The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 24, 1917, Image 8

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A Bargain Event Without Parallel in the History of Forest Grove
You ran buy the brut
E told you we were going to give you the greatest sale ever advertised a t Forest
Cotton Crepe at this sale,
Grove. Now you know we made good! Ever since we opened this mighty Un­
per vard,
loading Sale our store has been packed and jammed with eager buyers, every one ex­
pressing appreciation of the wonderful Bargains offered during these war times, when
prices are going higher and higher every day. Hundreds of customers were turned
Women’s newest s t y l e
away opening day, as it was not humanely possible for our large force of salespeople to
Dress Shoes (just arrived)
wait on everyone. Never in the history of Forest Grove have there been such crowds patent and gun metal, lace
as attended our sale on opening day. If you are one of those who could not get waited and button, values to $4.00.
upon, we urge you, by all means, to visit this sale now, as we will have many more Choice,
surprises for you each and every day and want you to know it is to be a real sale all
the time and that the good things were not just for the first day only.
One lot of beautiful Em­
broideries and Insertions up
to 25c. On sale per yard,
New summer Wash Goods
Flaxons, Voiles, etc., worth
15c. On sale per yard,
$1.25 large 31b white flutfy
Cotton Bats. On sale per
Your choice of any men’s
$3.00 Hat in this store at
With any Purchase of $2.50 or More
Our Choice 30c bulk cof­
fee. On sale per lb,
One lot of Bungalow Ap­
rons, light and dark Percale
values to $1.00. On sale,
T h i s S a l e C o n t in u e s
25c choice Red Salmon.
On sale,
We are selling small white
Beans at this sale, per lb.
Have You
First National Bank
ö mm ■■
RTTTTF1R “ ■■■■“
D U L iL ilV
Phone 061 ZZ “ YOUR BREAD Z
$1.25 Long Silk Gloves,
black and white. On sale
per pair,
Arsenate of Lead for the next
spraying at Littler's Pharmacy.
D V. Buell left Sunday for a
business trip to North Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mocroft
were Portland visitors Saturday
Mrs. A. G. Hoffman and daugh­
ter, Aileen, visited in Portland
Mr and Mrs. Harry Giltner
and daughters visited at the Bert
Doane home, west of this city,
Mrs. H. A. Harden and daugh­
ter, Beatrice, of Portland, visited
in the John Beahen home Satur­
day and Sunday.
Clayton Giltner and Harry
Williams have enlisted in Com­
pany F, third Oregon infantry and
are stationed at Vancouver.
Mrs. R a l e i g h Walker and
daughter, Helen, spent last week
in Hillsboro at the home of her
father, Mr. Harrington.
You are going to need auto
tires soon. We h a v e a good
stock. Prices are going to ad
vance from 20 to 25 per cent
soon. Enough said. Goff Bros.
We have just received a car­
load of John Deere wagons,
bought at a fair price. If you
need one soon, buy at oqce, as
prices are going higher. Goff
Harland Emmerson came Mon­
day from College Place, Wash to
v i s i t h i s grandmother, Mrs.
Charles Hall. Mrs. R. F. Em­
merson is spending several weeks
Mr. and Mrs J. W. Gooden and
Mr. and Mrs. James Bachelor
and three children of North Plains
visited Mrs. Blanche Moore at
the home of Mrs. Dan Parsons
last Sunday.
Word has been received of the
birth of an 8 pound son on May
14 to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tay­
lor at Washougal, Wash. Both
arents are graduates of Pacific
iniversity and h a v e hosts of
friends here.
You can buy white Figs
at this sale, per lb,
We are selling Bluiry* at
this sale. Per bottle.
Forest Grove, Ore.
N ext W eek !
King & Company
James Devlin of Portland visit­ NOTES AND PERSONALS
ed Sunday at the Chas. Hines
Miss Ivy Smith of Salem is vis­
iting friends in this city.
Ralph Baldwin of Portland vis­
ited Mrs. Harve Baldwin Sunday.
Francine Miller of Portland
visited Miss Gertrude Allen Tues­
George G. Hancock, real es­
tate, farm loans and fire insur­
ance, new Anderson block. 50
Rev. Patton and H. L Bates
The money you could easily attended the state Sunday school
save, together with that you convention at Newberg Sunday.
Highest price paid for wool and
are holding idle, would buy
and new and second-hand
your clothes if you were to de­ wool sacks
for sale at A. G. Huff­
posit it with us at interest, and man & Co.’s.
Miss Joan Pierce of Bend, Ore.,
you wou'd still have the money
is staying with Mrs. Chris
you had saved. Why not earn Peterson
near Hillsboro, was vis­
a little and let that earn some
iting friends in this city Friday.
thing too ? Why do all the
The new curve-cut, form-fitting
collars for men just received by
earning yourself ?
John Anderson, the here-to-stay
A strong, conservative bank, merchant. The latest thing out.
Glenn Morgan has accepted a
willing to serve you.
position as milk tester at the Con­
denser and went to work this
morning, having been excused
from his studies at P. U.
To get the most salable fruit
Forest Grove, Ore.
it is necessary that the trees be
kept w el 1 s p r a y e d . Get your
" A S tro n g B ank in a Good T o w n ”
Ar-enate of Lead for the next
spraying at Littler’s Pharmacy.
srn iu iE
No wonder people are buying as they never did before. If there ever was a time when
one needed to economize on the price of Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, etc,, that time is
Footwear has doubled in price within just a few months and is still going
higher. Groceries and other necessities of life nave advanced higher and higher and
no tellipg what you will have to pay later on. We bought our stock before the big ad­
vance in prices and we are giving you the advantage right now of buying merchandise
in many instances for less than any merchant can buy the same goods at wholesale to­
jx i
2 6 th
Regular 15c new stock
Amoskeag Ginghams. On
sale per yard,
Saturday, May
One lot of Women’s Low
Shoes and Pumps, value to
$3.50. On sale per pair,
One lot of Men’s newest
style Dress Shirts, value to
$1.50. On sale,
14 lbs. Sugar, $1
Men’s wide brim Straw
Hate. On sale,
Men’s $5.00 double sole
tan Work Shoes. On sale,
per pair,
Mrs. Baer was a Portland visit­
or Saturday.
Dr. Ruel Baker motored to
Portland Monday.
Mrs. C W. McNamer of lone
and Mrs. T. A Munkers of Port­
land are visiting Mrs. Blanche
Moore in this city.
Mrs W. H. Vollmer and child­
ren departed Tuesday for Cali­
fornia, where they will visit a
short time before going to their
new home at Moline. III.
Mrs. R. F. Clarke attended
the monthly meeting of a Mission­
ary Society in Portland Friday.
John Lee, Barnett Roe and
Miss Farnum and Mrs Kate Roe
were entertained at dinner Thurs­
day by Dean and Mrs Clarke.
Raleigh Walker returned Fri­
day from Bend, where he spent
several days looking at timber
claims. He found some prizes
belonging to Uncle Sam He and
his family expect to move there
sometime before winter
Oil Stove Safety
T h e F lo ren ce 1* th e clean, sa le, sim ­
ple, reliable, econom ical «»11 «tove—
ready to g iv e as m uch co o k in g h e a t as
you w ish , w hen you w ish It.
Yon can keep on«;— o r fo u r— b u rn ers
a t an Intensely h o t flame, o r m erely
alm m eiing. T o ch an g e th e h e a t you
tu rn a sim ple, little (p a te n te d ) lever
device. B u rn ers clo se u p u nder th e
c«M»king; no h e a t w asted.
T h ere are no w ick s to trim n o r
valves to leak . A g la s s “ h u ll's e y e "
sh o w s you alw ay s bow m uch oil Is In
th e ta n k . U pper re se rv o ir holds a full
g allon.
Oil Cook Stoves She Lo Lever"
ok ,or
(D ealer’» N a m )
The Pacific Market
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c
Phone 0301
C. H. GIGUKRK, Prop.