aOO Hoorn« l(*> B.ti.. N « « r H ut h DtpoU WOMAN DOCTORS PLEDGE AID IN WAR I H otel H oyt "T H E 8HOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE” S3 C « m i .Hath and H oyt S U ., P ortlan d. O ra. Mill IIIMKH. Manacar. KATKM 71« tu *2. SPECIAL Wwk or Month $4 $ 4 .5 0 $5 $6 S 7 & $ 8 .W U S H U . . L . Douglas name and the retail price n stamped on the bot­ tom o f all shoes at the factory. T h e value is guaranteed and the wearrr protected against high prices for inferior shoes. T h e retail prices are die same everywhere. T h e y c trt no more in S a n Franciaco than they do in N ew Y o rk . T h ey are alwav*. worth the price paid for them. ' I 'tie quality o f W . L . D ouglas product is guaranteed by more A’ than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. T h e smart styles are the leaden in the Fashion Centres o f Am erica. T h ey are made in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, M ass., by the (ugliest paid, skilled snoem aken, under the direction and supervision o f experienced men, all working with an honest determination to m ake the best shoes fo r the price that money can buy. W L A R G E S T and FINI 7 H O TFX . U tka N O R T H W E S T l O l a V . M au aa r, P f o . a J . n l $ 3 .5 0 S a v e M o n e y b y W e a r in g W . L D o u g las ■hoes. F or sa le b y o v e r 9 0 0 0 sh o e d ealers. T h e B est K n o w n S h o e s In th e W o r ld . Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated ) W. L. D O U G L A S (I j 5 5 0 75 i K m b * J t W U j j Sanple i Aak your shoe dealer for W. T~ Douglas shoes. If he ran- 11 it «u|,uly you with the kind you w ant, take no other I * — make. Write make, ss rite for Interesting booklet explainini explainin Sent t>arc«l poet prepaid, upon re­ ceipt of price. •■1001 VilUIIIlM M, "The Tire Shop." •33-836 HurnaUie «L. Tortiand. Oreffon ,/M... .....* “ C. B . " M IN E R S & CO. War. “ Those old sculptors failed to rec­ ognize me properly as the god of war,” complained Mars. “ They made you fierce looking enough.” "Yes. but none of them had the fore­ sight to put ‘made in Germany’ on my statues."— Exchange. FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOW Forty-one medically trained young women, students in the New York D r u g g is t Says Ladies are Using Medical College and Hospital for Women, have given their pledges to work in SKIN TORTURES Recipe of Sage Tea and a T im iu iipaiiim t n iissiisisa. base hospitals should Uncle Sam need their services. The pledges were given m usts, i ii m i 1 at the opening of the new home of the institution, the only one of its kind, That Itch, Burn and Scale Quickly Re­ a. 1.1 rant uu suu* iti Sulphur. lieved by Cuticura— Trial Free. exclusively for women in New York state and one of two such colleges In the FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney. country. Hair that loses Ita color and lustre, It takes about ten minutes to prove Orfftnlftrr nncv«lo(>«r f’«ts*nta ««curorj or Ymn The picture shows Dr. Frances Humphries explaining a new piece of that a hot bath with Cuticura Soap or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lufuntisvl M il roy X id, 1*1*1«; -how« «vary electrical medical apparatus to some of the students. bon« tn your body right through your clothing. followed by gentle applications of lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur Hull*« 701. 701 A. 701B. 701C. OnlrnJ bl*ig . H«*Ul« Cuticura Ointment will afford relief in the hair. Our grandmother made and point to speedy healment of ec­ up a mixture o f Sage Tea and Sulphur STUDY Niok keeping, abort hand. telegr»phy. zemas, ltchings and irritations. They to keep her locks dark and beautiful, Not More Than 15 Per Cent ««Jnarngniship, KnirlUhbranch««. at an accredited and thousands of women and men who are ideal for-all toilet purposes. achool; write, or phon« Main 600 tor catalogo«; g ra fitia te« vuarnriUwti p oaltiona. Babnkg-Wiukar Of American Girls Possess Free sample each by mall with value that even color, that beautiful Iluairse«« < oU ege. Id? 4th S t m t . Morriaon. Address postcard, Cuticura, dark shade of hair which is so at­ P o rtla n d . O r e g o n . Normal Backs, Says Expert. Rook. Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. tractive, use only the old-time recipe. — Adv. Nowadays we get this famous mix­ LEARN A TRADE. Ga« Tractor and Auto­ ture Improved by the addition of other Up Against It. mobil« men are in demand. We are giving a com­ “ Tho American girl Is a poor phy­ plete ctiurw in both for the price of one tuition, Comparative Misfortunes. ingredients by asking at any drug 'Tin In a di­ for a «hört tim« only Large rlaaa now grafluat- sical specimen," said Doctor Kristine store for a 60-cent bottle of “ Wyeth’s lemma,” said the ing and have room for few mom men. Catalog "W e certainly do have trouble. This Mann, as quoted by Marguerite Mooers and detaila frwe. M.màl» TrU$ VWU. 20* A li<4«« multi - millionaire. year we had double pneumonia in the Sage and Sulphur Compound," which Portland. Oregon Marshall ln the New Vork World. darkens the hair so naturally, so even­ family.” “That fellow owes ly, that nobody can possibly tell it "O f the girls working In department "That’s nothing. We had twins ln me fourteen thou­ has been applied. You just dampen OFF ON DF.VE1.0PING stores 05 p«-r cent should have their ours."— Baltimore American. sand dollars, lie a sponge or soft bruBh with it and AND PRINTING teeth uttended to. ha» It but he Send u« your next Him or negative« for a trial Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, diaw this through your hair, taking "Twenty per cent need eyeglasses. and r$H*e|v« 40 per cent diacount on the order. Ve- won’t pay It.” one small strand at a time. By morn­ oi | tp Det **li.t • i ? k 10 and IV i “ Thirty-five per cent have digestive bowels and stomach. One little Pellet ing the gray hair disappears; but “ Why don’t you largcntenla. up tnHxlO. black and white. Z6c. Ail for a laxative— three for a cathartic. troubles. work guaranteed. Owing to the diacount. kindly what delights the ladles with Wyeth’s sue him for It?” «renl remittance to rover order. Difference will l>e Sage and Sulphur Compound, is that, “ Elghty-flvc per cent hnve something refunded in cane mtrnr are not gotaj. Only one or­ “Then I’d huve Main Thing Now. der to a family at thta price. T Ml WITTS THAT TMkSk" "How is Mrs. Flubdub as a house­ besides beautifully darkening the hair to put ln n couple the tfiatter with their hacks. TIIOTO CRAFT NIIOl*. Tlfttork Block. after a few applications, it also brings “ And a group of well-to-do American keeper?" o f days at court, I*. O. Box 723. Portland. Oregon back the gloss and lustre and gives it “ I can’t say much for the condition und my time 1» too daughters will show Just as muny phy­ an appearance of abundance. of her automobile."—Louisville Cour­ valuable for ttuiL" sical defects as the poor working girls," ier-Journal. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com­ H ID E8 , P E L T S . C A 8 C AR A B AR K , ended Doctor Mann. pound is a delightful toilet requisite W O OL AND M O H A IR . to impart color and a youthful appear­ For years Doctor Mann has been Call the Police. ffi vsat a j n Isis. Writs for prtess is* isipp-l 1*1» ance to the hair. It Is not intended Haven—I toll you what. Voting; I working to Improve the social condition THI H. F. NOWTOW CO. Fsftlssd. Ors, Siattls, W». have the slinriiest wife you ever saw of American girlhood. She has made for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. In your life. Why, the other day I physical examinations of hundreds of gave her Just Imrely enough money to girls from all clnsses. A Fresh Start. Ws Ars Buy.ra of “ Compared with the women devel­ go out und buy one dress. If you’ll be­ "Send me some money to get me oped by the Greek civilization, even Veal, Hogs, Hides, Poultry, Eggs, lieve It. she eaine home with two. j out of this trouble,” wrote the way­ Young—That Is sharp. How did she with modern Scandinavian and Ger- Etc. Your thipmsfil. to u. will bring lo you ward youth, “ and I promise to begin prompt r.lurn. .nd bs.l poMibls prir... manage It? man women. American girls nre ln bad I ! all over again.” WRITE FOR SHIPPING TAGS. Haven— Why, she bought one, and shape,” Doctor Mann continued. “ Yes,” muttered his father, crumb­ You corn-pestered men and women V A LLE Y PRODUCE C O M P AN Y. the other she Imil «in when she went “There are not more than eight to need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes ling up the letter in his horny fist, lift Front SC. Portlsnd. Orogun out. fifteen girls ln every hundred who have that nearly killed you before, says I “ that’s precisely what you would do s e e flat, straight, normal hacks. Out of this Cincinnati authority, because a if I sent i t ”— Boston Transcript. the remaining 83 some hacks hollow In few drops of freezone applied directly Civic Pride. Too Slow. “ I believe you claim to have n model too abruptly at the waist, others show on a tender, aching corn or callus, Veal. Pork. Beef. Btops soreness at once and soon the Teacher—I am teaching your son town here,” wild the visitor. lateral curves—of which the visible Poultry, Butter, Eggs corn or hardened callus loosens so it “ first aid.” effect Is rounded shoulders or one “There I n no better town In the end Farm Produce Father of dullest boy in class— Bet­ can be lifted out, root and all, with­ country.” answered the proud resident. shoulder higher than the other. Co th. Old Reliable Fv.rdlnx house with a out pain. ter teach him "second aid” instead, roeord of 46 years of Square Healings, and “ Still, your streets are not sprinkled "Most girls onght to be ashamed to A small bottle of freezone costs ma’am; he’s so dura slow he’d never be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. often enough." look at themselves ln the glass. If very little at any drug store, but will get there in time to use the first— F. M. C R O N K H ITE •‘That may he true, hut we have an they would only try thnt once In a positively take off every hard or soft Life. 45-47 Free, Street Portland. Orexon Iden that even the dust here Is bet­ while, they would realize their defects. corn or callus. This should be tried, ter than the dust that flies ln nny Sometimes It seems to me that the as it is inexpensive and is said not other town." W hy S uffis W ith B r a g h e , only sure way to tnnke people strong to irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE • • • and well would he to nholish clothes tell him to get a small bottle for you K idneys ob R heumatism N o w l For property In the United States or No Hope. ] and let vanity do the rest! (nnmils What ran yuu offer fur 140 acres timber from his wholesale drug house. It is anil bunch grass near lluundary, 140 acres Colum­ “ Asphodelln Twobble Is thinking of “ If we had to see ourselves, and fine stuff and acts like a charm every bia River water front near Itoaahurg. 10 or 100 Letter TcUa o f Z^or.a-tooked-fcr Prcscriotiem* each other, without kind and conceal­ time. acres adjoining Meyers Falls. 60 lota on business taking nn Oriental cult.” Dcnr Rentier*—If I can do any good In s t r e e t In Meyery Falls all in Stevens county. “That would never do.” ing garments, we should realize how- Wash. 240 acres Shuehone county, timber and the world far others, I wish to do it, and Consolatory. “ I’m afraid It enn't 1 h > prevented. weak and unheautlful and unhenltb- bunch grass. ISO acres Kootenai County. 420 acres I feel that It is niv duty to write about Bonner County, ranch and timler. Idaho also Von sis', Asphodelln lias discovered | ful we have become. The modern busl- "They say men of brains live long­ the wondenui results I received from the sot tag. In Seattle for aereagu near SpokaneT use of " Anuric.” I was suffering from that oriental costumes are very be­ ! ness girl thinks chiefly of efficiency, er than others.” W. S ROBISON, 201 Central Bldg . Seattle “ Don’t worry; you may be one of kidney and Diadder troubles, scalding "REALTY: All part* U. S. and Canada " coming to her." and by that word she means getting exceptions to the others."— Balti­ urine, backache and rheumatism, and feet • * • bigger wages, getting ahead. She the and ankles swelled so that at times I more American. In th« Tea Kettle. could not walk without assistance. With Shell Rims. doesn’t, mean making herself a more Bad taken several different kinds ol “ I understand you to say that Dub- rounded and complete human being. So Cousin Elmer had a big boll on the kidney remedies but all failed. I sent milititi f« •»••»ffmuttiiuiiiiiifiiiiilliifiiiiiiitl shp takes no cure of her body. back of his neck that was Interfering son Is n man of broad vision?” After th « for a box of Dr. Pierce’s newest dis­ Murine Is for Tired Eyes. I "Yes.” seriously with hla enjoyment of the covery, ''Anuric,* which 1 received by “ Yet I believe It Is perfectly pos­ i Movies R«d Eyes — Sore Eyes yro— a mail in tablet form. I soon got bettei spring and the world ln general, and “ Why, ho’s a fool.” sible for women to work and be well. 5 « ------------- ■ ■ « " " B Grm limnnlsti',1 II yrlida. va IM s Brota Ratti — 3 - nalated ■ and am convinced that this popular the conversation at the dinner table “Of course. Rut haven’t you no­ A girl came to me a year ago. She = Rrfrrobra — Kr-toro* Mnrtne U « Favorite 3 new medicine is good. I wish to rec­ = Troaunrnt for Ryes that fro! dry and smart s turned from cousin Elmer's ailment ticed those enormous glnsscs he S Otreyoar Bros aa meeb of yonr luring care 3 ommend it to my neighbors and every­ had swollen glands, acute Indigestion to a general discussion of boils. = aa your Teeth and with the tam e ros a Tartly. I body suffering from such troubles. wears?” and several other things the matter s cm ros t h e m y o u cukot c u t r e * e t e si i When a lull came, John, age 8, who M rs . M. J. S argext . • • • with her, and she worked In a corset = Sold a: tirng and Optical Stores or by MalL 3 had been listening Intently, spoke up: | Aik MurlM Eft ReitMf Co.. Cklcuo. Nr Frtt look 1 Mourning to an Extreme. factory with heavy machinery. I gave •■■HiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiinmiieiuiiiiiiMiiiiiuiMiiiiiniminiiiii« “ The last boll I saw, papa, was ln N ote : You’ve all undoubtedly heard "Mrs. Bortwell Is In deep mourning. her certain exercises and prescribed a the tea kettle."—Indianapolis News. of the famous Dr. Pierce and his well- Isn’t she?" hygienic diet. She faithfully followed known mtxiicines. Well, this prescrip­ Awarded GRAND PRIZE at Ora P.PJ.E. “ Why Is your wife looking bo hap­ tion Is one that has been successfully "Very deep. I hear thnt she hns what I told her. and ln the summer used for many years by the physicians py?” discharged her fnir chauffeur und hired went to a girls’ camp Instead o f a and specialists at Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ "She’s got something to worry about n dark one.” hoarding house. Now she Is in splen­ Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, aguln.”— I’uck. • • * did condition. N. Y., for kidney complaints, and dis­ eases arising from disorders of the kid­ Queer Enjoyment. "But the work I nm doing for 30 or neys and bladder, such as backache, 40 girls should he done for ,*>0,000 or “ A library critic weak hack, rheumatism, dropsy, conges­ B U Y D I R E C T 40,000,” continued Doctor Mann. tion of the kidneys, inflammation of the snys the world Madder, scalding urine, and urinary would he a hap­ troubles. pier place without Up to this time, "Anuric* has not Activity Aids Brain Work. poets,” remarked been on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many patients and tho the Sunday ed­ Increased demand for this wonderful lD o Your Own Plumbing | itor. Rousseau hns said thnt there was healing Tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally something tn the act o f walking which "What do you Ry buying direct from na at wholesale prices decided to put it Into the drug stores of animated and enlivened his Ideas and and save the plumber's profits. Write ua to­ Infer from thnt?” this country within immediate reach of day your needs. Wa will gin you our rock- all sufferers. complained thnt he could scarcely the casual asked bottom "dtrset-to-you" pricer, f. o. b. rail or Simply ask for Doctor Pleroe’s Anuric think when he remnlned ‘still. He said ( LOOK RXMWB IM tl} boat. We actually save you from 10 to it per visitor. Tablets. There can be no Imitation. thnt his body had to be in motion in cent. Alt goods guaranteed. vejy package of "Anuric* Is sure to be "He lacks a sense Northwest headquarters for leader Water of humor. I get ' You ■ will find the signature r. Pierce's, 8 5 * tlie suit—C vdjyhwrc order that his brain might be active. Systems and Foliar a Johnson Engines. the i tack age just as you do on Dr. Ibsen, we nre told, paced the room some of my best Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, the ever- a new suit ifthev rip S T A R K -D A V IS C O . when he was writing his dramas. Com­ laughs out of the famous friend to ailing women, and 2 1 2 T h ird Street. P o r t l u d . O re g o n BIWAKE Of IMITATIONS 1 Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, posers hnve paced their rooms and efforts of nmnteur proven by years to be the greatest gen­ wandered about the (wrks and streets poets who write If yow dealer cannof «apply ro*. wc will .md ihrai. eral tonic and reconstructor for any ch ar«« prepaid, aa receipt of price, 8 5 c rack. getting the fugitive tunes and melodies -bout suicides and one. besides being tho best blood-maker No. 1», I f 17. P, K U. Levi Strauss A C o , San Franciaco known. and sweeps ready for tangible form. murders." UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP 4 0 Per Cent LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW SHIP S ' FREE