NOTES AND PERSONALS Public sale bills printed at the Express office. Philathea Class Entertained] THATCHER AN INTERESTING BOOK M OTES Mrs. Luella Walker and Miss P*lk'. OrrfM and Wiahiafton Gazetteer aad Baa Mni. Ed King is able to be around Mr. and Mrs. Will Tucker were Alice Crook entertained the mem- laaaa Directory for 1917-1* Improved to again, after an attack of mumps. l«*nd visitor Sunday. Hillsboro visitors Saturday. Meet Reqsiremeota of Steadily Carolys Miller is recovering from an Iters of the Philathea class of the Harley Peterson moved hi» fam­ G row ing (ommssity attack of the "popular” malady. Senator Hollis had legal busi­ Congregational Sunday School in K. L. Folk & Co. have just issued the j R*v . Dunlap of Forest Grove, acting ily and goods to Hillsboro Friday. ness at Hood River Monday. the church parlors on April 25th, 1917-18 edition of the Oregon and W aah -, aM a representative o f the National Y . Whit»* kid gloven cleaned, 10c Mrs. Mallory was in Sherwood from 5 to 8 p. m. The first part ington Gazetteer and Business Direr- M. C. A ., will give a talk at Thatcher per pair at Buggies’, next to post- Saturday on insurance business. of the evening was pleasantly tory, which is the only work of the school house Sunday afternoon, May 6, office. 52 Warranty deed anil mortgage spent by the ladies with their kind published. It contains an accurate at 2:30 o’ clock, in regard to a wide- fancy work and conversation. Af- Business Directory of every city, town gpread movement to provide reading Mins Mildred Scobeespent the blanks for sale at the Express of­ ter supper they were called to or- »nd village in Oregon and Washington, \ matter, athletics and other amuse- week-end with her folks in Port­ fice. der by the president, Miss Jennie and the names and aridresses of coun- menU at th* army training camps. land . J. E. Ix>omis of this city is the Armstrong, who led the devotion- try merchants, professional men, lum- He will alao explain the steps neces- For Rent Five rooms in house proud owner of a new Paige car, al exercises, after which the busi- 1 bermen, e tc./w h o are located adjacent Bary for organizing a Red Cross aux- just west of Laughlin Hotel. In­ bought of M .S . Allen. ness of the evening was taken Up. I to villages; also lists of government I jiiary> which should be especially inter- fluiré at this office. 40 After listening to reports, new of- and county officers, state boards, stat- eatmg to the ladies o f the Industrial Bordoux Mixture, Black Leaf See that new line of shoes, for 40 and all t he best insecticides on ficers were elected, as follows: utory provisions, n a m e s of courts, club. Dr. Vollmer, also o f the Grove, Miss Anna Taylor, president; terms of court, names of postoffices, ' wi;i be 8Bked asgiat in explaining men, women and childreo, at A. hand at all times at prices that Miss Christine Mackrodt, vice express, telephone and telegraph offi- J a,,. ReiJ CroM work. Everyone ja urged <1. Hoffman & Co V are right. Littler’s Pharmacy. president; Miss Mary S t a lle y ,s e c - ces, justices of the peace, hotels, daily be present, thereby proving his or Mrs. William Kappcl and Mrs. Rev. Father Ix* Miller, who has ri'tary ; Mrs. Luella Walker, treas- and weekly newspapers, besides much her patriotic interest in two most im- Kd. Ahlgren were visiting friends been pastor of the Catholic church urer; Miss Alice Crook, reporter, other information useful to all classes portant subjects. This class is supporting a little of t>uHineHH and professional men. Mrs. Macy was instrumental in or­ in Portland Saturday. at Verboort, has been transferred girl in India and great inter, st A descriptive sketch of each place is ganizing a Sunday school at Thatcher, The IH?st Arsenate of I>*ad on to Salem, and Rev. Father Van- was shown in a picture of h er! given, embracing various items o f in- the meetings to be held at 10 a. m. the market is Sherwin-Williams, clarenbeck, who was pastor of-which they had just received. terest, such as location, population, All a«e cordially invited to attend. for sale at Littler's Pharmacy. Tillamook, Will have charge of r ard„ u ,»™ r»u,\ on absent , L n f idi#tance ¡distance to Roger Peyton Saturday celebrated Cards were read from an U' different d!nerer)t points, * * mo8t his tenth birthday anniversary with a F. N. Starrett, who is working Verboort. member, Miss Camilla Abernethy, I " T T " , - 1 duct* that are marketed, stage com- little informal party. A dainty lunch­ in Portland, visited his family at The Western Walnut Associa- Jv^ °’ l^.e mem^ r s were pleased 10 municatiuns, trade s t a t i s t i c s and eon was spread on the lawn and the their home in Forest Grove on tion will hold a business meeting j^now* is recovering nicely from churcheg children spent a most enjoyable after­ her recent operation in a Portland . . , . , at the Hotel Marion, Salem, on hospital. Sunday. „ An important feature is the Classi- noon. Saturday May 5th. The subject ned Directory, giving every business I The Ladies’ Industrial club met last Miss Chattie Chapman of the of discussion will be "Grafting Attention, Woodmen of the World »«ranged under it’s special heading, week at the home o f Mrs. Zach La Roswurm office was confined to and Bollenation." All interested On Saturday evening, May thu» enabling subscribers to obtain at Salle and discussed the organization of her home by illness several days are invited. , m l . . . a glance a list of all houses manufac- a Red Cross auxiliary. A committee this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lasham li-, there Will be ;i big special turjng or dealing in any particular line was appointed to procure information meeting in K. of P. hall. The of goods. Beginning with this edition, regarding same before the next meet­ Little Margaret Hines, who has and Esther and Clayton Lasham, Portland Degree Team will ex - the street address in all the large towns ing. A delicious luncheon was served l**en quite ill for the past week, is motored to Portland Monday with by the hostess and the usual good time ...... . emplify the new ritualistic w ork.!18 8hown in 11118 hat. slowly improving and will soon lx* their son and brother, W ill, who ... , , , , The work Is compiled to meet the was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. L. 1 All members are urged to be pres -1 , , .. . . v .. , n . r ! wants of the business community, and Simmons will entertain next. is leaving, after a serious opera-1 able to be up again. ent. Refreshments will be served, merits it’s support. The Thatcher Literary Society W ed­ Miss Martha Allen, who is at­ tion, to join the navy. All visiting W. O. W. are cor- I Price $10.00. Offices, Seattle, Port- nesday evening gave its last entertain» land, Spokane and Tacoma. Miss Esther Lasham entertained dially invited to be present. tending school at Monmouth, ment o f the season. The meetings will visited home folks in this city Sat­ the cast and manager of the Jun­ be resumed next fall. C. L. BUMP, C. C. T H E P U B L IC P U L S E ior-Senior play at dinner Thurs­ urday and Sunday. JOHN ANDERSON. Clerk. W. C. T. U. i Walter Reuter a n d Harold day evening of last week. After More About Road Bonds The regular business meeting of Gospel Notice Smith of Portland were Sunday a most sumptuous dinner was Gaston, Ore., May 2, 1917. the W. C T. U will be held with guests at the William Kappel served the guests played many I There will be a series of Gospel Editor Forest Grove Express: games and sang until late in the meetings at the Little Mission The old saying that you can tell how Mrs. Alice Smith, on the Green­ home, on David's Hill. evening. > church at Cornelius every Sunday 10 vote on a «ne»8Ure hy learning who ville road, on Friday, May 4th, at Clarence Kelsey returned Sat­ In remitting for two year’s sub- afternoon. Everybody co m e and j ^ ^ o ^ o w t o id L g bUlw« th ou S 3:30 p. m. Topical program, Cur­ urday from a month's visit to rent Events. K. B. Penfield. Mullen and Wallace, Idaho, where scription to the Express, Mr. and bring your friends and neighbors jout by Mr s Benson, chairman of the Mrs. R. M. Taylor say they will W e are here for the salvation of state highway commission; Mr. J. B. Wood Wanted he transacted some business. be in Washington until June 1 , at precious souls and to lift up Jesus Yeon, Multnomah county road master; School Dist. No. 15, of Forest Examine the "Iron Age" com ­ least, possibly longer. Bob is to a dying world. May the glad J*r. *■ **- I>»y. Portland politician, and 1 Grove, will receive bids up to bined cultivator and garden tool working for the Pacific Coast Milk tidings of great joy bespread in r' his own owerman, w wro j May 15 for 180 cords fir wood, office in Portland. at the Gordon hardware store, Products company and is at pres- abroad to all, as time is very short, Now, just a word in regard to these both first and second growth, de­ before investing in garden tools. men: Mr. Benson and Mr. Yeon have livered by Sept. 1, 1917. Bids ent at Sedro Woolley. Both M r .' REV. BLEAZON and Joe A. Wiles would like to had charge of the roads of Multnomih and Mrs. Taylor are in g o o d ’ REV. BAKEN. ifor a n y p o r t i o n considered. write your insurance. Will give county, in which county their word School Board reserves right to re­ and send regards to Forest you service that will be to your health _ ., . United States Army stands for honesty and good intentions, j ject any OraJl bids advantage. Cpstairs in Ander­ Grove friends. * __ i Officers and Enlisted Reserve but their judgment is woefully lacking, j son block, room 2. 52 as is shown by the county records. For j Cj’ * z b K K lIS , Nick Bothman of the Wilson j Corps: : ' 16-3t Clerk. Harry GofT returned Tuesday district says it’s rather unusual to Tr'iininir f i m m fnr r-inHidatPs examPle*they e8timated a Ple^e of roa<] , ___. , .. | training l , amps tor candidates to cost $235,000; when finished, it had; evening from Tacoma, where he see people move away from a rail- for commissions in Reserve Corps; cost $600,000. The Vista House, a r e s t 1 Can Yon Sing? had been to visit his mother, who road, but the new road that is to Mrs. W. W. McEldowney, who Communications regarding any room on the Columbia Highway, was is ill with lung trouble. She was be extended f r o m Wilkesboro. ^ rmy Makers. to cost “ not to exceed $12,000,” is go- is training a chorus of 200 voices to sing at the G. A. R. encamp somewhat improved when Harry goes right in his front door and Any lett rs or communications ; ]"* co8t’ when completed’ over »>•- ment, wants to hear from all men left. out the back, so consequently he I regarding any of the above sub- ^ heBe men {Benson and Y eon) have and women who can and will sing, You’ll enjoy mowing the lawn is going to move his house. He j ects s h o u l d be addressed to spent for Multnomah county in the last Tell her (Phone 353) that you are if you get the easy-adjusting, says he d rather not live quite so | »C O M M A N D IN G GENERAL, three years, on 70 miles of paved roads, i willing to help, light-running "Eclipse" mower. close. The big barn of John W ESTERN D E PA R TM E N T , ! over $3.300,000. Also "in the last three ^ Adjusted by a single thumb-screw Heisler up Gales Creek will have F R A N C ISC O ” and NOT ' yeare the percentaKe of delinquency has D. D. & M. B. BUMP and is self-sharpening. See it at to be moved or the railroad will ____ i T r*____ I.u _ increased from 2.2 per cent to 7.5 per the Gordon Hardware Store. to Major General J. Franklin cent, or to one dollar delinquent to ev­ Attorneys at Law He*ll, who is leaving for Governor’s ery $13 on the tax roll.” This increase Don Lamb, Merle Ramsey and have to dig a tunnel through it. Loans and Real Estate Island, New York. in the amount of delinquent taxes came Kennard Dixon, who went to Banks Herald. M. B. BUMP, during the same time that Benson and D. D. BUM P. The Nawakna Camp Fire girls R. P. W IRTZ, British Columbia some weeks ago, Residence Residence Hillsboro Yeon were building "fa rm e rs’ roads.” Forest Grove. Postmas tér. write home that they are working gave a party at the home of Mary Now these men that have helped the Phone 444 Offices -H IL L S B O R O Olmstead, in honor of two of , near Three Hills, B. C. and like farmers (?) of Multnomah county to their members, Miss Dorothy Joy, U n n ecessary’ Inquiries as to ^ build their roads drew up a bill and in­ their places well. N . HOFFM AN who expects to leave for Californ- P aym ent of M on ey O rders troduced it in the legislature on the L. A. Fletcher of James John ia Friday, and Miss Ruth Patton, Postmas ers are directed that, 36th day of the session and had the high school in Portland spoke to Attorney At Law in celebration of her birthday, unless in exceptional cases, when emergency clause attached, so that the the assembly at high school last In the midst of the jollity the unusual circumstances warrant W,o 00 , 000 ^x>«iding^b,ll rould i»t be re­ Patent Office Business Solicited Thursday morning Mr. Fletcher ferred to the people, but, as it could - Oregon girls suddenly realized that they different action, they should de- not have been rushed through the legis­ Forest Grove, was a former Forest Grove boy were being serenaded by a male cline to forward inquiries,unless in lature, even at that late hour, with the and attended P. U. His talk was quartet. Their numerous selec-1 their judgment sufficient time has emergency clause attached, they finally very interesting. tions added greatly to the even- passed for the payment to have agreed to leave off the emergency Men and Women— Do you want enjoyment. The program o f , been made and reported to the re-i clauf*:. the" ’ reahzi^K thl*t, . the b,'1! more money, $5 to $10 per day. ing’s .. • . .. , . - ^ 1 would be referred and so held up until the evening was unique and af- mitter, and the senders have first the electionof m g , they decided at last all or spare time; easy congenial W H Y DO N ’T YOU work, right at home. Write today forded a very enjoyable time for made unsuccessful effort to obtain ' to call a special election, to cost the before your territory is gone. J all present. The honored mem- the information by correspond- taxpayers several thousand dollars, and CALL ON - M. Coughlin, 725 Chamber of bers were given slight tokens of ence with the payees. let the legislature refer it to the peo-1 Commerce, Portland, Ore. It best wishes after which the re­ pie and so get an earlier decision. R . P W IR TZ, These same men (Benson) that did so freshment committee showed their D a n Pierce moved Clarence Postmaster. much for Multnomah county— the ac­ fine ability. Hanley’s household goods to Port­ tual cost being three to five times their ASK H IM ABOUT Free Methodist Church estimates are now to handle the state land Saturday. The day before Woman's Club PRICES ON Sabbath school 10 a .m ., preach­ road money, in accordance with a bill he moved Sherman Elliott’s goods A special m e e t i n g of the to the same village and brought Woman’s Club of Forest Grove is ing 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., prayer which they drew up themselves and which they tried to rush through the back the goods of Mr. Fisher, the called for Monday afternoon,May meeting on Wednesday evening at last four days of the session 8 p. m. All are welcomed. new field agent for the condenser. 7th, in the Rogers Library, to They promise us 600 miles of pave-1 J. N. W o o d , Pastor. ment for $6,000,000 and they gave Mult - 1 A N D GET A HIGH CASH J. W . Potwin, who has been consider the desirability of change nomah county 70 miles of pavement for j ___ ____________________ __ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rice of PRICE FOR YOUR working in Montana for the past of plans for the Rose Festival, and PRODUCE ? ^ " year, writes his folks that he any other business that should be Idaho were in this city Saturday f j ^ s° ^re couldn’t stay home when Uncle taken up at that time. The ex­ and Sunday looking for property l.e t’8 build farmers’ roads, planned Sam was in trouble and has gone ecutive board is asked to meet at in this vicinity. by farmers, not by city men. Phone 181 Yours, for good farmers’ roads. to ’ Frisco to take a berth as en­ 2:30, and the club at 3:00. A trial order is all we ask; next Pacific Ave. and Third St. T H O MA S R. ROE. M A R Y F. FARNHAM , to postoffice. Ruggles Cleaning gineer on one of Uncle Sam’s 52 Job printing—phone 82L President. Works. ships. M tm . Rita Buxton was a Port- • J J. Say! F. A. Moore GROCERIES , | , ■ I > i • f II % r\ v , / l d iiM /'J n t t l/\ /\ b i m v l n I