JOth Annual Encampment, Dept, of Oregon, C. A. R., W. R. C. and LofG. A. R., Forest Grove, June 26, 27 and 28 ¿Ftnrsi iExpr tm AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOREST DROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 31. 1017 $1.50 per Year Vol. 2, No. 21 principles of democratic govern­ Music of Quality ment were being assailed by Prus­ The Conservatory of M usic of sian autocracy and militarism and Pacific University has a number the stricken Belgians and Armen­ of interesting recitals planned for ians were crying aloud for the the last weeks of the College year. spirit of democracy to save them The largest class ever graduated The will be given on Satur­ At a meeting of the officers of annihila' ion. America never from the Forest Grove high school day first Although the veteran« of the from evening of this week, June i he Forest Grove Red Cross aux­ went to war for conquest, but al­ will receive diplomas at the Chris­ 2nd, by students civil war are growing scarcer year ways from the piano iliary. held Monday night, it was for freedom and he believed tian church at 8 o’clock tomorrow an«l voice departments. Several deem* d advisable, in view of the hy year, the day attracted more America was destined before the (Friday) ev< ning Four of those who have not appeared in seriousness of the war situation, to attention in Forest Grove yester­ end of i h»1 European war to free entitled to receive diplomas have this year will be presented at recital hold a mass meeting in the near this day than for some years past. the world from military despot­ enlisted in Uncle Sam’s servie s— recital. future, to take the public into the Oliver Buxton. Kenneth Hawke On W’*dnesday evening, June confidence This is probably due to the fact ism. of the members. After that the war upon which we are The brave spoil of Abraham Tom Todd and Floyd Tucker 6th, Prof. G-ahumwill present his some discussion it was decided to just entering makes us more fully Lincoln was today in the White but they will be graduated just violin tudents in an entire even­ hold the mass meeting Verts’ appreciate the service rendered House, where a sad-faced man lh'- same. T h e n am es of the; ing of violin music. Some of his hall next Wednesday at evening, the nation by the veteran« of the sat. as did Lincoln, praying to ;hir!y-seven graduates are Ruth from out of town will ap­ June 6th. A sp«-aker from Port­ civil war. Certain it is that the Almight God li^at the spirit of Willis, Mabel Schultz, Beth Sex- j students pear, as well as those who study land. probably one who has been crowd which went to Forest View democracy might prevail The ton. Dulcina B row n, Pauline at Pacific The orchestra will be on the European front, will be se­ cemetery yesterday morning was address was a masterly one and Brown, Mary Donovan, Magde- I u-ed in an accompaniment a cured for the evening and officers the largest seen there in recent will long I k - rememlrered by th<«se line Bert hold, Edna I»gan, Ca­ very interesting evening and is in the Red Cross will make re­ milla Mills, Evelyn Patton, Lucile store for the public. It U hoped of who heard it. years. ports has been accom­ The parade left the front of the Chairman Butler then thanked lligby, Margaret Morgan, Sadie that a large audience will greet plished of and what what is to be done. K of P. building at 10 o’clock, those who hat! in any way as i-t- McCoy, Ola Aydelott, Joy Ayde- these young people. Mrs. White, chairman of the in the following formation: Forest ed in making the celebration a lolt, Ann Anderson, Hazel Hughes, The anniversary P.ecital of the mentorship committee, reported Grove Hand, Honor Guard Girl«, success, the audience sang “The Mona Mallory, G aoy- Goodrich, Conse'vatory will begin Saturday 154 members paid in and reported Hoy Scouts, School children, I. O. Star-Spangled Bunn« r” and Rev Vera Seh fTe*, M Hie Famme, Ida- evening, June 9th, a- has Rng that the people of Hillside were () F., followed by the members Hatch pronounced the benedic­ lelle Bu ns, I>*na Eichler, Helen been the custom, and this program coming in nicely, that auxiliaries Crozter, Joseph Loomis, Victor of the G. A. R and W. R. C., in tion. be of special interest to all were being organized at Cornelius autos, citizens and their families T h e Memorial sermon w as Evans, Harold Moore, Francis will These a l s will all begin and Thatcher. following in autos and carriages preached by Rev. Dunlap at th- Taylor, Charles Roe. Malcolm promptly r e at c i t eight J. C. Buchanan and Arriving at the cemetery, the M. E church at 3 o’clock Sunday Hawke, Evert Burn worth, Fred public is invited. o'clock. The J. Mesdames P Hurley donated $21.27 veterans, assisted by the B«vy afternoon and breathed much the Wolf. Taylor Graham, Floyd Much interest has been shown realized at a had tea junior Scouts. Honor Guard Girls ami same spirit as the addres- made Tucker. Tom Todd. Ol.ver Bux­ in the Comm* ncement Concert, and senior classes and of the the high other school children, decorated yesterday by Rev. Smith. Giv­ ton and Kenneth Hawke school reported they had some which will be given on Monday the graves of departed Comrades, ing a ful! mead of praise to the The program for the exercises evening, June 11. The Cantata, funds for the local auxiliary. A after which the usual memorial civil war veteran*. Rev. Dunlap at the chuich is as follows: "Joan of Arc,” by Gaul, will be vote of thanks was given these services were held at the monu­ devoted Processional—High School Glee a part of his time to dis­ sung by a chorus of fifty or more donors. Messrs. Williams and ment of the unknown dead. These cussing the world-war in which Club. of our singers who are work­ Hesseltine were appointed to se­ services consisted of prayer by Ameiica has been drawn and im­ Invocation—Rev. Ralph Put­ ing hard local to make thi^oart of the cure quarters for work rooms and (’hap ain Beach, songs by the Re­ plored the young men not to be nam. program a success. name sewing machines and have secured lief Corps and the ritualistic ser­ cravens in the face of their coun­ Violin Solo—Miss Emma Craft -uggr-sts, the theme As is a the warlike, the balcony of the A. G. Hoffman vices of both the G A. R and try’- peril. He was assisted in Chorus High School Glee Club. patriotic one and is very appro­ store a work room. Relief Corps. The graves of vet­ the service by Rev. Patton of the Graduation A d d r e s s —Judge priate at the present time. The The for officers and chairmen of erans at Cornelius and Mountain Congregational church and Rev. Win. Colvig, Portland. committees will meet at the Hol­ choruses are full of rousing patri View cemeteries had Ix-en decor­ Putnam of the Christ ian chu ch . Vocal Solo—Mrs. H. E. Inlow. oueferver and are very tuneful lis & Graham offices ated Tuesday by committees from The Honor Guard Girls and Boy Presentation « f Diplomas— and pleasing. Miss Goldie Peter next Monday evening at 7 o’clock the G A R. und W. R. C. Scouts marched to the church * siden C. O Roe. son, our own popular soprano, will June 14th is flag Day and the After the services the partici­ with the members of theG. A R. P. Presentation of Scholarship take the part of “Joan of Arc” Red Cross boosters are planning pants marched back to the city in and W. R. C. Superintendent H. E Inlow. and Mr. Harry Scougall and Mr. to make that the starting day for the order named above and at Vocal Solo G R. Thomas. Harry Miles Whetsel. both from a three-day membership cam­ Noble Woman Called Home 2:3(1 the indoor exercises were held Benediction—Rev. R. E. Dun­ Portland, will sing the baritone paign that will show’ marked re­ at Marsh hall, Commander Butler Mrs. Anna VanKoughnet, be­ lap and tenor solos. An orchestra of sults. ______ of J. B. Matthew post pre-iding. loved wife of John VanKoughnet, The baccalaureate sermon was 30 or more instruments will furnish An Invitation The program opened with the passed away at the family resi­ preach* d by Rev R. E. Dunlap at the first half of the program and singing of “America,” by the dence, corner of B street and Sec­ the M. E. church it 8 o’clock last it will be an evening which no one The Military R lief committee audience, followed by an invoca­ ond avenue, south, at 10 o’clock Sunday evening and the services in Forest Grove can afford to miss. of the Red Cross Auxiliary of For­ tion by Rev. Dunlap. last evening, after an illness of were attended hy a latge number est Grove iscompo-ed of the fol­ The address of welcome was de­ five weeks with heart trouble. lowing women: Mesdames, A B. of citizens, services at the other livered by Prof H. L. Bates, who Anna Dunham was born at ehur* h s having been cancelled to Todd, R F. Clark, J. W Living­ a so read Lincoln’s Gettysburg Denmark, N. Y., on April 6th, make of thi-a union service. Rev ston, Mary McKenzie, N. C. memorial address. Johnson, C. A Broderson, E. G. 1841, and on November 24ih, Dunlap preached a very helpful In responding to the address of 1859, wu-. united in marriage at m rmon, lull of good advice, dur­ Mills, R. E Dunlap, L. W. Dono­ welcome, Chairman Butler com­ Constableville, N. Y., with John ing wh eh he implo-ed the gradu­ One of the most convincing ar- van ^ Banks), W C. Benfer, W. B. mented on the fact that some who VanKoughnet. Some years ago Potwin, F. H. Whitehouse, Al to try to make their country gu ents made in this city in favor Sexton, attended similar services in the Mr. and Mrs. VanKoughnet cam'- ates Chas. Hines, Anna Hogue, the best on ear h. He ;.dvised the of the $6,000,000 road bond issue J En>chede, same hall a year ago had been west, locating in South Dakota, young Dorothy Seymour, men and women to pay i to be voted on next Monday) R C. Hill, Ralph gathered to their fat|uTS. “ By and ab>.ui a year ago they moved partt^u ar a t-ntion to spiritual was Chas that made at Verts’ hall last Roe, J. P. Hurley, Putnam. tin* time another year rolls around, to this city, to spend their declin­ dev« lopment and cautioned them Saturday Misses Minnie evening by State Sen­ Myers and Margaret Hinman. your grave or mine may be dec ing years near their children. t-of to th nk the r diplomas signi­ ator C nrad of Portland. This committee is subdivided orated,” he said to the old soldiers, 1 )< ceased is survived by her fied tha' they knew all there was Senator Ol-on P is Olson <*ne of those who into wo king units, as follows: calling attention to the fact that husband and four children. W M to know. He congratulated the championed the bill through the Sewing, Room and Equipment, 3 ‘2‘20 veterans of the civil war VanKoughnet of New York state, students on the progress made and senate and is qualified to speak had answered to “taps” during Mrs. Albert Anderson of Siuigis, the faculty on the thoroughness on the issue. He explained that Material and Buying, Press and the month of April. Ho was not S. 1)., and Charles and Mary Van of Inspecting and Pack­ work. Excellent vocal the bonds were taken up serially, Soliciting, alraid, however, that Memorial Kougnet of this city. Mrs. An­ music their ing. A meeting committee was furnisheQ by the High the first retired six years after is is called for 2:30 of p this day would be neglected, for the derson has been with her mother School Glee dub m. thus reducing the interest June 2, at the Rest Room Saturday, Hoy Scouts and Honor Guard for the past month and the son in Rev. Putnam of the Christian! sue, talk Thev were to be used over plans and arrange for to active Girls would keep green the mem­ New York is the only child who church and Rev. Patten of the annually. in building PERMANENT state work. A place has been secured ory of the men in whose honor the will not be here for the funeral. Congregational church assisted in roads, and it was the intention ot | as a sewing room. Mr. A. G. day was set apart Services will be held at the the service the road commissioners to require Hoffman has offered the balcony The public school classes of Congregational church at 2:30 The following Forest Grove the contractors to maintain the in the rear of his store for this M isses Pechin and Lathrop then i tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, Rev. pupils have passed the eighth roads for ten years, after which work free of charge. Anyone who sang s e v e ra l patriotic songs, Patten officiating, and the remains grade examinations, according to the state and various counties di­ would like to donate the use of among them ‘ America,” to an! will be interred in Forest View- a report from the county superin­ vide th e cost of maintenance. of the following articles please American tune. cemetery. tend- nt: Paul Jackson, Lois Allen. plan would relieve the coun­ ! any notify any one of th e above The principal address was made While Mrs. VanKoughnet had Ada French, Kathryn Williams, This more than half the present named committee, before Satur­ by Rev. E. A Smith of Hillsboro, been a resident of this city but a Donald MoFeeters, VV a n e t a ties of (Continued on’ page Five) day if possible: Machine, chairs, a Spanish-American war corporal short time, those who wire priv­ Wendt, Arlington Marsh, Esther scissors, outing flannel, y a r n , and the son of a Confederate vet-i ileged to know her greatly ad­ Hall, Opal Kelley, Orval Kelley, thread, tape measures, old cotton mired her many womanly qualities eran Rev. Smith took for his Max Sturgis, Florence Perry, Vio­ or linen. text “The Spirit of Democracy” and her death will be mourned let. Kunk 1, Ai l e e n Hoffman, Yarn will be furnished any one and stated that the spirit was j even outside the family circle. M ble Ridgley, Ethel WTIliams, | With a desire to acquaint the who will knit socks A plan will conceived by the signers of the Senator Buried—Another Appointed Chester Bump. fath rs of the Bov Scouts with a be worked out whereby societies lleclaration of Independence, was ( Woman’s flub Elects Quite a number of Forest Grove more intimate knowledge of the may have certain days to sew. born under Abraham Lincoln and hope every patriotic woman had ever since grown and expand people attended the funeral of The annual «’lection of the For­ Scout movement, a dozen of the in We this locality will be interested ed in America, which was its nat­ Senator Harry L a n e , held in est Grove Woman’s club, held mothers of local Scouts at 6 o’­ in this whether members of ural home and birthplace. “This Portland Tuesday. The parade Monday afternoon, resulted as clock last Friday evening gave a the Red work Cross or not When we was of a semi-military nature and follows: banquet at K. of P. banquet hall should be a day of gladness; not Mrs. B. F. White, president; for the Scouts and their dads.j give to, or help in this work we of sadness,” he said. The men was one of the largest funerals Mrs. Dorothy Seymour, vice presi­ There were in the neighborhood are serving our country, helping who fought for the preservation ot ever held in Portland. Mrs Ahbie J. Whitehouse, of fifty Scouts, about half of them humanity and doing a work of the nation should be glad of the Governor Withycombe lias ap­ dent; secretary; Mrs. A. B. Todd, cor­ accompanied by their fathers, at m«>rcy The Red Cross is now an pointed Charles L. McNary of wonderful things accomplished, responding secretary; Miss Minnie the banquet, which was substan­ official part of our country’s mili­ Salem, former member of the state for they had not only preserved treasurer; Mrs. E. E. tial, varied and appetizing, con­ tary forces. the union, but had assisted in the supreme court, as Senator Lane’s Myers, Williams, member executive com­ sisting of roast meats, sandwiches, j If you cannot come to the sew­ birth of a new south—a south of successor and Senator McNary mittee; A B. Todd, deh’gate salads, baked and stewed beans, ing room you may take home democracy, which had replaced an says he will support all of Presi­ to state Mrs. federation; Mrs. E. E. piekles, mashed potatoes, pies, knitting or sewing to do in odd dent Wilson’s progressive meas­ autocracy. Never in American moments. Williams and Mrs. Eva Abbott, cakes and coffee. history did the times call for such ures. He will leave at once for alternates. (Continued on page Four) Chairman of Committee. serious thought as today. The j Washington. CITIZENS PAT TRIBUTE TO CIVIL WAR HEROES THIRTY-SEVEN ! WILL GRADUATE REO CROSS RALLY WEDNESDAY NIGHT STRONG ARGUMENT FOR ROAD BONDS Banquet for Scouts and Their Fathers é