®!tp Jinrrst (Srmtr iExprpflH now lor this critical time. Every rainy day this spring should be Published evory Thursdav at Forest Grove, Oregon. utilized in proparing for the har­ W. C. Benfer, Kiiitor and Publisher. vest. I larvesting m a e h i n e r y should be overhauled now to in­ tinte rad as socond-class matter Jan. 12. 19 Hi. at thè pustoffice at Foresi Grove, Oregon, under thè Aot o f March A, ISTI* sure against untinu ly delays when the harvest is upon us All other Subscription Kates ! work such as repairing fences, i On Credit Paid in advance r>() houling wood for prune drying or, $1.00 One year One year .............. .75 threshing should be looked after .50 Six months Six months .40 before the rush conies.” .25 Three months Three Months “ If you can arrange now for an i T H U R S D A Y . A P R IL 26 1917 ---- i exchange of labor with y o u r 1 •‘ I am sorry that you do not wear a flag every neighbors during harvest you w ill, day and I can only ask you if you lose the physical be helping yourself as well as the 1 emblem to be sure that you wear it IN Yot'K nation. The farmer must feed ! IIKART ; the heart o f America shall interpret the heart o f the world.” President Wilson. the world and this busy fighting world is yelling for food this year, j N OTES AND C O M M ENTS Uncle Sam is calling for volunteers in the harvest field just as much A Portlang recruiting officer and vegetables are in danger of as he is calling for recruits.” says Oregon has made the b est1 running short and America must Remember, folks, you must pay reeo d of any state in the union in do more than ever to feed the in anvance to get the Express at | enlistments: ’ Rah for the Web- soldiers of the allies and their $1 per year. I ’retty good inter- foot state ! famHies, as well as feed America. Talk to McCready We have everythin# with which to build. W e bought last fall and we are selling cheap. You will be building a house, barn, silo, auto house or an up-to-date chicken house, and the first cornel’s tire #oin# to pet the best prices, because we can’t buy now for the prices at which we are sellin#. Our lumber is all dry and we have the best- kept stock in Washington county. for $1.25 a roll. Water-proof paper, $1.75 for 500 feet. Doth just what you want for chicken houses. Roof in# RED P A IN T at $1.25 in ones, $1.20 in fives. “ W e’ll never have wami weath-! Man>' American farmers are plan- j est on >'our mon,,y’ tbe ning to make their land raise Word comes from Portland that The Main Street Lumber Yard er as long as there is snow in double crops this year, but a re some of the big employers of la -! mountains,” said a wise man the worried about how to get farm bor will work against the $6,000,-! other day. “ And the snow will labor. In many cities, including 000 road bond measure through stay until we have some warm Forest Grove, the girls of the j fear that extensive road work will weather.” Now, what do you Honor Guard are planning to do use men that would otherwise be know about that ? their share in solving the food I available for lumber camps, ship-! ied upon anil will, on the 14th day c f Thomas and Milli« H, Thomas, his wife, When British and French dip­ problem by planting vacant lots yards and factories. t>> Agnes Belle Mooroft and Lavina F\ t May. 1917, at the hour o f 10 o'clock a. lomats can come to this country, If you have such a lot. let Mrs. McCoy, plaintiffs herein and Jerusha m. o f said/lay, at the front door o f the If the person who took a black Court House, in Hillsboro, said County A. t'rahh and recorded on page ,1iiy in after their intended visit has been Ray T. Williams know about it. head ¡-huwl irom the I. O. O. F and State, sell at public auction, sub­ Book 07, Records o f Mortgages for published broadcast, it doesn’t hall by mistake some weeks ago ject to redemption, to the highest bid­ Washington County, Oregon, on or look as though Germany’s block­ GOOD A D V IC E will return the same to Mrs. A. der for cash in hand, all the right, title about Get. M, 1918, and which was > ami interest which the within-named signed by Jerusha A. Cratib to plaintiff» FOR E V E R Y B O D Y M cKay, he or ¡-he will be doing defendants, ade was very effective. Maybe or cither o f them, hud i herein, lie decreed to lie a first lien and The following is a copy of the a great favor, as the shawl is val­ said real property above dcscrilietl on a first mortgage u^ion the real property the Kaiser’s subs have learned ued as an heirloom. the date o f the mortgage to plaintiff therein and herein described as fol that armed vessels are not easy official warning sent out by A t­ herein, namely February 19. 1914, and lows, to-wit: All the following hounded all the right, title and interest which and described real property situate in Notice o f Sale o f Real Property torney General Gregory respect­ prey. the said defendants, or either or any o f Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: In the County Court o f the State o f them, since have had in anil to the Beginning at a stone, the re-entrant In an article in last week’s Sat­ ing the conduct of enemy aliens Oregon, for Washington county. above-described real property, or any corner on the West side o f M. M. in this country: 1 In the m atter o f the estate ami Last urday Evening Post, George Pat- part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Watts I>. L. and running thence N. Will and Testament o f Nellie Porter judgpicnt. decree and order o f sale, in­ Washington, April 6. 1917. I degree 30 minutes FI. 18.37 chains to tullo makes the charge that hun­ Dannials, deceased. terest ami costs. a jMist on the North line o f suid D. L. dreds of so-called American citi­ To all United States Attorneys! i Under authority o f an order granted thence following said North line N. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, April 9, • and Marshals: i by I>. It. Reasoner, County Judge o f 1917. 88.deg». M mins. West 48.22 chains to u zens near the Mexican border are J. APPLEGATE, the county o f Washington, state o f Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon. point where aaid North line crosses the smuggling arms and ammunition Dear Sirs : center line o f County Road No. 118; Oregon, dated March 26th, A. I)., 1917, M. B. and D. D. BUMP. You are hereby directed to give thence following center line o f said Co. to the Mexican. People who will Attorneys for Plaintiff. I, the undersigned executor, will sell at Road as follows S. 51 degs. 31 mins. FI. I full publicity to the following their country’s ' lUM Publicity furnish arms to Copeland & McCready private sale the following - described | property: enemies are not Americans and staternent: \ house and lot in Forest Grove, N o German alien enemy in this should be shot as traitors. Washington county, Oregon, to-wit; country, who has not hitherto Commencing at the Southwest corner A farmer remarked jesterdaj jmp|jcate(j jn pjots agajnst o f lot one, in block two, Naylor's Ad­ that he had just bought the the interests of the United States, dition to the City o f Forest Grove, said county and state, running thence north cheapest sack of flour that h e , need bave any fear 0f action by 101..«) feet; thence east 50 feet; thence had ever purchased. The remark the Department of Justice so long south 101.30 feet; thence west 50 feet to the place o f beginning. caused some comment in t h e 1 as he observes the following warn- The sale will be made on or after crowd, who were familiar with the , ing: i April :«)th. A. I)., 1917, ami bids will , , , , ■ be received at my office, in the Ander- high price of flour, and an expla­ „ . Obey the law: keep your mouth ! son building, in Forest Grove, W u h - nation was called for ____________ “ well, sb u ^ Respectfully, jington county, Oregon; the terms of ! sale will be for cash, gold coin o f the the farmer replied, “ I brought1 1 . \\ gory, Ui ¡tad States, of which ten per cei * three hens to town today, and Attorney General 8hall b® paid at the time of nuhmittin^ copb nf flour nnH tHirfv tTT1 .. . . . . . satisfactory hid, and the balance shall got ii a sack OI nour ana tmrty Whl]e the above advice wa8 ¡8_ ^ i(1 at [ he time of confirmati«.n of cents in change. sued for aliens ^ounty Court of said aliens, the Express be- 8a*” sa*e ’ The councilmen of Forest Grove are the servants of the taxpayers, working for pay, and if the people want anything done they should tell the councilmen. In no other way can the servants know what the people want. The Express is informed some of the councilmen are opposed to granting a fran­ chise to the Portland Gas & Coke company. If y o u w a n t gas, you’d better tell the councilmen, or they may turn down the fran­ chise at the next meeting of the council. It’s up to you. * e county. iiiin tv lieves it would benefit many na­ Dfttod at ForeHt Grove, Oregon, this tive-born citizens to give it heed 27th day o f March, A. I)., 1917. JOE A. W IL E S , occasionally. FIxecutor o f the Last Will and Test­ County Agent Shrock Sounds a Warning ament o f Nellie Porter deceased. Dannials, H ollis & G raham , Attorneys for FIxecutor. (12-5 Notice o f Sheriff’s Sale M . S. Schock, a former resi­ In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, for Washington county. dent of this city, but now county Jennie J. Palmateer, Plaintiff. agent for Yamhill county, pub­ vs. lishes in Yamhill papers the fol­ Charles B. Noble, as executor o f the Last Will and Testament and lowing timely advice to farmers, FIstate o f M. L. Noble, deceased, which will apply as well to Wash- Charles B. Noble and Noble, his wife, Daisy Irene Noble, Ivan ington as \ amhili county : W. Noble, F’lora Jennie Noble “ Every effort is being put forth Sloan and Sloan, her hus­ band, Floyd Bilyeu and Flaiel Bil- to increase production and his yeu, his wife, and P. H. Carr, Generally when any consider - 1 harvest help will be short on ac­ Defendants. able number of men go on strike, By virtue o f an execution, judgment, count of enlistments. The high the newspapers scold the strikers j decree and order o f sale duly and legal­ | prices assured for practically all ly issued out o f the above-entitled cir­ for upsetting the financial equi farm products next fall is of itself cuit court and under the seal thereof librium, but when the paper mill in the above-entitled cause to me di­ sufficient reason w h y farmers rected, dated the 9th day o f April, 1917, employes of Camas struck, the should put forth every effort to on a judgment duly renderea arid en­ newspapers somehow couldn’ t get tered in said court and cause on the 6th produce the maximum. To this day o f April, 1917, in favor o f Jennie J. indignant. Most of the editors is added the patriotism which Palmateer, plaintiff, and against F’ loyd remembered how they have been Bilyeu and Hazel Bilyeu, his wife, and every farmer feels a n d which Ivan W. Noble, defendants, for the actually robbed for the p a s t spurs him on in an attempt to do -urn o f $2,000, with interest thereon thirty months by profit-hungry since November 26th, 1914, at the rate his part toward feeding t he armies o f 8 per cent jier annum, and the fur­ paper kings. Possibly it’s a good of the world as well as the suffer­ ther sum o f $175.00 attorney’s fees and thing to have our own ox gored for costs and disbursements o f said ing victims.” suit, taxed at $35.00, and also the costs once in a while. “ If the climatic conditions are o f and upon said writ, commanding me make sale o f the following-described If you can’t fight, enlist as a at all favorable, the harvest will to real property, situate in Washington producer and help raise food fo r ! be above the average, and every county, state o f Oregon, to-wit; The West half o f Lots 13 and 14 and those who are fighting America s , effort will be made to let nothing all o f I^ots 15, 16 and 17 o f Bohart’ s battles. In some of the foreign j g0 to waste Subdivision in the George W. FIbberts countries thousands o f people\ “ In view of these conditions Donation Land Claim, in Township 1 north. Range 2 West and in Township have forgotten the taste of meat, | and the fact that much of last 1 South, Range 2 west o f the Willam­ sugar, tea and coffee because all ¡years harvest help will be in uni- ette Meridian, Washington county, Oregon. these commodities must go to the form when the coming harvest Now, therefore, by virtue o f said ex­ order, decree and fighting men. If the war lasts roj|s around, it will be well for ecution, , . - judgment . - order o f sale, and in compliance with much longer, even cornmeal, flour every farmer to plan and prepare I the'cwmmands of said w rit! ’ ¡"have'Tev" F'irst pub April 12, lust May 10, 1917. 3.03 rha.; S. 57 degs. 4o mins. FI. 4.‘.SI chs. S. 35 degs. 24 min. FI. 7.12 chs.; S. II degs. 08 tnins. FI. 3.22 chs.; S. 41 SUM M ONS In the Circuit Court o f the State of degs. 15 mins. FI. 7.?«'» chs. to a point where the center line o f County road Oregon for Washington County. crosses the South line o f said D. L. C .; Agnes Belle Mooroft and thence following said south line N. 89 degs. 39 mins. E. 81.22 chs. to the Lavina F'. McCoy, Plaintiffs, place o f beginning, containing 09.8 vs. acres. Daniel T. Thomas and Millie H. That said mortgage be foreclosed; Thomas, his wife, H. W. Wait that said real property be sold as u|>on and Julia F". Wait, his wife, and execution, and the proceeds o f said sale Chas. D. FIdwards, applied to the payment o f the sums o f Defendants. money found due to plaintiffs under said To Chas. D. Edwards o f the above- mortgage ami the note thereby se­ cured, which sums amount to $1000.00, named defendants: with interest thereon, since Oct. 7, In the Name o f the State o f Oregon, 1913, at the rate o f 7 per cent per an­ You are hereby required to ap|x-ar and num and tin- costs and disbursements o f answer the complaint filed against you this suit and o f said sale, and the in the above entitled Court and suit, on further sum o f $150.09 attorney’s fee or before the last day o f the time pre­ herein; that the lien o f said mortgage scribed in the order for the publication be decreed prior and superior to all o f this summons, to-wit: on or before rlaini, interest nr equity o f each and all the expiration of six weeks next, from o f the defendants herein; and that such and a fter the < i .• 1 1 • • of first publication other and further decree la; granted o f this summons, the date o f said first herein as muy seem just and equitable. publication being on April 12, 1917. and This summons is served U|s»n you by if you fail, to so appear and answer, the publication, by order o f Hon. Geo. R. plaintiffs will apply to the court for the Bagley, Judge o f the uliove entitled relief prayed for in their said com­ Court, which order was made and dated plaint, to-wit: April II, 1917. That the mortgage described in M. B. and I). I). BUMF, plaintiffs’ said complaint herein and Attorneys for Plaintiffs. which was executed by Daniel T. F’irst pub. April 12; last May 24. THROUGH TICKETS A D IRE C T LIN E S F A ST SERVICE He True to the Fla# Two splendidly-equipped, electric-li#hted daily trains- The North Hank Limited [evenin#] and the Inland Empire Express [mornin#], Portland via Spokane to Chica#o. Ocean Trip to California in Rail Time Low fares, includin# berth and meals, on S. S. North­ ern Pacific~$32.00 round trip to ’San Francisco, 30-day limit. J. E. FARMER, Agent FOREST GROVE