CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Mr. an d Mrs. Percell have bought the Cessman place and are moving there. ---------- M iss Heloi-e Phillips who has I spent the past year teaching in H. West, of Scappooso, Tells Umatilla county, returned Satur­ What Good Roads Mean day to spend the summer with her mother here. to Him. ___________ King’s big sale is drawing peo­ ple from all over the county, thus H. West, farm er and dairym an, liv­ benefiting the hotels and some of ing near Scappoose, is an enthuslaatlo the other merchants and profes­ supporter of the road bond bill that will be b«»fore the voters for th eir ap­ sional men. proval special election Ju n s 4. A son was born May 20th to lie is for at the the road bonds because the Prof, and Mrs. George Ran­ value of good roads lias been dem on­ dolph Thomas in Portland. Prof. strated to him conclusive!). Through Thomas has many friends here as the construction of a m acadam road he taught in the high school here by which he is enubled to send milk and cream to m arket by auto truuk. last year. W est laat year saved $540. An ideal picnic was enjoyed Mr "Before the macadam road wan Saturday by a large number of built." according to Mr. West, "I had Forest Grove people among the to haul my milk and cream by team mountains and big trees in the to Scuppoose. But now an uuto truck at my home dally, delivers my region of Strassel. Those in the culla dairy products In the Portland m arket party were Professors Hates, West, and the retu rn trip brings groceries Fenenga and Bagstad, Mrs. A. U. and on other right to my door. Marsh and daughter, Arlington, Due en tirely supplies to the m acadam road, my Mrs. Fenenga, M i s s e s Hallie last year In m arketing the Moorehouse, Bertha Flannigan, saving products of my dairy alone wan $540. Maude Graham. Lucile West, and T his estim ate does not Include the Agnes, Clara and Esther Fenenga, saving th at has attended the m ark et­ ing of my farm products and the de­ and Mr. George Berreman and livery of freight and oilier supplies at Harry Romig._________ iny home. Arrested for Burglary Sheriff Applegate Sunday morn ing arrested Roy Porter, George Blumlee and Doc Tallman, all of Gaston, on a charge of having burglarized the Bell & Owen gen eral store in Gaston. Tallman gave bail and is i U. liberty, but Porter ("no relation to the Gaston Postmaster) and Blumlee are in the county jail. Suggestions for Food Conservation If you have discovered any helpful home economies, tell your neighbor and the Patriotic Food Conservation Com­ mittee. Peanut butter is the cheapest food on the m arket today. It is very nutrit­ ious and wholesome. If you have not already "p ut down” your next w inter’s supply of eggs do it at once. Use w ater glass. Our re­ liable druggists have it, and will tell you how to use it. Use all the potatoes you can for bread making thus saving flour. As far as possible use foods that are local products, thus saving carrying charges in these days of car shortage. Some sections of our country are re­ lieving the scarcity of farm help by organized effort oi business men who plan to spend their vacations by "w ork­ ing on a farm .” Many merchants are using fewer clerks in their stores, and women are taking places formerly filled by men. COMMITTEE. YOUK LAI) AND MY LAD ONE FARMER SAVES $540 IN ONE YEAR "By bard-surfacing this macadam road, my savings due to improved roads will be even g reater for with the , com pleted road the coat of operating ! auto tru ck s will be fu rth er reduced, j Yes. I am enthusiastically lu favor of the road bond bill. Your lad and my lad. And how ho live» today. In your land and my land And half a world away. Your joy und my joy, His eye* forever gleam; Your boy and my boy, Some little m other's dream. Sky blue and true blue. His eyes still gleam aright; Oh, God, be bis guardian, His protector thru the night! Your lad and my lad, And may he live to be As were his good forefathers • A son of liberty. Your ho|>e and my ho|>e, And may he never lie. And honor then, next to his God, His flag, that waves on high. Your heart and my heart Most breaking at the sight When "Old Glory” calls our lads To help her win the fight. Your price and my price And oh, how high it seems, To send my love and your love Out where "Old Glory” gleams. Arms ache and hearts ache For lads gone from our side, But your boy and my boy Shall save our country’s pride. Your God arid my God Still rules his world helow. And you’re glad and I’m glad To send our lads, I know. Clara Mae Morgan, I’lattsmouth, Neb. TIIA TCIIK H .NOTES (Carried over from last week) Mrs. W right has been ill for Mrs. Dye and Mrs. Story have re­ the past John week with an attack of Ma­ turned to their homes in Portland, af­ ter a visit with their mother, Mrs. | larial fever. Sarah Lee. Mrs. Lena Mott and baby are recov­ Mrs. Fitch of Portland visited Mrs. ering from a severe attack of mumps. Ayres last week. Ralph King, while riding home from Mrs. Elliott is visiting her aunt, Mrs. \ work on his bicycle one evening Inst Sarah I>ee. had the misfortune to collide with Miss Nina Sever is visiting her sister, \ week Robert Mott, who was walking in the Mrs. George Lee. same direction, result­ Messrs. Bothman and Olson are the ed in two broken and ribs the for “ spill” Ralph, and h owners of new autos. number of bruises for Mr. Mott. In Appreciation The picnic at Thatcher school was a The District Committee of the big success and was enjoyed by a Army Young Men's Christian As­ large number of participants. The us­ sociation desire to express their ual "last day” program was given in sincere appreciation and thanks the morning by Miss Johnson a n d to the management of the Star pupils, after which a bounteous spread Theater for the benefit perform - 1 was served by the ladies. In the after­ ances last Monday and Tuesday noon the married men gave the boys a evenings; to the orchestra for its | lesson in base ball, to the tune of 27 to splendid music; to all who so, 8 in favor of the former. Some of the kindly contributed their talent and , lady “ fans” were so enthuse-j they services towards the splendid pro j formed a team and beat the smaller grams rendered; to the members boys 19 to 9. of the Girl’s Honor Guard for the' The machinery of the county rock sale of the tickets; to all who at­ crusher was started Monday afternoon tended the performances for their and the m anagement has begun work patronage and to all others who on the road leading from the crusher to contributed in any way towards the public highway. GALES CHEEK Ladies, do you know that John Anderson can sell you just as the success of the entertainment«. stylish waists, skirts and coats as behalf of the Committee, you can get anywhere? Come, On B. J. SIMPSON, Chairman. and see them before you send for i something you can’t see until af­ The Express prints butter wrap­ ter you have paid for it. pers with non-poisonous ink. Both the local hanks will be closed Monday and Tuesday, on account of election and military registration days, lx>th being legal holidays.