KING & CO. Doesn't Some Small Voice Whisper SPECIAL O F F E R IN G S F O R ONE WEEK ONLY April 20th to 27th, inclusive to YOU: “ Save your money; have a growing Savings Account with this strong Bank and have ready money for an emergency?” Watch Our WEEKLY SALES for SPECIAL PRICES A B ig R e d u c t i o n o n ? 15% 32-inch CORDUROYS In blue, green, black and red, Per yard . . . Many people are getting 1 per cent i n t e r e s t on their savings here by hav­ ing heeded the “ S m a l l V o ic e .” Why not you? SAVE and SUCCEED! 1 98c R e d u c tio n o n Men’s Hats First National Bank Forest Grove, Ore. All the New and Standard Shapes “ A Strong Bank in a Good Town” O F F on Remnants M ill- e n d s a n d R e m n a n t s o f L a c e s , E m b r o id e r ie s , D r e s s G o o d s , R ib b o n s , L i n i n g s a n d O u t i n g s 75c Men’s Work Shirts 59c Heavy Dark Colored Shirts Cut full, any size 14 to 17 CONDENSED NEWS NOTES S p e c ia l P r ic e s o n 30c Flaxons 24c J Public sale bills printed at the Express office. Save your Telegram coupons for Miss Helen Phillips. $2.00 Gingham and Percale Dresses, /*Q Frank Allen was transacting Special price . . . $ 1 * 0 */ business in Portland Monday. $1.75 Gingham and Percale Dresses, oq Found—Two pieces of g o l d Special price - - - « p l.O î/ chain. Call at Express office. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lasham were visiting in Portland Sunday. Money to loan—Valley Realty Go to Marsh hall tonight and O. V. B. garden tools at (Jor­ Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf hear about the Red Cross work. don’s hardware store. 10-tf A trial order is all we ask; next It’s free. Lime and Sulphur spray, by For T hat to postoffice. Ruggles Cleaning W. C. Reed of Stockville, Neb., the gallon or barrel, at Lit tier’s Works. 52 visited the L. M. Graham family Pharmacy. The latest Columbia records of Monday. Your neighbors are planting the new songs on sale at Littler’s ■ ‘Pakro Seedtape.” Buy it for For Sale—F a u 111 e s s stump- Pharmacy. your garden. Ask Littler’s Phar­ puller, complete and in good con­ macy about it. Stop at the corner and look at our fine lot of dition. Phone David 251. 1-tf Mrs. Hertzog of McMinnville \ was the guest of Miss McIntyre Two recitals are announced by vegetables and fruits. Mrs. Guy Morley and baby de­ of this city over Sunday. the Conservatory of Music to bo 1 parted Friday for Drain, where Our Prices are RIGHT. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Johnson Guy is employed in the S. P. of­ given in Marsh Hall. The first will be Saturday evening of this and daughter. A l i c e , visited fices. Our goods are THE BEST. j week, April 21st and the second friends in Portland Friday. Clarence Steigleder returned 'Wednesday, April 25lh Both Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bernard Friday to Bremerton navy yards, recitals will begin promptly at | visited their daughter, Mrs. Eu­ after a week’s visit with his mother ci^ht o clock and those attending nice Rogers, at McMinnville Sun­ in this city. 1 are requested to be prompt. P h o n e 0301 C . H . G IG U K R E , P ro p . day. Pacific University will celebrate . *J'.'R‘n / ,,rJ’ daughter iff William Lasham of this city has Mav Day on the eleventh, with ^lr a °d Mrs. L. J. Corl ofCor- received a position aboard one of Miss Alvena Howard as queen of Y» l,s- w*»? ha* b' en her the large ships as plumber and Mav sisters, Mi'Ses Mary and Miriam, sent of their parents and boys un- piled in the yard. The mill had a steam fitter. in this city, and her brother, Oli- der 16 will not be accepted at a ll., capacity of 20,(M)0 feet per day Robt. Enchede. who has been ver, and family in H i l l s b o r o , left and employed 25 men. It is be­ If Ed Boos comes around pry­ attending high school in thi- city the first of the week for Dundee, I n to r p c tin tf I P P tlirP lieved the fire was of incendiary ing into your business, don’t get quit school Friday and has gone III., where she will visit relatives 1 1,1 I^L IU IL origin. The mill will be rebuilt at offended; he is the assessor for to work on a farm. a few days, and then will be mar­ this neck o’ the woods and is only Is Free to the Public once. ried to Mr. Benj. B Irving, a Miss Una Emerson visited at doing his duty. Under the auspices of the For­ Woman’s Club the home of Mrs. Rosen burg of young civil engineer, in the em­ A new lot of men’s and boys’ Salem fformerly Amy Smith of thi- ploy of the New York Central est Grove Woman’s club, Dean (J. The regular meeting of the For­ suits just received at John Ander­ city) the first of the week. with offices in Cleveland, Ohio, W. Peavey of the O. A C. will est Grove Woman’s club will be son's. where quality is always where the couple will reside. deliver an illustrated lecture on held Monday, April 23, at 3 ahead of price and where style is Mrs. Henry Price, who has been “The Forest as a National Play­ p. m .. at the Star Theater. An never lacking. Come take a look. visiting her mother, Mrs. Ras- Ma» Bakes Best Loaf ground,’’ at the Star Theater next address by Dean G. W. Peavey musen, of this city, for the past Mrs. Elias Smith and daughter, week, lefr for her home in Port­ Out of twenty entries in the Monday at 3 p.m . The public is of O. A. C. wdl be given on For­ The public is cordially in Nora, expect to move the first of bread-baking contest which closed invited and all are assured of an estry. vited to atten d . the week to Hillsboro, where they land Sunday. instructive and entertaining lec­ A. J. Whitehouse, The baseball game scheduled at the Goff Bros, hardware store ture. No admission will be charge. will live with the former’s son. Saturday, Mister J. A. Elder en Secretary. for last Saturday between P U. Judge D. W. Smith. Mrs Smith Wages Increased has lived in the house she is va­ and O. A C. did not materialize, tered what the judges considered _ ... . , _ Bruce Parkin of Gales Creek cating almost thirty years and she as O. A. C. has called off all ath­ the winning loaf and Mr. Elder I he first of this month, the Pa-, last Saturday received from Peta­ will, do doubt, feel like she is go­ letic activities outside of military was awarded the prize, a Univer­ cific Coast Milk Products com­ luma, Calif., 1290 White Leghorn sal coffee urn All the other con­ preparations. ing into a new world testants were women. Now, who pany increased the wages of all baby chicks, with only five dying will say that man is not superior employes, including those at the on the way. Mr. Parkin has been to woman, even in her own field? local condenser. 10 percent. The preparing quarters, with patent brooders to keep his pets warm The entries in the other contest company’s business is booming and. with good luck, should clear (best recipe for chopped food and and the officers probably ft t the up a nice bunch of coin on them. best coffee testimonial) have been employes should participate in The Gaston Odd Fellows and forwarded to the Universal factory the prosperity. Rebekahs will next Saturday ev­ A Mr. Fisher a graduate of the for decision O. A. C.f has been engaged as ening celebrate the 9(»t.h anniver- field man, in place of the la te sary of Odd Fellowship in Amer- Uncle Sam Needs ! ica and if the roads are good a Frank Orth. „ of brothers and sisters More Naval Recruits I he mill of the G. H. P. Lum- number from this city will attend. On Postmaster Wirtz, local recruit her company, at Hillsboro, was Wednesday evening of next week, by fire at an early hour , the local lodges will celebrate,with ing officer for the army and navy, destroyed Sunday morning and the firemen a joint program. Members, their has received a letter from Lieut­ were kept busy saving the lumber families and invited guests only. enant Blackburn, 202 Dekum building, Portland, asking him to secure more recruits for the navy as they are badly needed right LET S C H U L T Z now. Arrangements have been m ide by Mr. Wirtz to have ap­ plicants examined b y a local BE YOUR physician, so that they need not go to Portland unless there is a C. V. B. R U S S E L L good chance of thomjpassing. The Phone 061 GHDCKI1 recruiting officer will pay railroad A t th e F o r e st G rove S h o e S to r e . fare to Portland. Boys under 18 years must have the written con­ HOUSE DRESSES S , „ A beautiful showing of figured, striped and dotted Flaxons. All new Spring Materials. Prepare ! SUNDAY DINNER! i Listen ! The Pacfic Market m % One of the New Ones Come Quick, they’re going fast.