The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 19, 1917, Image 6

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■■____________________________________________________ ________
gnlncd consciousness a little while
ago. There Is really nothing sertona
the matter. It was a hard knock, but
It missed the temple. When she be­
came conscious, she looked up at fa­
ther und smiled. Father looked per­
fectly awful, twins, so pale, und his
lips* were .trembling.
And Prudence
said, 'Now, father, on your word of
honor, did you knock me down with
that ball on purpose?’ She spoke very
low and weak, but—Just like Pru­
dence! Father couldn't say a word;
he Just nodded, and gulped. She has
a little fever, and the doctors say we
may need to work with her part of
the night. Father said to ask If you
would go to bod now, so you can got
up early In the morning and help us.
I am to stay with Prudence tonight,
but you may huve to take turns in the
morning. And you'll have to get break­
fast, too. So father thinks you would
better go to bed. W ill you do that,
t Winnies ?’’
If your Buck hurt» or Hluddcr
bothers von, drink lot»
of water.
When your kidneys hurt and your
back feels sore, don't get scared and
proceed to toad your stomach with a
lot of druga that excite Hu* kidneys
ami irritate the entire urinary tract.
Keep your kidneys clean like you keep
your bowels clean, by flushing them
with a mild, harmless sails Which re­
moves the body's urinous waste and
stimulates them to their normal activ­
ity The function of the kidneys is to
filter the blood.
In 24 hours they
strain from it 600 grains of add and
waste, so we can readily understand
the vital Importance of keeping, the
kidneys active,
Drink Iota of wator— you can't drink
too much; also get from any pharma­
cist about four ounces of Jail Salta;
take a tablcspoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast each morning
for a few days and your kidneys will
act fine. This famous suits la made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
Juice, combined with llthla, and hua
been used for generations to clean
and stimulate clogged kidneys; also
to neutralize the aclda In urine so it
no longer is a source of Irritation, thua
ending bladder weaknesa.
Jad Salts la Inexpensive; cannot In­
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
llthla water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep
their kidneys clean and active. Try
this, also keep up the water drinking,
ami no doubt you will wonder what
became of your kidney trouble aud
CH APTER X II—Continued.
tree. She showed the ring to them
“They ulu't sanctimonious enough
— 15—
by half," declared old Harvey Keel, the
“ Ton are mistaken, father. Jerry Is
“ Jerry sent it to me," she said. "Do bus driver, "but, by Jlngs! I tell you
all right, and always was, 1 am sure. you think it is ail right for me to wear they are dandies!"
It Is nothing like that I told him to It, father?”
But us u matter o f fact, every one
go, and not to come again. That is
A thrill of hopeful expectancy ran of the fuuiily, from Connie up, had u
through the little group.
characteristic pursonage heart. When
“ But If he should come back now— ”
"Yes, indeed." declared her father. they were worried, or frightened, or
“ It would be Just the same. Don’t “ How beautiful It Is! Is Jerry coming grieved, they prayed. Fairy passing
worry about I t father. It’s all right.” to spend Christmas with us?”
up the stairs with hot water for the TRIFLES TH AT
“ Why, no, father— he Is not coming doctors, whispered to her father as he
“ Prudence," he said, more tenderly,
“ we have been the closest o f friends at all any more. I thought you under­ turned lu to his own room. "Keep on Overlooked, They Cause Unhapplnesa
and companions, you and l, from the stood that."
praying, father. I can't stop now. be­
Among Married Folk— Woman's
An awkward (Hence, and Carol came cause they need me. But I'm praying
very beginning. Always you have come
Two Commandments.
to me with your troubles and worries. brightly to the rescue. “ It certainly Is every minute between errands I" And
Married folk muke desperate efforts
Have 1 ever failed you? Why, then, a beauty! I thought it was very kind Mr. Starr, kneeling beside his tied, did
do you go back on me now, when you o f Professor Duckle to send Lark and pray—and the stony despair lu his to be Interested In each other’s affairs,
me u tive-pouud box of chocolates, bur eyes died out, nnd he came from the und sometimes they succeed, for they
really need me?”
Prudence patted his shoulder affec­ o f course this is ever so much nicer. little room quiet, uud confident, und manage to stand enrh other's dullness.
They assert their egotism In turns. He
tionately. but her eyes did not meet Jerry's u bird. 1 say.”
“ A b ird !” mocked Fulry. “ Such lan­
his. “ I do not really need you now.
Connie, seeking n secluded corner tells the same stories several times.
father. It Is all settled, and 1 am quite guage.”
to "pray for Prudence," had passed the He tukes her for u country walk uud
Lark came to her twin’s defense. door o f the dungeon, und paused. A forgets to give her tea, and she never
satisfied. Things are all right with me
“ 1 es, a bird— that’s Just what he Is,” fitting place I So she turned In at remembers thiit he hutes her deurest
Just as they are.”
Carol smiled. “ We saw him us*» his once, nnd In the farthest nnd darkest friend Mabel. Where the rift grows
Then he took a serious step, without
her knowledge.
He went to Des wings when Connie yuuked him out of corner, she knelt on the hard floor and more profound Is when trifles sueh as
these are overlooked, uud particularly
Moines, and had a visit with Jerry. He the big maple, didn’t we. Lark?” Then, prayed, nnd sobbed herself to sleep.
found him thinner, his face sterner, "Did you send him anything. Prue?”
Lark remained loyally with Carol where n man has work that ho loves,
Prudence hesitated, nnd answered until consciousness returned to her. As or to which lie Is used, which Is much
his eyes darker. When the office boy
In curly duys tha
announced “ Mr. Starr,” Jerry ran without the slightest accession o f col­ soon as she was able to walk, the two the same thing.
or* “ Yes, Carol.
I had my picture went silently to the barn, nnd cltmbed woman's nttltude to u man's work
Trouble Left.
quickly out to greet him.
“ Is she all right?" he cried eagerly, taken when I was in Burlington, and Into the much-loved haymow. There varies a good deal, but she generally
Mlstah Trouble come one day.
Knockin' at ma do'.
almost before he was within hulling sent It to him.”
they Iny flat on the hay. faces down­ suspects it it little. She may tolerate
“ Your
picture 1
Prudence! ward, each with an arm across the It because she loves him, and all that
On his back he had a aack,
Des plumb full ub woe.
Mr. Starr did not mince matters. Where are they? Aren't you going to other’s shoulder, praying fervently. Is his is noble. Later. If this work ta
“ Jerry,” he said abruptly, "did you and give us one?”
After a time they rose and crept Into
Ah called In ma old friend. Smile,
“ No, Carol. 1 had only one made—
Prudence hnv> a quarrel? • She de­
the house where they waited patiently leads to honor, she muy take a pride
Soon that changed the cane.
clines to tell me anything about It, and for Jerry. There aren’t any more.”
until Fairy cume down on one of her In It, but even then she will generally
Trouble aeen him an' dea left—
Ncvah like de place.
after the conversations you and I have
grudge It the time nnd the energy it
numerous errands.
— New York Evening Wordl.
had, I think I have a right to know a pretty Idea for my book, anyhow."
“ Is she better?” they whispered. And costs. She loves him, not his work.
From that day on Prudence always
what has happened.”
Fairy answered gently. "I think she Is
“ Does she miss me? Does she seem wore the sparkling ring— and the wom­
herself, but she will generally lay down SOUR, ACID STOMACHS.
sorry that I am away? Does— ” His
two commandments:
voice was so boyish and so eager there mental paralysis marveling over a
1. Thou siuilt love me.
Each “ Pape's Olapepsln" Digests 3000
was no mistaking his attitude toward man who gave a diamond ring and
2. Thou shuit succeed so that I may
grains food, ending all stomach
never came a-wooing! And a girl who
love thee.— W. L. George, In the Atlan­
misery In five minutes.
“ Look here, Jerry, I want to know.
nothing to say for the m an! And It
Tim e It! In ft
minutes all stom­
Why «To you staying away?”
was the consensus o f opinion in Mount
ach distress will go. No Indigestion,
“ Won’t Prudence tell you?"
And With Winter Here.
Mark that modern lovers were mostly
heartburn, sourness or belching o f
“ No.”
The toller ut tin* next desk hut on« gas. acid, or eructations of undlgcated
“ Then I cannot. She made me prom­ crazy, anyhow!
lias been a source of continuous annoy* food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
And springtime came again.
ise not to tell you a word. But it is
unce to tills department ever since f(M»d breath or headache.
Now the twins were always original
not my fault, Mr. Starr. I can tell you
prices started soaring last month. He
Pape's Dl&pepsin la noted for lta
that. It is nothing I have done or said. In their amusements. They never fol­
insisted daily tliut there was no high speed In regulating upset stomachs
She sent me away because she thinks lowed blindly after the dictates of cus­
cost of living, and proved It by quoting It Is the surest, quickest stomach rem-
(It was right fo r her to do so, and—you tom. And when other girls played
the prices be piihl for meat and pro* <*dy In the whole world aud besides It
Is harmless. Put an end to stomach
know Prudence! It Is wrong, I know. “ catch” with dainty rubber balls, the
dure at Ills grocer’s. For Instance, ho
tmublo forever by getting a large
I knew it all the time. But I couldn’t twins took unto themselves a big nnd
asserted frequently that for ten cent« flfty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsln
make her see it. And she made me
| lie could get "all the steak he and his from any drug store. You realize in
woodshed. To be sure. It stung and
promise not to tell.”
' wife could eat.” W e retorted angrily five minutes how needless it Is to suf­
In the end Mr. Starr went back to bruised their hands. What mntter? At
that ninny men starved their wives, but fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any
the pursonage no wiser than he left, any rate, they continued endangering
most of them had the decency not to stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
save that he now knew that Jerry was their lives and beauties by reckless
lirag about It. For It Is no pleusuro to surest and moat harmless stomach
really not to blame, und that he held pitching of the ungainly plaything.
a mail with a $.'H> grocery bill to bear doctor In the world.
One Friday evening after school
himself ready to return to her on a
the ecstasies of one with a $10 food
Not Fair.
they were amusing themselves on 'he
moment's notice.
bill. But lie pitied on blithely, wotting
Loton Horton, a New York milk dis­
The Ladies of the Methodist church parsonage lawn with this huge ball.
not of the future. And now rctriht^ tributor, was talking to a reporter
« e r e puzzled and exasperated. They When their father turned in, they ran
tion Inis come, aud here is where w « about milk prices.
went to the parsonage, determined to up to him with u sporting proposition.
"But our adversaries* questions are
“ Bet you a nickel, papa,” cried
"find out what's what.” But when they
Ills grocer has been declared bank­ not fair," Mr. Horton said. “ Our ad­
sat with Prudence, and looked at the Carol, “ that you can't throw tills bail
rupt, and the obnoxious toiler at the versaries are like the cross examining
frail, pathetic little figure, with the as far as the schoolhousc woodshed!—
next desk but one faces the problem of
" Is It true,’ this lawyer asked a
mournful eyes— they could only sigh By the way, will you lend me a nickel,
dealing with u middleman with some witness, 'that you were the only sober
with her and go their ways.
business sense.— Kansas City Star.
man at the banquet?’
He took the ball and weighed it light­
The twins continued to play in the
" ‘ No, o f course not,' the witness
great maple, even when the leaves ly in his lu nd. “ I'm an anti-betting
answered indignantly.
Eggs Not a Necessity.
were fallen. “ It’s a dandy place, I society,” he declared, laughing, “ but 1
“ ‘Who was. then?” said the law­
And Springtime Came Again.
Why-eggs ? Breakfast on Hie conti­
yer."— Washington Star.
tell you. Prudence," cried Carol. “ Jer­ very strongly believe it will carry to
Then the twins. In no
ry didn't have time to put up the rope the schoolhouse woodshed. If It does ii little better,
p ace for many years with nothing
before Connie pulled him down, but not. I'll give you five cents’ worth of way deceived, wert hack to the hay- more than coffee and roils. Even in
we've fixed it ourselves, and it is sim­ candy tomorrow. And If it does, you
h-nvy-eallng England a rasher of ba­
F;ii«y prepared a hasty supper, and
ply grand. You can go up and swing shall put an extra nickel in the collec­
con nnd a hit o f ten Is quite nil right,
arranged it on the kitchen table. She
any time you like— unless your joints tion next Sunday.”
without eggs, for breakfast. Samuel
are too stiff! It’s a very serious mat­
Then he drew back his arm and care­ drank a cup of hot coffee, and went in I'<pys seems to have got uiong with­
ter getting up there— for stiff joints, fully sighted across the lawn. " I ’ll search o f her father. "(Jo and eat,
out any breakfast, could do half a
of eourse. I mean. Lark and I get up send it right between the corner o f the dadslc,” she urged. But he shook his
day’s work without a bile. In fact,
easy enough.”
house and that little cedar,” he said, head.
breakfast, es a regular meal, In a ro-
For a moment Prudence sat silent and then, bending low, it whizzed Jpotn
eent Institution. It's the two or three If
to the table at cnce."
with quivering lips. Then she burst his hand.
soft-boiled tin t are here objected to aa
out with unusual passion, “ Don’t you
Lark screamed, and Carol sank faint­
particularly tautologie. One's enough,
ever dare climb that tree again as ing to the ground. For an instant Mr. Fairy stopped the twins. “ Get Connie and the second Is mere absent-minded­
long as you live, twins I Mind what Starr himself stood swaying. Then he and eat your supper. It’s Just a cold ness. There are a lot of little tilings
The old-time mixture of Sage Tea
I say!”
rushed across the lawn. For Prudence lunch, and Is already on the kitchen that go lo make up the high cost—
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
You must help yourselves— l
Lark looked thoughtfully out o f the hod opened the front door and stepped table.
Philadelphia Ledger.
streaked and faded hair Is grand­
window, and Carol swallowed hard. quickly out on the walk by the corner can’t come now.”
mother's recipe, and folka are again
The twins did not speak, nnd Fnlry
It was she who said gently, “ Why, o f of the house. The heavy ball struck
using It to keep their hair a good,
Never Out of Date.
course, I'rue— Just as you say.”
her on the forehead and she fell heav­ went hurriedly up the stairs once more.
We are inclined to smile at tho even color, which Is quite sensible, as
“ I do not think I can eat.” suld Curol. quaint costumes Hint our grand parent» we are living in an age when a youth­
On the day before Christmas on In­ ily, without a moan.
“ W e’d better take away about hulf won*, and at their rather stilted, for­ ful appearance is of the greatest ad­
sured package was delivered at the
of this food, and hide It. Then she will mal manners.
parsonuge for Prudence. A letter was
We dispense k.vlth a
Nowadays, though, we don't have
think we have already eaten."
with it, and she read that first.
great many things which were consid­ the troublesome task o f gathering the
Fate Takes Charge.
, This novel plan was acted upon with ered important n hundred years ngo.
"My dearest little sweetheart: I
sage and the mussy mixing at. home.
For hours Prudence lay unconscious, promptitude nnd tin- twins went back But patient, plodding perseverance, A ll drug stores sell tho ready-to-use
chose this gift for you long before I
had the right to do it. I was keeping with two doctors in close attendance. to the haymow. When It grew dark sticking to a thing till you finish It, la product, Improved by the addition of
it until the proper moment. But the Fairy, alert but calm, was at hand to they slipped into the kitchen and hud­ held In ns high esteem In the twentieth other Ingredients, called “ W yeth’s
dled together on the woodbox beside century as It was In tho elgteenth. In­ Sage and Sulphur Compound" for
moment came, and went again. Still give them service.
I want y j to have the gift. Please
It is a significant thing that in bitter the stove. And down to them present­ dustry nnd pntlence are never out o f about 60 cents a bottle. It Is very
popular because nobody can discover
wear it, for my sake, for I shall be anguish and grief, Christians find com­ ly rurne Fairy, smiling, her eyes tear- date.
it has been applied. Simply moisten
happy knowing it Is where it ought to fort and peace in prayer. Outsiders, as brightened.
your comb or a soft brush with It and
be, even though I myself um banished. well as Christians, pray in times of
For Amateurs.
“ She is better!” tried Carol, spring­
draw this through your hair, taking
A motion picture camera that usea one small strand at a time; by morn­
I love you. Prudence. Whenever you danger nnd mental stress, pray, and ing to her feet.
send for me, I am ready to come. En­ pray, and pray again, and continue
“ Yes,” said Fnlry, dropping on her glass plates Instead of films and also ing the gray hair disappears, hut what
tirely and always yours, Jerry.”
still in the agony und passion o f grief knees nnd burying her face In Lark’s can be used to project pictures has delights the ladles with W yeth’s Sage
With trembling fingers she opened und fear. And yet they pray. But lap, as she still sat on the woodbox. been Invented In Europe for umnteura. and Sulphur Compound, Is that, be­
sides beautifully darkening the hair
the little pncknge. It contained a ring, Christians pray, and find confidence "She's better. She is better.” Lark
after a few applications, It also pro­
A 8quare Funnel.
with a brilliant diamond flashing my­ and serenity. Sorrow may remain, but patted the heaving shoulders In a
The Inventor o f n new square fnnnel duces that soft lustre and appearance
riad colors before her eyes. And Pru­ anguish Is stilled.
motherly way. nnd when Fairy lifted
It operates more rapidly than of abundance which Is so attractive.
dence kissed It passionately, many
Mount Murk considered this a unique' her face again It was all serene,
which -rauses n rotary mo- This ready-to-use preparation Is a de­
parsonage family.
Their liveliness, though her lashes were wet.
lightful toilet requisite for those who
tlon In liquids nnd delays their Cow.
Two hours later, she went quietly their gayety, their love o f fun, seemed
desire a more youthful appearance. It
"She is conscious," said Fairy, still
downstairs to where the rest o f the a little lnapropos in the setting of a on her knees, but with her head
is not Intended for the cure, mitigation
Atlanta, On., '"is raised $12,000 tp or prevention o f disease.
family were decorating a Christmas Methodist parsonage.
thrown back, und smiling. “ She re-
Mixed with Sulphur It
Darkens Naturally
Nobody Can Tell.
equip Boy 8d