Supplement to Forest Grove Express Vol 2 Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday,. May 31, 1917. No. 21 Shetland pony for sale. In­ Deaf, But Not Dumb quire of H. B. Johnson, phone Claude C. Moxley, a deaf-mute 21-4* R. C. Hill was looking after 962. - married to a deaf mute—of business in Portland yesterday. Miss Jennie Armstrong left for Gaston was taken into custody at Seattle Tuesday, where she will F’ nterprise the other day and Claude Davis has about recov­ Sheriff Applegate will bring him visit friends a few weeks. ered from his recent operation. Henry Swanson and sister, Miss i to stand trial on the charge of Bruce Roe entertained a few of FMith Swanson of Portland, were | passing a bad check at the Shute his friends at games and refresh­ visiting in the Grove Wednesday.! Savings. Moxley has two broth­ ers who have broken into the ments Tuesday evening. Highest price paid for wool and cells, one of whom was caught by George G . Hancock, real es­ mohair and new and second-hand tate, farm loans and fire insur­ wool sacks for sale at A. G. HofT- j Geo. Hancock, when he was sher­ iff, and for whom Hancock re­ ance, new Anderson block. 50 man & C o.’s. ceived a $500 reward from Mox- Word comes from Portland that Mrs. J. F. Woods of Portland, ley’s bondsmen. Claude Moxley a son and heir was born Saturday and Mrs. F>a Derby of Multno- has two children. He also is to Dr. and Mr-. C. J. I'ushnell. mah were calling on friends in wanted for passing a bad check at Yamhill.— Hillsboro Argus. The Alpha Zeta society of P. F’ores Grove Tuesday. The same chap passed worth­ U. enjoyed a picnic outing up the Miss Mary Beach, an operative Columbia highway last Saturday. patient at the local hospital, has less checks on a local hotel and On her way back from the Re- so far improved that she is con­ dry goods store, but got only small amounts in change. bekah assembly meeting at Eu­ valescing at her home. gene, Mrs. H R Bernard visited While sawing wood on his place, Woodmen Surprised her daughter, Mrs. Rogers, at near Dilley, last Saturday, C. N While the members of the local McMinnville. Mr. Bernard went Johnson had his left hand badly up Saturday evening and s|>ent mangled and will lose several I M. W . A. camp were holding Sunday with his wife and daughter. fingers. their meeting last FViday night, Next Tuesday, June 5th, the Dan Pierce was elected noble | they were surprised to hear un­ people of Dilley will have a pub­ grand and Carl Curtis vice grand usual noises in the kitchen and lic flag-raising, with appropriate* at the semi-annual election of the when a committee was sent to in­ ceremonies, commencing at 10 a. Odd Fellows Monday night. R ., vestigate, the kitchen and dining m. and continuing the greater part C. Hill, a delegate to the recent room were discovered filled with of the day. Good speakers have grand lodge meeting at F^ugene, busy women, who turned out to been engaged for the occasion and made a report of the proceedings. be Royal Neighbors, bent on feed­ Forest Grove people are invited ; The good roads meeting held at ing the Woodmen and holding an to attend. Camp business Orenco last Saturday was well at­ indoor picnic. was rushed through and an excel­ Rev. Father Leo Walsh, O. S. tended and proved a big boost for lent lunch was served by the B , a newly-ordained priest, will the bond issue. County Com -' be the guest of Father Buck and missioner Rufus Holman of Mult-| Royal Neighbors, a f t e r which will sing a solemn High Mass in nomah county. Judge Reasoner games and music served to pass St. Anthony’s Chapel on Sunday, and Senator Wood were the prin­ the time pleasantly for several June 3rd, at 10:30. The Priest’s cipal speakers on this subject, hours. The Royal Neighbors are First Blessing will be given after while Dr. Hector MacPherson of auxiliary to the Woodmen and the Mass, which every one may 0 A. C. spoke on the food pre­ feel it their duty to keep their brothers well-fed and alive and receive that wishes. The public paredness campaign. some of the games played Friday is invited. Officers of the Agricultural Col- | night were certainly calculated to I,ast Saturday, while W. C . ; lege have asked for a report of the I keep the victims from going to Tucker was taking a load of de­ gardening being done in Forest ■ sleep, according to the opinion of bris away from the Templeton Grove this year and for this pur-' Neighbors Jim Nichols and A. E . building, where the front is being pose a canvass will be made next | Scott. ___ __________ remodeled a n d a cement floor Saturday by the Honor G uard1 laid, somebody let a brick fall on Girls. It will facilitate matters Roosevelt Can't Come his head, cutting a painful gash, j if everyone will have ready an es­ In reply to Judga Beach’s invi­ Bill says he notices that after he timate of what they are doing. was hurt, the workmen were more All members of the Honor Guard tation to make an address in this careful not to drop any more will report at the gymnasium at city during the G. A. R. encamp­ ment, Theodore Roosevelt writes brick, which is’nt much consola­ 2 o ’clock. Mr. Beach from New York that tion to him. # his time is so taken up this sum­ New Site Approved At the state meeting of the P. * mer that he will not be able to FI. O., held in Portland last week, i The postofllce department has visit the west. Mr. Roosevelt Mrs B. F\ White of this city was' approved the recommendation of has many friends in Oregon who elected state corresponding secre­ the inspector to the effect that would come to this city to hear tary and Mrs. Dorothy Seymour the postoffice be moved to the him, were he to speak here. delegate to the supreme conven-; Wirtz building, on South Main W. C. T. U. tion, to be held in Omaha in Oc- street, and the building will be tol>er. Mesdames Bailey and Bur- prepared for occupancy by the The annual Flower-Mission day lingham were the delegates from time the lease on the present site of the W. C. T. U. will be held this city to the Portland meeting expires— August 1st. Postmaster on Dr. Bishop’s lawn, on Friday, and Mrs. White was second vice Wirtz has received word to this June 1st, at 2:30 p. m. Contri­ president and Mrs. Seymour state effect, as has J. JN Wirtz, princi­ butions of flowers would be ac­ organizer. pal owner of the new site. ceptable. K. B. Penfield. NOTES AN D PERSONALS