BNMÜ WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK RAILROAD CO. LOSES Supreme Court Confirms Congressional l-and Grant Act m u ll ANO FANTI Only Interest LOAN IS SUBSCRIBED $200,(MM),INN) Taken in Three Day* Ile- lieve Action Presage» Sucera» of o f Company $2.50 an Acre. $5,000.000.(MM) Bond Issue. wmm RUSSIA PROMISES NEVER TO YIELD Washington, D. C. — The United Washington, D. C. — The first Am er­ States Supreme court, without dissent, ican offering o f war securities in any Monday affirmed the decree o f Judge form, $200,000,000 in treasury certifi­ Wolverton in the Oregon & California cates, has been heavily oversubscribed. land-grant case, and sustained the ac­ How great the over-subacription is, tion o f congress in passing the Cham- officials were unable to say, as many of berlain-Ferris bill prescribing terms on the banks hail not !>cen heard from. 1 which the unsold portion o f the grant The certificates were offered only to shall be disposed o f by the government. Tlie court briefly finds that Judge I financial institutions. The response, W olverton’s decree was in accord with officials believe, presages a patriotic the Supreme court mandate, save on i Events o f Noted People. Governments the one non-essential feature o f costs; Mr. Balfour Thinks Kaiser Would Not outpouring o f funds to an extent un- Workingmen Arc Going Hack to Shop» ; paralleled in the history o f any nation that congress, in passing the act o f and Soldier» Falling in Line to and Pacific Northwest and Other Have Forced War Had He Real­ i when the $5,000,000,000 bond issue is June 9. 1916, was entirely within its ' placed la-fore the general public. Renew Campaign in Field. Things Worth Knowing. ized Aid Allies Would Get. rights and stayed within the lim ita­ Offering o f the certificates was made tions fixed by the Supreme court; that informally la-cauue the $7,000,000,000 j “ the interest under the granting acts finance measure is not yet a law. As I conferred upon the railroad company Washington, I). C. A»»uranceN More that 900 San Francisco barbers was $2.50 per acre.” which the rail­ Washington, D. C.— The American soon as it is disftosed o f by congress, were asked to sign petitions indorsing road w ill get under this law. capital 'Sunday extended a simple but probably by Wednesday, the formal reached Washington Thursday that un­ a rise o f 5 cents for hair cuts, shaves The Union Trust company was found heartfelt welcome to the Rritish min­ offer w ill be made and proceeds o f the der no conditions that are now con­ ceivable w ill the provincial govern­ and other items. ■ to have no rights in excess o f those'of J ister o f foreign affairs, Arthur J. Bal­ subscription called for at once. The informal offering of the rertifi- ment o f Russia yield to the overtures Detectives, on Federal authority, are the railroad company, for the court four, and the other members o f the cates has been before the banks o f the i from German and Austrian noci»li»tir ordered to search the homes o f every holds that the railroad could use the representatives to negotiate a separate German for arms and warlike supplies. lands as a basis o f credit “ only to the British commission which has come to country only three days. It was pre- \ peace. Washington, as Mr. Balfour himself sentod by the 12 Federal reserve extent o f its interest in them,” name­ The time for turning in voluntarily The entente emba»aic» with this as­ expressed it, " t o make co-operation j banks, which will act as the govern- ly, $2.50 per acre. has passed. Once more the court points out that easy and effective between those who merit’» agents. The certificates will surance before them, frankly confessed The board o f agriculture in England the applicants represented both by are striving— with all their power to bear 3 per cent interest and w ill tna- great relief. The gathering o f social­ has decided that 3,000,000 acres of I^tfferty and Puter have no standing in bring about a lasting peace by the only ture June 30. ists at Stockholm, known to l>e fo­ pasture land in England and Wales the case. means that can secure it, namely, a It is probable that as soon as the ex- m ent«! by Germans and Austrians, must be plowed for wheat-growing the tent o f the over-subscription o f the was lo o k «! upon with dread and sus­ Justice McKenna, who wrote the successful war. ” coming autumn. The weather was (H-rfect, and Wash- present issue is ascertained. Secretary picion, and it was fe a r « ! that running first opinion, wrote the opinion handed ington in the bright sunshine, clad in McAdoo w ill authorize the immediate ap|a*ala to the altruistic principles o f down Monday. He firmly rejects The first American loan to the allied nations w ill go to Great Britain. The every contention set up by the railroad the light green foliage o f the season, issue o f an additional amount to care socialism, the universal brotherhoiMl of working men and such considerations, never looked more beautiful than when for the over-subscription, amount and other details probably w ill company. might force the provisional govern- Dealing first with the railroad's con­ the special train which had brought be made public by Secretary McAdoo merit to consent to a separate |trace to the distinguished visitors with their tention that it should be permitted to within a few days. terminate the war. cut the timber before disposing o f the official escorts from the north drew According to a Hanover newspaper It is now learned from an authorita­ land, on the ground that the railroad into the union station. received in Amsterdam, Colonel-Gen­ Everywhere bunting flew in the light Tribute I’ aid United State» Without tive source that these apprehensions had absolute ownership o f the lands, eral Baron von Falkenhausen has been ami misgivings were based on misun­ breeze, mainly the American National the court says: Precedent Royalty Attend. appointed governor general o f Bel­ derstanding o f the aims o f the extreme “ The grant was not absolute, but was colors. The British Union Jack and gium, in succession to the late General Lcndon— The entry o f the United socialist element in Russia ami o f the qualified by a condition in favor o f the the French Tri-Color were in evidence von Bissing. States into the world war on the side real strength o f the provisional g o v­ in many places, but the local flag mak­ settlers, and that i f the lands granted Despite the fact that men enlisted carried by necessary implication all ers had been unable to meet demands of the entente allies was celebrated in ernment. So far from contemplating St. Paul’s Cathedral Saturday. any peace on the basis o f existing gov­ fo r the regular army are being assured that was above and below the surface for them. King George and Queen Mary and ernments, the advanc«! Russian social­ There were no other decorations, and that they w ill be held only for the o f the railroad company, they carried duration o f the war with Germany, such implication to the actual set­ even at the union station the only- numreous members o f the royal house­ ists want to carry their democratizing touch o f color was lent by the three hold, the mayors o f the 26 boroughs ideas by force into the enemy coun­ recruiting figures continue to show a tlers.” The court reviewed briefly the his­ large flags, the American, British and o f London, dressed in their official tries, and to ap|tcal to their brother steady decline. tory o f the litigation, and in a foot French, which were hoisted on the robes o f scarlet; Peers, cabinet minis­ socialists in Austria and Germany to The N avy department announces note says o f the applicants and inter­ three great masts adjoining the plaza. ters, the ambassadors and ministers of rise in revolt, overturn the monarchies that the submarine H-3, which went countries, with their ami establish true socialistic republics Nor was there any music to greet the entente veners that “ this case has no further ashore on the California coast several staffs; high army and navy officials in their places. the visitors, the original plan, includ­ concern with them.” months ago, has been floated. .She is This movement is rejsirted gather­ Taking up the provisos o f the grant­ ing the presence o f the marine band, and many Americans, including Walter under tow to the Mare Island navy ing act, the court repeats that the pro- having been amended to conform to Hines Page, the American ambassador. ing strength rapidly in Russia among yard for repairs. The visions were enforcible covenants which | the view expressed by Secretary j and his staff, were present. Not a seat the soldier* and workingmen. former arc falling in line again to re­ The Turks in Mesopotamia have had been breached many times. It sing that this was a grave and serious j in the vast edifice was vacant, evacuated the Iztabilat position on the was not intended, says the court, that event in American history and not to J The service was an impressive one new the campaign in the East and the ' and King George evinced the deepest workingmen are going back to their right bank o f the Tigris, 10 mlies be­ these breaches should be overlooked be regarded as a festive affair. I With the Balfour party safely in [ interest in it. The sermon was shops to turn out shot and shell and low Samara, the war office announ ces. and the railroad company merely be They are now being attacked at a point enjoined against future breaches, al­ Washington, the State department has preached by the Right Rev. C. 11. |»iwder on the greatest |x>a*ible scale. six miles nearer Samara. though this was the railroad’s conten­ permitted publication o f the details o f Brent, Episcopal bishop o f the Philip- From every quarter comes assurances pine Islands. The archbishop o f Can­ o f supjiort for the provisional govern­ the long trip, tion. The Council o f National Defense ment. The British commissioners stole se­ terbury delivered the benediction. Tuesday created a committee on ship­ The entire congregation artme near Rehabilitation o f thc*erippl«i Rus­ cretly away from England April 11 on ping to advise with the Federal Ship­ a fast cruiser protected in every pos­ the end o f the service, when the band sian railways by a corps o f more than ping Board and report to the council ’ sible way from German spies who played “ The Star-Spangled Banner,” 500 trained American railroad men on the best means o f increasing ton­ Sky Alight for Miles With Flashes o f might have got out word to lurking and there was audible throughout the w ill be the early result o f an appal to nage for shipping to the allies. submarines. The voyage was entirely | cathedral the sound o f au)>dued voices the President from several o f Russia's Guns on British Front. Even King ablset engineers. The new govern­ uneventful, however, and the party a r - 1 singing the anthem. The result o f the election in Tokio London— The battle o f Arras, which rived at H alifax Friday. Crossing to ' G eorge’s li|»s moved as he followed the ment thus w ill be strengthen«! against shows a regrettabe apathy as to the constitutional development and an ab­ had been smoldering for a week past, St. John, a special train took them to lines, and at the end o f the stanza the the pressure to make a separate pace sence o f a political awakening, accord­ burst into flaming fury again Monday, the little Canadian town o f McAdam, words, “ the home o f the brave,” with Germany. Plans to lend the Russian govern­ ing to the J iji, the Asahi and the and raged throughout the night, with just across the International bridge hirought a smile to the monarch's face Nichi Nichi, leading papers o f Tokio. some o f the heaviest fighting o f the which Werner Horn, a former German > and he turned and nodded to the Queen. ment some $2,000,000,000 out o f the war in progress. new $5,000,000,000 war bond issue officer, attempted to blow up. Satur- ------------------------ With both houses o f congress debat­ The sky was alight for miles with day the party arrived at the frontier have already been form ulat«!, but ing the war army bill, it became more the flashes o f guns, with star-shells American aid is to go still further and than ever apparent that there is no that spread a moonlight paleness over town o f Vanceboro, where the A m eri­ make effective the ex|M>nditure o f the can reception committee welcomed fight over whether a great army shall the battlefield and with varicolored great sums o f money the new Russian be raised, the only question being what rockets which flashed signals to the op­ them to American soil. Ixindon — The Turkish government democracy is to receive from the U nit­ The various members o f the commis­ strength can be mustered by opponents posing artillery. The cold east wind sion, including Mr. Balfour himself, on Friday evening officially informed ed States. o f the selective draft plan. carried the echoes o f the reverberat­ have brought with them much o f the the American embassy that diplomatic America Censors letters. Admiral P. W. von Hinze, German ing cannonade far back o f the British atmosphere o f quiet suffering and pain relations with the United States had been broken off, according to a Berlin minister to China, who is in San Fran­ lines. San Francisco— Uncle Sam’s censor­ that has a fflic t«! England during the The fighting covered approximately last two and a half years. dispatch fo rw a rd «! by Reuter’s cor­ ship o f mail has begun. cisco en route to Berlin, was thrown The first from his automobile when a second an eight-mile front, from south o f American censored letter to arrive in “ Even in the few hours we have respondent at Amsterdam. American Ambassador Elkus, who is \ San Francisco came to a local news­ machine collided with it on the state Vim y ridge to a point well below been in the United States,” Mr. Bal­ A t the north end o f the four said, “ we have been struck with suffering from typhoid fever, the re­ paper accompanied by 50 cents for a highway Tuesday. His hands and Croisselles. attack the British swept over German the atmosphere o f calm and peaceful port adds, w ill have to remain some j month’s subscription. It was written wrists were bruised and sprained. fixed positions running almost due ness which naturally prevails. We time in Constantinople. The ambassa­ aboard a government warship. The Passengers may no longer ride on south from Lens and captured long feel ourselves far removed here from dor’s condition has shown some im­ envelope bore the imprint, “ Passed by railroad car platforms while crossing sections o f German positions in front the stress and horror that Germany provement. I censor,” and the (to^tmark on the out- bridges. This rule was put into effect o f the Hindenburg line and a great has thrust on Europe, much as many of I side o f the envelope, as well as the by railroads all over the country Tues­ Basel, Switzerland, via Paris— A dis­ date line indicating the whereabouts number o f prisoners. our people felt distant from France in day, and it applies to the rear plat­ More than 1200 prisoners were the early days o f the war. The Unit­ patch from Constantinople says the o f his ship, were b lo tt«! out. form o f observation cars as well as to counted in this sector and others were ed States, fortunately, probably w ill Ottoman government has notified the other coaches. The chief reason for still coming in. The largest number not experience the human losses that American embassy that, following the U-Boat Carries Disguise. the rule is that the palftorms offer a o f prisoners was from the 141st Pom­ France for so long, and ourselves dur­ example o f its ally, Austria-Hungary, New Y ork— A German submarine vantage ground for bomb dropping. eranians, who surrendered in hundreds ing the past months, have experienced. it has broken diplomatic relations with disguised as a sailing ship, carrying Count von Reventlow, o f Germany, after very brief resistance. A battery “ Nevertheless,” Mr. Balfour ad- the United States. three masts, was sighted by the B rit­ w riting in the Tages Zeitung, asserts o f field guns also was taken. l ded, “ I doubt i f you can foresee what ish steamship Southern Down on April that victory is necessary. The Ger­ Shriners Cancel Gaiety. fundamental changes the war will 3 when about 300 miles west o f L is­ man monarchy cannot endure other- j Pension Fund $7,500.000. St. i/ouis— Cancellation o f all social bon. bring into your ordinary life. Mr. Bal­ For two hours the British wise, says he. Boston — The reserve fund o f the four. while unwilling to speculate on features at the 1917 session o f the Im­ freighter was chas«l, escaping capture Reuter’s Amsterdam correspondent Episcopal church fund, o f which $5,- what form American participation in perial Council o f the Ancient Arabic or destruction through her superior says that according to a Brussels dis­ 000,000 was sought originally, has I the war might take, said he had no Order Nobles o f the Mystic Shrine for speed, according to officers o f the patch, General von Bissing, German passed $7,500,000, Bishop William doubt that Am erica’s efforts would as- North America, to be held in Minne­ Southern Down on arrival o f the vessel The | tonish the world, particularly Ger- apolis June 26, 27 anil 28, were deter- Thursday at an American port. governor-general in Belgium, died Iaw rence announced Tuesday. exact use to which the overflow w ill be many. He indicated that it was his m in «! upon Monday by Henry F. N i« l- Wednesday morning. put is uncertain because the insurance opinion that i f Germany had foreseen ringhaus, o f St. I,ouis, imperial poten­ Railway May Offer Land. The W’ebb bill, to permit foreign department o f the state o f New York how fully the United States would en- tate, who met delegates from other San Francisco— The Southern Pacific governments at war with Germany to must pass on the proposition. In time, ter the struggle she would not have cities in a conference here. railroad, it has become known, is con­ recruit their citizens in this country the Bishop said, the overflow would go The decision was made because o f sidering a plan to aid the campaign to p recipitat«! V a r between the two fo r their armies, passed the house to aged or disabled clergy or to the the war. countries. increase the country’s f « » l supply by without rollcall. It has already passed widows and orphans o f clergymen. which it would permit farmers, rent the senate. Another Dreadnaught is Added. Labor Leaders Coming. free, to use its agricutural lands. A mob o f 270 in Porto Alegre, Bra­ German Strike Broken. New York— Another dreadnaught en­ Many millions o f acres are held by the London— A t the invitation o f Samuel zil, attacked German houses recently Copenhagen, via London— The Ger­ Gompers, president o f the American tered waters as a unit o f U n it«l States railroad along its right o f way. and tore down German flags and man military authorities have taken Federation o f Labor, through Presi­ sea power Monday when the battleshp smashed the windows. Afterwards control o f the German weapon and mu­ Britain to Fly U. S. Flag. dent Wilson, to the/ British govern­ New Mexico, comparing favorably caricatures o f the kaiser were nailed nition factory, the last important mu­ Ix>ndon— The American flag w ill fly ment, two representatives o f British offensively and defensively with any to the walls. afloat, was from the great Victoria tower o f the nitions plant in Berlin whose employes trades unions have been selected to other flghting vessel Unofficial advices say that Count remained on strike. They order«! the visit the United States. They are luanched at the New York navy yard. Houses o f Parliament on Friday, this Tisza, the Hungarian premier, and two workmen to return to work immediate­ Charles W. Bowerman and James H. The ceremony was o f a private char­ being the first time in history that any members o f the Austrian cabinet, have ly, stating that unless they did so they Thomas, members o f the house o f com­ acter because the nation is at war. but the British flag has flown there. resigned. Other reports are to the would be mobilized and compelled to mons. They are to expain in detail I The New Mexico was christened by The sale o f American flags in Ixm- effect that the resignation o f the work at soldiera’ wages. This ended the measures taken in England to solid­ Miss Maragret C. DeBaca, daughter o f don has been enormous, many dealers Greek cabinet is impending. being sold out. the strike. ify the labor resources o f the country. the late governor o f New Mexico. Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. American, British and French Flags Fly Over Capital. Dispels All Fear That Socialists May Force Separate Peace. COMPILED GREAT CROWDS CHEER WASHINGTON FOR YOU BRITAIN PRAYS FOR AMERICA HOT FIGHTING IS RENEWED Turkish Diplomatic Relations With U. S. Broken Off EASIER