tfefl j The Star Theatre The Star-Spangled Banner University and Mrs Bushnell are I now living in Portland, on ac­ count of Mrs. Bushnell’« health, hut Dr. Bushnell come« up twice Oh. say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light, will re-open a week to teach his tim e s. Dur­ What so proudly we hail at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright »tars, thru the perilous fight, ing Dr. Butthnell’x absence from O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? the <*ity, Dean Clarke is in charge And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, of the College. by showing the popular screen favorite, Cave proof thru the night that our flag was still there. A home guard, with 84 mem­ Oh, say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? bers, has been organized at Hills­ and a splendid two-reel Comedy, entitled “ The Surf Girls” boro F. J . Bailey, a Spanish- On the shore, dimly seen, thru the mists of the deep, American war veteran, is captain, Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes, We wish the F r ik n d b and PATRONS of the STAR TH EATRE and drills are being held twice a What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, to help us select the pictures to be shown and suggest changes that As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam, will tend toward the B e t t e r m e n t of both the P ic t u r e P r o g r a m s , A great many women know that In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream. the Music and the conduct of the house, and for that purpose we John Anderson carries the most T is the Star-Spangled Banner; oh, long may it wave ask YOU to kindly fill out the answers to the accompanying que« O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. stylish ladies’ suits a n d shirt tiogs, sign and return to the box office. From the majority of waists to be found in town and if And where is that band who so vauntingly swore answers received our |M»licy will be determined. you don't know it. come in and That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion Kindly fill out and sign the following: A home and a country should leave us no more? convince yourself. Prices rea­ Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution. 1. Do you attend the Star Theatre? sonable and quality first-class. No refuge could save the hireling and slave 2. Do you approve of Motion Pictures? Judge Reasoner, sitting as Ju- From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave. If any, what are your objections and in what way can we im- venile Judge, has ordered one of And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph doth wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. the Seaman children sent to the prove our Then!Ptf Industrial School, one to the Baby Oh, thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Home, three to the Boys and Between their loved homes and .wild war’s desolation; What of the following subjects are your favorites? Blest with vict’rv and peace, may the heav’n-rescued land Dills’ Aid Society and one sent to Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation! Drama Comedy Educational Topical the home of M. M. John-on. of Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just. Po tland. Thus the little family What pictures would you like to see? And this be our motto: “ In God is our trust!” of the Dilley woman who was de And the Star Spanuled Banner in triumph shall wave dared insane is scattered where O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave! Who are your favorite Motion Picture Stars? they can best be cared for.—Hills­ boro Argus. T H A T C H K R M O TE S What suggestion would you offer regarding the Music? 7. ... p £. Mrs. Caroline Simmons had a serious . COUNTY SCHOOL NEWS IY , . . aii . . . u . L i b r a r y D C n C U t attack of bilious fever last week but is , . . . . , , . . : District 68, M i s s Buckner, J much imnmv«i 8 Do you prefer a short program of ooe and two-ro«1 subjects, la()(1 j lstrict No 57, M r.. Jorge»- Coder the ot the It " " ^ T Z g . r . who (or the ut 10c admission, or the lon|(i*r and I hotoplays, at touchiT, have closed for the committee of the Woman s three weeks has been unable to leave club, t h e members of Miss Bag- his bed on account of sciatic rheuma- 15c or more? year S t a d 's cla«s in public speaking tism, is able to get around with the aid Do you prefer Music with pictures at the Saturday Matinee?! The Spelling Contest wi 1 be held at Hillsboro, April 28th. have consented to give the play of a cane. The Literary society decided at the Almost two thousand pupils have ‘ I h e Honeymoon.” at Marsh last meeting to continue the programs most convenient for taken part in the ocul contests, hall on Friday evening, April 20, indefinitely, as no special date for clos­ 10 At what hour in the evening will it be The following schools will take for ‘ he benefit of the Rogers pub- ing was decided upon. you to attend the Theatre? part in the festivities of the after- he library. The cast follow-: The Duke Aranza ... Irwin Turner The ¡e* ’ Industrial club met last tiiion: Beaverton, Orenco. Alrtha- The Count Montalban Glenn Jack J ,' J/. L° yn* * ’ and Huber and Hillsboro. Supt-rin- (Sign Here) Orlando Romig an exceptionally good time was en­ ...........- ______ tendent J . A. Churchill will crown Balthasar, a painter Hostess of a Tavern Elizabeth Hervey joyed. as “ play” instead of “ work” the May Queen. Fxamine the ‘Iron Age” com Lnmpedo, a horse-doctor Harry Romig was the order of the afternoon. Con- N O TES AND P E R SO N A L S The Washington County Teach­ bined cultivator and garden tool ers’ Association met at Banks, Pedro, a servant Kenneth Jones te?t,n* *ame8* te8ted * * * * men2 White kid gloves cleaner!, 10c i at the Gordon hardware store Saturday, __„ „.„„j, April ......... 14, 1917. The Jacques, a mock duke Thomas Smith ta a I * * " “ 1 ■klU* were indulged in. L>ellcloU8 refreshments were Served in per pair at Rugglex’, next to post j before investing in garden tools, principal "speaker of "the day was Ro,ant Thnft weie his lw o*ub- Friday and Saturday “"V a V inke ^ Douglas Fairbanks, in “Flirting with Fate” A Comic Play for . . ,wh,ch Miss Bessie Burr, who has spent actwl‘ two new members w“re in‘ jects. As America’s entrance m- several years here, returned Sat-1itiated and a fine Iunch wa» ; to the war necessitates economy and preparation lor the future, urday to her home in Washington. | served, which was enjoyed by a Professor Ball considers it a duty number of non-members. Press to teach thrift to children at Helen Phillips has turned over Committee. school. The schools are the great all her right to votes in the Even - 1 . .__. . . . If the person who took a black medium through which the homes ing Telegram contest to Miss head shawl trom the I. O. O. F are leeched. Veretta Perry of this city. hall by mistake some weeks ago i Other subjects discussed were: Mrs. Harriet Cbendle returned will return the same to Mr-. A. “The Beacon Method,” by Mrs. to Forest Grove Friday, after hav­ McKay, he or >he will he doing Hetiie Thomas; “School Disci­ a great favor, as the shawl is val­ pline,” by Chester Lyon of Bux­ ing spent the winter with her ued as an heirloom. ton; ‘Timothy’s Tioubles,” by brother in Sundale Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Whitney C .E . Barker, of Aloha; “ Music Get t h e guaranteed “ Pakro and children last Thursday at­ in Rural Schools.” was presented Seed tape” for your garden. It very ably by George Ing'am of is the most economical of them tended the marriage, at Portland, Hiil boio and Diaentical Marks all. For Sale at Lit tier’s Phar- of Mrs. Whitney’« youngest sis­ by Pre.-ident Cochran. ter, Miss Grayce Conwell.^o Ar- macy The Association will mtet at Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Patten ar- thur Mullen. Mr. Whitney re Dilley. May 12, 1917. rived Saturday from Sacramento, | turned jhe sameevening, i Ä his . “ 5 duties Ä l as Ä pastor i T t f of E the ! Congregational church of this city. Joe A. Wiles would like to write your insurance. Will give you service that will be to your advantage. Upstairs in Ander­ son block, room 2. -r»2 Mr. Bowman visited in Port­ land Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman have purchased the C. Peterson place on the Base Line road, and will move there soon. You’ll enjoy mowing the lawn if you get the easy-adjusting, light-running “ Eclipse” mower. Adjusted by a single thumb-screw and is self-sharpening. ^ See it at the Gordon Hardware Store. Inland Spring of the Oregon Agricultural college has been test* ing milk on the farms about For- e st Grove. He has been visiting at the home of M r. and Mrs. Van Walters L a s t Thursday morning burg- id,'™'1,?- Your Linde Sam Needs Draftsmen Mott, Mrs. Leon Sills and Mrs. A. Bal- lenger. The club will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Jack La Satie. Spring plowing has begun in earnest, after the long delay, and farmers are hastening to make up for the time lost due to the rains. Save Your Stamps Mrs. Henry McDonald is “ enjoying” If you w ant to a sist th e local an attack of the mumps. B elg ian R elief S o ciety help th e Henry Freerksen, the local milk B elg ian s, save y o u r cancelled hauler> suffered a slight paralytic stroke . . .. .; Saturday night, but is able to resume Morieta Howard, Helen N'ewman and Bertha Flannigan. The scene is laid in Spain. Music kindly furnished by Catherine Davis, Beth Crandall and Russell Mor­ gan. Hallie Moorehouse directing the dance. postage stamps . and . . . deposit . , them in a box placed in the local post- office lobby for that purpose. A manufactu-ing concern buys these stamps for the analine dyrs they contain and it is said 250 can­ celled stamps bring enough mon­ ey to feed a Belgian one day. Just tear off the corner of the en- velope on which the stamp IS at- tached, the members of the so- ciety will do the rest. Whitney and the ehil mained in Portland until Sunday. Mrs. Noah Baker and Mrs The United States Civil Strvice Swiggett of Kansas City were in Washington County Transfers ! Commission is making an extra­ Forest Grove Tuesday to make The following real estate trans­ ordinary effort to supply the needs arrangements for the latter to re- ferablere recorded with the regis- of the Navy Department for ship main a few weeks in Forest Grove. I (jraftsmen Mi„ions of do„ars ter of deeds at Hillsboro during Mrs Swiggett is recently from the , . , . , , the oast week- . . .. . . » I . i •, are available for construction, but ; ” . , , east and wishes to look about this . . . J . C. Applegate et ux to Gladys M. . . . . . . . , . all >hip-building work undertaken „ o,___ ¿T Nr vicinity, and has taken rooms at * . , . , . Hayner, S half of S half of NE quar, ., , t i a nu n at government yards is retarded Sec 25, 3N4, $10. the home of Mrs. L. S. 1 hlllips. ^y a shortage of ship draftsmen, j John Kimzey to A. T. Buxton, 39.66 Those attending the Christian Salaries range from $3.28 to $ 0 .0 0 acres in Henry Buxton, jr ., D L C . , Endeavor convention in Hillsboro and over per diem Age limits $25.40. Saturday and Sunday all or part 18 Yt’ars or over- About thirtY w- E- Miller et ux to J . W. Hughes, vacancies exist at t h e Puget 1 acre Forest Grove, $25. of the tithe w re Grace Haines, Sound Navy Yard, Bremmerton, F. W. Porter et ux to Sarah C. Reed, June Walker, Helen Phillips, Lyla Washington. Until further no- Lot 3, Lakeview Add to Gaston. $650. Short, Nellie Walker, Leone Gra- tice applications will be received W. A. Goodman et ux to E. U. Cate ham, George Berreman, Frances by the United States Civil Service et al. 45xtoo feet Blk 21, Forest Grove, Track, Anna Taylor, Opal D ixon,, Commi-sion. Washington, D. ( . . , $ 10. Dulcina and Earnest me Brown,. am in ^ immedia£ , y upon th eir Thatcher et ux. 14 .96 acres. Sec 15, Nola and Winnie Ramsey, tern receipt and a rating will be as- 1N4. $ 10 . Reynolds, Sadie McCoy, Mr. and signed to the competitor. Those E. G. Goff et ux to Carl S. Clapshaw, Mrs. Humberg, Margaret Morgan, who are found to be qualified will 5 acres. Sec 8, 1N4. $10. John Williams Williams to to Chas. Chas. Brown, 50x- Mary Stockman, Thelma Haynie,! offered empbyment at once. | John lull 100 feet Lot 4, Blk 8, Forest Grove, SherwotKl P < * . W H um b^. E n * * ^ information may be secured from $1160. office, carried the safe two blocks Dale Underwood, Joy Aydelott, j the Secretary, 11th Civil St ■rvice EM. Davis et ux to H. L. Smith, part and blew it to pieces. They got Edith l^mb, Nellie Johnson, Alice District, Seattle, Washington; or of Elkanah Walker and wife D. L. C., very littl for their pains, Post- and Linnie Burnworth, Helen from the Local Secretary, Board Sec 36, 1N4, $3200. master Fitch having deposited Newman, Harry Romig, Arthur Warranty deed and mortgage ¡city. All qualified persons not . . . , , ^ , Jones and Meritta Howard. most of the valuables in the hank now employed o n government blanks I°r a‘ ‘ be Express of- during the previous day. President Bushnell of Pacific | contracts are urged to apply. ,fice. hjg duti>g __________ Job printing—phone 821. D. D. & M. B . BUM P A ttorneys a t Law Loans and Real Estate D. D. BUMP. Residence Forest Grove, Phone 444 M. B. BUMP, Residence Hillsboro Offices -HILLSBORO | N .H O FFM A N Attorney At Law Patent Office Business Solicited Forest Grove, Oregon Say! WTHY DON’T YOU CALL ON F. A. Moore ASK HIM ABOUT P R IC E S ON GROCERIES AND G ET A HIGH CASH P R IC E FOR YOUR PRODUCE ? Phone 4 1 x Pacific Ave. and Third St. a n s -, I