T —T NOTK8 ANI* l’KKSONALS Hands Off? Editor Expr s<«: Second-hand s c h o o l hook« The weather man, sometimes, houyht at the Book Store. We known as "Old Probability," has are in the* hook husineiM. 20 been very kind to us during the I See that new line of shoe», for pant few weeks in causing two ( Continuisi from Page One) men, women und children, at A blades of grass to grow where FruitH and Vegetable in Season < i. Hoffman & Co ’« none or pc,haps only OM) grew u,,ke. p exp en se, so that m o r e V E U. Ca'e in in the Hood Riv- before. Evidence, vWt the west! COUnty road could he built. The half of Block No. six (6). T hree! money lo retire the bonds does district looking after a farm for we. k, ago it would frighten a L,ot come out of the property* PHONE 701 which he recently traded. dead horse into a run away; now |OWners, unless that property con- South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore A line line of ladies’ spring ,w an abundance of grass sists of automobiles, for both in- coats, in the latest style and most 'or a ”ozen horses, and a few ter«*Ht and principal is to be paid approved pattern, just received at hens, ducks and geese could find j by auto licenses. With the num- , Anderson’s. Come and see them, «uhsister.ee for the balance of the ber of licenses issued last year, at m^ p . . , iHu open season, lo those who are the price Axed by the last legis-! N ,th ’ K ’ 11 a m,,ltary Perjple who have rooms to rent interested or who have much in- |ature, this license fund would ro.!f,7 8*cr*U'7 ot 'V*,fnB*kel’cB,iy,1 * during the G. A. R. encampment fluence in this airair, please see ; almost pay the Interest and prin- mil,Ury f *’" 1 l,houW ,M; 10 15 mileB June 26, 27 and 28 please; that live stock is not permitted to I cjpal in twenty-five years. In the from the ocean or a river, in order to be safe from all fleet*. Now can any- j notify Mrs. John Anderson. graze on this vacancy until after (he increase in autos has been one call the Columbia Highway a mili­ Whatever Federal aid is grant­ The short-burner "Mon-Ami” the Encampment of the Grand :i|H)ut 40 per cent. If in the next tary road? I think not. kerosene stove brings the heat Army of the Republic, because if folir years the increase should Now we have found out that this ed for the construction of roads close to your cooking utensil. not disturbed, the grass and weeds amount to 30 per cent and then road is not an agricultural road and t in Oregon this year and during S«e it at the Gordon hardware will cover the greatest display of remain stationary, the auto license cannot, by any possible means, be used the continuance of the war will refuse, fill h and other long-time funds will pay interest and princi- as a military road. What, then, is it? store. be allotted for roads extending accumulations that ai e usually pa | on the bonds and leave a sur­ For Sale Two young horses, round at the back It resolves itself into a scenic highway, door wh. re the plm of $7,000,000 at the end of southward from Portland, toward one good 2-horse gasoline engine occupant* do not care only for the 25 yeais. He said auto owners pure and simple, and nothing else. and one grain-cutter. Inquire of p oper appearance of the front of Can Oregon afford at the present the California line, a link in the who had given the matter thought, time I.ouis Mayea, F o r e s t («rove, the establishment. to build scenic highways? In New proposed Pacific Highway. were glad to pay the increased li­ York it is costing them $120,000,000 to phone 91x. 19 This is indicated by an an­ In olden times people cared so cense fees, for the pav* d roads i Clarence Kelsey, Taylor Gra- little for the sanitary condition would double the tire mileage, build 9,000 miles of road and last year nouncement sent out by the Coun­ harn and John Hall left last week of the dwelling house that they cut down the gasoline and repair it cost them $4,000,000 for upkeep of cil of National Defense to all the 7,000 miles they had completed the parlor.” bill- so that the bonds would in and the highway commission of New state executives, urging the con­ in the Kelsey auto for Wallace, ‘ . kept, the . pig in . . i - ... . . , . . .. . Idaho, where they expect to se- Again permit me to urge you to rea.uy be paid by the waste now York iveg the that th t j tinuance by the states of work on cure employment and Mr. Kelsey "hand* off until after the (.rand experienced Washington county feoo(wioo from autil taxes „ / ¿ J military highways, and the tempo­ . . . , , Army Encampment last year paid $3,100 in auto Ji- , . . , . . / rary cessation of work on auto­ writes hi, wife l hat the trip proved OBSERVER o n s e a n d e e t J»,ut $dU0,«(H) lcv!' ‘ ux “ i 1 “ a pkwant end uneventful. w..nh of paved road, Portland P*y p? nc">* ' . mobile roads designed primarily At . he last meeting of the Mod- s( ()l T N S W f «0 per cent of the auto tax autog fPaj, to uke care J anP th to make accessible spots of scenic . t .isiu ,urJ and gets not a mile of the road, . . , , ... or historic interest T h e an­ ern . VXWHjmen . ot **ir v »«tier. to Mrs. George McKibbin a draft for the local Scout*. On Tenderfoot r" ‘‘ds meant to farmers, he stattd Now let us come to the greatest ques- to Oregon from he Federal roads i four candidates took the for $2,000, covering the insurance t examination. Results are not yet ob­ th it far me 8 IJl Powell valley, 16 tion that has ever confronted the Amer- appropriation will be applied to ; Mr. McKibbin carried in the M. tained, but it is thought all will qualify. tnih-s from Portland, had been ¡can |>ecple the present European war; , the Pacific Highway and will not paying V & c per ton to get their W. A The draft came just ten A number of Scouts expect to take , produce to the railroad, $1.50 per yes, and our war, also. Everybody ad­ be allotted for the road around days after Clerk Paterson sent their second-claw examinations within ton to the rai roads for freight mits that Russia is out of the war as Mount Hood or the road leading far as being an aggressive foe to Ger­ away the proofs of death. The the next two weeks. Wednesday night i and another 75c in dra>age from many is concerned. Germany has to the Oregon caves. meeting was taken up with drill fo r! In the language of the Council, camp voted a cash donation to the Sunday Memorial march. The boys th«* railroads to the Portland com­ thrown 600,000 men from her eastern mission houses or markets. This federal aid should only be grant­ front to her western front and the members who suffered losses in have done well and Manley is to lie made a total of $3.00 per ton French commission said if Germany ed "for through r o a d s , leading an Illinois cyclone several weeks j congratulated on the showing he is Since the Columbia highway had was willing to sacrifice that 600,000 ago. making aa drillmaster. from one center of population or At the Wednesday meeting it was de­ m ade au to ti uck hauling possible, men g^e coukj „till capture France and commerce to another,” and spe­ Joe A. Wiles would like to j if possible, to take the Highway th e-e Powell val.ey farmer-, gel t.hen have England at her mercy, cific mention is made of the Pa­ write your insuram-e. Will give cided, trip, starting June 5th. There is some thoir produce hauled frorn the Where would we be then? No red- you service that will be to vour I ., . . . . - . ! chance that this trip may be replaced fa'm gat»* t o t h e com m ission blooded American would think of any- cific Highway extending through advantage. I pstairs in Antler- . . , . .. ... , , , r o ro by a trip to the Wilson river and three hou-c, by auto, f • kr ju st $1.00. thing but winning the war and it would Washington, Oregon and Cali­ son block, room 2. 52 I ! «lays , __ there, ___i camp provided the weather He didn i See why farmers should be up to us, and us alone, to do-it. Can fornia, this being cited as the one A swarm of bees has taken an is such as to make the road passable, object if the auto owners wanted anyone imagine the task we would then road system on the Pacific coast to gi\e the slate $6,000,000 worth have? Would we have time to think of unusual liking to Martin Ryling ! The Scout* badly need the loan of a of paved roads, even it the pav­ and build scenic highways then? No! requiring immediate attention. of the Verboort district. The H,,d waK"n for a few hour#- The ing did not pass every farm; let A thousand times no! In this stand the Council ap­ hall at present stores a large quantity I | the farmers take the money they bees come to Ryling’- last fall anti ' of Well, why take a chance of getting proves thoroughly the attitude of paper that needs baling and a horse j ' t«ok posession of a bedroom, hut I is needed to bring the baler in. If you are now -pending on trunk lines caught that way by dividing our atten- the Secretary of War, and in- this county th* line from the tion between the great national danger later left and Martin thought he | have a rig to lend, phone the Scoutmas­ tin Multnomah to th*- Yamhill county and bonding our state for pleasure dor ed by the Secretary of Agri­ was rid of them hut a few days I ter Main 4fi3. line, thiough Beavtrtnn, Hills­ drives? While France and England culture and, as these officials have ago he heard an unusual buzzing The Scouts greatly appreciate the boro, Forest Grove and Gascon) are willing to fight our battles in Eu­ jurisdiction over the Federal road dinner given them by the ladies Friday and investigation disclosed the | evening and they hope it is not the last and build laterals over which to rope, let us back them and give to j fund, they will be able ab­ haul their produce to market by them all the encouragement in our solutely to control the allotment bees in an unused chimney of the time that the mothers, fathers an< autotrucks. The word ‘Bonds” power. I^t us, instead of competing Ryling home. Martin doesn’t i scouts get together. I and stipulate on what roads it had a sinister sound to many want the bees and somebody ean i Saturday saw Troop 2 out for the people, but this i-sue need scare with our beloved government by voting shall be used,—Legislative Good get a cheap "flock’ of them bv ! flrat h'kc- Notwithstanding the busy- no one. as the bonding plan was $6,000,000 of 4 per cent bonds, kill the Roads Committee. bond issue and leave the way clear to j ness of the season, thirty of the troop calling on him. invoked in order that the money buy the government’s Liberty Loan 1 reported for the hike, with full packs migh: be had immediately, in- Bonds and by so doing help our allies The hike was taken in column forma- D. D. & M. B. BUMP . .. . .. . , -ti ad of waiting 25 vears until in Europe, help to save the blood of tlon to the W «Its school house, where, | , . ,. the auto licenses ; m ount'd to the America, help to bring peace back to Attorneys at Law after u rest of fifteen minutes, the boys He favored huild- earth and do our part in the great . ' sum r quired. M continued to Rippling Water, where i . Loans and Real Estate the roads _i and using them world problem of today. tents were pitcher! and each two Scouts lng u-i.u. _ D. D. BUMP. M. B. BUMP, , , « while they ^ were being Y. paid for. Oregon has furnished more than her I cooked their own dinners over fires ‘ , Residence Residence Hillsboro ¡senator Wood started by themselves. Can you start oenator wuou of u. Hillsboro nmsuoro also aiso share of men for the army and navy, Forest Grove. a fire without paper and use not to ex- SP0 !*4“ briefly in favor of the bonds Now let us hack up our heroes by vot- Phone 444 Offiees-HILLSBORO ceed two matches, cook dinner and ant^ L. M. Graham, who presided ing down the $6,000,000 road bond bill property extinguish your fire? All this 5,t (be meeting, explained that and giving our undivided thought and N. HOFFMAN a Scout can do, and did. Washington county had enough attention to the war, to our boys there After dinner, twenty of the boys money on hand to prepare her and to the grand service they are doing Attorney At Law hiked over the mountain and up to erst-and-west road for I he pat ing. us and mankind. Patent Office Business Solicited Roderick Falls. Taylor, as guide, ^ the bonds were defeated, this! One could goon and on, speaking of - Oregon brought them out within fifty yards of money would have lo be spent in the labor shortage at present, also that Forest Grove, the trail, a pretty piece of woodsman- repairs on this and other roads public work should be done in times of th tn we Would not have depression, notin needless competition ship. The return was made to Rip- an<^ supper cooked, con- PU^ed roads. He d dn I See how with private industries. Also think of pling Water and suppe Washington ' desiring 1 sisting of bread, potatoes, .bacon and W ashington county could lose by China, to join the allies, L but * on beans. Seven minutes after the whistle voting for the bonds. the verge of a famine, taking away tents were (tacked and the troop had 1 he atten d an ce at the meeting from, instead of adding to the world s fallen in for inspection before the re- was very light, but those present f»**1 supply. Surely, if at any time, A Roofing for WHY DON’T YOU turn. All completed the hike, tired, got a better understanding of the ; now is the time for us to put every CALL ON E v e r y Kind but ready for the next. Try carrying question than they ever had be ounce into raising food and in carry- ing on the war. twenty pounds of pack for twelve miles fere Of Building H. T. GILTNER FOR ROAD BONDS Staple and Fancy Groceries Government Officials Declare for Pacific Highway J But Hard T o Boat Say! and you will realize the gameness of ——— ■ —— — — —— —— the younger hoy* of the troop, who THE PUBLIC PULSE finished strong, without a murmur. ------------------------------------------------ The Scouts took part in the Memorial Road Bonds or Patriotism exercises Sunday. The new colors were Gaston, Ore May 30, 1917. used Hnd the boys did themselves proud. Editor Express: They wish to return their thanks to the Just a few reasons for voting against G. A. R. for the spirit of comradeship, the $6,000,000 bond issue June 4th. and the realization of the Scouts’ e f - , County officials of Multnomah county forts, that they showed in extending tell me that if the Columbia River High- the invitation to attend the services. I way were completed through the state Troop 3, Forest Grove Scouts, will to Idaho, and cost the same rate as in soon be a reality. Lester Jones has Multnomah county, the highway would been chosen as Scoutmaster for the cost as much as a transcontinental rail- new troop, which will be formally or­ road. Now then, surely no one will claim the highway .s an agricultural ganized within a week or ten days. If you have work for a boy, call the road, aft it is bounded on the north by Scoutmasters. We will endeavor to get the Columbia river and on the south by you a suitnble hoy. G. rocky cliffs, hundreds of feet high in J It cotta nothing to inquire Manufactured by Roofing Manufacturing Co. • Portland, Oregon FO R HALB BY Forest Grove Planing Mill Phone 0232 The United States has been called upon many times, as though picked by the Almighty, to help in the progress of civilization. Surely we will not fail now. Let Oregon stay to the front. let us help our nation to do the work of God, let us prove our sincerity by voting June 4th for Patriotism for all, n°( a pleasure for a few. THOMAS R. ROE. You’ll enjoy mowing the lawn jf y OU (^e easy -adjusting light-running "Eclipse” mower! Adjusted by a single thumb-screw anfJ and ¡s ^If-sharpening. se|f.sharpming. See it at the Gordon Hardware Store, Public sale bills printed at the Express office. F. A. Moore ASK HIM ABOUT PRICES ON GROCERIES AND GET A HIGH CASH PRICE FOR YOUR PRODUCE ? Phone 181 Pacific Ave. and Third St.