N e w H o u s to n H o te l YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS W ITH AND KVKHIfTT HTS. ro«r llk w lii from IlnUm HUUon. Uniter MW mxiationMint. A ll ruonu newly tteairetorf. SI’ECIAI. IIA IKS IIY WEEK OK MONTH Hal*. IMk. 75c. SI. $1.30 Par Day. Use Grandma’s Sage Tea and Sulphur Recipe and Nobody will Know. The use of Bane and Sulphur for re- storliiK faded, gray hair to lta natural color dates back to tcrand mother’s 'L A R G E S T ami F IN time. Hhe used it to keep her hair g H O T E L ia ik N O R T H W E S T beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. l 1 DU V. lUuwr, President. Whenever her hair took on that dull, 15 5 0 a ,* 'l 75 faded or streaked appearance, this iRosmi n V 3U H Sample simple mixture was applied with won­ derful effect. Rooms But brewing at home Is mussy and $2 Up ou to f date. Nowadays, by asking at l A m A ct tl Aamci'i iirapliaaal any drug store for a 60 cent bottle of “Wyeth's Bage and Bulphur Com­ pound." you will get this famous old W H E N IN preparation, improved by the addition of other Ingredients, which can be de­ pended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well known downtown druggist says It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied. You simply dampen a SEATTLE’S LARGEST HOTEL sponge or soft brush with It and draw Only three lilncka frum Depots and Dock*. Op- this through your hair, taking one pnaltai City Hall I'ark and (x w rt ilouaa. strand at a time. By morning the THE riNKHT IKJI.I.AK KOOM IN AMKK1CA gray hair disappears, and after an­ W ith tletechad bath. I person. I l DO SI SU other application or two, It becomes S parsone, 11.SO Et 00 W ith privato bath. I person. 12 U ) t i l . So $8.00 beautifully dark and gloasy. 2 persona. S3 CXI SS SU 14.00 W yeth’s Sage and Bulphur Com­ "W h e n In Seattle Try the Frye" pound Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It Is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dia­ K w t Ford Csr «houli! csrry ons • * - base. SEATTLE fM F R Y E o FORD CARS Ixs Una it m m w rh*nifinir on thn rossi. THE T W IN R IM film both front ami rrsr wharl. Appli«*! In & min- u t«« Ksvrs tim«*, rio th ««. U»mi>«r and rtdlffkm. l ’ rice | A U ) H*rat paresi post prmpsid. upon re cari p i o f iiriw . m im i fiLuam a« co , * t i * Tir» shop ttt-SSft llurnsàds al.. l'ortlsm l. Oroffon Veal, Pork. Beef, Poultry, Butler, Eggs and Farm Produce SHIP to the Old Reliable K errdln * houaa with a ravord o f 4S year» o f Square IV elln e*. and be aasured o f T O P M A R K E T PKJCEh. F, M. C R O N K H IT E 4 4 4 7 fr o n t Street Portland, O reaoe W e A r e B u yer» of Veal, Hogs, Hides, Poultry, Eggs, I *r 41 u r in e a fte r K tp o s n re la 4” o l4 , ¡'utllntr W in d , and b u «t. It Restores, ftefrenhea and Promote* E y e Health. G o o d fu r a ll E yes that Need Care. Murine Eye R em ed y Co., Chicago, Bends E ye lio o k on request. Family Pride. "A re you doing anything to make your children proud of you?” " I am," replied Mr. Hllgglna. "A ll the young people will tell you I am tho best dancer In the entire neighbor­ hood."— Washington Star. IF YOUR CHILD IS CRO 8, FEVERI8H, CON8TIPATED Look Mother! If tongue la coated, cleanse little bowele with "C a li­ fornia Syrup of riga." Mothers can re^t easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," because In a few hours all the clogged-up waste, VALLEY PRODUCE COM PANY, sour bile and fermentln- food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have lift Front St,. Portland. O rtfo t) a well, playful child again. Hick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless “ fruit laxative.” W HOLESALE PLUMBIN6 GOODS Millions of mothers keep It handy be­ cause they know Its action on the A u to Supplies Direct to Y o u stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. W R IT E T O D A Y Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot­ FLEMING PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE tle of "California Syrup of Figs,” which contains directions fur babies, 112 Fourth St., Portland, O re. children o f all ages and tor grown-ups. Etc. Your •hipmsnta to u* will bring to you prompt rsturfM and boat posaibUa prtcos. WMTS M ) r s h i p p i n g tags . L E A R N A T R A D E . ( ! m T rsrto r snd Auto« mobilw men s r« in demand. W o an* irivinir a rom ­ pu*!« court* in both for th « price o f one tuition, for a abort time only l.anr«* clans now gradu at­ ing and h av« room for f«*w mom m«*n. Catalog anti details from. tUwpiau > Trait SdweU. 20* A tbwtmrM Portland, O rogon. Didn’t Mean it T h a t W ay. An old lady who had been Intro­ duced to a doctor, who was a professor In a university, felt somewhat puzzled as to how she would address the great man. ■'Shall I call you ‘doctor’ or ‘profes­ ••C. B .M M IN E R S & CO. sor’ ?" she asked. UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP "Oh! Just as you wish,” was the AITOMMIK IffAIRIRO A U I t l l l l l l M . reply; “ as a mater of fact, some people call me an old idiot." I. I. tOA MT m tao OtlUN t i l . PORTLAND. O H M * “ Indeed,” she Bald sweetly. "But, then, they are people that know you.” — Pittsburg Chronicle. i ELECTRIC MOTORS iliife , Bouaht, Sold, Ranted and R epaired * W A L K E ll E L E C T R IC W O R K S Itumaldn. cor. lOth. Portland. Ora. A W om an’s Trouble, HIDE8, P E L T 8 . C A8CARA BARK, W OOL AND M OH A IR . Re viat All you hm. Write for prices And shipping tA|> THI H. F. MOWTOW C o . rortland, Ore; SeiftU, W a . FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney. Organiser anil Developer. I ’atcnU aecnm l or Ken Kafunilttl. F R E E . Toy X Kay I ’ late: »h o w . every bone In your body rlirht through your clothing. Suite« 701. 7I11A. 7U1II, 7U1C. Central bldg . Seattle S T U D Y huokkiv'ping. .horthanil. telegraphy. aala.man.hip. Knglish branche*, at an a r tm lite ii «chimi: write, or phone Main 6110 for catalogue; graduate, guaranteed poeltion». IU-hnke W alker Tlu.ineaa College, 187 4th Street, near Morrlaon. Cortland, Oregon. Truetful. Killth— “ Jack told me I was b o lnter- t'HtliiK and b o beautiful.” Marie— "And yet you will trust yourself for life with a man who hoKliiB deceiving you so early.”— Boston Transcript "W ho stood up for Jack when he married Miss Fllrtlelgh?" "N o one. Everybody called him a fool.”— Boston Transcript BUY DIRECT £ to f> - top Your Own Plumbing | Ry buying direct from ua at wholeaaln pricaa and »ava the plum ber', profit«. W rite ua to­ day your need*. W e will g iv e you our rock- hot torn "dlrect-to-you” pricee. f. a . b. rail or b oa t W e actually nave you from 10 to 86 per c e n t A ll good. guaranteed. Northw eet headquarter« for le a d e r W ater Syatema and Fuller A Johnson Engines. ST ARK-DA VIS CO. 212 Third Street P. N. U. Portland. Oregon No. 16. 1917 w - You corn-peatered men andf women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, ■tops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so It can be lifted out, root and all, with­ out pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively take o ff every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it Is Inexpensive and is said not to Irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn’t any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It la fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. The mighty restorative power of Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription speedily causes nil womanly troubles to diuappenr— compels the organs to properly perform their natural func­ tions, correcta displacements, over­ comes irregularities, removes nain and misery nt certain times anu brings l ack health and strength to nervous, irritable and exhausted women. For all diseases peculiar to women, Dr. Pierce’s Favorito Prescription is a powerful restorative. For nearly r>0 "years it has banished from the lives of tens o f thousands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress caubi J by irregularities and diseases of a feminine character. What Dr. Pierce’ s Favorito rro- crption has done for thousands it will do for yon. Oct it this very day from any medicine dealer, in either liquid or tablet form: nr send 50 cents to Dr. l ’icrce. Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N . Y ., for trial box of tablets. " T H E SH O E TH AT HOLDS IT S S H A P E ’ * $ 3 $ 3 .B O $ 4 3 4 .8 0 $ 5 $ 6 * 7 & $ 8 S av a M o n e y b y W e a r in g W . L D o u g la s s h o o s . F o r sa le b y o v e r 9 0 0 0 sh o e dead era. K n o w n S hoe# in th e W o rld . The . L . D ouglas name and the retail price is Ram ped on the bot­ tom o f all »hoe* at the factory. T h e value is guaranteed and the wearer protected agaiiw t high pricee fo r inferior »hoe». T h e retail prices are the tam e everywhere. T h ey coat no m ore in San Franciico than they do in N ew Y o rk . T h ey are alw avi worth the price paid for them . W ' | 'he quality o f W . L . D ouglas product i* guaranteed by more A than 40 yean experience in m aking fine »hoes. T h e sm art ■ tylei are the leaden in the Fashion Centre» o f A m erica. T h ey are made in a w ell-eauipped factory at Brockton, M ass., by the highest paid , skilled shoem akers, under the direction and supervision o f experienced m en, all w orking with an honest determ ination to m ake the best shoes fo r the pnee that m oney can buy. A a k f o u r sh oe d e a le r f o r W . L . D o u g la s sh o e «. I f he __ not su p p ly you w ith th e k in d you w en t, ta k e no o th e r m a k e . W r it e fo r In Ini terestin g bo ok let e s p li-ln ln g h o w to g e t shoes o f th e h ig ‘ h ctor Pierce’s in this town.— Life. C Favorite Prescrip­ tion I wag entirely NEW MODERN DANCING. relieved.” — M r s . E. Fletehor Hallamore. the leading Dancing E x ­ If. EL Journo«, p ert anil Inn tractor In N ew York C ity, w rite «: ” 1 Troti td ale,Oregon. W. L. D O U G L A S have used A L L E N 'S FO O T-E A S E , the antiseptic pow der to be shaken into the shoes, fo r ten year«, anil recommend it to all m y pupils.” I t curee and p reven t« «o re feet. Sold by all Drug and D epart­ ment Stores. 26c. Samplo F R E E . Addreae. Altoo 8. Olmatod. L e Hoy. N . Y . Shown Up. " I f you want your wife to continue to look up to you"----- “ Yes?" "D on’t let her get you Into a bridge game."— Louisville Courier-Journal. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Sava your H a lrl Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine right now— Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair Is mute evidence o a neglected scalp; o f dandruff— that awful scurf. There Is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair o f Its lustre. Its strength and Its very life; eventually producing a feverish­ ness and i lng o f the scalp, which If not remedied causes the hair roots Questions of S e r f — Are fully and to shrink, loosen and die— then the properly answered in Ttie People’s Com­ hair falls out fa st A little Danderine mon Sense Medical Adviser, by R. V. tonight— now— any time— w ill sorely Pierce, M. I). It contains the knowl­ save your hair. edge a young man or woman, wife or Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s daughter, should have. 1008 pages Danderine from any drug store. You with color plates, bound in cloth. By surely can have beautiful hair and mail, prepaid—on receipt of 3 dimes lota o f It If you w ill just try a little or stamps. danderine. Save your halrl T ry It! The Right Medicine in Many Cases Does Better than the Surgeon’s Knife. Tribute to Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. D o cto r S aid O peration o r D e a th — B u t M eiUclne Cured. Des Moines, Iowa.—“My husband says I would have been in my grave today had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham ’s V egetable Compound. I suf­ fered from a serious fem ale trouble and the doctors said I could not live one year w ithout an operation. My husband objected to the operation and had m e try Lydia E. Pm kham ’s Vegetable Compound. I soon commenced to get better and am now w e ll and able to do mjr own housework. I can recom­ mend Lydia E. Pm kham ’s Vegetable Compound to any wom an as a wonderful health restorer.”—Mrs. B l a n c h e J e f f e r s o n , 703 Lyon St., D es M oines,Iowa. A n o th er O peration A voided. Richmond, Ind.—“For tw o years I was so sick and weak from female troubles that w hen going up stairs I had to go very slow ly with my hands on the steps, then sit down at the top to rest. Tho doctor said he thought I should have an operation, and my friends thought I would not live to move into our new house. My daughter asked me to try Lydia E. lHnkham’s V egetable Compound as she had Liken it with good results. I did so, my weakness disappeared, I gained in strength, moved into our new home, do all kinds of garden work, and raised hundreds of chickens and ducks. I cannot say enough in praise of Lydia E. I*inkham's Vegetable Compound.”— Mrs. M. O. J o h n s t o n , Route D, B ox 190, Richmond, Ind. O f c o u rs e th e r e a re m a n y s e rio u s ca ses th a t o n ly a s u r g ic a l o p e r a tio n w ill r e lie v e . W e f r e e ly a c k n o w le d g e th is, b u t tn e a b o v e le tte rs , a n d m a n y o th e r s lik e th e m , a m p ly p r o v e th a t m a n y o p e r a tio n s a r e r e c o m m e n d e d w h e n m e d ic in e in m a n y c a s e s is a ll th a t is n e e d e d . I f you w an t special ailvlco w rite to L y d ia E. P in k h am M edi­ cine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Y o u r letter w ill be opened, read an d an sw ered by a w om an a n d held in strict confidence.