Making Ends Meet Announcement Extraordinary! KING & COMPANY ANNOUNCE A BIG Many people have a hard time making' ends meet. The outgo end should never meet the in­ come end, but the income end should always overlap. The part which overlaps should go into the Savings Rank. Unloading Sale Quit trying to make ends meet and try to make the in­ come end overlap. On the portion which over­ laps, this bank will allow you 1 per cent i n t e r e s t , com­ pounded semi-annually. Sale Starts Saturday, May 19th - Lasts 13 Days First National Bank Everything in the Store is to Go on Sale - No Reserve Forest Grove, Ore. ‘A Strong Bank in a Good Town" NOTES A M ) PERSONALS On Saturday morning, May 19th, at 9 o’clock, we throw open our doors to the Greatest Bargain Carnival Event ever held in the vicinity of Forest Grove. We have made extra preparation for this Big Sale. Every article of merchandise in the store is to go on sale at a Special Discount and our store will be Closed All Day Friday, May 18th, in order to rearrange the store conveniently for this big sale. R. O. Stevenson was trading in town Saturday. Mrs. Ed. Ahlgren was a visitor in Portland Saturday. O. V. B. garden tools at Gor­ don’s hardware store. 10-tf Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker motored to Portland Sunday. Howard McGill of Portland visited his parents in this city Saturday. Rev. Putnam will preach the second Sunday of each month at Kansas City. H. T. Buxton, who has been quite ill for several weeks, is slowly mending. George G. Hancock, real es­ tate, farm loans and fire insur­ ance, new Anderson block. 50 Jim Ritchie left Monday for Weston, Umatilla county, to look after his farm interests. Highest price paid for wool and mohair and new and second-hand wool sacks for sale at A. G. Hoff­ man & Co.’s. The new curve-cut, form-fitting collars for men just received by John Anderson, the here-to-stay merchant. The latest thing out. John Traver; who has pur­ chased the A. T. Buxton farm, this week purchased from Goff Bros, a side-delivery hay rake and ' a loader. Miss Alta Soule returned Fri­ day from California, where she has been attending Berkeley Uni­ versity, for a vacation visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs L. C. Soule. Extra Salespeople have been engaged to serve you promptly, so come prepared to witness the greatest sale ever held in Forest Grove. Remember, this Sale Begins Saturday, May 19th, • and Ends Saturday, June 2nd. KING & COMPANY FOREST GROVE i See Large Circulars for Prices and Particulars. H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season PHONE South Main Street Prepare - 701 Forest Grove, Ore For That SUNDAY DINNER! Stop at the corner and look at our fine lot of vegetables and fruits. T ¡o f/in ? Our Prices are RIGHT. • Our goods are THE BEST. The Pacfic Market Phone 0301 C. H. GIGUERE, Prop. Job printing phono 821. Money to loan—Valley Realty Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 10-tf Miss Mary Bowman returned to her home here Sunday, after an absence of several months. Misses Ruth Patton and Helen Phillips spent Saturday visiting and shopping in Portland Kenneth Hawke writes from Vallejo, Calif., that the boys are now in camp there. Many take plea- ure trips to San Francisco j during their 48-hour week-end' leave of absence. At a m e e t i n g of James B., Mathew post No. 6, department of Oregon, G. A. R., held yester­ day, the members voted $7 50 to! purchase a new bugle for the Boy Scouts of this city and the money ! was turned over to Scoutmaster! Gilmer. • Oil Stove Safety T he Florence 1» ttie clean, safe, sim­ ple, reliable, economical oil atove— ready to give 11 - m uch cooking heat as you wish, when you wish It. You ran keep one—o r four—burners at an intensely h o t llamr, o r merely sim m ering. T o change the b eat you turn a simple, lit tic (patented) lever device. Burners close up under the ro o k in g ; no heat wasted. T here are no wicks to trim valves to leak. A \ t;/ass Pin “ h u ll's e y f " shows you always how much oil Is In the tank. Upper reservoir holds a full gallon. FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves the 7o°*, Lever" OT FULLY GUARANTEED (Dealtr'a Name) FOREST GROVE and CORNELIUS GOFF BROS. Let HAZELNUT 1 While practicing shooting in a pasture on the Todd place, west ' of the city, last Saturday evening, Donald Mis/, accidentally killed a I valuable Jersey cow belonging t o . H. B. Johnson. Young Misz says' the bullet hit the tree at which he 1 fired, passed through and killed the cow, which he did not see when he pulled the trigger. He has promised to reimburse Mr. Johnson for the animal. BUTTER At Phone 061 YOUR BREAD