iHtp Jfitmit (6rmu* 2Expr?H0 Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the poetoffice at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the A ct o f March 3, 1879 Subscription Kates $1,00 .. .50 .25 On Credit One year Six months Three months. ■„ SUITS OVERCOATS RAINCOAT8 STRONG VALUES Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Henfer, Editor and Publisher. Paid in advance One year Six months Three Months 3&H STAMPS Given S&H STAMPS GIVEN $1.50 .. .75 . .40 ' o(U d«u.of ..id H first i Hagley, Judge o f the «h o ve entitled Court, which order whs made ami dated April 11. 1917. M. B. and D. D. BUMP. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. First pub. April 12; last May 24. and ,e| The insurance men claim the I f 5 ™ f f i i ¿ 7 ! w i i l i f t n S S , . * the farmers’ movement which has Plaint'ffa will appiy to the court for the relief prayed for in their said corn- taken control of the political held plaint, to-wit: in North Dakota is scheduled to That f he mortgage described in , . , nr l - . plaintiffs’ said complaint herein and a tta c k , in turn, Washington, Ore- which was executed by Daniel T. gon and- California. They say Thomas and Millie H. Thomas, his wife, Agnes Belle Mocroft and Lavina F. this movement has ruined the in­ to McCoy, plaintiffs herein and Jerusha I When a multimillionaire offers surance business in North Da­ A. Crabb arid recorded on page 309 in a two hundred thousand dollar kota and will ruin it in Oregon, Book 67, Records o f Mortgages for Washington County, Oregon, on or yacht to the government for use Washington and California, if it is about Oct. 24, 1913, and which was as- ' in case of emergency, the papers not checked Lawyers, too, are signed by Jerusha A. Crabb to plaintiffs j herein, he decreed to be a first lien and make a three column feature in danger of having their business a first mortgage upon the real property story of it and try to make a hero ruined, according to a speech of therein ami herein described as fol- lows, to-wit: All the following bounded of the donor. That is alright as i Attorney L. C. Mackay of Port- and described real property situate in far as it goes, but when a youth land, for the aforesaid farmers’ Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, the re-entrant who has enlisted with the sole propaganda, carried to the same corner on th»- West side o f M. M. idea of serving his country gets extreme as in North Dakota, Watts D. I.. C. and running thence N. 1 degree 30 minutes K. 18.37 chains to shot and passes on to the other practically means state socialism. a post on the North line o f said D. L. side the same papers pass it up in ; It is to prevent hostile legislation C.: thence following said North line N. I 88 degs. 54 mins. West 48.22 chains to a j a two line “ filler.” The million- that the insurance men of the na- point where said North line crosses the j aire gives something that he can tion have organized into state and center line o f County Road No. 118; j replace in a week or so, while the national federations. j Roml^as^Slows^8*M^egs*3°/mi^. me ! | youth has given up his all— and A t the evening session, the r e - ' 3.03 chs.; S. 57 clegs. 45 mins. E. 4.90: on a salary of fifteen bucks per tiring president, F. E. Beach, w as1 n'"degs'^m in?4 " e "' 3 E 22 7chs?!* s ! Ji i m o n t h . __ 1 presented with a silver loving cup. j degs. 15 mins. E. 7.96 chs. to a point: Farm hands may have an action H. E. Hudson and George R [ Crosses rife Soluh li'n^of sa^D.^L.'^a*: ^ to recover for personal inju ries Thomas, both former residents of thence following said south line N. 89! under the embloyers liability a c t, , Forest Grove, sang several songs pla(.e o f beginning, containing 69.8 the supreme court holds in an at the banquet. acres, opinion written by Justice Bur- The editor of the Express was nett and handed down in the case one of the editors who participated execution, ami the proceeds o f said sale of William Poulos vs.. IN. M. | in the highway trip and b u q iM t I Grove, appealed from Linn coun- as a guest of the federation and he mortgage and the note thereby se­ ty. Judge Kelly is reversed, enjoyed the trip and banquet very cured, which sums amount to $1000.00, with interest thereon, since Oct. 7, The action was brought to recov- much, but he isn’t much alarmed 1913, at the rate o f 7 per cent per an-| er damages from Grove, Poulos about the probability of any num and the costH and disbursements o f alleging he fell through a hole in 1 movement backed by the farmers ft)'rthe“ 'ram" of' $ l wm S Ttu.rney’s fee I the floor of the second Story of bringing calamity to any legiti- herein; that the lien of Haid mort^a^e , , ________ , ■ ___ 1 „ mate business. be decreed prior am) superior to a l l , firove S barn a n d sustained a ^ ------- ------- claim, interest or equity of each and all j broked hip.— Hillsboro Independ-1 Anticipating the heavy demand o f Die defendants herein; and that such that the national crisis will make i,ther and furth,:r decree be granted ent. hcrein as may seem just and equitable upon the resources of the rail- This summons is served upon you by A woman in West Virginia ha« roads, the Southern Pacific Com- publication, by order o f Hon. Geo. R. j Donation Land Claim, In Township I north, Uange 2 West miii I in Township In the Circuit Court o f the State o f I South, Itnngc 2 west o f the Willam ­ ette Meridian, Washington county, Oregon, for Washington county. Oregon. Jennie J. Palmateer, Plaintiff, Now. therefore, by virtue o f said e x ­ v*. ecution, judgment order, decree and Charles B. Noble, as executor of order o f sale, and in compliance with the Last Will and Testament and the commands o f said writ, I have lev­ Estate o f M. I,. Noble, deceased, ied u | mmi and will, on the 14th dav o f Charles B. Noble and Noble, May, 1917, at the hour o f 10 o'clock a. his wife. Daisy Irene Noble, Ivan W. Noble, Flora Jennie Noble ' m. o f said day, at the front door o f the Court House, in Hillsboro, said County Sloan and Sloan, her hus­ ami State, sell at public auction, sub­ band, Floyd Bilyeu and Hazel Bil- ject to redemption, to the highest bid­ yeu, his wife, and P. H. Carr. der for cash in hand, all the right, title Defendants. By virtue o f an execution, judgment, and interest which the within-named decree and order o f sale duly and legal­ defendants, or either o f them, hail in ly issued out o f the above-entitled cir­ said real property above described on cuit court and under the seal thereof the date of the mortgage to plaintiff in the above-entitled cause to me di­ herein, namely February 19, 1914, and rected, dated the 9th day o f April, 1917. ! all the right, title ami interest which on a judgment duly rendered and en­ the said defendants, or either or any of tered in said court and cause on the 6th them, since have had in and to the day o f April, 1917, in favor o f Jennie J. above-descril>cd real pro|>crty, or any Palmateer, plaintiff, and against Floyd part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Bilyeu srul Hazel Bilyeu, his wife, and judgment, decree and order o f sale, in­ Ivan W. Noble, defendants, for the terest and costs. sum o f $2,(MX), with interest thereon ^ Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, April 9, since November 26th, 1914, at the rate 1917. J. C. A PPLE G A TE . o f 8 j>er cent per annum, and the fur­ Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon. ther sum o f $175.iHi attorney’s fees ami for costs ami di*hursements o f said M H mm ! 1» l> BUMP, Attorneys for Plaintiff. suit, taxed at $35.1X1, and also the costs o f and upon said writ, commanding me First pub April 12, lust May 10, 1917. s. to discover in this crisis what a fine lot of men there are in every American party. Americans are now getting acquainted with one another and we will have a new birth of patriotism and good fel­ lowship.— Dick Metcalfe. Notice o f S h eriff* Suit* to make sale o f the followilig-dearril>ed real property, situate in Washington county, state o f Oregon, to-wit: The West half of Dots 13 and 14 and all o f Isits 15, 16 niul 17 of Bohart'a Sutslivision mi the George W. Ebherta Talk to McCready We have everything with which to build. We bought last fall and we are selling cheap. You will he building a house, barn, silo, auto house or an up-to-date chicken house, and the first comers are going to get the best prices, because we can’t buy now for the prices at which we are selling. Our lumber is all dry and we have the best- kept stock in Washington county. I ^ A A f i n o 1 for $1.25 a roll. Water-proof X V v H s l l l l g paper, $1.75 for 500 feet. Both just what you want for chicken houses. RED P A IN T at $1.25 in ones, $1.20 in fives. The Main Street Lumber Yard Copeland & McCready THROUGH TICKETS D IREC T LIN E S F A ST SERVICE _____ Be TrXie to the Flag Two splendidly-equipped, electric-lighted daily trains- The North Bank Limited [evening] and the Inland Empire Express [morning], Portland via Spokane to Chicago. Ocean Trip to California in Rail Time Low fares, including berth and meals, on S. S. North­ ern Pacific-$32.00 round trip to San Francisco, 30-dav limit. J. E. FARMER, Agent FO REST GROVE