The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 17, 1917, Image 4

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    He Went
©It? Jtfnrrat (Srmtr tExprefla
A young lady who had enter­
tained a young man until the
roosters had crowed their last
crow, handed him a pencil and
Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12. 191fi, st the postofflce at Forest Grove, paper and asked him to make
Oregon, utuler the Act o f March 8, 1879
nine ciphers in a row, thus-
000000000. Then she told him to
draw a short line down from the
On Credit
Paid in advance
I right of the first cipher, a short
One year
One year
line up from the right aide of the
Six months
fourth cipher, a short line down
. .40
Three months
Three Months
from the right side of the fifth
cipher a short line up from the
T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 17 1917
right side of the seventh cipher,
a short line down from the
“ I am sorry that you do not wear a flag every
right side of the eighth cipher.
day and 1 can only ask vou if you lose the physical
emblem to be sure that you wear it IN YOt’R
Then he was to read what he had
h e a r t : the heart o f America shall interpret the
written. T ry it and you will
heart o f the world.” — President Wilson.
know what the young man did.
Publish«! every Thursday at Forest Grove. Oregon.
W. C. Henfer, Editor and Publisher.
Talk to McCready
Subscription Kates
The Kid Has Gone to The Colors
The Kid has gone to the Colors
And we don’ t know what to say;
The Kid we have loved and cuddled
Stepped out for the Flag today.
We thought him a child, a baby,
With never a care at all.
But his country called him man-size
And the Kid has heard the call.
We have everything with which to build.
We bought last fall and we are selling
cheap. You will be building a house, barn,
silo, auto house or an up-to-date chicken
house, and the first comers are going to get
the best prices, because we can’ t buy now
for the prices at which we are selling.
Our lumber is all dry and we have the best-
kept stock in Washington county.
l? / w v fin r r
f ° r $1*25 a roll. Water-proof
paper, $1.75 for 500 feet. Both
just what you want for chicken houses.
On Sunday, June 3rd, a newly-
Knights of Pythias paper, and
priest, l e v Father Leo
turned the editor over to a police
man. A n d a little 'la terT h e WaUJ1; ? s - M- wil! ■*»« » * *
mayor got into a fight with an i e ™ high mass in St> Anthony's
RED P A IN T at $1.25 in ones, $1.20 in fives.
auto chauffeur and both combat-1 Churlch1of ,h,s city at 10:30 A ’ M •
ants were arrested and the ma­ to which the public is welcome.
yor was fined $40 and costs. Then The priest’s first blessing will be
Hizzoner tore the badge off the given at the close of the Mass
policeman who arrested him and and everyone may receive it. both
He paused to watch the recruiting,
said ‘ You're fired.” A few days
Where, fired by the fife and drum.
*y-| ( atholic and non ( atholic, if they
He bowed his head to Old Glory
later the councilman who was wish. Rev. Thomas Meier. Ü. S.
And thought t hat i t whispered. ejpc(e(1 ^
^ cjty ^
ha(J the B., will preach the sermon
The Kid, not being a slacker.
Stood forth with patriot-joy
To add his name to the roster—
And God, w e’re proud o f the boy!
The Kid has gone to the Colors;
It seems but a little while
Since he drilled a schoolboy army
In a truly martial style.
But now he’s a man, a soldier.
And we lend him a listening ear,
For his heart is a heart all loyal,
Unscourged by the curse o f fear.
The Main Street Lumber Yard
Copeland & McCready
chief of police arrested for assault-
in the above entitled Court and suit, on
ing him. Some town for news.
Ladies, do you know that John or before the last day o f the time pre­
that! Astoria is s u r e getting Anderson can sell you just as, scribed in the order for the publication
f this summons, to-wit: on or before
some advertising on account o f ‘ styhsh waists, skirts and coats as o the
expiration o f six weeks next, from
its mayor, but whether it" will do J,H!
any when? Corne and a fter the date of first publication
, .
and see them before you send for o f this summons, the date of said first
the town any good, is another something you can’t see until af- publication being on April 12, 1917. and
if you fail to so ap|>ear and answer, the
matter. 1 he writer thinks n o t.! ter you have paid for it.
plaintiffs will apply to the court for the
Better have a peaceable mayor,
relief prayed for in their said com­
plaint, to-wit;
like our Mr. Paterson, than a
W ashington (o u n ty T ran sfers
rip-shorter like Mayor Harley of
The following rtal estate trans-
That the mortgage described in
said complaint herein and
Astoria. ___________
fers were recorded with the regis- plaintiffs’
which was executed by Daniel T.
that said real pro|>erty be sold as u | mhi
execution, and the proceeds o f aaid sale
applied to the payment of the suina o f
money found due to plaintiffs under said
mortgage and the note thereby se-
cured, which sums amount to $1000.00,
with intrriit thereon, rinoe Oct. 7,
1913, at the rate o f T per cent per an­
num and the costs and disbursements o f
this auit and o f Maid sale, and the
further sum o f 9150.00 attorney’s fee
herein; that the lien o f aaid mortguge
l«c decretal prior and suiwrior to all
claim, interest or equity or each nod all
o f the defendants herein; and that such
other and further decree !»• granted
His dad, when he told him, shuddered;
The promoters of the good roads! ^er ol deeds at Hillsboro during Thomas and Millie H. Thomas, his wife, herein as may seem just and equitable.
His mother—God bless her!—cried;
This summons is served upon vou by
movement, including the $6,000,- the
McCoy, plaintiffs herein and Jerusha
Yet, blest with a mother-nature.
publication, by order «if Hon. Cieo. It.
000 bond issue, are in need of
A , A’ l’“ rk,n (,al«*s Cr«:«-k & VVil-
Itagley, Judge o f the above entitle«)
She wept with a mother-pride.
, .
» ., : son River R. R. Co., right o f way in Book 67, Record* o f Mortgages for Court, which order wits made ami dated
. If
vu ,
0 * 0 .. . *
But he whose old shoulders straight­
. ....
N half o f N W quar Sec 32. 2 N 4. $1.
April 11, 1917.
desirability of Noting the bonds
Manche I. Langley to B. Re«!, 6 about Oct. 24, 1913, and which was as­
M. H. and I). D. HUMP,
signed by Jerusha A. Crabb to plaintiffs
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Was Grandad—for memory ran
and those who want good roads acres in R. S. Tupper 1» L C No. 42, 1 herein, be decreed to be a first lien and !
First pub. April 12; last May 24.
To years when he, too, a youngster.
a first mortgage upon the real pro|»erty
badly enough to contribute to S 4, $3000.
therein and herein describe«! as fo f- 1
Was changed by the Flag to a man!
; thi- publicity fund are invited to * Will M. Coleman et ux to Thoa. E. lows, to-wit: All the following bounded
Notice to Creditors
—Indianapolis News.
Cornelius, 2.4 acres Sec 21, 1 N 4, $10. and described real property situate in! In the County Court o f the State o f
send their contributions to E. D.
H. A. Rue to Marjorie Peterson 8.85 Washington County, Oregon, to-wit:
Oregon, for Washington county.
Are you doing your share of Cusick, treasurer state-wide leg
In the matter o f the estate o f George
acres, Forest Grove, $10.
Beginning at a stone, the re-entrant
patriotic gardening?
islative good roads committee,
G. H. Butler to A. B. Thomas, 68.85 corner on the West side o f M. M. E. MeKibbin, deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the under­
With eggs in danger of going to Albany, 0 egon. Are you one of *101.75 feet in Lot 4. Blk 1, Walker Watts I). L. C. and running thence N. signed,
administratrix o f the estate «if
1 degree 30 minutes E. 18.37 chains to
a dollar a dozen this coming win- them ?
a post on the North line o f said I). L. George E. MeKibbin. decease«!, to tin-
Arthur B. Thomas et ux to G, H. 1
thence following said North line N. creditors of, an<! all |iersons having
ter.a flock of laying hens will mark
Butler, 12.5 acres in M. M. Watts I) L| 88 degs. 54 mins. West 48.22 chains to a claims against the said d«-crase<l, to
the owner as a potential million-1
In these trying hours there may C No. 48, 1 N 4. $10.
point where said North line crosses the file said claims, with necessary vouch­
center line o f County Road No. 118; ers, with the said administratrix, at the
aire. Have you the hen.-, .
ar Se a few who will try to get
thence following center line o f said Co. office o f Hollis & Graham, attorneys,
ton et ux, Ix>ts 3. 6, Blk 3, Hawke's j Road as follows S. 51 degs. 31 mins. E. in th«- city o f Forest Grove, Washing­
The man who makes potatoes rich quick at the expense of the
Add Gaston, $300.
3.03 cha.; S. 57 dega. 45 mins. E. 4.90 ton County, Oregon, within six months
grow where weeds used to grow is nation and its people, but it will
W. F. G. Teatcher et ux to A. P. ! chs. S. 35 degs. 24 min. E. 7.12 chs.; S. fr«im the date o f the first publication o f
this notice.
as much a patriot as the man who be neither profitable nor wise for Thatcher, Lots 7 and 8, Blk 9, South ^ H degs. 08 mins. E. 3.22 chs.; S. 41
Date«l at Forest Grove, Oregon, this
degs. 15 mins. E. 7.96 chs. to a point
makes shot or shell or bayonet. them to attempt anything of the Park Add, Forest Grove, $1.
where the center line o f County road 30th day o f April, 1917.
Edison and Burbank are better kind. If their business is national 1 c - Scott et al to Fred A. Daly, crosses the South line o f said D. L. C .;
Administratrix o f the estate o f
Lota 7, 8, Blk 8, South Park Add, thence following said south line N. 89
men for their country than ten in its scope, the government will
degs. 39 mins. E. 31.22 chs. to the
George E. MeKibbin, deceased.
Forest Grove, $1500.
place o f beginning, containing 69.8 H olms & G raham ,
handle them without gloves. The
Hindenburgs or Hohenzollerns.
Fred A. Daly et ux to Mayme Epton, acres.
Attorneys for the estate.
same as above, $10.
Standpat republican papers are Prf S*,lent h38 80 warned them.
That said mortgage be foreclosed;
First pub. May 3; last May 31.
Florence G. Johnson et vir to C.
1 If their business is local in its
looking around for someone to
keep Oswald West from going to character, we (the people) will see M“ krodt- 17 Bcr'“ 4Wr" ’ R Carpenter;
the U. S. senate as Harry Lane’s
successor. Most of these papers
concede that Lane is not the man
to head off the peppery Oswald.
Well, why not let it go by default ?
What’s wrong with West ?
Economists and mathematicians
are trying to figure out how much
money is wasted yearly in this
country by having two railroads
running side by side when one
Chas. F. Peterson et ux to Ó. L.
could do all the business The
Bowman et ux, 5 acres Forest Grove, !
waste is certainly immense, hut so K IL L F L IE S
$ 10 .
long as railroad heads have in­
Robert Anderson et ux to Mark T.
Kill at once every fly you can Cox, 101.75*101.75 feet in Lot 4, Blk 31,
fluence with commerce commis­
Forest Grove, $1.
sions and can get rates raised at find and burn his body.
pleasure, it might be dangerous to
Observers say that there are
Dan Pierce Friday moved the
eliminate competition, unless the many reasons to believe there w ill, household goods of Mrs. John j
government owned the railroads, be more flies this season than for Baxter to Salem, where both Mrs. j
The newspaper reporters of As-
toria must have a snap filling up
their papers with intere ting new*.
Even the mayor furnishes some
excitement sometimes. One night
last week, according to a story in
a Portland paper, Hizzoner went
on a rampage and had the city
marshal throw one of the council-
men out of the city hall. The
councilman resisted and was con
siderably roughed up. Later the
mayor took exceptions to some
Stop Over
that, they g8t t,heir
deserts. | 0. C. Jackson et ux to John Groesen j
1 here m «st be no price-boost- j e t u x 5 63 af.reSi Forest Grove, M*xx>.
ing, no gouging, no angling for
E. C. Hughes et ux to S. G. Hughes,
sudden wealth for th e few at the 4 acres, Forest Grove, $600.
expense of misery for many.
Peter Jensen et ux to S. Nelson, N
half o f N half Lot 2 , Blk 10, Forest j
The man who cannot be a pa
. .
, .
. Grove, $10.
tnot from choice, must have it
j H Shearcr et ux to L E. K eck.
thrust upon him fro n necessity. 3.952 acres E. Walker and w ife D L C. I
The people are mighty and their l N3, $l.
will must prevail. It must be a
James Hardy et ux to C. F. Petersiin .
period of loyalty and live and let et ux’ Lot 7’
Line Avenue Tracts, |
Forest Grove, $10.
Hve.— PlacervilTe (C a l) Nugge
a num^er pf years.
Baxter and daughter, Jeanie, h ave;
i US!t one Ay now positions,
1110303 there will be billions and
trilhons less next summer.
; ,n the circuit Court o f the .state o f
Ulean up \our own premises,,
Oregon for Washington County,
s.e e.and ' nsls^ that y ° ur neighbors Agnes Belle Mocroft and
do likewise.
| Lavina F. McCoy, Plaintiffs,
Especially c l ean “ ou -of-the-
way-piaces” and every nook and
T Thomas and Millie H.
Thomas, his wife, H. W. Wait
and Julia F. Wait, his wife, and
Flies will not go where there is Chas. D. Eilwards,
" oth!n8 to *at’ and their principal
To Chas. D. Edwar«ls o f the above-1
diet ® too filthy to mention.
named defendants:
In the Name o f the State o f Oregon,
Public sale hills printed at the
remarks made on the streets by
You are hereby re«juire«l to appear an«l
C. A. Lawton, editor o f t h e Express office.
answer the complaint filed against you ;
San F r a n c i s c o
Los A n g e l e s
On y o ur n e x t t r i p
East Through California
Costs Little More
There’s Mt. Shasta, Yosemite Valley, Del
Monte, Santa Barbara, Orange Empire, Salt-
on Sea, El Paso and Ft. Bliss and many
other interesting places to see. And this
southern way is the
Romantic Open Window Way East
Ask your local agent for fares, etc.
John M. Scott, (leneral Pasnenger Agent
Southern Pacific Lines
Portland Rose Festival
June 13, 14, 15