introduction from the chief attraction. Every morning, seowi stupendous but should not Express, which wishes himself in-law to Mr. and Mrs. John fixtures will also be sacrificed. I am not going away, but w ill! except Sunday, there will be a discourage people who have been and bride a long life of happiness Templeton, has gone to Kansas to remain at the same old stand, session for the children, under the join the medical reserve corps. spending ten times that much for a n d prosperity. After several with a different line of goods. supervision of Ivy M. Luce, story- tobacco and twenty times that weeks at camping in the vicinity Several people having inquired _ ^ j ^ - i teller and entertainer. There are sum, annually, for liquor. of Cherry Grove, Mr. and Mrs as to what disposition was made Corner Third Street and Pacific six interesting days. Abraham will begin housekeeping | of the case wherein Mrs. Robert J. B. Simpson, who, with Prof. It i p ert Hubbard, aged 34, was Bates and Judge Hollis, Monday on the Abraham farm, Dick hav­ Alexander was charged with hav­ A\ > sue. Dr. John S. Bishop, of Forest killed near Sedro Wo >ley, Wash., attended a conference of Red ing decided to quit teaching and ing scalded her stepson, the writer Cross workers of Oregon, Cali­ raise food for Uncle Sam’s sol- inquired of the clerk of the circuit Grove, yesterday w a s elected on M ay 29th by a boiler explosion _______ court and finds that Mrs. Alex- president of the State Homeo- The funeral was held at Colton, fornia, Washington, Idaho and dtan. ander plead guilty to assault and palhic Medical Society of Oregon this state, Friday. Deceased was Utah at Portland, stated that Lasham-Willis battery and was given a prison at the opening session of the 41st a brother to Miss Bessie Hubbard Forest Grove had raised three William Richard Lasham and sentence, but was paroled on pay- annual meeting in the Benson , of this city, who attended the times what was asked of her for | Hotel. funeral. He was a single man. army Y . M. C. A. work and he Miss Ruth V. Willis were united ment of a fine of $150.00. WAS ENJOYABLE w. c. f. u.