/ -------------- — NOTES AND PERSONALS Mrs. James MacFarlane and son of Manning visited friends in the city yesterday. There are now ten patients in the local hospital, in spite of the Hillsboro hospital Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Allen and infant son of Portland are visit ins friends in this vicinity. VV. B. Rugg!es, the tailor, is pre­ paring to move his shop to the room south of the Paterson fur­ niture store. Misses Mildred and Elois Metz of Hatton, Wash., arrived Sunday for a visit with their aunt, Mrs. Ida M. Patrick. Mrs. Albert Raffety of North Plains was operated on at the local hospital this morning and is convalescing. A daughter was born to Mrs. Albert Knight at the Forest Grove hospital yesterday. Mother and cnild doing well. Mr. and Mrs. A J. Stevens of Cornelius have purchased t h e lunch room at the corner of Pa­ cific Avenue and Council street. . Any one desiring a copy of the Oregon Agricultural College, “ Garden Crops” bulletin may ob­ tain same from B. J. Simpson, secretary of the local Food Pre­ paredness League, free of charge. Everyone who has a garden of any size should have a copy of ] this bulletin. One lot of Beautiful Sum mer Wash Goods, worth to 30c. on sale, per yard i 15c Women’s $1 Percale and Gingham House Dresses on sale at 59c i I ÍING & CO.’i 5 Regular $3.25 linen Dust­ ers, on sale ut u: N LOADLA ÍG 1 SA LE 39c Women's U n i o n S u i t s , values to 50c, on sale at $1.98 Reg. 20c Striped Crepes, for Dresses, on sale, per yard 19c Women’s 15c S u m m e r sleeveless Vests.on sale at 9c Women’s $1 fleece-lined Union Suits, on sale at 69c 17c $1.98 \T 4 - * ) || 11V 1 lOl • with the 7,600 member banks in maintaining the Federal Reserve Banking System for the pro­ tection of the business interests of the country. Through the Federal Reserve Board in W ash­ ington it supervises the twelve Federal reserve banks; it appoints one-third of their directors; it deposits its funds largely with them ; it guar­ antees the currency they issue. At last night’s meeting of the Rebekah lodge, officers wereelpct.- ed, ten caudidates initiated and a delightful lunch served by the re­ freshment. committee. The new officers a r e : Mrs. Edna Ross noble grand; Miss Jeanette Little, vice grand; Mrs. Dora Benfer, secretary; Mrs Robert Bellinger, treasurer The First National Bank Forest Grove, Oregon Let HAZELNUT BUTTER YOUR BREAD (N ot over 10 yds t o • C ustom er) You can buy the best 60c brooms at this sale for 49c 10c Shoe Polish, any kind on sale at an(^ see 7c The best 10c Toilet paper, on sale at 4 mils for 25c Our best 30c bulk Coffee, on sale, per pound 19c Choice Chinook Salmon, worth 30c, on sale, per can KING & CO. - Forest Grove Lodge Business Booming If you are not already linked up with this new national system as one of cur depositors you should delay no longer. 9c When you pick up the papers every h°w merchandise of " all kinds is going higher and higher in price, and right in the face of all this, you can come to this store and sale and actually buy Dry Goods, Furnish­ ing Goods, Shoes, Groceries, etc., at a marvelous saving on every article and, in many instances, buy goods be­ low the wholesale market price today. Delayed shipments of Spring and Summer Wash Goods, House Dresses, Shoes, etc., have just been un­ packed and every article placed on sale at prices to defy any competition, mail-order house or sale ever advertised. No war prices here-Every Price C ut-Every Article on Sale. 1171 Cooperates This cooperation greatly increases the value of the system to us and our community. 1 CONTINUES TO DRAW BIG CROWDS The Buxton families of Wash­ Men’s 25c Lisle Thread ington county enjoyed their an­ nual dinner yesterday noon at the Sox, on sale, per pair home of Mr. and Mrs. James Buxton, S o u t h M a i n street. Those present, besides the host and hostess, were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Buxton and son, Mr. and Men’s regular $3 Hats, Mrs. J. S. Buxton and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Buxton, M r.1 now on sale at and Mr s . Ed. Harrison., two daughters and two sons, Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Caples, Mrs. Gardner and son and Airs. Maude Kinney of Astoria, Mrs. Dr. Christy, Miss Powers, A1 Busch and Master After h a v i n g decorated the Arsenate of Lead for the next John Christy of Portland. graves of deceased Odd Fellows in spraying at Littler's Pharmacy. The dinner was of the famous Forest View cemetery yesterday, Money to loan—Valley Realty Buxton vintage and the afternoon members of the order went to the was spent in a good old-fashioned j Mountain View ceme ery and did Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf family visit. The new curve-cut, form-fitting a like service there. collars for men just received by John Anderson, the here-to-stay merchant. The latest thing out. S. A Walker attended Memor­ ial exercises at Banks yesterday and in th** evening accompanied a number of Banks Odd Fellows to Hillsboro for a fraternal visit. To get the most salable fruit it is necessary that the trees be kept we 11 s p r a y ed. Get your Ar-enate of Lead for the next spraying at Littler’s Pharmacy. You are going to need auto tires soon. We h a v e a good stock. Prices are going to ad vance from 20 to 25 per cent soon. Enough said. Goff Bros. The United States Government Phone 061 17c Newest style Dress Goods worth 60c, on sale, per yd Enjoyed Annual Dinner A t S rh u ltza Children’s ribbed Stock­ ings, sizes 7 to 10, on salt* per pair Christian Church The services L o rd 's day as follows: Bible School !i:4.r> a. m. I.ord’s Sup|*er and serm on 11 a. m. S u b ject: ‘T h in g s T h a t Help Us to U n d erstan d the Bible.*’ C hristian Kndeavorn 7 p. m. Song service and serm on 8 p. m. A cordial in v itation ex tended to all to atte n d the services. Monthly m eetin g o f official board Monday evening in church parlors. M em bers urged to be p resent. R. L. PU TN A M . Pastor. Gale Grange, No. 282, will meet Saturday, June 2d, at the I. O. O. E. hall, A full attendance of members is requested. Un- finisher! business ; vacant offices to be filled by elec tion; plans made for booth at the County Fair this fall; discussion of constitutional amendments and measures to be I voted on June 4th. A good din­ ner and a good lecture hour pro­ gram are on the program for the , day. Secretary. Notice The Light, Water and Treas­ urer’s office will lie closed to busi­ ness Monday and Tuesday, June 4 and 5, as the Ciiy Hall will be used by the election and registra­ tion Boards on these dates. tl EDWI N S. SPARKS. We have just received a car) load of John Deere wagons, bought at a fair price. If you need one soon, buy at once, as prices are going higher. GofT Oil Stove Safety [ ~ y—H flr j ~ l T h e F lo ren ce Is th e clean, sale, sim ­ ple, rclluhle, econom ical oil sto v e— rcaily to g iv e as m uch co o k in g h e a t as you w ish, w hen you w ish It. Yon can keep o ne—o r fo u r— b u rn ers a t an Intensely h o t tlauic, o r m erely sim m ering. T o ch an g e th e h e a t you tu rn a sim ple, little ( p aten ted ) lever device. B u rn ers clo se u p u n a e r the co o k in g ; no h e a t w asted. T h ere are no w ick s to trim nor valves to le a k . A g la s s ' ‘ h u ll's e y e '' sh o w s you alw ay s how m uch oil Is in th e ta n k . U pper re se rv o ir holds a ftdl gallon. COPY Chevro'et Motor Co., Oakland, Calif. Gentlemen: I had the pleasure of riding a portion of the way from San Fran-j cisco to St. Ix>uis in the new Baby ! Grand trail blazer driven by M r.' R. C Durant and Mr. A. D. Plug- hoff and I personally believe that the new Baby Grand is the finest car ever put out in this country for a thousand dollars or under. Its easy riding qualities are ex­ ceptional. It also has the same great power for which the Chev­ rolet valve-in-head motor has be­ come famous in the “ Four-Nine­ ty" model. I wish to congratulate the com­ pany on this product. Yours very truly, W. I. ELLIOTT. Wiles & Sohler Bros., distribu­ tors for Washington county 17c FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves FULLY GUARANTEED (D e a le r'» N a « ] FOREST GROVE and CORNELIUS GOFF BROS. The Pacific Market for GOOD MEATS, “M S S Fresh Fruits and Vegetables TRY OUR Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c Phone 0301 C. H. GIGUKRK, Prop.