The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 03, 1917, Image 3

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Simple Form of House Is Easy
1 L A R G E S T tad FIN E S T"
of Construction.
Exis V . I h iiH r , P r n u j« n l
Require Csre In Their Preparation and
Great Care Must Be Used In Arrang­
Baking, but Are Well Worth the
ing Doors and Windows—Con­
Time and Trouble Ocvoted
crete Is Favored for Erecting
to Them.
Permanent Structure.
1 Day-Up K 2 i S 9 l H Ì > J2 Up,
There nro two testa to put to break
fast breads. One I* put by the cook.
uml that baa to do with the time and
2 0 0 Hoorn*
N m t Both
A l»aolut«ljr
1 0 0 IUlK*
Pir# proof trouble required In their (»reparation.
The other has to do with flavor and
texture, ami that comes from thoxe
A'bo eat them.
Always let breakfast bread* rt»ol
slightly on a cloth or wire rack before
C a r a a r J lilK and H o rt Si».. P o rtla n d , O ra .
sending to the table. They will then
Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated be more digestible ami more easily han­
dled than If sent to the table literally
LO U HIM KM, M a n w rr .
W. L. D O U G L A S
S 3
9 3 .8 0
$ 4
$ 4 .5 0
» 6
» 7
$ 8
»«8V 8M .
S a v e M o n e y b y W e a r i n g W . L D o u g la s
s h o e «. F o r s a le b y o v e r 9 0 0 0 s h o e d e a le r s .
T h e B e st K n o w n S h o e s in th e W o r l d .
. L . Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on die bot­
tom o f all shoes at the factory. T h e value is guaranteed and
the wearrr protected against high prices for inferior (hoes. T h e
retail prices are the tam e everywhere. T h ey cost no m ore in San
Francisco than they d o in N ew Y o rk . T h ey are el wav: w orth die
price paid for them .
quality o f W . L . D ouglas product is guaranteed by more
| A simple form of fumigating house ( T ? than
40 years experience in making fine shoes. T h e sm art
may be made of 2 by 4 spruce, over
which any cheap bon riling may be styles are the leaden in the Fashion Centres o f A m erica.
T h ey are made in a well equipped factory at Brockton, M ass.,
! used, provided It Is free from knot* ! by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
and tongued nnd grooved so that the I supervision o f experienced men, all working with an honest
boards muy be tightly fitted together.
determination to rgakc the best shoes for th e price th at money
The build- j can buy.
j Khlplup I* not desirable.
s k y o u r s h o e r le n le r f o r W . T - D o u g l a s s h o e s . I f h e r a n .
! lug Is rendered air tight by tarred I A
n o t s u p p ly y o u w ith t h e k in d y o u w a n t , t a k e n o o t h e r
b o o k le t e x p la in in g h o w to
j paper und laths, or better still, by a j m p e a k e . W r i t t e h e f o h r lg I h n e tn n ra t s a t tlrjg
a n d a r d o f q u a l i t y f o r tl.D j
t s h o e s o f tin
lining of rubber roofing. Great care j [e
Boys’ Shoes
>y re tu r n m a l l , p o s ta g e fr e e .
Is necessary In constructing the door
Best is fits Mori*
LOO K FO R W . L. Douglas
nnd windows. These should be at
.50 4 52.00
7 k to fl. H I'K C IA L W «*k nr M onth
S h o e C o .,
P r e s i d e n t “ W . ! . . D o u g l a s Hhm
Heat all muflln tins before putting In least three layers of board thick and
•tamped on the bottom.
1SÄ S p a r k Ht., B r o c k t o n , M a s s.
the muflln mixture. The muffins rise 1 should he |M>Hslhle to open the win­
more thoroughly and more quickly dow ns well as the door from the out­
h'vrry F o n t C a r ahouM r a rr y OM ox - when put Into hot tins.
Itemember, side so that (lie building may be quick­
The Zeppelin as a War Weapon.
His Stroke of Luck.
tro tim it MVP ehanfinf •• U m ratti
u quick ly ulred after being used for fumigat­
" I’ve had a bit of luck. I picked up
A h a weapon of offense and terror,
I’opovcrs need a quick oven, but ing purposes.
the Zeppelin did not fulfill all the pre­ $100 day before yesterday, and learn­
fit* both front oml r««r w hw l
Appllotl In ft min* oven.
S o V timo, eloth«*#. tom(M*r ami religion. they also need long uml thorough cook­
A more permanent structure nnd dictions of early war days, when the ing this morning that it belonged to
Trico |4 fio. Boni parcol pool prop old. upon ro*
ing, ami some (»opover cooks let them one adapted to u wider range of uses “great raid” over London that was that old miser Marx, I returned it to
oolpt of prie«.
may be made of concrete. It Is best to blow Britain's capital from its base him.”
stay in the oven 40 minutes.
0 I I0 0 I VVICAIIIIIO CO.. ‘ Tho Tiro Hhop M
”1 see; and he gave you a reward.”
MS itti liurnoklo ot..
Portland, Orvffon
Popovers.—Popovcrs, robber»' caves to equip such u cellur with ventilators was hourly expected. The national
"Oh no; but he didn't charge me
or wlieut pulTs, us (bey ure variously so that It may he used for the storage hopes were founded on the Kaiser’s j any interest for the two days I had
characterization of the Count as “the
railed, ure not dllllcult to make. The j of fruits nnd vegetables. These ven­ greatest German in the twentieth cen- it.”—Boston Transcript.
Ingredients needed ure two unbeaten j tilators should, of course, he so ar­ tury.’* But if the military o fficials!
eggs, two cupfuls of milk und two cup­ ranged that they may be tightly closed and the populace were disappointed j
ful* of flour, with a quurter of ii tea* when it Is desired to use the cellar In the Zeppelin as an exponent of
spoonful of salt. Beat ull thoroughly for fumigating. The most popular size "frightfulness,” their Inventor was un- j
together until not a lump remains uml of the average furm Is a cellur 10 by doubtedly aware of the limitation of f
then pour the mixture Into very hot 14 feel '-.side measurements, with a his airships. He had designed the j
great machines not for “participation
mulllii puna, well greased, tilling them self-Hupjiortlng arched roof 5 feet in actual warfare,” but "for observa- \ Dear M r. E d ito r— l want to write yon
uhout half full. Cook thoroughly, un­ above the floor at the sides and 7 tlons of hostile fleets and armies.”
about " Anuric.” I was very sick, could
til one broken ojm - h I s hollow Inside feet 8 Inches in the center. All of
And as a scouting instrument, the hardly be u p ; I was in bed most of tha
and shows u firm wall or crust.
the side wulls are 8 Inches thick, Zeppelin has done valuable service. The time. Had terrible pains in my kidneys
Emergency Biscuit.—Make u good therefore dig the hole 11 feet 4 Inches mighty British fleet in the North Sea and back, so much so that 1 bad to
baking powder biscuit dough uml drop by 15 feet 4 Inches nnd to the depth has not been without Its apprehen­ ►cream sometimes when I was sitting
It. by spoonful». Into well-greased muf­ desired, usually 5 feet, at one end sions of the danger from the air, and down and wanted to get up, the pa;a
was so great. I had tried a well-known
fin pan*. These biscuits ure crusty lit­ cut out the earth to a width of 4 feet In the Jutland battle, the Zeppelins,, kidney medicine but it didn’t help me.
hovering over the scene of the fight-1
tle things, especially delicious If you 4 Inches nnd slope It upward for 7 ing, were in a position to discover the 1 heard of Dr, Pierce’s Annric Tablets
have the continental habit of serving concrete steps with a rise of 8 Inches approach of the English dreadnought e o I thought I would trv them. I tock
honey or Jam ut breakfast,
A good und a tread of 10 Inches, and for n fleet and give timely warning to the or<iy one box of the Tablets, and my
L E A R N A T R A D E . Goa T ra rto r ond A u to ­ rule for the dough Is this: Mix six even thickness of 4 Inches of concrete bock endangered German cruisers.—From back is now free from pain and I can
work and take care of my family. I
m obile m«n om In d«rnond. Wo a re r iv in g o rum* teuM|MH»ufuls of baking |stwder and one
of the steps proper, arrange for an 18- "Count Von Zeppelin,” In the Ameri- I feel
pL-tr ro u ro * In lu th fu r th e p rim o f o n * tu ition,
I cannot eay enough for this medi­
can Review of Reviews for April, 1917.
fo r o a b o rt tim e only, l.o rv « rloa* now g ra d u a l- j of salt wUli three cupfuls of flour. : Incli binding nt -the bottom of the
Sincerely, Mas. W m . K e l l e e .
inir ond hovo room fo r f«w more m«-n. ( !o U lo f Sift ull together three times and then
stair. Make the Bide wall forms of
and dr toils frm . HwaghfT 1 Trait beb—1». 2 0 * A H iv W h
P ortlan d . O r t f o n
1-Inch siding on 2 by 4 uprights,
N o t e : This ” A nnric” is adapted
spoonful* of butter, lard or some other j spaced 2 feet. As the concrete floor
especially for kidney complaints and
shortening agent. Mix together quick­ will be 4 Inches thick, set up the
“ C. B . " M IN E R S & CO.
diseases arising from disorders of the
ly with n knife and add a cupful of forms on 4-inch concrete bricks. Above
kidneys and bladder, such as backache,
wuter. Mix lightly and then put ground level use outside forms similar
weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con­
AITMMIll tmillM i l l IIIIIIIIM.
In the greased puns from n spoon.
to the Inside. At the entrance end to skin, there are plenty of treatments gestion of the kidneys, inflammation
I . I. IM HiTM AND O nus l i t
AM TIAII, 0 1 (1 0 1 '
Hlce Mullins.— ltlce mulllus arc made provide for a doorway, set between to experiment with. But if you want of the bladder, scalding urine and
of one cupful of boiled rice, two eggs, j the forms a frame of 2-lnch by 8- something whose value has been urinary troubles. The physicians and
HID E8, P E L T 8 , C A 8CARA BARK, two cupfuls of Hour, a tuhlcspoonfu! of
by years and years of success­ specialists at Dr. Pierce’s great Institu­
Inch stuff, 3 by 7 feet In the clear. proven
tion, at Buffalo, N. Y ., have thoroughly
melted butter, three cupfuls of milk | Mix the concrete one part Portland ful U B e, if you want a treatment that ! tested this prescription and have been
doctors prescribe constantly, that you
*0 wool a /M llT t wmo (Of phut AM IklpplOI 11(0 uml suit to taste. Mix the eggs, butter !
know contains nothing harsh or injur­ with one accord successful in eradicat­
T m H . F. N o r t o n C o . rortuot on.. s u n *. wo. und milk, sift (lour uml suit und add It
you will find it in Resinol Oint- ing these troubles, and in most cases
and the rice to the wet Ingredients.
i ment, aided by Resinol Soap. Sold by absolutely curing the diseased kidneys.
Patients having once used " Anuric *
FRED P. GORIN, Paletl Attorney. Buko the mufltns quickly.
all druggists.
at Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, have re­
Bye (Jems.—Bye Is not In us general |
O rironixrr and D m i o p a r . I'a tr n to «ecured o r Fan
R efu nd ed . KK KK , Toy X Hay P la t« , ahowa ev«*ry use ns corn und wheat and graham I
peatedly sent back for more. Such a
A Mean Man.
hona In your body r l r h t th rou gh your c lo th in r-
demand has been created that Dr. Pierce
Kye gems und rye bread nre j
S u it« « TUI. 701 A. 701H. 701C. C en tra l b id * . S e t t l e
“I never thought Smith was a man has decided to put ' Anuric” in the drug
nourishing nml economical and rye
to desert a woman in an emergency.” stores of this country, in a ready-to-use
S T U D Y bookkeeping. ohorthand, te leg ra p h y ,
gems made according to the following |
“Why, what did he do?”
form. I f npi obtainable send one dime
oaliwrnannhip. E n g lish branch*««, ot on a ccred ited
achonl; writ«*, or phono M ain Ô0Ü fo r ca ta lo g u e, rule are a good addition to any hrenk- :
“Their cook gave notice yesterday, by mail to Dr. Pierce for trial package
g rad u ate« gu aran teed pool toon«. Itrh n k r-W a lk e r
and this morning he left his wife cry- i or 50 ccnte for full treatment.
Beat three eggs, three cupfuls j
Musine«« ( ’<* liege. 167 4th S tre e t, n ear M orrison. fa s t:
ing for help.”—Baltimore American. :
of milk, a tublespoonful of sugar Hnd
P ortlan d . O regon.
the same amount of butter, with three j
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a blood cleanser and alterative that
Concrete Fumigating House.
Granulated Eyelids, cupfuls of rye flour. The secret of (
Eyco inflamed by expo- \ making these mutllns lies In beating | cement to four parts bank-run gravel, make^weak women strong, sick women starts the liver and stomach into vigorous
well, no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. action. It thus assi sts the body to make
•lire to Sun, Dust and Mind them hard uml baking them quickly.
or "one part cement to two parts sund,
rich, red blood, which feeds the heart,
uickly relieved by Murlna
to four pnrts crushed rock. A sack
nerves, brain and organs of the body.
Suitable Kinds.
)e Remedy. No Smarting,
You feel cle.ui, strong and strenuous.
of cement equals one cubic foot.
Eye Comfort.#At
Cut small rounds of bread about one-
Your Druggiot'o 50c per Bottle. Murine Eyn
Ventilation should be provided. a line of light poems?”
Salve in Tubei 2 5c. For Blok ol Ibe l ye I rceaik fourth Inch thick and fry In deep fat. While building the wall make one or
“Why not try a gas meter?”—Balti­
A Victim.
Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Drop smull oysters In the fut, und let more air shafts (similar to a chimney more American.
Rural Aunt—“Doesn’t the waiter
brown. Cover the toast first with catch­
act queer?” Dasher—“Decidedly so;
flue) of 3-lnch tile, by Imbedding them
up, then with the oysters (two or j
I believe the fellow is tipsy.” Rural
Very Much So.
In the concrete wall, with an open­
Aunt—“Dear me; he must be one of
“Have they running water in the three should rover the toast. Before j ing Inside nt floor level nnd another
carrying to the tnble, garnish with j
And Keep It Clear by Daily Use of the victims of that tipping habit I've
houne you've rented?”
read so much about?”—Puck.
Cuticura—Trial Free.
"I should nay so. There Isn't a slices of stuffed olives, nml serve with ;
place In It that Isn't leaking.”—Balti­ celery hearts, preferably ns a first this arrangement fresh nlr Is admit­
A hot bath with Cuticura Soap fol­
more American.
course on the menu.—McClure’s Maga­ ted. Place n tile chimney In the con­
crete roof and cover it with a gal- lowed by a gentle anointing with Cuti­
The Case Stated.
vunlzed iron hood for removing the cura Ointment clears the skin or scalp
in most cases of eczemas, rashes and
“Spofflns says he owes everything
Rice Water Custard.
itching of children and adults. Make
to his wife.”
Here Is a nice deserrt: Boll rice
Cuticura your every-day toilet prep-1
"Yes, everybody knows he's borrow­
How to Redeem Soil.
arations and prevent such troubles.
ed the best part of her money."—Bal­ plnln, take water rice was boiled In,
Soil that becomes saturated with the
Free sample each by mail with
timore American.
add one or two well-beaten eggs ac­
cording to quantity of water; sweeten refuse from the poultry should be Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Positive Proof T h at Lydia
to taste and boll ns you would any plowed up aud sowed to barley. Such Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
stirring constantly to prevent a method serves two purposes, puri­
Bog Spavin or Thoroughpln custard,
burning; flavor ns preferred and use fying the runway» nnd obtaining greens
Compound Relieves
Quite So.
but you can clean them oil promptly with ns sauce for the plain boiled rice.
for the birds. The Ideal time for do­
“Don't take notice of the cook, dear." >
ing this is after n good rnln.
“How can I help it when she's ju s t !
A B S O R B I n e
given it?”—Baltimore American.
Bridgeton,N .J. — “ I cannot speak too
U m Ù m si A a m a 'i Lutytwul Hxrlti J I
j H o te l H o y t
Had Terrible Pains
in Kidneys and Back.
T he Tested
Skin-treatm ent
S o re
Eyes [
and you work the horse tame time.
Does not blister or remove the
hair. |2.00 per bottle, delivered.
Will tell you more if you write.
Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE. JR.,
the antiseptic liniment for mankind,
reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured
Muicleaor IJram^nta. Fnlarted Gland». Wen*.
Cyan. Allay» pain quickly. Price f l and 12
a bottle at drufilat* or delivered. Made In (he U. S. A. by
W F. VOUNG, P.D.F., 401 Tempi* St., Springfield, Mass.
Squash Pie.
Critical Period With Poults.
One and one-qtinrter cupfuls steamed
nnd stmined squash, one-fourth cupful
sugnr, one-half tenspoonful salt, one-
fourth teaspoonful cinnamon or nutmeg
or one-half teaspoonful lemon extract
(some like nutmeg best), one egg, sev­
en-eighths cupful milk. Mix sugnr,
snlt nnd spice or extract, add squash,
egg slightly beaten, nnd milk gradually.
Bake In one crust. If a richer pie Is
desired, use one cupful squnsh, one-
half cupful each of milk nnd crenm
and an additional egg yolk.
The critical period In the young tur­
key Is generally nt nn end when six
weeks of nge. Inbreeding, lice, dntnp-
ness nnd Improper fowl nre the main
causes for great mortality.
Puree of Carrots.
I Do Your Own Plumbing]
Ry h a y tn * direct from a s a t wholecaU prtcca
and save the plum ber's profits. W rits ua to­
day your need*. Wo will fflyo you out rock-
bottom "d irect-to-you " prices, t. o. b. rail or
boat. W c actually save you (rum 10 to 35 par
can t. All Roods gu aran teed .
N orth w est h ead qu arter* for T ra d e r W ater
System s and Fu ller A John son Knartnaa.
2 1 2 Third S treet.
Portland, O re ro e
----- ------------ *-------------------------------
P, N. U.
No. 17, 1917.
Boll enough carrots to make a pint
after being run through eolnnder. But
one nnd one-half pints of milk nnd car­
rots on stove, when boiling ndd three
small tnblespoonfuls of flour wet In
little cold milk. Stir constantly as It
bolls, and, Inst, a little pepper, butter
nnd saltspoonful of salt.
and Cheese.
Boll one cupful of unpolished rice.
When done, put In a baking dish with
one cupful of milk nnd one cupful of
grated mild cheese. Brown In hot oven.
Shed for Implements.
! Hurrah ! How’s This
I Cincinnati authority says corns
dry up and lift out
with fingers.
A long shed not more than 18 feet
wide, provided with continuous doors
- - - r V ii- I .
. .
nlong one side. Is more convenient for t j Ouch
! ? ! ? ! ! This kind of rough
removing Implements than a wider talk will be heard less Lere In town if
people troubled with corns will follow
the simple advice of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
Type Not All.
The type of the breeder has more of a drug called freezone when applied
to do with egg production thnn the to a tender, aching corn or hardened
type of the hen. In other words, breed­ callous stops soreness at once, and
the corn or callous dries up and
er type count» for more thnn breed soon
lifts right off without pain.
He says freezone dries immediately
and never Inflames or even Irritates
Good Harness Hangers.
the surrounding skin. A small bottle
Crotches or conveniently shaped of freezone will cost very little at any
hickory limbs cut In p ro p er lengths and drug store, but will positively remove
nailed up ngnlnst the wall, make good every hard or soft corn or callous
from one’s fe e t Millions of American
harness hangers.
women will welcome this announce­
ment since the inauguration of the
Get More Out of 8oll.
high heels. If your druggist doesn't
To know how to get more out of the have freezone tell him to order a small
soli, If It Is thoroughly studied, will bottle for you.
help us to get more out of Uto.
highly o f Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta­
ble Compound f o r
inflammation a n d
other weaknesses. I
was very irregular
and would have ter­
rible pains so that I
could hardly take a
step. Sometimes I
would be so misera­
ble th at I could not
sweep a room.
doctored part of the
time but f e l t n o
I later took Lydia E. Pink­
ham’s Vegetable Compound and soon
fe lt a change for the better. I took it
until I was in good healthy condition.
I recommend the Pinkham remedies to
all women as I have used them with such
good results.’’—Mrs. M i l f o r d T. C um ­
m i n g s , 322 Harmony S t., Penn’s Grove,
N. J.
Such testimony should be accepted by
all women as convincing evidence o f
the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound as a remedy for
the distressing ills of women such as
displacements, inflammation, ulceration,
backache, painful periods, nervousness
and kindred ailments.