The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 17, 1917, Image 2

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    i «Ti*
No Eligible Male Will Be Excused for
Any Cause, Whatsoever.
: e date of registry
Polling Places Are Registration Offices, In Charge
of War Census Marshals—Age Limit 21 to
30 Years, Inclusive— Disobedience
Means Imprisonment
(F rom O ffice of A d ju tan t G en era l. O . N . G .)
Portland— Every man in Oregon be­
tween the ages of 21 and 30 years, in­
clusive, must register on the day set
for the taking o f the war census. The
date o f the census will be set by Pres­
ident Wilson by proclamation as soon
as congress passes the conscripiton
bill in final form.
No man o f military age — 21 to 30
years, inclusive— will be excused from
This applies even to
those who will be exempted from mili­
tary service under the provisions of
the law. The government must have
a complete record of each case before
any claims
o f exemption can be
The penalty for failing to register is
imprisonment, and without the option
o f paying a fine. Even persons who
are too ill to appear for registration
must arrange with some friend to see
the registration officials and take down
their answers for them.
Brigadier General George A. White,
adjutant general of the Oregon Na­
tional Guard, who will supervise the
taking o f the census in this state un­
der direction of Governor Withycombe,
has appealed to every citizen to study
carefully the requirements o f the War
If this is done, there is no reason
why the census should cause any con­
fusion. Indeed, registering for the
War Census will not be very much
harder or more involved than register­
ing to vote at an election.
Registration places will be the regu­
lar election polling places, and in most
cases the registrars, (war census mar­
shals), and their assistants, will be the
regular election board.
The accompanying cut is an exact
copy o f the card that must be made
out by the War Census Marshals for
every man of military age in Oregon
and other states on War Census day.
The card is officially prepared and sent
out by the War department, and the
procedure of registration will be simi­
lar in all states.
Full answer^must be given to all
questions. It would be well to cut out
the list now and study it carefully, so
you will have your answers ready when
you go before the registrar, (war cen­
sus marshal). He will write down the
answers on the card.
Oregon and Washington Wheat is Far
Short o f May 1 for I^ist Year
Planting Conditions Low.
(P m *)
A re yeu ( 1 ) a o ttu ra i b oro citizen, ( 2 ) a na tura lize d citizen. ( 3 ; an alten. ( 4 ) er b a re j o a declared jm
in te r tien S p e c if y w h ic h ; ?
-------------- * --------------------------------—
...... .....................................................
Where were
you born * . . .
(T o «» )
If not a citlren. of what country are you a citizen or »object ?
What is your present
tr-de, occupai ton, or office? .
By a*bom employed ? ____ .____
, Where employed*....................
Hare you a fa'.ber, mother, wife, child under 12 . or a sister or bcetber under 12 , solely dependent
JW t
aupport (specify which)? . . . . . ------. . . ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------
married or tanfi« ’ viucnj : ................. ...................... ..........
noce i specify
wbkki )
r ...............
year*----------------------- - — ; Nation or S la t«_____ ______________________________________
Do you claim exemption
Horn draft (specify g rounds ) ? ...................— ............................ ..................................................
I a ffir m t h a t 1 h e r * v erified a b o v e a n s w e r s a n d t h a t t h e y ar
( S t a a t tu re or i
Eighty to 100 Reported Lost in Nets
Set at Sea by British—Assemble
Every Morning for Orders.
Amsterdam, via London — The Ger­
mans have about 325 submarines in
operation and about 80 to 100 have
been lost through British nets alone,
according to the Telegraaf, which
prints an interview with a member of
the crew of the submarine U-58. This
is the submarine which sank the Dutch
grain ships in February.
When at sea the submarines assem­
ble every morning at a given point,
and receive wireless instructions, pre­
sumably from Helgoland. There are
about 39 U-boats o f the newest type,
each carrying a crew o f 56 men and
this fleet is supplemented by a second­
ary squadron marked with a C.
tr o o ps u r g ed to c o n tin u e
Russian Army Told Kaiser Would En­
slave Nation—No Separate Peace.
Petrograd, via London—The council
of soldiers’ and workmen’ s deputies
has issued an appeal to the army, in
which it declares that German imper­
ialism is seeking to destroy revolution­
ary Russia and enslave the Russian
people. It appeals to the soldiers to
defend Russia with all their power and
declares that a separate peace is im­
The appeal says that the only solu­
tion o f the war must be a general
peace among all nations by common
agreement. It asserts that the council
is aiming at peace by calling for a rev­
olution among the workmen and peas­
ants o f Germany and Austria-Hun­
gary, but that peace cannot be achiev­
ed unless the enemy at the front is
Patriotic aocietiea and other organ­
izations in Oregon towns were asked
to join forces with th«< Oregon Poultry
Dealers’ association at Eugene in a
statewide campaign to increase the
meat supply through tho late hatching
and raiaing o f poultry.
Washington, l>. C.— A summary of
the May crop report for the states of
Oregon and Washington, and for the
United States, as compiltd by the bu­
reau of crop estimates (and transmit­
ted through the weather bureau), U.
The fire bells o f Lane county are to
S. department o f Agriculture, is as
be uho «1 in connection with the regis­
tration o f men under the selective con­
Winter wheat—Oregon May 1 fore­ scription act on the date to be pro-
cast, 8,500,000 bushels; production last claimed by President Wilson.
It is
year, final estimate, 13,340,000; two planned to have the alarm sounded in
years ago, 16,200,000; 1910-14 aver­ this WHy hourly where [tossible.
age, 13,627,000 bushels.
The first completed referendum pe­
Washington — May 1 forecast, 11,-
500.000 bushels; production last year, tition to he filed with Secretary ot
final estimate,
18,285,000 bushels; State Olcott was presented Monday by
two years ago, 35,880,000; 1910-14 Sanderson Reed, o f Portland, and, if
found properly aigned, will hold in
average, 25,534,000 bushels.
Unite«! States- May 1 forecast 366,- abeyance the operation of the Rogue
000,000 bushels; production last year, River fish bill until the November,
final estimate, 481,744,000; two years 1918, election.
ago, 673,947,000; 1910-14 average,
Increases in the number o f cattle,
494.654.000 bushels.
horses and sheep to be grazed on the
Mmam and Whitman forest reserves
Rye— Oregon— May 1 forecast, 508,- will bring the total o f cattle and horsea
000 bushels; production last year, final to 25,740 and she«'|> to 170,000,
estimate, 510,000; two years ago, 414,- ing to R. M. Evans, supervisor o f the
000 bushels.
Whitman forest, and Ephraim Barnes,
Washington— May 1 forecast, 131,- o f the Minan forest, near Baker.
000 bushels; production last year, final
The Southern Pacific company has
estimate. 102,000; two years ago,
filed application with the Public Serv­
146.000 bushels.
United States— May 1 forecast, 60,- ice commission asking that the opera­
700,000; production last year, final es­ tion of the fencing law be suspended
timate, 47,383,000; two yours ago, as to certain |>ortiona o f its line be­
tween Eugene anti Marshfield.
54.050.000 bushels.
o f the country are sparsely settled, the
Meadows— Oregon — May condition application Mays, and parts o f it form
91, compared with the ten-year aver­ natural harriers.
age of 95.
Plowing o f a six-acre tract adjacent
Washington — May 1 condition 91,
to the city limits o f Grants Pass,
compared with the ten-year average of
which will lie used by the Ixiy scouts
for gardens, has been finished. Each
United States — May 1 condition
o f the 32 boya will have a lot 80 hy
88.7, compared with the ten-year aver­
100 feet. Planting and CMre will be
age o f 87.9.
under the direction o f County Agricul­
Pasture— Oregon— May 1 condition tural Agent C. 1). Thompson. Beans,
79, compared with the ten-year aver­ corn and |M>tatoea will cover the bulk
o f the planting.
age o f 94.
Washington — May 1 condition 80,
compared with the ten-year average o f
United States— May 1 condition 81.9,
compared with the ten-year average
o f 85.2.
Spring plowing—Oregon— Per cent
done to May 1, 1917, estimated 63 [>er
cent, compared with 89 May 1 last
THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS EVERY MAN OF MILITARY year and 85, the ten-year average.
Washington— Per cent done to May 1,
1917, estimated 60 per cent, compared
with 74 May 1 last year and 80, the
Form I
ten-year average.
United States — Per cent done to
Afe. ta jT».
May 1, 1917, estimated 72.4 per cent,
Nam« in fall .
compared with 70.4 per cent on May 1
(Orrt-n r*>r»g)
(Fo«a; ly e *me)
last year and 69.3, the ten-year aver­
( S tr e e t )
Spring planting—Oregon— Per cent
Daterei birth
Arrangements to purchase 160 acres
o f alfalfa land near Hermiston have
been completed by a syndicate of T il­
lamook dairymen.
Despite the fart
that most of the agricultural lands of
the Tillamook country are seeded to
grass, the farmers expect their scheme
to be a profitable one. Many carloads
o f hay are shipped into the county
each year to Hupport local cattle dur­
ing the winter months.
The case o f Rev. W. W. Smith vs.
the Luse Land company was called be­
fore Judge J. W. Hamilton in tho Cir­
cuit court at R<«seburg Monday. The
action was brought hy Mr. Smith to
rescind the contract for the purchase
o f a fruit tract in Sutherlin valley,
and the recovery o f $3500, which, he
says, he paid on the place, together
done to May 1, 1917, estimated 51 |a*r with $800 which he alleges he expend­
Plaintiff alleges
cent, compared with 75 May 1 last ed in cultivation.
that the land was misrepresented by
year and 79, the ten-year average.
Washington— Per cent done to May the agents of the company.
1, 1917, estimated 50 per cent, com
AlCthe railroad companies operating
pared with 65 May 1 last year and 78, in the state now have filed with the
the ten-year average.
Public Service commission tariffs pro­
United States — Per cent done to viding for a general 15 per cent in­
May 1, 1917, estimated 58.7 per cent, crease on intrastate rates to become
compared with 56.7 per cent on May 1 effective July 1.
These new tariffs
last year and 56.3, the ten-year aver­ are supposed to be due largely to the
contention that the terms o f the Adam­
son eight-hour law cause greatly in­
Hay— Oregon — Old crop on farms
creased operating expense« on the part
May 1, estimated 65,000 tons, com­
of the railroad companies. No definite
pared with 86,000 a year ago and 138,-
action has been taken on the new
000 two years ago.
tariffs by the commission so far.
Washington— Old crop on farms May
1 estimated 102,000 tons; compared Mark Moe, son o f A. D. Moe, pub­
with 152,000 a year ago and 143,000 lisher o f the Hood River Glacier, will
two years ago.
apply as a recruit to the United States
United States— Old crops on farms army aviation corps. Young Moe is
May 1, estimated 12,500,000 tons, com­ not yet 18 years o f age.
pared with 14,452,000 a year ago and
E. R. Callahan, o f Klamath Falls,
10.797.000 two years ago.
was fined by Justice o f the Peace E.
Prices— The first price given below W. Gowen in the sum of $150 and
is the average on May 1 this year, and costs and sentenced to serve 30 days
the second the average on May 1 last in the county jail for violation o f the
dry law.
Prohibition and News Censor­
ship Sections Eliminated.
Embargo Provision to Stand
Department to Censor All Mail,
Seditious or
Washington, 1). C. — After nearly
three w«*eks o f debate, ranging over
innumerable problema of the war, the
senate, by a vote o f 77 to 6, Monday
night passud the adminiatratiun es­
pionage bill, pronounced one o f the
most drastic and all-inclusive measures
in American congressional history.
A similar hill has passed the house,
but virtual redrafting of many of the
most important provisions is cx|>ccted
in the forthcoming conferences.
During final consideration, the sen­
ate strip|>ed the measure entirely of
provisions for newspaper censorship
and restrictions on manufacture of
grain into intoxicating liquors, and re-
jccte«J an amendment designed to curb
speculation in food products, although
sentiment obviousy was overwhelm­
ingly in favor of such legislation later.
As completed, the senate bill’s prin­
cipal sections provide: Authority for
the President to embargo ex|s>rtn
when he finds that “ the public safety
and welfare so require. ’ ’ (Not in the
house measure).
Authority for the Poatofflce depart­
ment to censor mails and exclude mail
matter deemed seditious, anarchistic
or treasonable and making ita mailing
punishable under heavy
(Not in house bill).
For punishment o f espionage, de­
fined in most detailed terms, including
wrongful use of military information.
For the control o f merchant vohkc I s
in American waters.
Punishment for conveyance o f false
reports which interfere with military
operations, wilful attempts to cause
disaffection in the military or naval
forces or obstruction o f recruiting.
For the seizure o f arms and muni­
tions and prohibition o f their exporta­
tion under certain conditions.
For |>cnalizing conspiracies designed
to harm American foreign relations or
for destruction of property within the
United States.
For increased restrictions upon is­
suance o f paaaportB with [Hmalties for
their forgery or false procurement,
For material extension of the [tower
to isaue search warrants for the in­
spection o f premises.
The clause giving the President
[tower to embargo exports was re­
tained in the bill virtually as drafted
by administration officials.
On the question o f prohibition and
foodstuff conservation the senate, by a
vote of 47 to 37, reversed it« action o f
Saturday in accepting Senator Cum­
mins’ amendment providing that dur­
ing the war manufacture o f cereals,
grain, sugar and syrup into intoxicat­
ing liquors should be prohibited.
this vote it struck
the Cummins
amendment, offered as a food conserv­
ation measure, but attacked as really
a prohibition move.
An amendment by Senator Thomaa
to sus|>end during the war exchanges
and boards o f trade permitting “ fu­
ture” trading in foodautffa, w h s re­
jected, 49 to 24, after three hours’
stormy debate.
Oregon— Wheat, 210.0 and 87 cents
per bushel. Com, 105.0 and 85 cents.
Oats, 68 and 39 cents. Potatoes, 232.0
and 77 cents. Hay, $16.70 and $13.10
per ton. Eggs, 31 and 20 cents per
Washington — Wheat, 225 and 86
cents per bushel. Com, — and 136.
Oats, 70 and 40.
Potatoes, 213 and
Hay, $19.60 and $17.40 per ton.
Eggs, 33 and 20 cents per dozen.
United States — Wheat, 245.9 and
102.5 cents per bushel.
Com, 150.6
and 72.3 cents.
Oats, 71.0 and 42.6
cents. Potatoes, 279.6 and 94.8 cents.
Hay, $14.44 and $12.22 per ton. Eggs,
30.0 and 18.1 centB per dozen.
Responses to 300 letters sent out to Opening o f Dardanelles Straits Is One
the fire chiefs in towns in Oregon hav­
o f Principal Concession*.
ing a population o f more than 300
Rome, via Paris— The Idea Nazion-
people show that a fair percentage of
good-sized towns have no fire depart­ ale, the organ of the Nationalist party,
prints a report from diplomatic quar­
ments whatever.
ters that THirkey has made overtures
Reports from Marshfield state that to Russia, through a neutral source,
empolyes o f the Smith mills at Bunker for a separate peace on the basis of
Hill and Bay City walked out Wednes­ the complete o|>ening o f the Straits to
day morning, leaving the mills entire­ Russian navigation both for war ves­
ly shut down with the exception o f the sels and merchant ships.
west side o f the Bay City, which
According to this report Turkey al­
closed at noon. The one side at the so declares herself disposed to give
Bay City mill was kept going hy plac­ friendly consideration to the Armenian
ing higher-paid men on some o f the questions and suitable recognition to
the principle o f nationalities.
cheapej work.
Canada Wheat Crop Cut.
Ottawa, Can. — A serious shortage in
the winter wheat crop o f Canada is re­
vealed by a report by the census and
statsitics office.
The acreage esti­
mated to have been sown last fall was
813,400 and the estimated destruction
through winter killing was 187,000
acres, or 23 per cent, leaving 626,400
acres to be harvested. The estimated
condition of the crop on April 30 was
69 per cent, which is lower than in any
previous year since 1909 at that date.
From 100 to 150 deer have died
12,000 Are Disappointed.
from starvation in the John Day valley
Chicago— More than 12,000 men cer­
alone, according to C. F. Groom, for­
tified as suitable were not admitted to
est ranger o f that district.
the four Central Department Officers’
The executive committee o f the re­ Reserve cor[w training camps because
cently-organized Bend chapter o f the o f lack o f accommodations, it was an­
American Red Cross has selected as nounced at department headquarters.
directors 32 representative men and The combined capacity o f the camps at
women from Deschutes, Crook and Fort Sheridan, III., Fort Snelling,
Jefferson counties. ThoBe from the Minn., Fort Riley, Kan., and Fort
towns outside o f Bend are expected to Benjamin Harrison, Ind., is 15,000
proceed with the formation of auxili­ men, and a total o f 27,397 were certi­
fied. Examniations have ceased.
ary chapters.