©If? JFitrpflt (i>rmt? TExpresa EVERYBODY WANTS IMPROVED ROADS no c n a r i t e » . i f i e d i d mij * thorizing the bonds specifically de­ I 111 * R GOOD ROADS R A L L Y 9 scribes the roads to lie improved and Published uvery Thursday at Format (»rove, Oregon. R TO 3E HE L D A P R I L 28 R defines the general character of their I r r construction. Bids will be Invited and, W. ('. Banfar, Editor arid Publisher. I 8 Reduced excursion rate* R If the proposals are excessive, the ¡R from all sec'*' rn of the state 9 Highway Commissioners have an­ Filtered hh second class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the noatofTlre at Koreat (¡rove, Plan That Will Insure State R have b e n i ini.-d by the rail 9 nounced that they will do their own Oregon, under the Aet of Maridi 3, 1 H7i* paving. What more could be asked? for do Oood • Better Highways to Be , i R R roads * * * Roads Ual! to I, • I eld in Fort 9 j THURSDAY, APRIL 19 1917 1 R land, S » 'd a y \pril 2H Don’t 9 , None of the money to be expended Voted Upon in June. R forgot Ui* «¡a* a d arrange to 9 for good roads under the bonding act * NOTKS AND C O MME N T S R attend Lvery friend of the 9 will be expended in Multnomah Coun­ ......... ..... " ................ ... w........... Everybody want* good mad*. The R road b<- d 1. 1 am! ,ood roads v ty although that county pays 40 per deed for Improved highways I h admit­ R enthu nt i* invited to be 9 \ cent of the automobile licenses of the I royalty to the Hag does not require you R j state and a proportionate share of the ted. Every citizen 1* anxloua and R present -. to hate your neighbor, even tho he may Governor Vtthycombe and R regular quarter mill road tax. willing to pay his share toward* the R .i.ii'-r* Ben- R S T RONG A R G U M E N T cowl of building good road*. All the R Highw : Con* \ x -r 3 4 have been born under the Hag of a tyrant. /ndlvtdual ever haa ln*iai<-d upon and R son. Th' mi-io. ii a: I Adam* will R FOR GOOD ROAD BONDS (a asking today la that the public re­ R dejlver t •• pr /u pal addresses 9 ing oniy, and of Ruthon hill one mile of one dollar of value for every R and short five rn. ite talks are 9 j One of the most forceful appea s THE PUBLIC PULSE same class as Mitchell Point which ceive dollar expended In road conatructlon. R proposed by th«- Mayors of 9 for good roads was that offered for 9 the Grange measures, which provided hasn’ t as yet been touched, and of Frequently in the past the public ha* R various Oregou cities. Against Bond Issue From i .- « ..it Indications, the 9 for a bond issue and was printed in rocks and forests in ('latsop county be­ not received full value from these ex­ R (¡anton, Oregon. tween Astoria and Tillamook, but 1 am penditure*. But till* ha* been due R rally will prove the most nota- >• the 1912 official state pamphlet. From April lh. 1917. R ble gathering of good roads f that argument the following is quoted taking too much of your valuable space, Invariably to the lark of a systematic To the Kditor Forent (¡rove Kxpreaa: plan of road building and an intelli­ 9 boosters ever held In the Pa- R “ Business Men and Farmer. Produc so will dose by saying that my prayer R er and Consumer: In Sunday’s Oregonian (Apr. 15) are gent supervision of the work by public R clflc Northwest. Vote for the is, that Oregon will vote down the $6,- officials charged with disbursing the R R Grange Measures, for you one and all reaolutiona passed by the Beaverton . 000,000 bondage bill and decide once for fund. RRRR RR RRR RR RR RR SC R are interested in the development of ^ Orange containing this : 1 all to pay for our roads as we get them, The last Legislature, however, pro­ the state, that can never be accom “ Whereas, Re liable information him plished without th* construction of been fumiahed to aatiafy the votera of and then if the task becomes too bur- j vided the necessary legislation for In­ good, permanent roads, built econom­ the statu that the license fees of auto­ densome we can rest for a year or two ! troducing In Oregon a systematic and ically and scientifically. Spence, mobile», auto trucks and other gssoline- without being sold out to pay ofT our IntelUKent campaign for the state wide construction of permanent hard sur­ pro|ad|ed vehicles, together with the bonds. Shaw, Leedy, Mason. Committee Ore­ one-quarter mill general road tax will face highway*. A complete road code gon State Grange.** THOMAS R. ROE. more than pay the bonds during the life was adopted and a Highway Commis­ of said bonds as well as the interest On this page are a number of sion created for Its administration. Revenue Provided for Interest CONDENSED NEWS NOTES thereon." Another measure provided for Issu­ articles dealing with the road It is indeed a shame that the Grange and Principal on Road Julius Wehrly’s twin boys h ave1 ance of b<*nla aggregating $1,800,000 problem. Those not signed are should be led into such action; the only with which to match an equal amount the measles. furnished by the publicity bureau Bonds. provided by the Government, under way in which I can account for it is (¡o to Marsh hall tonight and the Shackleford Act. for the construc­ . their closeness to Portland and thut of those favoring the $6,000,000 their membership N not corn posed of hear about the Red Cross work. tion of post roads and forest roads. Opponents of the road bond bill bond issue and, while the editor Most important of the Legislative It’s free. farmers, but Portland workers. measures was that authorizing the is­ Contend that the proposed bond issue believes the statements therein Now, let us figure a little: estimated The members of the Belgian sue of bonds to the amount of $6.000,- will become an added burden to the auto license foes $310,000; income from Relief society will give a card 900 for the constru* tion of main trunk general taxpayer. As a complete an­ contained are, in the main, tru th -' one-quarter mill tax $22i*,0O(> or a total parly ai the Mat-ruin home next lines throughout the grate. At the swer and refutation of this argument, ful, he does not of his own knowl­ same time, another bill was passed the Legislative Good Roads Commit- j edge know them to be accurate. of $530, ooo income a year. Saturday evening doubling the annual license on all an tee haH incorporated the following Now, the bonds are to be issued one Your neighbors are planting tomobllea and rn »tor vehicles. The statement as a part of its argument Star Theater Changes Hands million the first year, two million the revenue from tli s source, together in support of the bond bill which will " 1 ’akro SeedtajK?.” Buy it for second year and the remaining three Fred Watrous, an experienced with the money derived from the ex­ b<- published in the’ official state pam­ million as needed. These* bonds are to 1 your garden. Ask Lit tier’s Phar­ isting one-fourth mill road tax will phlet: motion picture man, has purchased macy about it. "W e have ascertained from the rec- | draw -1 |s*r cent interest. meet all Interest charges of the pro­ from his brother-in-law, Carl The bonding bill provides (Sec. 12) M . J. Abbot , w'ho returned a posed blind issue and retire the bonds ords of the oftice of the Secretary of Hoffman, the Star Theater and State that the income from the pres- ! that each year “ Any remainder of such week ago irmn a Portland hos­ without adding a dollar to the direct ent quarter-mill tax is $220,000 per has had the house closed for sev­ surplus or unexpended balance (auto pital, is improving nicely and is taxes of the Individual. Of these various measures, only one annum; that the income from auto li- { eral days, giving it a thorough license and 1-4 mill tax) so transferred able to be at his place ol business —the $6,000,000 Bond Bill—will be censes, based upon the'present num- j to tin* jurisdiction of the State High- j a part of each day. submitted to the voters for their ap her of automobiles at tlw increased overhauling. The re-opening takes way Commission shall be subject to the Glenn Morgan, teacher of chem­ proval at the special election. Juti*? license rate effective August 1st, will ! place tomorrow night, when Doug. payment of any other lawful claim or istry at the high school, suffered 4th. This measure asks nothing of be not less than $310,000 per annum Fairbanks stars in "Flirting With claims incurred or contracted by suid severe burns to his face this morn­ anybody except that which he must to be used in paying interest and prin­ cipal of boqds. The above funds will Fate.” On page five of this is­ commission. “ ing. when he accidentally spilled pay under laws which go into effect be sufficient not only to pay the in- i regardless of whether the bond issue sue, M r Watrous is asking his If the ls>nds are voted there will be s me sulphuric acid. His eyes be adopted. All manner of safeguards terest and the principal of the $6,000,- ! $20,000 interest this year and the High were not injur• d. patrons to tell him what they have been provided outside the bond­ 000 bonds a ithorized by this act, but way Commission, according to Sec. 12, will also pay »the interest and princi- j want in the way of pictures and ing act. The Highway Commission Harve Baldwin was called la*-t s|s*nds the remaining part of the auto has be. n reorganized, methods of road pal of the $1 819,280.55 in bonds author­ •service. Take him up on his offer and 1-4 mill tax on rouds ami should ; week to Condon, where his bro­ construction have been reformed, ized to meet the government road ap­ this continue until 1922, when the first ther, Oscar, is suffering from competition in contracts has been propriation. After paying these bonds and make suggestions that seem there will be a surplus of at least $2,- payment of the principal falls due, blood poi oning. He is not con­ made compulsory and an anti conspir­ 793.402.66. Since 1911 the increase in to fit the case. acy h'll has been passed. Amortiza­ which is $395,000, and the interest, which sidered dangerously ill, but need­ M r. Hoffman left yesterday for the number of automobiles In the amounts to $316,000, or a total of $711,- ed somebody to look after his tion tables show that the income now State of Oregon has been 3 3 per Eastern Oregon to investigate a Irrevocably provided will retire the 000. (Our auto tax and quarter mill work. $6.000.000 bond issue, meet the re­ cent per year. With the completion j business proposition. tax amount to 000.) Who is to of good roads this increase will natur- | Yesterday was the first day we quirements of the Federal Act, pro­ ally he larger. However, we have not I pay the deficit o f ^181,000? These bonds vide mainterance of roads and leave King’s weekly bargain sales are are gold bonds, drawn upon the state of were without rain for 4!) days— a surplus even If there be no increase taken any increase into account but \ attracting considerable attention, Oregon and are to be paid by the state just nine days more than was re­ in assessed value or number of auto­ have based our figures on the present [ number of automobiles.” as seasonab’e goods are offered at of Oregon, therefore the tax payer is quired to send Brother Noah on mobiles. Approval of the bond measure by reduced prices. Another starts politely asked to stick his hand into his his cruise. But Noah didn’t have |s»cket and prisluce tin* $181,000 which the Forest Grove sewer to carry the voters is all that is needed to car­ tomorrow. ry out the good roads campaign effec­ the auto tax and one-quarter mill tux off the water. tively. Indorsement of the bonds at Christian Church fail to pay. the June election, would mean that Oregon State Grange will hold Lord’s Day services as follows: I get the payments this way: Section actual road construction could begin Good roads will make Oregon the , H of bonding bill says if this $6.000.00(1 the annual meeting at Astoria, this year. In passing on this measure, greatest dairying center in the world, j Bible School 9:45 a. m. bonding bill carries, then $1,900,000 Oregon, May 8-1J. Delegates from voters are not asked to vote blindly. Remember this when you vote on the | Communion and sermon 11 a. m.; sub­ ject, “ What We Owe and How to Pay in bonds are to be issued to take 63 Grudges a n d the Pomona The pending bond bill describes the road bond bill in June. W W W roads that are to be constructed and I t ." care o f what the auto tax and 1-4 mill Granges throughout the state, be­ defines the general character of their The proposed bond issue will pro­ Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. tax would do if applied to the roads in construction. All roads will be built vide good roads at no greater cost Song Service and Sermon 7:30 p. m.; the next four years, making total road sides a goodly number.of Grangers under the supervision of the State ttian the state is now paying for poor subject, “ God’ s Plumb Line.” Baptis­ bonds o f $7,900,000, which is to be paid expect to attend this meeting.* Highway Commission which was cre­ ones. mal service at close o f evening sermon. “ one-twentieth each year” (Section 3) Questions of vital importance to ated for that speci f i c purpose. W W W Everybody invited to these services. and draw 1 percent interest which gives the Grangers and farmers will be The members of the Commission Ttie action of the recent Legislature R. L. PUTNAM, Pastor. are men of the strictest integrity. in doublin', the annual license on au­ in 1922, $711,000; in 1923, $695,200; in | discussed. Mr. and Mrs. H. T .. They are amoii" the state's mist rep­ tomobiles and making the funds de­ 1924, $679,400 and so on every year, the GALES CREEK Buxton of this city are delegates resentative citi'.ens who have achiev­ rived therefrom available for road tax payer making up the deficit. ed enviable success in the business construction is justified by the rea­ An 11-pound son was born last week But, alas, this is not all. A fter pave- j from Washington County Pamona world. As appointees of Governor soning that it is the automobile that i to Mrs. Oscar Smith. ment has been in five years, according Grange. Withycomhe, they may be depended destroys the road and it should bear *• A 12-pound Boy came Saturday to to the Highway Commission o f the state j Mrs. Jessie Covert, daughter of upon to conduct the business of state the burden of road construction. live with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Maitland. of New York, the cost for up keep is * * * road building with the same fidelity Mr. and Mrs. Pearl W’illiams are the from $500 to $2,000 per mil*- according' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buxton, who they have shown in th *ir personal af­ “ When public money is honestly to the amount and kind o f travel, so we j has been bedridden almost con­ fairs. The personnel of the Commis­ spent on a road every dollar becomes parents of a new daughter. Mrs. Carl Tupper visited Sarah Lee have this upkeep exitenat! added to our* tinually since an operation last sion is a guarantee that ail road funds three dollars." says the Portland Jour­ coming Into its hands will he dis­ nal. “ First, there is the dollar in the Sunday. deficit in interest and principal each July, was Friday taken to Port­ bursed wiselv and i conc.m.eully. road itself. Second, there remains in Mesdames Eli Howell, Adkins and year. the community the dollar which has Churchill visited the Grove Friday. land and submitted to another op­ There was a bill in the legislature to E V E R Y PRO DU C ER been paid out for labor and material. raise the one-quarter mill tax to one eration, with the hope that it Otto Parsons attended lodge in the WILL BE AIDED. Third, there is the dollar of economic and one-quarter mill tax for road pur- might bring about a cure. Yes­ Grove Monday. value added to the land adjacent to |>oses, but it was killed because the terday she was so far improved , Good roads concern and should In­ the road. This is a real value, not a Mrs. Maitland is working at Charles friends o f the $6,000,(MM) bond issue said terest every citlr.en. They reduce the speculative one. It is an increase in Maitland’s. that she was permitted to have a cost per ton to the producer in mar­ productive capacity.” if the people get a chance to vote on j Mrs. Robinson Sunday visited her Better reasons for supporting the daughter, Mrs. Chas. Maitland. bonds or to vote a tax and pay for the j baked potato and a little soup, the keting his products. This is an im­ roads as they are built they will vote ! first food she had taken for a portant factor in determining the ulti­ road bond bill June 4th could not be Mrs. Wallace’ s baby is still sick. mate cost to the consumer. Good offered. It may be depended upon tax and kill bonds and we want the week. Oliver Cutrightwas in town Tuesday. roads mean a substantial-, saving in that Highway Commissioners Benson. bonds voted, and as a result we w ill' The promoters o f the new railroad Miss Amy Pechin, a teacher in the operating cost of 36.000 motor ve­ Thompson and Adams will see to it mit be allowed to choose between p a y -' are very busy at present. the local public schools, very hicles in this state and will effect a that every dollar of the road fund is ing our bills as we go and mortgaging Mr. Englebrecht has bought a team further saving of at least 10 per cent honestly expended and full value re­ our home«, but merely whether w e ' pleasantly entertained the grade in the depreciation of all vehicles. turned in roads honestly constructed. of ponies, it if it mortgage to build a few miles o f p^ve-1 teachers of this city and the These two itemrf amount into almost Mr. Mann went to the Grove Tues­ incredible sums annually. All money The personnel of the Highway Com­ day and sold his spuds for $4.00 per ment or not. teachers of the Cornelius public raised for good roads will be expended mission. appointed by Governor Withy­ One and one-quarter mill plus the schools, at her home in the north­ in this state, contributing to the wel­ comhe, is in itself a guarantee that cwt. auto tax for five years gives $7,550,000, | Nick Lilly and Jim Churchill were in west part of the city, Tuesday ev­ fare of all. Good roads increase the the money derived from the proposed and by bonding for $5 years get $7,- | value of all laud contiguous to the $6,000,000 good roads bond issue will the Grove today. '.MMJ.OOO and tie up all other state road ( ening. The time was very much highways that 'are improved. This be wisely and economically expended. A great many women know that money for the twenty years bonds are J enjoyed by all present. Near the stimulates road construction in other It is a further guarantee that every John Anderson carries the most being paid off. Is it good business to close of the evening delicious re­ communities. Could more material cent of the money will he spent in reasons lie urged for/ supporting the practical road construction. There vote bonds? freshments were served by the good roads bond bill at the special will be neither waste nor extrava­ stylish ladies’ suits a n d shirt I would like to speak o f the cost o f waists to be found in town and if hostess, assisted by her sister,Miss election June 4th? gance in tb%' expenditure of the fund. (Columbia river highway where the you don’ t know it, come in and * * * * * state has already spent $17,(MM) on one- Rditfi Pechin, a teacher in,the Public sale bills printed at tHb Prices rea­ In voting the good roads bonds June convince yourself. fourth mile at Mitchell Point in gra.l- Orenco schools. Express office. 4th, the voters of the state are taking sonable and quality first-class. I M » M M ». v. v u r r s i t R i t g i t » TAXES WILL NOT I BE INCREASED <«r>Boitii»*iy