WORLD HAPPEUCS OF CURRENT WEEK FOODS ARE NOT SHORT RUSSIA FACES CRISIS Miracle ia Only Hope, Says Minister o f Finance, o f Saving Country Front Industrial Disaster. I Liberty Loan * | fa cts | Vegetables [kind Fruita Plentiful and High Prices Not Justified, Hay a Department of Agriculture. Washington, D. C.— High prices for Petrograd, via London — The indus­ fruits and vtigetables cannot bo de­ trial crisis in Russia is so acute that, * Brief Resume Most Important according to a recent utterance o f the fended <>n the grouiul o f a supply short­ W hy Dots the Government Sell age, in the opinion o f the Agricultural minister o f finance, M. Shingaroff, Daily News Items. Bonds? department, which announced Friday only a miracle can save the country The sinews o f war are men, muni­ that detailed department figures show from economic ruin. The demands o f tions and money. The greatest imme­ the workmen were so enormous, he diate need o f the United States today, a shortage only in old p«ttatooa and declared, that it seemed im[>ossible to to render the best help to her Allies, strawberries. keep the industrial wheels going for is money. Shipment o f potatoes, onions, toma­ This money can be raise«! by the toes, cabbages, lettuce and celery dur­ any great length o f time. government by borrowing and by tax­ The Socialist ministers at a recent ing the last week, said the announce­ Events o f Noted People, Governments ing. The Unite«! States is at present ministrial council said that the only employing both metho*ls. Borrowing ment, were at least e«)ual to those a and Pacific Northwest and Other possibility they saw o f settling the by means o f the Liberty Bonds is a year ago when prices were much lower. • Things Worth Knowing. difficulties was to bring the war to a method o f securing immediate funds Tw ice as many bushels o f new |x>ta- I for the prosecution o f the war and toes ami tomatoes and utterly seven close. spreading the bunien o f repayment Neither the coalition cabinet nor the over a period o f from 15 to 30 years, times as much lettuce as during the Every jitney bus operating in Spo­ newly appointed commission to regu­ when, it is hope«!, world civilization corresponding week last year were kane was ordered off the streets by late the difficulties between capital w ill be in a happier state than now. handled from the producing fields. Mayor Fleming Tuesday. and labor has yet found a way to settle | Taxation does not bring in the funds Shipments o f old potattMte were Rear Admiral Sims, in charge o f the industrial crisis. The commission as quickly as bond issues, but never- given as “ considerably ligh ter” than American naval operations in Euro­ is composed o f the minister o f finance, I theless helps to pay off immediately a last year and shipments o f strawber­ pean waters, was formally appointed trade and industry and labor, but since large part o f the current expenses. It is this government's avowed in­ ries "approxim ately one-third less.” Wednesday a vice admiral by Presi­ there is a wide divergence o f views tention to put the burden o f our share Gold storage holdings o f creamery dent Wilson. between the ministers o f finance and in this struggle for Democracy as far butter on M ay^6 amounted to 6,239,- Tw o employes o f the Giant Powder the new Socialist minister o f labor, it as possible on the present generation company at Oakland, Cal., were killed seems probable that this commission and not to shift our troubles onto our 716 pounds, and o f eggs 3,259,860 Holdings o f butter increased Tuesday afternoon, when the nitro­ w ill be confronted with the same diffi­ children. That is why the Liberty [ cases. glycerine house at the company’s plant culties that attended previous efforts Bonds are issued with a maturity o f about 67.2 per cent from May 1. at reconciliation. near Richmond, blew up. only 30 years and a large part o f the An investigation o f factory condi­ Hwigart Quits Fruit Growers. Panama has proposed that the U nit­ tions in Petrograd leads to the alarm­ ; current expenses w ill be taken care of North Yakima — C. H. Swigart, ed States advance $10,000,000 for im­ ing but inevitable conclusion that un­ by taxation. This is sound reasoning, as we can manager o f the Yakima Valley Fruit mediate construction o f strategic roads less the government finds a means o f and railways as a step in proper de­ adjusting the present difficulties, most well stand the burden. It w ill keep Growers’ association, tendered his res­ fense o f the Panama Canal Zone in the o f industrial enterprises working for our country in healthy financial condi- ignation to the trustees Friday with i tion for the keen world competition in the announcement that he has received world war. national defense w ill be compelled to an appointment with the Reclamation business which we must face later. “ Keep up local charities,” is the close within a few months. The board A re you doing your share to straight­ service effective June 1. The outstanding features o f the la­ message sent by the women’s commit­ en out this world struggle in the right accepted the resignation and elected An in­ tee o f the Council o f National defense bor situation are as follows: way by subscribing for the Liberty C. H. Hinman manager. Mr. Hinman, to women o f the country. “ Our poor vestigation shows that virtually the I Bonds? who has been president since the last -------------- - and helpless must not suffer because o f same difficulties prevail in all the big annual election, was succeeded by H. factories in Petrograd, and apparently the war, ” it says. P. James. authenticated reports from the Mos­ Liberty Loan Spells Immediate The evening newspapers o f New cow, Donets and Ural districts indicate Prosperity. Spokane Fares 26-Gent Milk. York City did not publish any editions general disorganization. In many o f What w ill be the effect on business Spokane- Threats that milk may go on Memorial Day. The purpose o f the factories demands o f the working­ this step was the conserving o f white men for increased wages are actually o f the successful subscription o f the to 20 or 25 cents a quart during next winter were made to the chamber o f paper. It is estimated that it resulted | greater than the entire profits o f the two-billion-dollar Liberty Ix>an? Do not worry, you Manufacturer, commerce by a committee o f Spokane in a saving o f 250 tons. factories under the best conditions of Merchant, Employe. milk distributors. Formal notice, An official statement issued in Lon­ production. The immediate effect in every war signed by the Broadview, Pino Creek The workmen, through their com­ has b«ren that business should be stim- don recently says that counting the and Hazelwood companies, was served Americans serving in the British and mittees, are virtually in command o f | lated to the last degree. on the chamber. A still further ad­ French armies and the additional units the factories and business has to be Every railroad, every mill and fac- vance in the price to the farmer w ill be submitted to them for approval. ordered to France, there shortly will I tory, every mine, every farm, w ill be j necessary in the near future, the dis­ be 100,000 Americans in France. pushed to its utmost to meet the in­ tributors declared, intimating that this A mob estimated to number 3000 INDUSTRIAL PEACE IS PLAN creased activity cause«i by the govern-1 would be passed on to the consumer. i ment coming into the market as a i persons, shouting threats to rid East St. Loui3, 111., o f negroes imported to National Council Hopes to Eliminate l buyer on an enormous scale. War fo r the next three years as re- 1 work in factories and munitions plants, Strife Among Workers. 1 gards business would mean a kind of swept through the streets Wednesday night, attacking and beating negroes Washington, D. C.— Labor strife is concentrated “ prosperity” — the lavish wherever found. Several negroes to be abolished for the period o f the spending o f vast sums o f money on our i industries by our government. were injured so severely they probably Wheat— Bluestem........................ $2.45 war i f a plan under consideration by The cost w ill come in loss o f our F o rty fo ld ...................................... 2.42 w ill die. the labor committee o f the Council of 1 young men, in waste o f money in un­ Club............................................... 2.41 Resolutions adopted at the great productive lines and for the future in Red Russian.................................. 2.38 mass meeting in favor o f the entente National Defense should be adopted. increase«l taxation. But the cause of Up^to this time the committee work­ Oats— No. 1 w h ite ................... $46.00 allies held in Madrid Tuesday were Civiliztion is worth the cost. presented to the Spanish minister of ing in conjunction with Secretary o f A large oversubscription to the Lib- ! Barley— No. 1 f«.*ed.................. 44.00 the interior. The resolutions were to Labor Wilson has arranged disputes ! erty Loan w ill shorten the war. And . Cattle— Steers, p rim e ...$ 9.75/«d0.00 the effect that "Spain should break between employes and employers. The | no one need hesitate to subscribe be- Steers, g o o d .................. 9.50 K, 9.75 diplomatic relations with Germany and ' cause he fears any possible business Steers, medium............ 9.00 k , 9.50 should acept all the consequences from machinery available is inadequate and i depression in the immediate future. ^ Cows, choice.................. 8.75 k 9.00 the action which she is compelled to cumbersome, however, and it is sure to Cows, medium................ 8.75 <an, gives a total national Millfeed -Spot prices: Bran. $37.00 Enlistments in the Naval Reserve emment contract for supplies o f a pro­ J debt o f a little over 1 per cent of the per ton; shorts, $40.00; rolled barley, forces since the war began h a ve! vision under which arbitration must be ■ total wealth o f the country. brought the personnel o f all branches resorted to in case o f industrial differ­ The yearly incomes in the United $51.00; rolled oats, $54. Corn — White, $72.00 per ton; up to about 25,000, or almost half the ences. The arbitration board would | States are estimated at about 40 bil­ size o f the regular N avy a year ago. consist o f seven members, two repre­ lion dollars, or over 13 times the total cracked, $73.00. Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy, This includes the fleet reserve, the senting labor, two representing capital national debt (including the present naval auxiliary, volunteer coast de­ and three representing the public. issue) and about 400 times the annual Eastern Oregon, $30.00 Caj 32.00 per ton; valley timothy, $22.00K^24.00; al­ fense and flying corps reserves and wo­ It would be the duty o f this board to interest charges on our total debt. men enlisted for special duty. Bos­ receive and investigate all complaints I f a man should come to you and falfa, $20.00K 22.00; valley grain hay, ton, N ew York, Philadelphia and Nor­ regarding conditions o f labor in the want you to lend him $1000 and you $18.00K,20.00. Butter — Cubes, extras, 374c per folk, in the order named, have led in plants having government contracts. knew he owned property worth $60,- pound; prime firsts, 354c. Jobbing enlistments. The findings o f the board would be ob­ 000; i f you knew that his yearly in­ prices: Prints, extras, 39c; cartons, come was $13,000, and he gave you his Marshal Joffre and ex-Minister Vi- ligatory upon the employers, and pub­ lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 39«; No. viani arrived at Brest Wednesday lic opinion, it is believed, would have note, would you lend him the $1000? 2, 37c. W ill you lend your money to the night on their return from the United the effect o f causing the men to con­ Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 33c United States on such a basis? States. They proceeded at once to tinue work. per dozen; selects, 34c. Paris. Poultry— Hens, 17(«t>18e per pound; To Every Employee. 150 Engineers Called Out. broilers 16 K5 21c; turkeys, 22(ft)24c ; Fire Thurdsay night in the Norfolk San Francisco — Orders went out Go to your employer today and tell ducks, 18K,22c; geese, 12@13c. navy yard is said by officials there to Veal— Fancy, 14Kjl44c per pound. have done “ negligible damage.” Pub­ Tuesday to 150 enlisted men o f the him you wish to subscribe $100 for a Pork— Fancy, 194c per pound. lished reports o f an explosion in the Eighth Regiment, reserve engineers, Liberty Loan bond. to report next Friday for duty. They Tell him you wiah to make a pay­ Vegetables— Artichokes, 70K>75e per city power plant were denied. are to be sent to American Lake, ment of $10 down and about $10 per dozen; tomatoes, $4.25^)4.50 per Because o f lack o f sufficient surgical Wash., fo r a month o f drill and train­ month, which he can retain out o f your crate; cabbage, 5K)6e per pound; eg g ­ dressings, newspapers are being used ing before going to France. salary. He can arrange all details plant, 25c; lettuce, $1.65K>1.80; cu­ on the battle fields o f France to stop Lieutenant Colonel James B. Cava­ with his bank. cumbers, 90cK,$1.50 per dozen; celery, the wounds o f many soldiers, according naugh, commander o f the regiment, It w ill help your country. • 75c (?/, $1.25; cauliflower, $1.00 per to a cable message received by the left Tuesday for American Lake to A t the end o f nine months, you will dozen; peppers, 20erty dtwtroyed by tornadoes which sw«*pt through Kansas on Friday, Illinois and Indiana on Saturday, and (/arts o f Ten- neatM-e, Arkansas, Kentucky and South­ ern Illinois, Sunday. Reports indicate that s large amount o f farm implements, need«« I to produce the bumper crop deaired this year, were ruined, although the s|Muimodic wind struck only here and there in its frightful play through the rural re­ gions. Crop damage ia said to be not heavy in graina. The heaviest toll o f life was taken at Mattoon, III., a city o f 10,900 impu­ tation in the broom corn country of Central Illinois, where 54 are known to be dead and 600 injured, with a projwrty losa o f $2,000,000. Charleston, 111., 10 miles east o f Mattoon. was al*«> jxtrtly wreck««! Sat­ urday night with a loss o f 38 lives and 150 injured The property loss there is $1.000.000. The next moat serious loss was at Andale, Kan., where 26 were kill«*! and a score injured on Friday. Dublin, Ky., suffered three dead and 17 injur««l Sunday. S«Kith Dyersburg, Term., was reported to have lost two killed and 15 injur««! in a tornado that swept Dyer county. Near Hlythcville, Ark., nine |x?raona were rejmrted killed and a dozen hurt. Reports from Indiana show at least seven person* killed at Hebron, Kouts and other places, and the death list may reach 20. More than 200 were injured in the Indian Territory swept by the storm. Smaller towns in Illinois lost a dozen dead on Saturday with two score in­ jured, while in the Southern |«)int o f Illinois windstorms kille«l a half dozen and injure«! a score. G0ETHALS WILL VISIT COAST Federal Shipbuilder to Inspect Work on Government Contracts. Washington, I). C.— General George W. Gt/ethals, head o f the Federal Ship-building corporation, is planning to visit the Pacific Coast at an early day, primarily to inspect the steel shipyards, but incidentally to look over yards which have taken or w ill take contracts for wooden ships. It is General Goethals’ intention to call upon every shipyard on the coast 14.00 capable o f building 4000 and 6000-ton steel ships, to take Government con­ tracts and to concentrate on the orders to the exclusion o f all other business, between now and December 31, 1918. Under the arrangement which Gen­ eral Goehtals has made with the big steel plants o f the East there w ill be no difficulty in supplying the West coast yards with steel for government Hhips; rather it is anticipated the only handicap will be labor and yard facil­ ities. Estahlishe«] yards w ill be urged to increase their number o f ways, and en­ couragement will be given to le g iti­ mate enterprise which is ready to es­ tablish new yards for the building o f these ships. It is largely with a view to bring about an expansion o f the steel ship­ building industry on the Pacific Coast that General Geohtala w ill go West. Such expansion, he believes, is entire­ ly justified, not alone by the govern­ ment contracts in contemplation, but by the enormous demand that w ill arise for shipa after the close o f the war. Ship Sank; 52 Missing. New York — The British steamship Feltria, a 5254-ton freighter belrsiging to the Cunard line, was sunk May 5 off the Irish coast and her captain and 62 o f his crew, including two Americans, are missing. This report, current in marine circles Monday, was confirmed by the Cunard line. The Feltria was formerly known as the Uranium, and her last appearance in American wa­ ters was on February 18, when the sailed for Liverpool with cargo.