King & Company N0TK8 AND PERSONALS Ira I’urdin was trading in town Monday. Special Offerings - for One Week Only Judge R. M . Stevenson wan trading in the city Monday. b>reu Jackson of Hillsboro bad business intthecity Saturday. J. P. Allison of Amity had bus­ iness in the city last Thursday. White kid gloves cleaned, 10c | | mt pair at Buggies’, next to post office. 52 April 27th to May 4th, inclusive Watch Our Weekly SALES for SPEC IA L B A R G A IN S Mrs. L. C. Mis/, left last Thur»- day for a visit with her husband in Montanu. 15c Newest Utility Ginghams, per yard Attorney W. P. Dyke had bus-, ¡ness in the county seat Monday. - 12 ,/2c All Colors and Beautiful patterns; splendid assortment. Fire Chief I/enneville was in Portland Sunday on business for Lh<* department. For Kent Five rooms in house just west of Laughlin Hotel. In­ quire at this office. 40 j Mr. and Mrs. Clyde CrossleV of (¿rants Puss visited relatives in the city the first of the week. Mrs. Georg* L VYaser of Salem arrived Thursday for a week's visit with Mrs Bertha Howard - 25c Heavy Devonshire Ginghams, per yd - - 21c Just the Cloth for Play Suits and Middies. 30c Voiles and Flaxons, Permanent Finish, per yard 24c Splendid Assortment, soft finish; suitable for Dresses and Waists. | J. M. Garrison of Salem, a for­ mer resident of I hie city, visited friends here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thomas returned Monday from a visit with friends and relatives in Portland. 30c Plain White Plisse Crepe, per yard • - - 24c Very suitable for Gowns, Underwear, etc. 40c Gabardine and Spanish Twill, per yard % - . - 31c In all the new and popular stripes for Shirts. Mrs Courtney Meek and daugh­ ter of Idaho are visiting Steve Meek and other relatives in th e 1 county. 35c Women’s Fibre Silk Hose, Special, per pair Mr. and Mrs. A! Long and Mrs. McKinney of Hillsboro visited at the George Hancock home in this 10 % Discounts on Remnants and short-length Mill-Ends dty Sunday. 75c Heavy full-cut Men’s Work Shirts Kxamine the “ Iron Age” com­ bined cultivator and garden tool at the Gordon hardware store, j before investing in garden tools. T h e McMinnville News-Re­ porter states that O. C Jackson of this city has paid $7,000 fori HO acres of land near that city John c. Jasper, giving his reel» | dence as Forest (¡rove, took out a license at Portland Monday to|| wed Miss Clara Vanlxxj of Port­ land. Joe A. Wiles would like to write your insurance. Will give you service that will be to your I advantage. Upstairs in Ander-1 son block, room 2. 52 Caples & Co. Monday morning shipped 42 cases of eggs to Port­ land, the accumulation of two days. At $10 per case, this should encourage the poultry men. Thirty Forest G r o v e B o y Scouts participated in the big pa­ triotic parade at Portland last Thursday, members of the Corn­ ua rcial Club having paid the ex­ penses of the Scouts. Y ou ’ll enjoy mowing the lawn if you get the easy-adjusting, light-running ‘ ‘ Eclipse” mower. Adjusted by a single thumb-screw ami is self-sharpening. See it a t , the Cordon Hardware Store. - 29c 63c Dark blue Chambrae, well made; sizes 1 2 to 17. $2.50 Gossard Front-lace Corsets; Special . $1.98 For Every Woman a Gossard is So Easyto put on. $3.75 Nemo Corsets, Self Reducing . . . $2.98 Lasticurve Back— Medium and Low Bust. $1.00 Men’s Porosknit Union Suits . . . . 89c Short’ Sleeve, Ankle length, closed Crotch. $1.40 Sweet-Orr brand Bib Overalls . . $1.23 Heavy blue Denim, old dye, full cut Overalls. 10 % D i s c o u n t on Ladies’ and Children’s S H O E S Including all Spring lines, English lasts, white Canvas and white washable Kid. $1.75 Combination Granite Cooking Outfit . . . 98c Triple coated; seven outfits for the Price of One. 25c bottle Tom ato Catsup . 21c 50c 1-lb. package T ree Tea . 39c 1 lb. can Royal Baking P ow d er 38c 15c package Corn Starch 2i lb. can Royal Baking Pow der 98c 25c tins Booth’s Crescent Sardines 19c . .1 1 c The card party at the home of M r. and Mrs. J. W. MacrumSat-j urday night for the benefit of the Belgian Relief fund was well at­ tended, thirteen tables b e i n g “ Shall Washington County have ance, in costume, of Miss Ruth Gaston Odd Fellows Celebrated Warranty deed and mortgage played. Mrs. M. R Johnson won 1 a County A gen t?” will be dis- The Gaston Odd Fellows Sat­ Patton of the Campfire Girls, who blanks for sale at the Express of­ first lady’s prize and Mrs. C. 0. I cussed by B Roe of Gaston and gave some account of their work. fice. Roe second, while C. O. Roc took others from Yamhill c o u n t y , urday night celebrated with a A pleasant coincidence was the first gent’s prize and M. R. John­ which has had an agent for two fine program and splendid supper presence of Mrs. Shaw of Hono­ son second. A nice lunch was years. C. W. Creel of the local the 98th anniversary of the found­ lulu (sister of Dr. Bishop), whose served after the playing. U. S. Entomological department ing of their order in America daughter furnished the illustra­ w’ill give a practical talk to farm­ The hall was crowed with mem­ tions for the books used by the A number of Washington coun­ ty stock breeders secured excellent ers on “ Insect Pests ' of Clover.” bers and their families and a few Campfire Girls and written by Mrs. Gulick. animals at a big sale held at Ore­ A t this season much can be done visitors from other lodges. W H Y D O N ’T YO U to eliminate the pests. We urge The address of welcome was gon City last week. V. S. Abra­ A symposium then followed, in C A LL ON ham of Patton Valley secured two the farmers to he present and made by Noble Grand A . M. Por- which many of those present took i line bulls, Fairacres and Flying promise them a profitable session. ■ ter and S. A. Walker of this city part, including Mesdames Walter. responded on behalf of the visit-| Vollmer, Benjamin, Shaw and Fox, and six young cows; George Secretary. ; ors. The principal address was Bolderick. Withycombe bought a cow and K. B. Penfield. made by W. G. Hare of Hills­ Attention Veterans two fine heifers while Barnett Y. A S K H IM A B O U T Roe of Wapato recently received The Annual Meeting of the boro, with an address on the timely subject of ‘ Food Produc-1 D. D. & M. B. BUMP from the Willowmoor farm, near P R IC E S O N Washington County Veterans will Seattle, a fine yearling Ayrshire tion” by W. K. Newell of Seghers. i Attorneys at I^aw be held at Forest Grove, Oregon, hull. There was a nice musical pro­ in K. of P. Hall, M ay 3d, 1917. Loans and Real Estate gram and a splendid supper. Gale (¡range Meeting will be called to order at j Gale Grange will meet Satur­ 10 A. M . for the election of offi­ W. C. T. U. Parlor Meeting A N D G E T A H IG H CASH day, May 5th, 11)17 at the I. O. cers and the transaction of any A fully-attended parlor me; ting business that may be offered. P R IC E FOR Y O U R 0 . F. Hall. Routine work, spe­ Memorial servicec at 11:00 A. 'o f the W. C. T. U. was held at 1 PR O D U C E ? cial committee reports, initiation M. A picnic lunch at noon. i Mrs. Potwin’s last Friday. Mrs. N .H O F F M A N in first and second degrees and The Post and Corps will furnish ; Bishop led devotional exercises new business will he conducted cofree, milk and sugar. Program ! and Margaret Jones sang a solo, Phone 41x Attorney A t Law d u r i n g the forenoon session. at 1:30. I “ Peace Be Still.” The subject for Pacific Ave. and Third St. Patent Office Business Solicited Dinner at noon. T h e lecture Don’t forget to bring a well the day, “ Our Girls,” was made very interesting by the appear- Forest Grove, hour program will begin at 1:30. filled basket. - Oregon Committee. 10c rolls T o ilet Paper, 4 fo r . 25c 15c cans Libby’s Sauerkraut . 11c M. B. BUMP. I). D. BUMP. Residence Hillsboro Residence Forest Grove. Offices HILLSBORO Phone 444 J Say! F. A. Moore GROCERIES