CONDKNSKD NKWS NOTES Harold Ober of Nehalem visited with friends here thru the week* Public nulo bills printed at the lend. Express office. Exceptional Treat for Music-Lovers H. T. GILTNER Orval Hutchens returned Tues­ The chorus organized by the Found Auto license tag. Call day evening from a business trip Pacific Conservatory is working to Washington points. at this office for information. Second-hand s c h o o l books hard on the Cantata, “ Joan of Mrs. J. F. McGill visited her Fruits and Vegetables in Season bought at the Hook Store. We Arc,” to lie given during com­ sons in Portland last Saturday. are in the book business. 20 mencement week. The chorus is! Warranty deed and mortgage S. L. Carlyle has received word enthusiastic over the music, and P H O N E 701 blanks for sale at the Express of- that one of his brothers, Dr. W W e the performance haH b(.en | L- Carlyle of Sabetha, Kas., has I fie* f o r --------- Monday South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore «. A A . , » .. enlisted in the medical reserve j definitely ------------ * placed -------- » airs. m . A Armentrout left an(j haH been ca|ied io train at Ft. ievening of Commencement week, Monday for a visit with friends ({¡ley, where 70,(XX) troops a re they have been working hard over the music. at Kagle Point. training Hillsboro Man Insane The cantata is especially fitting , Last Friday evening H u g h I)r. H. B. Moore, who is now P. U Freshmen were hosts last jocated in Idaho, visited his fam- Friday a t a picnic given a t at this . , time. The theme is a Archbold, sewer inspector for the ily in this city over Sunday. | Duyck’s grove to Forest G rove,' martlal one, dealing with the Juyr city of Hillsboro, locked himself ........................ See that new line of shoes, for | Ibllslxiro and Beaverton h i .. g h .. Frt*nch peasant girl, J o a n o f in his room and threatened to kill ..... .school seniors. Athletics, m usic! D °mrt'roy» anfl the brave deeds men, women and children, at A ;a n (i|unch were lh(. mediums of »he performed agaiMt the invad- Provides Immediate Construc­ himself. Relatives called in Dep­ ( i. Hoffman & Co s amusement and sustenance. ers of her native Prance. I he 1 uty Sheriff Alexander and Chief a i • # • ■ • f • is well adapted to the stir-1 tion of Permanent Highways of Police Zumwalt and while these „ i i. ,. “1 r ,n« <;.W Creel, chief of the local rina word., and the- martial air 1«, Without Increasing Taxes. officers were trying to force the coats, in the latest style and most ¡entomological station, departed carried thruout. approved pattern, just received at Monday evening for Vancouver j Three well known Portland so- door, Archbolrf slashed his throat Anderson s. Come and see them, j an(j Victoria, H. C., to confer i nree wen Known i oriiana so Much haa been «aid In opposition to loists have consented to take the the good roads bond bill that baa no and wrists with a razor a n d M rs Carl Hoffman and children ™ !^ ih o v M ^Creel ""h, parts. They are Miss Goldie th7me«ur. a ^ jumper! from a second story win­ departed Thursday for B e n d , J*cte in which t n«*y and Mr. i>,.lur on, soprano; Mr. Richard which ....... ......__ H ( reel j Peter could be designed only to poi­ dow. He was captured and taken where Carl has a good job running have a mutual interest e W1 Robertson, tenor, and Mr. Harry son and prejudice the voters against !' a dynamo. ; be away about a week. Scougall. basso. That being the case, the following per- to jail and was next day adjudged Pacific University s t u d e n t s Walter Baldwin, who has been i Miss Peterson needs no intro- tlnsnt facts are submitted for the in­ insane and ordered taken to the formation and thoughtful considera­ have voted to forego Field Day assisting his brother, Oscar, at Auction to Forest Grove people tion of the impartial voter on tbs eve asylum at Salem. this year and devote their energies Condon, returned home Sunday , voice js well-known here, and of the special election June 4tb: A t an early hour Saturday to military training. and next day went to Yamhill, thoroughly appreciated. At pres - This road bond bill proposes the Is­ morning burglars forced the safe suance of $6,000,000 twenty-five year of the sheriff of Yamhill county four per cent bonds for the construc­ tion of a system of state-wide hard- and got away with all the cash surfaced highways. The roads to be n , . . | Improved are designated in the bill therein contained, estimated at _ _ 1 . it i r , a.t , e ^ ‘t *v**ry Presbyterian , and Include the main-traveled roads \ about $40. This is the second People who have rooms to rent Dr. O. H. Holmes, former pas- church of Portland. While n o t , throughout the state. sheriff’s safe that has been ruined during the G. A. R. encampment Inn- 2 6 2 7 - n l 9X l , tor the local Congregational so well known 10 Forest Grove Adequate revenue has been provided j nc -o, - i P east‘ church, who had been invited to people, he is considered among by statute for paying both interest > in the valley this year, Sheriff notify Mrs. John Anderson. deliver an addre-s during ihe G. the best tenors of Portland, with and principal and retire the bonds at Applegate’s s a f e having been The short-burner “ Bon-Ami” A. R. encamement, writes t h e a voice of exceptional purity and niatu:lt> without increasing taxes, blasted and ruined, but not open­ He will be a treat The nione3r d ri‘ d from tbe increased ! ed, about two months ago. kerosene stove brings the heat committee that he cannot be here sweetne-s. automobile nc | automobile .»c ..*cs and the existing I close to your cooking utensil. and Chief Justice Wallace Me- well worth hearing See it at the Gordon hardware ¡Camant of the Oregon supreme I Mr. Scougall is the bass soloist i ^ l%Mnd th“ b«i.dl IJd Washington County Transfers »tore- ¡court has consented to make th e ; at the White Temple, Portland, leave a «..„s anti.ii balance for the The following real estate trans­ He is also a member of ihe P o r t- comer., u. j ! «.• ,icr ruau* not enum- fers were recorded with the regis­ B. Y Roe of Gaston and John address. Lcu.a l :-L A. Iiee of Portland, early-day : The case wherein Howard Me- land Opera company, and made a era,,d ,!l ter of deeds at Hillsboro during ü . i ' q au »mobile license graduate*« of Pacific University, I Gill of this city sued the Portland great hit in the opera “ Mignon,” 1 *:u r .-d t ... a.e provided by the past week: j , , . i . , . r ’ . . •, , • , . u ____ ____, i______ lj ; _______ a n d t h e k addressed the students at assemb- i Railway, Light & Power company given there. His voice is power statut) s ia effect and will have G. I. Gibson to J. O. Mickalson et ux, for $10.000 for personal injures fui and melodious, and he can he b( ly last Thursday. aid' s of whether or ranked III in no no way im inferior the |C _ v^ i __rp L ¡sustained several m o n th s a g o - raiiaeu eriu r to to m e not tb, ,0 4 tcuus are voted at the part of Blk 5, Walker’s Add Forest Grove. $10. > ung nor < s- w hen a 8treet car bt,|onK|ng to ( j e - 1 o th er tw o so lo ists in popular fa-1 special cite.ion June 4th. one good 2-horse gasoline engine, Ant. Comanada to Con. C. Caples, H ie aui. owner la willing to i Inouire of ! Amiant struck an auto in which vor. and one grain-cutter Lot 6, being N W quar of SW quar Sec is not often that Forest pa> lbe inc‘ “* * ‘ d llcema. ah that he is Ma^-a, F o r e s t T r o v e ! Mr McGill and Harry Vandehey It i Louis wh,cb 6, 41 acres. $10. r»*» 91x. IQ ! wpre riding, w a s tried before Grove people get a chance to hear “ ,h* ** r,,i- <<1 anyway, be aioaejr* phone 19 expended In D. F. Adkins to D. D. Bump, Lot 1 , A ..... . . ... . i Judge Bingham last week and re i singers of this . . . class, especially in! constructing 3810 11 the r e d s proposed in the . . . Joe A. Wiles would like to 8U,t^ ¡n a\ erdict for the * 1 and N half Lot 2, blk 2, Smith’s Add street connection with a prod, etion put bond but TlM, (.utomobile owner will write your insurance. Will give Forest Grove. car company. The street car on by local singers. provide all >t the money necessary to Fred F. Hughes et ux to A. F. Kahl you service that will be to your company had the most witnesses.» j t bs hoped to have a good i mwi the iotere8t charges and retire advantage. Upstairs in Amler- et ux, 56 acres in David Monroe D L C, 'WVII'WT V’ A n n o v i VT/A'rL-cj crowd to greet these Portland s o - ! ^ bonds. He fails to see why there son block, room 2. 52 TOWN GAKUbN I X l/lt a | loists and support the hard and tibeJe,x' 1 N 3, $11.500. A. F. Kahl et ux to L. Schwanke, penditure of the money so provided in You’ll enjoy mowing the lawn The Patriotic Food Prepared- C o n te n tiou s efforts put forth by ....... ‘ of good roads, in view 174 xl67 feet o f David Monroe D L C, if you get the easy-adjusting, ness League met last Saturday ev- \ the members of th chorus. This _ the construction ........................................ of the fact that It is his money that $800. light-running “ Eclipse” mower. ening and discussed further plans is the first time in a number of will pay for the improvements. C. W . Durken to D. E. Purdin, 50 Adjusted by a single thumb-screw ft>r increasing and conserving the years that a loca chorus of this ah of the money raised from the • acres of N W quar Sec 32. 2 N 3, $600. and is self-sharpening. See it at food supply. Now that the sea- s|zc has attempted to put on a bonds will be expended under the di- C. H. Elliott to I. Burpee, undivided the Gordon Hardware Store. son is so far advanced and the performance, and it is thoroughly ' rection of the State Highway Commis- half int in N E quar of NE quar Sec 12, >lon- appointed by Governor Withy- Max M. Reeher, who has been gardens are mostly planted, the worthy of hearty support. rp- , . ... i , i _______ combe. The Commission has announc- 1 N 5, 40 acres. $10. at , attending Stanford University for chief work ... of . the committee Iickets will be on sale some- .^ Frank Mott et ux to Robert F. Mott, .. ... . . . . i mi ed l hat in expending the fund all sec- the past nine months,’ has re­ present will be publicity work time within the next week. 1 hey tion8 of the 8late wU1 ^ con8idered part of W half of SE quar Sec 15. also turned and is again assisting C. through the local press in the way are to be 35 cents with the priv- impartially, a dollar’s worth of road undivided half int in adjoining strip, W. Creel at the local U. S. ento­ of hints and suggestions on the | ilege of reservat'on at no addi construction for every dollar expended $ 1 , 200 . care and cultivation of crops, tional cost. Remember to hold ia guaranteed by the Commissioners, mological station. home economy, etc. the date open and buy a ticket. who have declared that they wtu pur- D. D. & M. B. BUMP Watch this paper for articles on --------- cha8e one or more Pavln« Planta and food production and gardening. Wilmer Hamrick, employed at la> paving unless satisfactory bids are Attorneys at Law The local cannery advises they the Scnmr lo*ginK can,P* near •“ bmltted by pavluK Or c a „i Cherry C » had an excitin* flf-1 ¡ T S £ Loans and Real Estate for all products offered, so pro- J r™inu^es ,ast Thurday that he I erg ,n lheir work of road building, D. D. BUMP. M. B. BUMP, duction of green beans and other he would repeat tor a scarcity of labor and the reasonable- Residence Residence Hillsboro vegetables for canning need not be I dollars. A runaway mare, ness of war-time prices for materials Forest Grove. Offices— HILLSBORO iccoiint of of renorted which was attached a single- will determine the time for inaugurate Phone 444 curtailed nn on account reported j ins work and the scope of actual road tree and log chain, ran past Ham­ shortage of tin cans. They also construction. Road building will not N . HOFFMAN will furnish seed at reasonable rick and the chain wrapped itself be undertaken by the Commission un­ around the man’s ankle, the hook ( price and purchase crop. Attorney At Law making a nice secure loop that less conditions are favo-able. Approval of the road bond bill June If you know of any vacant land was as clinging as if fastened by Patent Office Business Solicited suitable for gardening purposes, human hands. Running at full 4th will be an indorsement of a plan that insures for the state the construc­ report it to this committee and we speed, the frightened animal Forest Grove, - Oregon _____________________ of a system of hard-surfaced roads will see that it is put to good use . dragged Hamrick three hundred tion with funds already provided by law If you have any suggestions to yards down hill through stum ps,1 and without increasing other taxes, ¡offeror garden experiences that |()kJS and underbrush, only stop- Vote 314 x y e s and help “Pull Ore- will help others tell them to the • pinR when she came to a thicket *on 0ut of the Mud ” committee* and they will be pub-1 fjense enough to stop her headlong OB. ul„ . nnnn fished for the good of a I We are | flight. S t r a n g e t o relate, a PROV' DE» NEEDE0 all am.iteurs and need the help of sprained ankle and severe, but; _____ A Roofing for W HY D O N ’T YOU one another at this time. not serious bruises, constituted all , am for the road i88U 8 be. CALL ON E v e r y K ind j If you have a team or a plow or the (iamaRe to Hamrick. M r. c&uw j w levH t win ,ive u. of ore- Of B uilding harrow or other tools you can Senner, who witnessed the acci- gon good roads and at places where loan, advise the committee, ; dent, says a moving picture of the j we have not good roads now, and planting is being delayed because scene would have brought him a where we need them most. There is It co$t8 nothing to inquire of lack of these. I thousand dollars, and Hamrick on,y one plan U8 by which we ASK HIM ABOUT If you need garden help, let us ■ savs ¡t wou)d be cheap at the n,ay obtaln ,0,m* realljr g0Hd and aerT‘ know. The Rov Boy Smuts Scouts Honor | nrirp ICU7 Thu i ,CPRbl* roads and that u the PRICES ON ____________________ the state to »ell Manufactured by Guard and other organizations. . ■ . scheme - * - * * of * « permitting .. . .... are affiliated with this committee A surprise birthday party was Z\™ e?P*\Z'd and are anxious to assist in every given Camilla M i l l s Tuesday Int8re8t by the r<.venue derived from way possible. _ night by the girls of Nawaka 8 state tax on automobiles, if we do us all get behind this food Camp. Miss Mills was presented not adopt this plan we of Oregon win A N D GET A HIGH CASH production campaign and make with a gift and many beautiful continue as we have already continued PRICE FOR YOUR gardens produce their limit flowers. Games were played and t«*1 ions, with poorly drained, wretch Roofing Manufacturing Co. our PRODUCE ? United team work will accomplish stunts were performed, after which ed|y •°<’ated aad miserably surfaced Portland, O regon wonderful results ¡each girl was given a bunch of roada* lmpa89able winter and Im­ practical and expensive at all times.— If unable to secure Lady Wash- fagots, and while each girl’s fagots Rufus C. Holman. President of State PUH SALK BY Phone 181 ington beans for seed, apply to burned in the fire place she told Association of County Judges and E n r o o t iilVlVP P h n ilU f M ill the chairman, Prof. H. E. Inlow.l an incident of camp life. Marsh- County Commissioners. Pacific Ave. and Third St. l u i l d l ill l la lllllg ifllll wbo wj|| advise you where seed mallows were toasted and refresh- I’ bonc 0232 J may be obtained. 1 ments were served. Job printing—phone 821. Staple and Fancy Groceries A FINAL WORD ON ROAD BOND BILL J. B ut ITarcl T o Beat F. A. Moore GROCERIES