H isyour cfufy The man who does not PROTECT his family from the hardships that might follow his death does not deserve a family. The first duty of any self-respecting man is to bank some money against sickness or death, or any unlooked-for calamity that may befall him. If you have not realized this before, think it over now. And by a few slight sacrifices on your part, you can start a bank account that will come in handy to you and your family some day. Do your banking with US. We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings deposits. The First National Bank FOREST GROVE, ORE. “A Strong Bank in a Good Town” H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season PHONE 701 South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore O. V. B. garden tools at Gor- don’s hardware store. 10-tf George G. Hancock, real es- tate, farm loans and fire insur- ance, new Anderson block. 50 For S a le -F a u ltle s s stump- puller, complete and in good con- dition. Phone David 251. 1-tf Ray Williams was in Portland on business Saturday. . E. M. Calvert of Hubbard was in town last week on business, Glenn Morgan and Dr. Kauff- man went to Portland Friday, Mrs. Iceland Spring of Corvallis visited friends in this city Friday. For That repare I I SUNDAY dinner ! Stop at the corner and look at our fine lot of vegetables and fruits. T ? Our Prices are RIGHT. A j i S I t;I t • Our goods are THE BEST. The Pacfic C. Market H. GIGUERE, Prop. Phone 0301 CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Helen Phillips spent Sunday visiting Lyla Short in Dilley. Found Two pieces of gol d chain. Call at Express office. Money to loan—Valley Realty Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Mrs. Potwin and daughter, Beth, went to Portland Saturday. Encel Todd, who has enlisted in the navy, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Todd, in this city Sunday. Misses Floy Norton and Jessie Greer, teachers in the city schools, visited schools in McMinnville Wednesday. A pleasant little surprise party was given Mrs. J. R. Reynolds on Tuesday evening by 14 ladies of the W. C. T. U., as Mrs. Rey­ nolds is moving away. E F. Burlingham has a quan­ tity of the celebrated quick ma­ turing Marquis wheat that should be very desirable for seed. A farmer near Gaston last year seed­ ed with this wheat on May 27th and harvested 40 bushels per acre. A great many women know that John Anderson carries the most stylish ladies' suits a n d shirt waists to be found in town and if you don’t know it, come in and convince yourself. Prices rea­ sonable and quality first-class. Forest Grove Electric Store AH Kinds of H ouse W iring Installing Estimates, etc. Auto Accessories Willard 1 Storage Batteries, Recharging and Repairing Electrical Staples R epublic T ires -Get Our Prices- If they are not right, don’t buy. LET HAZELNUT AT SCHULTZ’S Phone 061 “ BUTTER YOUR BREAD “