WARNS OF TREASON A ll ASKED TO DEEP Inland Empire Educational Association Meeting is Success “ The session o f the Inland Empire association held at Spokane last week Defining Offense« Against United was one of the m i*t representative President Wilson Appeals to Every State* Penalties are Severe. and important educational meetings Man, Woman and Child to ever held in the N orthw est," said Mr. Washington, D. C.— A ll persons in Increase Production. J. A. Churchill, su|>erintendent o f pub­ the United States, citizens and aliens, lic instruction, who returned to hi* are warned in a proclamation issued Washington, D. C. — In a personal office Wednesday. “ The four North­ Tuesday by President Wilson that treasonable acts or attempts to shield appeal addressed Sunday night to his western states, Montana, Idaho, Wash­ those committing such acts w ill be fellow countrymen, President Wilson ington and Oregon, took part in this Oregon was well repre­ vigorously prosecuted by the govern­ calls on every American citizen— man, convention. woman and child, to join together to sented and her school men received Im­ ment. The proclamation defines treason, make the Nation a unit for the preser­ portant recognition. “ Two movements o f particular edu­ citing statutes, provisions o f the con­ vation o f its ideals and for triumph of cational interest were organized at stitution and decisions o f the courts, democracy in the world war. "T h e supreme test of the Nation has this meeting. i ’ lans were made to and declares that the acts described come,” says the address. “ We must have research and survey work under­ w ill be regarded as treasonable Sentiment Is Overwhelmingly in Favor Event* o f Noted People, Government* taken by the association on questions whether committed within the borders all speak, act and serve together." Putting the Navy on a war footing affecting the educational interest of o f Helping Entente Method o f and Pacific Northwest and Other o f the United States or elsewhere. Far-reaching importance attaches to and raising a great Army are the sim­ the four states. There was also or­ Sale I .eft to Government. Thing* Worth Knowing. the direction o f the warning to aliens plest parts o f the great task ahead, ganized the Northwest Association o f the President declares. High Schools and Higher Educational and the declaration that resident He urges all the people, with par­ Institution*. Three Oregon men were aliens, as well as citizens, owe alleg­ ticular emphasis on his words to the elected as members o f the committee iance to the United States, “ and there­ Wahington, I). C. — Without a dis­ General Michael V. A lex ie ff has farmers, to concentrate their energies, to adopt standards for the high schools been definitely appointed commander- fore are equally subject to the laws practice economy, prove unselfishness and colleges o f the Northwest states, senting voice the house, a/nid plaudit* in-chief o f the Russian armies. He against treason and like crimes.” and demonstrate efficiency. The ad­ and to inspect and |>ass upon the quali­ o f members and the galleries, late A t war, the United States is in a was appointed acting commander-in fications o f the schools seeking admis­ Saturday passed the $7,000,000,000 very different position from a neutral. dress in part follows: chief a few weeks ago. “ My fellow countrymen: sion into this association. They are war revenue authorization measure. Bomb plotters may now be gripped “ The entrance o f our beloved coun­ Mr. W. R. Rutherford, city superin­ One member. Representative Ix/ndon, Eight men o f undetermined nation­ with an iron hand. Not only are con­ ality were arrested by San Bernardino spirators themselves subject to heavy try into the grim and terrible war for tendent o f Eugene; Mr. George W. o f New York, the only Socialist in County, Cal., authorities charged with penalties, but anyone, even a German democracy and human rights which Hug, city superintendent of McMinn­ congress, voted "presen t.” Owing to several pairs o f absentees having damaged a United States U- resident, who has knowledge of trea­ had shaken the world, creates so many ville, and Mr. E. P. Carlcton, assistant boat chaser that was being shipped by sonable acts and fails to make known problems o f National life and action state superintendent of schools. Mr. only 389 votes were recorded for the but both Democratic Leader freight. the facts to the authorities, may be which call for immediate consideration Linden McCullough, city sujwrintend- bill, and settlement that I hope you will ent o f I .a Grande, was made second Kitchin and Republican lea d er Mann sent to prison for seven years and fined John D. Rockefeller’s Pocantico permit me to address to you a few vice president and a member o f the ex­ announces that all their member* Hills estate o f 6000 acres is to be $1000 for concealment o f treason. words o f earnest counsel and appeal ecutive committee. J. H. Ackerman, would have voted affirmatively if pres­ transformed into a vegetable garden with regard to them. president o f the Oregon Normal school, ent. The formality o f a rolleall would for the benefit o f the residents o f Tar- “ W e are fighting for what we be­ was made a member o f the council for have been ui«|>en*od with i f several rytown, it is announced by Mrs. John lieve and wish to be the rights o f the Inland Empire association, and members who voted against the war D. Rockefeller, Jr. mankind and for the future peace and Mr. O. M. Plummer, o f Portland, was resolution had not insisted upon the For a time about 100 carloads o f security o f the world. The senate adopted a resolution made chairman o f the School Board opportunity o f recording themselves in Tuesday by Senator Owen expressing wheat w ill leave the Northwest each “ To do this great thing worthily and department. On the program for the favor o f providing money to carry on its approval o f President Wilson’s day for the Atlantic seaboard, destined successfully, we must devote ourselves association from Oregon was Superin­ hostilities, now that the nation is at proclamation to the people calling on for the allies in Europe, the initial to the service without regard to profit tendent J. W. Todd, o f Salem; Mrs. G. war. The bill authorizes $5,000,000,000 in all for war service. This action was railroad lines having agreed to give or material advantage and with an en­ W. McMath, o f Portland; Su/>erintend- foodstuffs right o f way and the quick­ ergy and intelligence that w ill rise to taken without debate. ent Hug, o f McMinnville; Superintend­ bonds, of which $3,0000,00»,000 will est possible dispatch. the level o f the enterprise itself. We ent Rutherford, o f Eugene; President be lent to the entente countries and the The government has saved $850,000 It is said the unprecedented action must realize to the full how great the J. H. Ackerman, o f Monmouth; Miss issuance o f Treasury certificates for on cartridge cases bought for the navy on the part o f the railroads was task and how many things, how many H allie C. Thomas and Miss Anna John­ $2,000,000,000 ultimately to be met under the new agreement made with brought about by influence o f the B rit­ Favorable ac­ kinds and elements o f capacity and son, o f Portland; Mrs. M. L. Fulker­ by increased taxation. copper producers by Bernard Baruch, ish and American governments, the service and self-sacrifice it involves. son, o f Salem, and Prof. E. D. Ressler, tion by overwhelming vote is assured o f the advisory commission o f the former having demonstrated to author­ in the senate. It probably will be “ We must supply abundant food for o f Corvallis. Council o f National defense. ities at Washington the imperative ourselves and for our armies and our signed by the President by the middle Superintendent J. A. Churchill was A British steamer reports that she need o f hurrying wheat supplies with­ seamen not only, but also for a large made president o f the association for o f this week. engaged in a running fight with a sub­ out delay. They in turn enlisted the part o f the nations with whom we the coming year. He was also chair­ Discussion in the house was confined marine while off the coast o f Ireland aid o f the railroad heads. Five o f have now made common cause, in man o f the committee on resolutions to proposed amendments. Purchases by the British government whose support and by whose side* we on a westbound trans-Atlantic trip re­ The two most im­ for the meeting this year. When Mr. these were added. cently. The steamer escaped in a have been exceptionally heavy o f late, shall be fighting. drafted by Representative Churchill read the resolution relative portant, smoke screen which she threw out and while they bought in large amounts “ Thousands, nay, hundreds o f thou­ to pledging the loyalty o f the teachers I/enroot, o f Wisconsin, would confine before, much wheat remained stored in sands o f men otherwise liable to m ili­ when the chase started. and their schools to this country in the pro|M>sed $3,000,000,000 allied loan warehouses in the interior because of tary service w ill o f right and necessity j lhi8 time o f the present crisis, the en- to countries at war with Germany and A special service w ill be held in the inability o f shippers to obtain cars. Manchester, England, Cathedral F ri­ Furthermore, because o f the conges­ be excused from that service and as- t ire assembly rose to their feet a|>- l>ermit loans only during the war. day “ to invoke a divine benediction on tion in the East, cars have been block­ signed to the fundamental, sustaining 1 plauding and sang the Star Spangled Other* would prohibit the sale o f the United Statse bonds at less than par, the strengthened ties between Great ed en route and it has proved difficult work o f the fields and factories and Banner. permit the purchase o f foreign bonds Britain and the United States.” The to keep the movement regular so that mines, and they w ill be as much a part “ at p a r" and lim it the cost o f dls|K>s- Lord Mayor w ill attend in his official vessels held at Atlantic Coast ports o f the great patriotic forces o f the na­ ing o f the $5,000,0(8),000 worth o f tion as the men under fire. capacity as representative o f the city. could be loaded for Europe. bonds to one-tenth o f one j>er cent o f “ I take the liberty, therefore, of President Menocai, o f Cuba, has an­ their total. addressing this word to the farmers of Germans Lose 4,180,966. nounced in Havana that the entire the country and to all who work on the Representative Fitzgerald, o f New Cuban army o f 25,000 men w ill be London— German casualties, as re­ farm s: The supreme need o f our own Portland — Cattle — Steers, prime, York, chairman o f the appropriations placed at the orders o f the United ported in the German official lists for nation and the nations with which we $9.35 63 10.00; good, $8.90 6/ 9.25; committee, made the pro|>osal to cut in States government for service through­ the month o f March, total 54,803 men, are co-operating is an abundance of medium, $8.25 6/ 8.75; cows, choice, half the cost o f dis|>o«ing o f the bonds, out the war with Germany, according according to a statement made public supplies, and especially of foodstuffs. $8.006/8.50; medium to good, $7.006/ originally fixed Mt one-fifth o f 1 per to Eduardo R. Mendez, a Cuban sugar here. The importance o f an adequate food 7.75; ordinary to fair, 96.25@fi.76; cent. Mr. Kitchin, in charge o f the planter. The statement says that the March supply, especially for the present year, heifers, $6.50 6718.50; bulls, $5.00 6/; measure, tried to offset the amendment Without abundant 7.25; calves, $8.006/10.00. by inserting a provision that the Sec­ Representative Britten, o f Illinois, casualties, added to those reported is superlative. Hogs — Light and heavy packing, retary o f the treasury should ex|>cnd has introduced a resolution that ex­ previously, bring the total given in the food, alike for the armies and the peo­ emption o f married men from military German official lists since the begin­ ples at war, the whole great enterpise $14.306/14.65; rough heavies, $13.00 one-fifth o f 1 per cent, “ or as much a* duty under any future compulsory serv­ ning o f the war to 4,180,966, as fo l­ upon which we have embarked will 6/ 13.50; pigs and skips, $12.756/ 13.00; is necessary," but he failed. A proposal by Representative Moore, ice legislation shall not apply to those lows: Killed or died o f wounds, 960,- break down and fail. The world’s food stock hogs, $11.506/ 12.75. Sh eep— Wethers, $9.75 6/ 12.00; o f Pennsylvania, to lim it the life o f married a fter A pril 1 this year, except 760; died o f sickness, 63,920; prison­ reserves are low. “ This let me say to the middlemen ewes, $9.006/10.75; lambs, $10.25 6 / 0 the bond/) to 50 years, another by Rep­ under a special order by the secretary ers or missing, 512,858; wounded, 2,- 643,428. ___________________ o f every sort, whether they are hand­ 13.50. resentative Green, o f Iowa, to create o f War. ling our foodstuffs or our raw matcr- Wheat— Bluestem, $1.96; forty fold, a congressional committee to act with The German legation and consulate Villa Again Disappears. ials o f manufacture or the product« of $1.90; club, $1.91; red Russian, the Secretary o f the treasury and the at Buenos Ayres, have been attacked Juarez— Francisco Villa, with his our mills and factories: The eyes of * $1.78. other profiosed amendments similar to by a mob, as have the newspapers characteristic cunning, is believed to the country will be especially upon Mr. Green’s were overwhelmingly de­ Oats— No. 1 white feed, $45.25. Deutsche La Plata Zeitung and La have slipped out o f the trap carefully you. This is your opportunity for sig­ feated. Democrats and Republicans Barley— No. 1 white feed, $44.50. Union. The windows o f the buildings laid by General Francisco Murguia to nal service, efficient and disinterested. Flour— Patents, $9.40; straights, alike declared they were satisfied to were broken. The police dispersed the capture him in Western Chihuahua The country expects you, as it expects $8.4067,8.80; valley, $8.60; whole leave the details to the Secretary and manifestants, making numerous ar­ General Murguia was at El Valle, all others, to forego unusual profits, to wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.40 the President. rests. The editor o f the German news­ south o f Casas Grandes, Monday, and organize and expedite shipments of M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $34 paper was wounded, as were several o f his scouts have been unable to locate supplies o f every kind, but especially per ton; shorts, $37 per ton; rolled the demonstrators. States Have Right to Add Villa and his forces in the Namiquipa o f food, with an eye to the service you barley, $476/48. district, where he was reported to save are rendering and in the spirit o f those Com— Whole, $59 per ton; cracked, The Uruguayan government has is- New Units to National Guard ued a decree o f neutrality in the war gone following the fight at San Andres who enlist in the ranks, for their peo­ $60. Washintgon, I). C.— Against the ple, not for themselves, I shall confi­ Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy, between the United States and Ger­ on April 3. dently expect you to deserve and win Eastern Oregon, $206/22 per ton; al­ judgment o f m ilitary ex|/erts as to the many. wise course in the present emergency, John D.’* Brother Dies. the confidence o f people o f every sort falfa, $176/20; grain hay, $186/15. It is decided in Paris that the L a f­ Butter — Cubes, extras, 41c; prime the War department Monday was com­ Cleveland, Ohio— Frank Rockefeller, and station.” ayette flying squadron, composed of 72, youngest brother o f John D. Rock­ firsts, 40c. Jobbing prices: Prints, pelled to reverse a previous ruling and Americans who have distinguished efeller, died Sunday. He was not on German Attack on Hindenburg extras, 44c; cartons, lc extra; butter- annnouce that states have the right to organize new untis o f National guard. themselves at the front, w ill change speaking terms with his brother, John Line Fails; 1500 Dead on Field fat, No. 1, 44c; No. 2, 42c. from the French to the American m ili­ D., as a result o f a quarrel they had Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ This permits expansion o f the existing London — Fifteen hundred German ceipts, 29 J 63 30c per dozen; Oregon guard force to about 125,000 men to tary uniform. Hereafter they w ill years ago. dead were left in front o f the British ranch, selects, 31c. 400.000 at peace strength or more than carry the American flag at the French Frank Rockefeller was a brother front. Poultry— Hens, 2167 22c per pound; 600.000 on war footing. o f John D. and William A. Rocke­ positions after the unsuccessful attack The department planned to draft in­ feller, and was for many years asso­ delivered early Sunday morning by broilers, 306/40c; turkeys, 206/24c; The Norwegian Shipping Gazette strong German forces along a six-mile ducks, 226/23c; geese, 126/y14e. to Federal service only existing units ciated with them in the oil busi­ gives the total Norwegian losses to o f the guard, plus such auxiliary troops Veal— Fancy, 146314Jc per pound. ness, but was not as widely known as front, on the Bapaume-Cambrai road, March 24 as 312 steamers o f a tonnage according to the official report from as were needed. Twenty states have Pork— Fancy, 186/ 18Jc per pound. they. o f 493,143 and 80 ships o f a tonnage Field Marshal Haig. Vegetables — Tomatoes, $3.75 per asked permission to raise new regi­ o f 65,357, as a result o f submarines The British gained further ground crate; cabbage, 4 } (a) 6Jc per pound; ments, however, and Secretary Baker 6000 Canadians is Cost. and mines. The number o f men and in their advance upon both St. Quentin eggplant, 25c; lettuce, $2.756/3.50 per ordered a new duty o f the National de­ Ottawa, Ont. — Estimates o f Cana­ women who perished is given as 312 and Lens. dian losses around Vimy, based on box; cucumbers, $1.25 6/y 1.75 per fense act, to determine whether the and the missing as 25. “ The the enemy is still in his ma­ dozen; celery, $16/)1.28 per dozen, $6 acceptance o f new units up to the lim­ good authority, place the casualties chine gun redoubts in some places, 6/ 7 per crate; cauliflower, $2; peppers, its set in the act was mandatory. from the commencement o f the Vim y Lady Walnut Hill, o f Lexington, these are only rear guards, fo r the 456$50c per pound; rhubarb, 46/5c; Judge Advocate-General Crowder Ky., a pullet in the Federal egg-laying offensive until Tuesday rtight at be­ main body has retreated,” says a dis­ peas, 11 6/ 12c; asparagus, 10 6/) 17c; took this view and his ruling was ap­ contest, failed Friday to continue her tween 5000 and 6000. Three hundred patch. proved by the Secretary. spinach, 8j6/9c; sprouts, 12Jc. remarkable cycle. The pullet the day and thirty Canadian* officers fell last President Wilson Makes Proclamation OF CURRENT WEEK DODD N E VOTED Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. House Passes Defense Measure Without Dissention. COMPILED SENATE TO ACT SOON FOR YOU 100 Cars of Wheat to Leave Northwest Warehouses Daily NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT before laid her 94th consecutive egg. This is 12 eggs more than the previous known world’s record o f 82 eggs made in a Missouri egg-laying contest. A letter from Miss Pauline Jordan, o f Haverhill, Mass, who went with a Red Cross party to Bucharest last No­ vember, brought the information that she had been imprisoned by the Ger­ mans. She wrote that she had been placed in a basement, which was bit­ terly cold, and was provided with only a little food. week on Vim y ridge, according to the Anti-Plot Bill Favored. information. The totals include killed Washington, D. C.— The senate bill and wounded, with the latter dominat­ imposing a maximum penalty o f $10,- ing. __________________ 000 fine, 30 years’ imprisonment, or Farmers Are Summoned. both, on “ whoever in the United Sacramento, Cal.— A t the recom­ States, during time o f war, shall wil- mendation o f the state council o f de­ fuly injure or destroy by fire, or by fense, Governor Stephens has issued a use o f explosives, or by other violent proclamation calling upon producers means, or shall attempt to injure or and distributors o f foodstuffs to set destroy any war material, war prem­ aside their usual occupations and at­ ises or any war utilities, building or tend a series o f conferences to be held other United States property,” was April 28. favorably reported to the house. Potatoes— Oregon buying prices, $3 6/3.25 per hundred. Onions— Oregon jobbing prices: No. 1, $12.50 per sack. Green Fruits — Strawberries, $3.75 per crate; apples, 85 c 6 j $2.35 per box; cranberries, $8 per barrel. Hops -1916 crop, 467^7c per pound; 1917 contracts, nominal. W ool- Eastern Oregon, fine, 306/35c per pound; coarse, 40c; valley, 40c; mohair, nominal, 60c. Caaeara Bark— Old and new, 6i(a/7c per pound. Family Men to Return. Washington, D. C. — The following statement was issued Thursday from the War department: “ The secretary o f war authorizes the discharge o f all enlisted men in the National Guard who have families dependent upon them, members o f which, while sol­ diers in the Federal service, would be entitled to the benefits o f the comforts provided by the act o f congress ap­ proved August 26, 1916, whether they desire to be discharged or not.”