I Jtfnrrat (Srmt? ?Exprfaa work to secure the rocking of this ^ ap so that the road will be serviceable for f travel the entire |>eriial of the year. Publish«! every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. "W hereas, There is a $6,000,000 W. C. Beufer, Editor and Publisher. bond issue to be voted on June 4th for the purpose of building State High­ Enter«! as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postoffice at Forest Grove, ways, and. therfore, be it Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 "Resolved, That this meeting endorse THURSDAY, APRIL 1» 1917 the proposed Rond Issue and pledge its members to work and vote for same. "W hereas, There is a State-wide in­ NOTES AND COMMENTS terest on the subject of Good Roads at this time; therefore, be it Loyalty to the flag does not require you "Resolved. That the executive comj to hate your neighbor, even tho he may m itte of this association is hereby authorized to call a mass meeting to be have been born under the flag of a tyrant. held Saturday, May 26th at Orenco, ' Oregon, be known as "Good Roads An exchange aptly says: “ If we ($1.00 per 1,000 feet). They ask D ay," end to secure to discuss, look to our own patriotism we will n the Honorable! the people through a vote at a County Court to have said road opened, j ism. regular or special election. The and have also donated labor and right- j gentlemen who were here lastweek ; of-ways for same; and the citizens of! Clean up your premises now Stated while they would like ¡Orenco have also donated labor and and then clean them up again to have that, public on the | cash to help open up the road and grade and the settlem ent thereof. be decree«! prior and superior to all about the middle of June, so question, they sentiment claim, interest or equity of each ami all didn’t want to I said hill and have been assured of cheap C. If. COOPER, the defendants herein; and that such they 11 be nice and clean when the p u t the city to the expense of an ! rock for surfacing said hill; thereiure, | Administrator of the Estate of of other further decree !»«• granted — come ------*— :— * — en­ election, nor did they care to be be it visitors to **-- the —u soldiers’ Luther C. Cooper, Deceased. heroin and as may seem just and «*<|uitable. put in the position of trying to ! "Resolved, T h a t this Association I M. R. & I). D. Rump, This summons is served upon you by campment. by order of Hon. Geo. R. come where they were not wanted.! pledge its moral support to the people Attorney» for the Estate. 11 -5t publication, Bagley, Judge of the above entitled With five boys and one girl of They may, thev say, in a few of that neighborhood in their efforts to j Court, which order was made and dated SUMMONS days again a«k the council for a secure the said road.” German parentage from this vicin­ 1917. Circuit Court of the State of April 11, M B. and D. I). BUM I’. and it might not be a 1 he officers ot the association ' In the Oregon for W ashington County. ity serving Uncle Sam, it doesn’t franchise, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. bad idea for Express readers to are ;\j McDonald, Orenco. presi- Agnes Belle Mocroft and First pub. April 12; last May 24. look as though Kaiser V\ ilium had K,ve the matter mattpr some thought and a strangle hold on all his former make a recommendation to their \dent; H, V. Meade, Orenco. sec- Lavina F. McCoy, Plaintiffs, Notice of Sheriff’* Sale subjects and their offsprings. favorite councilman. The Ex- retary treasurer, and Andrew Eg* Daniel T. Thomas and Millie H. In the Circuit Court of the State of -------------------- press believes the councilmen will: giman (Beaverton Route 2), Ru- Thomas, his wife, H. W. Wait Oregon, for Washington county. Willamette valley cows, hens he please to get expressions from dolph Pubols (Hilitburo Route 1)J and Julia F. Wait, his wife, and Jennie J. I’alm ateer, Plaintiff, and gardens can do much to help j their constitm nts. John Trai,chei (Beaverton Ruu e Chas. D. Edwards, vs. Defendants. Charles B. Noble, us executor of feed Uncle Sam’s fighting men Would you like to have gas for 2 ) , J . C. Bechen (Hi.lsboro Route Last Will and Testam ent ami To Chas. D. Edwards of the above- the during the warm summer V. Perry n ,, a r d . ne r (Beaverton ,u while they are helping in the de­ cooking Estate of M. L. Noble, deceased, months? G i named defendants; B. Noble and Noble, mocratization of Germany and Route 4), J C. Wil on (Orenco;,! In the Name of the State of Oregon, Charles his wife, Daisy Irene Noble, Ivan Austria. If you can’t fight, raise You are hereby required to appear and W, Noble, Flora Jennie Noble executive comimtiee. answer the complaint tiled against you ami Sloan, her hus­ food. __ IT j , * Remember the all-day meeting in the above entitled Court and suit, on Sloan band, Floyd Bilyeu Bil- before the last day of the time pre­ yeu, his wife, ami P. ami 11. Hazel Carr. lrlay L n d e rs ta n d and dinner at Orenco on Satur- or scribed Male Pacific University stu­ in the order for the publication Defendants. dents are taking military training There have been so many un- day, May 26, to further discuss of thin summons, to-wit: on or before By virtue of an execution, judgment, the exoirationof six weeks next, from in order to be ready when Uncle founded rumors concerning the better roads, and order of sale duly and legal and alter the date of first publication decree ly issued out of the above-entitled cir­ Sam needs them and the girl stu­ aims of the Washington County George G. Hancock real es- of this summons, the date of said first cuit and under the seal thereof publication being on April 12, 1917. and dents have enlisted liberally in Good Roads Association that the i tate, farm loans and fire insur- if you fail to so apfiear and answer, the in the court above-entitl«*d cause to me di­ rected, dated the 9th day of April, 1917, the Honor Guard, ready and will­ officers have asked the Express to ance, new Anderson block 50 plaintiffs will apply to the court for the on a judgm ent duly rendered ami en­ relief prayed for in their said com­ ing to do their “bit.” tered in said court ami rnuse on the 6th publish the following resolution,, fu e Methodist (hutch plaint, to-wit: of April, 1917, in favor of Jennie J. That the mortgage described in day Palmateer, plaintiff, and against Floyd A Portland electric power com- a' ' ‘ ' at a htoss mee'mg e Sabbath school 10 a. ni., preach- plaintiffs’ said complaint herein and Bilyeu ami Hazel his wife, and which was executed , by Daniel T. Ivan W. Noble, Bilyeu, panyistrym g o keep the Port-; ,.WHERf;AS The of WMh. mg 11a.m . end 8 p. m . prayer Thomas defendants, for the H. Thomas, his wife, of $2,(MM), with interest thereon land Gas & Coke company out of ¡ngton County should be improved and meeting on Wedne-day evening at to Agnes ami Belle Millie Mocroft and Lavina F. sum since November 26th, 1914, at the rate McCoy, plaintiffs herein and Jerusha of this county, claiming duplication put into the best possible shape for 8 p m. All are welcomed, cent per annum, and the fu r­ Crabb an«l recorded on page 309 in ther 8 |>er sum $175.»M) attorney’s fees ami of service. If there is any de- travel the year round; therefore, be it J. N. W ood , Pastor. A. Book 67, Records of Mortgages for for costs of ami disbursements of said "Resolved, That we, the foliowring Washington County, Oregon, on or suit, taxed at $35.tM), mand in this county for gas it citizens of Washington County, form and also the costs about Oct. 24, 1913, and which was as­ and upon said writ, commanding me would be for fuel and very few ! ourselves into a perm anent organiza­ Notice of Sale of Real Property signed by Jerusha A. Crabb to plaintiffs of to nmke sal«i of the following-descrilied the County Court of the State of herein, be decreed to be a first lien and real property, people are Using electricity for tion, to be known as the Washington In Oregon, in Washington for Washington county. first mortgage upon the real pro|>erty county, state of situate Oregon, to-wit: that purpose. The claim is not i County Good Roads Association, and In the m atter of the estate and Last a therein and herein described as fol­ West half of Lots 13 and 14 ami Will and Testam ent of Nellie Porter lows, to-wit: All the following bounded all The founded on reason, but, rather, j th at the purpose of this organization Dannials, of I^ots 16, 16 and 17 of Bohart’s deceased. and described real property situate in Subdivision shall be to work for good roads, and on dog-in-the-mangerism. in the George W. Ebberts Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: Under authority of an order granted th at as members of this Association we Donation Land Claim, in Township 1 Beginning at a stone, the re-entrant j north. Range 2 West in Townsnip ARE use our influence to have our separate by D. B. Reasoner, County Judge of corner RE YOU INTERESTED? INTEREST! West side of M. M. j 1 South, Range 2 west and of the Wiliam the county of Washington, state of W atts D. on L. the C. and 1 road districts vote a special levy for thence N. I ette Meridian, Washington Messrs. H. W. Strong and S C. i road improvement whenever it is nec- Oregon, dated March 26th, A. D., 1917, I degree 80 minutes E. running county, 18.37 chains to I, the undersigned executor, will sell at a post on the North line of said D. L. Oregon. Bratton, connected With the Port- essary; and be it further Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex­ sale the following - described C .: thence following said North line N. ecution, land Gas & Coke company, were ; "Resolved, That the officers of this 1 Private judgment order, decree am! 88 degs. 54 mins. West 48.22 chains to a order of sale, and in t*omplianee with in the city last week, trying to get Association shall consist of a President, property: A house and lot in Forest Grove, point where said North line crosses the the commands of said writ, I have lev­ center line of County Road No. 118; a line on public sentiment regard- Secretary-Treasurer, and an Executive Washington county, Oregon, to-wit: ied upon and will, «in the 14th day of thence following center line of said Co. • „ , _ , • ., . ,, .. Committee of one person from each Commencing at the Southwest corner May, 1917, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. ing a franchise that would permit road difjtrict That „ieetinK 8hall be of lot one, in block two, Naylor’s Ad­ Road as follows S. 61 degH. 31 mins. E. m. of said day. at the front disir of the to the City of Forest Grove, said 3.03 chs.; S. 57 degs. 45 mins. E. 4.90 Court House, in Hillsboro, said County their Company to sell gas in this held BUcb places and times as the dition and state, running thence north chs. S. 35 degs. 24 min. E. 7.12 chs.; 8. and State, sell at public auction, sub­ City. ! Executive Committee shall deem nec- county 101.30 feet; thence east 60 feet; thence II degs. 08 mins. F„ 3.22 chs.; S. 41 ject to redemption, to the highest bid­ south 101.30 feet; thence west 50 feet degs. 15 mins. E. 7.96 chs. to a point der for cash in hand, all the right, title They have franchises to enter essary. where the center line of County road and intereat which the within-named the place of beginning. Beaverton. Hillsboro and Cor-i “ Whereas, The road leading from to The the South line of said I). L. C .; or either of them, had in sale will be made on or after crosses thence following said south line N. 89 defendants, nelius and have been invited into1 Portland, the C1,y known HI"’bor” 10 the Qty of real property above described on April 30th, A. D., 1917, and bids will as the Cornell Road, be received at my office, in the Ander­ degs. 39 mins. E. 31.22 chs. to the said date of the mortgage to plaintiff Orenco, this county, and are in has a gap of about four miles that son building, in Forest Grove, W ash­ place of beginning, containing 69.8 the herein, namely February 19. 1914, amt Oregon City and Milwaukie, in needs to be rocked, and should also be ington county, Oregon: the term s of acres. all the right, title and interest which will be for cash, gold coin of the That said mortgage be ^foreclosed; the saal defendants, or either or any of Clackamas county and in practic­ straightened in places, thus shortening sale United States, of which ten per cent that said real property be sold as ujsm them, sine«; have had in and to the the distance; and as this is one of the ami the proceeds of said sale above-desrrilied real property, or any ally every part of Multnomah principal through thoroughfares lead­ shall be paid at the time of subm itting execution, bid, and the balance shall applied to the payment of the sums of part thereof, t«i satisfy said execution, county. They ask nothing but ing from the City of Portland to Valley satisfactory be paid at the time of confirmation of money found due to plaintiffs under said judgment, «lecree ami order of sale, in­ permission to lay and maintain Point*, and has not in the past re- said sale by the County Court of said mortgage and the note thereby se­ terest and costs. cured, which sums amount to $1000.00, Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, April 9, their pipes in the Streets, alleys reived just aid from the County; there county. with interest thereon, since Oct. 7, 1917. Dated at Forest Grove, Oregon, this J. C. APPLEGATE, and parkings of the city, with the fore, be it 1913, at the rate of 7 per cent per an­ Sheriff of Washington 27th day of March, A. D., 1917. County, Oregon. num and the coats and disbursements of M. B. and D. I). BUMP. right to sell gas at Portland prices "Resolved, T h a t this association JOE A. WILES, this suit and of aaid sale, and the vs. So the People H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season P H O N E 701 South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore Executor of the Last Will and T est­ further sum of $150.00 attorney’s fee Attorneys for Plaintiff. am ent of Nellie Porter Dannials, herein; that the lien of said mortgage First pub April 12, last May 10, 1917. deceased. H olms & G raham , Attorneys for Executor. (12-5 Notice of Final Settlem ent PRINTING THAT NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, adm inistrator of^ the Es­ tate of Luther C. Cooper, deceased, WILL PLEASE YOU has filed in the County Court of W ash­ ington County, State of Oregon, his final account as such adm inistrator of said Estate, and that Monday, the 23d de.yof April, 1917. at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing of objections to said report,