A „ r 36th Annual Encampment, Dept, of Oregon, G. A. R., W. R. C. p d L.ofG.A.R., Forest Grove, June 26, 27 and 28 AN IN D E P E N D E N T W EEKLY NEWSPAPER — .................. ......................... Vol. 2, No. 19 FOREST DROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1917 the help of the townspeople; the $1.50 per Year CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Canning and Drying Beans and Rhubarb denied the application of the City of Forest Grove to have the sewer Frank Emerson has moved from lawsuit tried in Hillsboro, so the the farm io this city. city will be compelled to take its Whenever practicable, th e Frank Fleck is now behind the witnesses to Portland when the Glee ( ’ tub, whose excellent pro­ counters at the Caples store. suit is tried. housewife should dry her winter Although the day was cloudy gram reflected so much credit on Clayton Lasham has gone to | A daughter was born Sunday supply of fruits and vegetables and cool and rain threatened all the members of the club and on to Mr. and Mrs. John Herman! work on a farm near Hillsboro. «lay, the May Day celebration their director, Miss Taylor; the and the following suggestions may A daughter was born at the be of assistance in two very val­ pulled olT by Pacific University Roy Scouts, for their drill and for Mrs. John VanKoughnet’s con­ and public school pupils last Fri­ their hearty assistance in moving dition remains unchanged, the Forest Grove hospital yesterday uable articles of food that are to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. I.angston. usually canned. day proved one of the most en­ the chairs, the gymnasium appa­ lady being very ill. joyable outdoor functions ever ratus, etc.; the schools and the Dr. Vollmer and family expect Girl wanted for general house­ String beans should be prepared seen on the college campus. to leave some time next week for as for cooking and then dried in work, two in family. Phone business men, who declared a hoi-1 Moline, III., where the doctor the sun or a warming oven. They The exercises opened at 10:150, ¡day in honor ot' the occasion; and ( 0343; P . O. Box 504. 19 takes charge of a sanitarium. will keep nicely all winter and are when Queen Alvena (Howard) and the citizens generally, who braved Mira Mary Beach, who under­ her train of flower girls and ladies- ' the threatening weather and loy­ went an operation at the local The Vollmers have many friends very delicious, but they must be who regret to have them leave soaked over night before using. in-waiting marched from College ally patronized all the events of hospital, is convalescing. . Forest Grove. Way to the throne, at the west | the day and did not hesitate to By parboiling the bf?ans before M. J . Fenenga has purchased entrance of Marsh hall, where the express their delight and appreci The annnal guest reception of drying, they require less cooking queen was crowned and Herald ation. I believe the day closed the Jacob Reeher property, one the Woman’s club was held at afterward. Glenn Jack read Her Majesty’s with many feeling very weary be­ of the finest homes in the city. Herrick hall last Monday even­ Rhubarb should be cut into Citizens of Forest Grove have ing and proved a very enjoyable proclamation, wherein she cau cause of much toil, buteverybody short lengths and dried in the sun tinned the faculty to take a back feeling very happy over the entire so far pledged $500 for Y . M. C. occasion. Mrs. Hutchinson and or a warming oven. seat for the day ami allow the day. I hope and believe that A. work in the army training Miss Weggener of the Pacific Uni- For canning rhubarb, cut into students t o enjoy their play. ¡everyone feels that this c mmun- camps. i versii.y Conservatory favored the ! pieces 1 / x 2 inches long, scald 1 to Students and townspeople were ily May Day was decidedly worth Caples & Company are fitting members and visitors with several wished a merry day and in keep­ while and that future efforts of a up the room east of the main vocal and instrumental selections 2 minutes and cold dip, then pack ing with the wish the folk dances similar kind will meet with an store for a gents’ furnishings de­ Light refresments were served tight in sterilized ja r s . Three pounds will fill a qnart jar. Make began on the college green. The even heartier response. partment. during the evening. a syrup of one cup sugar to H first was a Japanese dance by Andy Yost of company F , Very sincerely. cup water. This will be sufficient A reception was given in honor eight young ladies in kimonas, third infantry, virited his parents, of Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Patten by for one quart. Fill crevices with RORERT FRY CLARKE, follows! by various pretty dances M r. and Mrs. Sam Ridgely, Sat­ the members of the Congrega­ syrup, put on cover, partially Dean. urday. by little girls from the public tional church Thursday evening. tighten, and sterilize 20 minutes. schools. After a half-dozen of Organized Hide Hub Arthur Griffith arrived Satur­ Owing to changing the date from : When rhubarb, l a t e in the these dance by children, sixteen After the regular weekly drill day from Montesano, Wash., for Wednesday t o Thursday, the season, becomes tough and fibrous, girl students of P. U. gave the May pole dance. The music for in military tactics Tuesday even­ a visit with his parents, Mr. and planned program could not be the juice may be extracted for carried out, but the attendance jelly making.—Sarah L. Lewis, the dances was furnished by a ing. the members of the organiza-! Mrs. J. W. Griffith. tion heretofore known as the was good and a pleasant evening Assistant Professor of Domestic The Honor Guard swimming mixed orchestra of P. U. and High School students and was Home Guard, voted to form a rifle lessons have been discontinued for was spent in social converse, at Science at O. A C. club and affiliate with the National the present, owing to a lack of the close of wffich refreshments very good. Franck-Duyck Rifle Association of America. The were served. After dinner there was a drill war department w II furnish one | fuel to heat the water. With nuptial high mass, Rev. The local G. A R and Relief by I5oy Scouts, in uniform, under Krag rifle for every five members A carload of tents, bedding and Father Buck at 9 o ’clock Tuesday Corps members are making prep­ the direction of Scoutmaster Paul and 120 rounds of cartridges for other camp equipment arrived arations for an appropriate pro­ Gilmer, the boys showing great every member yesterday and was taken up Gales morning united in marriage Miss All that is asked gram on Memorial day. proficiency in military tactics. Creek for u-e of the men who are rma Duyck, daughter of Mr. and in return is that the club pay $10 M iss Edith Swanson, formerly to build the bridges and grades on Mrs. C. C. Duyck of Carnation, Then came a baseball game be­ entrance fees to the national as - 1 of this city but now living in the Gales Creek & Wilson River and Mr Joseph Franck, son of tween a team composed wholly of sociation and us«* the ammunition Portland, is recovering nicely from railroad The Inter-State Con-| Mrs. Valentine Franck, living P. U. students and one comrwised in practice shooting. an attack of smallpox. tract company, C. C. White man- south of Cornelius. Miss Julia of High School and P. U. students. The officers are the same as in The first named team \v>n easily,; the Home Guard— W. H. Hollis, i Mrs N. P. Kentner, mother of 1 acer, has a contract for a part of DeMann was bridesmaid and John but the game was interesting from , president; A. E Scott, vice presi-i Mrs. Roy Hesseltine, who has the work. It is reported that men Franck, brother to the groom, are now getting out piling for the, was best man. After the wedding, start to finish. dent; H. E. Ferrin, secretary; J. i been quite feeble of late, is re­ the bridal party enjoyed a wed­ In the evening there was a band A. Thornburgh, treasurer; C. W. ported considerably improved in bridges and trestles. ding dinner at the home of the concert on the college grounds I Creel, executive officer. These health. The annual state meetings of groom’s mother. S o m e o f the and on a stage set up on the camp­ five officers constitute the execu- For Sale—Two young horses, the various I 0 . O. F. bodies will us. the High School Girls’ Glee i live committee. one good 2-hors<* gasoline engine, be held at Eugene next week— friends of the newly-weds fastened a cow-bell under the auto in which club gave a half-dozen songs in a It was voted to make the initia­ and one grain-cutter. Inquire of the Grand Encampment and Re- they traveled from the church to most pleasing manner and Miss tion fee 50c and the annual dues j Louis Mayea, F o r e s t Grove, bekahs on Tuesday and the Grand the Franck home and the vehicle Margaret Marsh and Messrs. Er­ ; 50c, but for the remainder of this phone 91x. 19 Ix>dge on Wednesday. Mesdames attracted considerable attention. win Barcndrick, Orlando Romig, year the initiation fte will be the Mrs. A. E. Gardner’s Reaver- Bernard and Templeton will rep­ Mr. and Mrs. Franck will re­ Harold Robinson a n d Francis only dues collected. Membership ton piano pupils gave a recital at resent the local Rebekah lodge side on a farm east of Hillsboro. Wade very creditably put on , is open to any male citizen over Beaverton last Friday night that and Mesdames Ortman and Pogue "The Circus Girl,” a one-act com ­ 18 years of age. The weekly drills was very much enjoyed by those will go along as chaperones. R. Woodmen of World Celebrate edy translated from the German will be continued every Tuesday j in attendance. C. Hill and V. S. Abraham are In honor of the initiation of by Miss Ragstad. This was fol ; evening, from 7 to 8. Mrs. Lulu Ingersoll and Mrs. delegates to the grand lodge and sixteen new members into their lowed by acrobatic stunts by If you want to join or pay dues. Hogue visited the military camp C W. Odell to the grand encamp­ own camp and several for the Messrs. Lester, Noah and Ralph ! see Mr. Ferrin at the Forest Grove at Vancouver yesterday. They ment. Hillsboro camp, the members of Jones that, were hugely enjoyed National Rank. found the Forest Grove boys Only a doz n farmers and a Forest Grove camp, W. O. W., by the large audience which had healthy and happy. half-dozen townspeople gathered held a celebration at K. of P. John Taylor Married braved threatening showers to at the Central school building Sat­ hall Saturday night. The "fix- Miss Dee Darling’s pupils gave Rev. John Taylor, son of Mr. witness the festivities. urday at the food preparedness in’s” were put to the new Wood­ and Mrs. John Taylor of this city a very creditable recital at I. O. The Forest Grove band donated meeting. H. E. Inlow presided men by a Portland degree team, O. F. hall last evening. The at­ its services for the day and did and late of St. Helens, was mar­ tendance was somewhat curtailed and told of the desire of the following the new ritual, and many much to lend a holiday air to the ried at Manchester, Iowa, last by the threatening weather. national and state governments who have been members for years Saturday to Miss I .aura Dunham, occasion. to ascertain how much land was learned something new at these At 3 p. m. Sunday, May 27th, Yes the 1917 May Day cele­ and Mr and Mrs. Taylor are now in crops, the amount of land still initiations. The evening’s work bration was a success, anrl those in Boston, where John is attend­ Rev. Dunlap will preach the an­ available for crops, the needs of was followed by a lunch and who directed the various features ing a national missionary conven­ nual Memorial sermon at the M. labor, seeds, etc. Those present smoker, at which E. P. Martin, are entitled to credit for their ef­ tion. From Boston they will go E. church and at 8 o ’clock in the were given blanks to fill out and department head consul for Ore­ to Toronto. Canada, for a visit evening he will preach the bac­ forts. mail to E. B. Fitts, HilLboro. Iti gon, Washington and Idaho,made with relatives, then to Oberlin, | calaureate sermon to the high appears the farmers are so busy a rousing address. Other speakers An Appreciation Ohio, back to Iowa and later will school graduating class. putting in crops they didn’t have were Senator W. D. Wood of arrive in this city for a visit with Editor Forest Grove Express: The commencement cantata, time to attend meetings. Hillsboro, James Ruddiman of Will you give me space to ex­ relatives and friends. Joan of Arc. is being practiced | Portland and C. L. Bump of this The Ladies’ Bible class of the city. press a word of thanks on the part Before Scoutmaster Ray Wil­ each Tuesday evening by a large of Pacific University to all those liams left this city last Thursday number of Forest Grove’s selected Congregational church met for Forest Grove camp is experienc­ whose co-operation contributed to for the officers’ training camp at singers and it promises to be a its annual business meeting Fri­ ing a healthy growth and the the gratifying success of the re­ the Presidio, San Francisco, the | great feature of attraction during day af ernoon at the home of Mrs. members are trying to make it the Connett. Rev. A. B. Patten led foremost camp in the county. cent May Day events on the Col­ members of Troop 2, Roy Scouts, j the commencement time. in prayer, after which the class lege Campus ? I wish I could presented him with a gold-mount- Harold Rruce, representing the i president took charge and the personally thank each one individ­ ed fountain pen as a token of their Mrs. Harry Price and baby of ually who helped, but, since that regard for the man who has done McMillan Publishing company of J business was transacted. Officers Dallas and Mrs. Samuel Brown of is impossible, I trust an expression so much for them. The Scouts New York, yesterday visited M r .1 for the year were elected. A near Woodburn spent the week­ of appreciation will be regarded and Honor Guard Girls were at and Mrs. J. T. Butler, who have 1 pleasing resolution of appreciation end here with their sister, Mrs. as no less sincere because it ap­ the train in large numbers to see 1 been friends of Mr. Bruce’s par-; of Prof. Taylor’s able and faith­ F. L. Marsh. Mrs. Marsh and pears in this form. The Com­ Sargeant Williams on his way to j ents for many years. He also ful leadership of the class for the family expect to move Friday to mittee of the student Christian help Uncle Sam. Mr. Williams visited Mrs. Ingersoll, who is ac­ past seven years was read and Grass Valley, where the doctor Associations, who were in charge writes his parents that he reached quainted with some of his relatives. unanimously adopted. Twenty-six has been for a few weeks. o f the preparations, organized ’ Frisco Saturday, w e n t immed­ London dispatches in this morn­ were present and all enjoyed the Christian Church their plans with a view to making iately to the camp, was vaccinated, ing’s papers state that a flotilla of afternoon which closed with a ! The services Lord’s day as follows: May Day a community day. got his uniform and was assigned ( American torpedo boat destroy­ social hour and a delicious luhch. Bible School 9:45 a. m. The results amply justified the to Company 4. He says recruits ; ers has arrived at Queenstown Lord’ s Supper and sermon 11 a. m. plan. The students,without excep­ are pouring in rapidly from all and the British and Fiench naval Earle Buxton Heard From Mrs. Putnam will conduct the Junior forces are both delighted and sur­ tion, labored hard and long— but over the west. Mrs. Earle O. Buxton departed service in main auditorium at this hour. loyally and willingly— a n d t o prised that American vessels have Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. State Senator C. P. Olson of acted so promptly in getting in to; Saturday for Columbus, O hio,' Song service and sermon 8 p. m. them belongs the credit. How­ where she goes to join her hus- Subject: “ Second Coming of Christ.” ever, the object of this request Portland will address a good roads the game. A cordial invitation extended to all for space is to express for the Col­ meeting at Verts hall Saturday, Judge Belt, sitting in the d is-, band, who is attending business to attend the services. lege our sincere appreciation of May 26th. R. L. PUTNAM, Pastor. trict court at Portland, last week j college in the Ohio city. public s c h o o l children, whose MAY DAY WAS dances were so much enjoyed; the Rand, who made the fans forget HUGE SUCCESS their fear of rain; the High School \ \