The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 19, 1917, Image 1

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cTlu' JmTüt Oktw lExprT&s
Voi. 2. No. 15
Commercial Hub
Is Working Hard
G R O V E . OREGON. T H U R S D A Y . A P R IL 19. 1917
More Enlistm ents
$1.50 per Year
Red Cross Chapter
Local boys who have enlisted in
Uncle Sam’s service since last
week’s announcements are as fol­
A t 8 o ’clock this evening, at
Marsh hall, there will be a public
Tom Todd, Howard Jones and meeting for the purpose of organ­
John Frost have enlisted in the izing a chapter of the American
naval militia band and left Port­ Red Cross society, Mrs. B. F.
land Sunday for Bremerton navy White of this city having been
yards, in company with twenty- commissioned by the national of­
five other musicians. After a ficers to organize a branch in For­
short season of training, they will est Grove.
The meeting will be addressed
be transferred to a battle-hip.
by Dr. Ralph Mattson of Port­
where they will act as powder-
land, famous tuberculosis special­
i monkeys when their vessel is en­ ist, who has just returned from
gaged in battle.
the European battlefields, by
Encil Todd has enlisted in the Henri Labbe, French vice consul
j U. S. marine corps and is still in a t Portland, and by a prominent
Red Cross worker.
Portland, awaiting assignment.
Speakers will explain the aims
Floyd Tucker enlisted in the
and purposes of the society, which
navy Monday.
is open to men, women and child­
Hilly Martin tried to enlist, but ren.
T w o hundred members
was a half inch short. He will must be secured to hold a charter.
itry again.
If these are not secured, the mem­
A her» Kirkwood expects to take bers in this city must affiliate with
the examination in a day or two some other chapter, probably the
!as a civil engineer in Uncle Sam’s Portland chapter.
Everybody is urged to attend
GU-n Hoar went to Portland Good music and some new drills
j this morning to enlist in the navy. by the Boy Scouts, under direc­
A B. Provost of Portland is in tion of Scoutmaster Ray T . Wil-
; the city seeking recruits for the i 'iams.
To Be Organized
A .special meeting of the direct­
ors of the Forest Grove Com­
mercial duh was held at the oilier
of President L M . Graham yes­
terday afternoon, to take care of
some of the detuils needed for the
comfort of the people who will
come to th eG . A R. and W. R,
('.encampment on June 27-29.
The local members of the G. A.
R. asked a committee to lake the
visitors to iheir rooms after they
have registered and President Gra­
ham asked tlie Hoy Scouts if th y
would like to do this. A com­
mit tee of Scouts was pre rent and
reported they were willing to do
anything asked of them. They
get the job without c ni pen nation
A committee from the W R. C.
reporter! they were making a list
of rooms available and wouid br­
aille to report next week Some
complaint came from prospective
visitors regarding a charge of
$1 00 for rooms and it. was decided
to ask people with rooms to rent
beds for one person at 5t)c and for
two persons at 75c. They are also
a~«ked to serve bre ikfasts at 25c
and dinners and suppers at H5e.
Messrs. Inlow, Hates and Dyke I
were appointed to look after the
An Excellent Entertainm ent
registration of visitors.
Messrs. Fenengu and Dyke are
j The Juniors and Seniors of the
a committee to ask the city coun-
Forest Grove high school, pro­
oil to eiect a flagpole, pun-ha e a
duced “ No. 728” at the Star The­
flag and provide special lighting,
A great campaign for the pur- ater last night to a big crowd and
for the business sect on.
Secretary Johnson and A . E
po>e of effecting the complete the young actors did themselves
T lio iiu «rh |iHtrt«»tj»: Top. le ft to r ig h t — A lb ert, Kmnin it nd K o ber«
Scott were appointed to raise a
mobilization of the national forces proud. They will play a return
Ilo ttom , le ft to riKbt— W l Ulani, tu rb a rti and Ixiuln.
little money to v*nd 20 uniformed j
¡of the Young M en’s Christian As- engagement at the same place
Hoy Scouts to Portland today to I
(Picture through courtj»y of Oregon Journal)
¡sociation for field service in the this evening, at 25c and 35c.
reprerent this city in a patriotic :
Those taking part were Misses
states Army, has been
parade. They have done their
w irk and the Scouts left at 1:15. centagt of lln-ir p ipu alion to war than Fore-t G ro v e ^ n d there may orderfc<i by Dr. John R. M ott, In- Mabel Rasmussen, Sadie M cCoy,
I reader» t Graham, S* n-iaiy
not), but there are none, so far as the Exp^***8 has "heard, which sent ternational Field Secretary, and Idabelle Burns, Esther Lasham
Johnson. A G. Hoffman. A . K
a treater percentage out of one fainny than this city, when it sent, i ndorsed by Pre ident W iNon.
and Messrs. Joseph Loomis, Er­
Scott, Joseph P. Hurley and \\ five boys and a girl out of a f: mily of seven (ti e seventh being Fred
A banquet was held in the nest Dye, Clarence Lenneville,
Mobilization Banquet
Next Monday Evening
ver i>ing *11 ndI* prinr i!ig*commit tee* j Bu*,h ’ w,1° is " K> T ^
live » * * * and * ‘rI ' hott,n
S a ^ ^ r th e T J ^ ^ e iS g
Mrs. W. W. McEldowney had , In 1 a,»oVe picture are the children of William and M ary Busch, IeXtCUf ive comPmif £ es to takf
offeree! to trainarhoru to furnish ‘K)th deceased, who have stuck tog« ther and finished paying tor a charge of this work in Washington
vocal music and her offer was en- j little farm that their father purchased <>n time shortly before his county. The following citizens of
thusiastically accepted.
death, in 1909. The mo»her died in 1910. Both the parents were Forest Grove were present at this
Peter Duycke, Francis Taylor and
Dale Underwood.
The music by Walker’s orches­
tra added much to the success of
the entertainment.
Honor G uard W ill Farm
the opening day.
the Red ( ’ross.
President Graham and Secretary
Johnson were authorized to pur -1
President Wilson and Secretary
Houston have urged the immedi­
ate co-operation of every town­
ship in planting increased acreage
of potatoes and garden truck.
“ T h e Girls National Honor
Guard” has been asked to do
its share and the local Guard has
already been successful in secur­
ing the use of vacant lots. Men
with teams will be asked to do­
nate a little of their time to plow
the land.
Boy Scouts, clubs, townspeople
and girls of the Guard will be
formed into details for properly
caring for and planting these lots.
H B. Johnson has agreed to
take active supervision of t h e
This movement is for the com­
munity and not the individual.
For further particulars call Mrs.
Ray T. Williams, Leader.
B. J. Simpson
The meeting was
addressed by four of the slate Y .
. . .
. .
M . C. A . leaders from Portland
his death leases a vacant place in and the following executive com-
W orthy Citizen Called
cha a betwen 1,000 and 1 500
tbe community that will be felt mittee was elected to handle the
badges for the G A. R., W. R. C.
George Edwin M cKibbin, for
bv manv.
and Ladies of the G. A. R
campaign in Western Washington
j twelve years a highly-respected
The Commercial club will pay
county comp ising the tem tory
Jesse Knight Called
the railroad fare and entertam- resident of this vicinity, passed
contiguous to Cornelius, Forest
Jes^e Knirht, for the past four­ Grove, Dilley, Gaston, Gales
ment for the Fife and Drum Corps away at a Portland sanitarium
years a respected citizen of Creek and Hillside:
of twelve members.
Friday evening April 13th, follow-
Messrs. Sanford, Batesand Me ing an operation. Funeral services Forest Grove, passed to his rewaid
Chairman— B. J. Simpson
Cready are a committee to fix up were held at the Buxton chapel,, at his home on North Fourth
Secretary— Prof R. F. C arke.
the band stand and provide seats in this city, Tuesday afternoon at street at 2 o clock Wednesday
Treasurers—-M R. Johnson and
for spectators.
2:30, under the auspices of the morning, aged 1 8 years.
John Thornburgh
Directors then adjourned to local camp of Modern Woodmen,» Deceased was born in Randolph
_ Geo. G. Paterson,
Tuesday, April 24, at 7:30 p. m. of which deceased was an honored county, Indiana, Sept, 6th, «838,
H. Hollis and Prof. Bates
member. Elder Elson H Em- :,ru1 moved with his parents to j a banquet will be held in the
M rs. A lexan der Indicted
merson of Laurelwood preached Iowa when twelve years of age. In ¡¿iujibiin Hotel next Monday ev-
The Expiess learns that the re- the sermon and a ( the spring of I860 he crossed the enjng at 6:30 to formulate p ans
ci nt. grand jury found an indict- posed of Mrs. A. E. Gardner, plains to ( dorado, where he for carryjng on the work ,n this
ment for assault against Mrs. Mrs. E. G. Webb, James Andrus mined for gold
In October, L b - , district and all business men and
Marian Alexander, wife of Robert and Thomas Isaacs, sang some of he enlisted in the second Colorado i otj,ers interested in our soldier
Alexander, living a short distance the favorite hymns of the de- cavalry and servM m the war un-1 boys’ welfare are urged to be pres-
southwi st of this citv. The as ceased. The pallbearers were Geo. HI its close, in l«68, at (.lUtnrie, i ent
Those expecting to attend
sault is alleged to have been made G. Paterson, A. E. Scott. E. G.
T?e w^s ^nitefI in marriage w jj| p|Pase hand their names to
on her fourteen-year-old stepson. Mills, Wm. Weitzel, B. F. White with Miss Mat t ha J Sheely, who, j
following committee: W. J.
Mrs. Clifford Walker Tuesday
Louis Alexander,''and consisted of and S. Gibson. The ritualistic with two (laughers Airs. Zelpha MeCready, A. G Hoffman or Dr.
Wednesday evenings enter­
pouring scalding water on his head services of the M . W. A. were K . Austin ot
Riverside, Ualif , bishop. Plates 35 cents. Those
tained at cards and refreshments
and back. The accused is at lib- ! rendered at the grave,
in Forest and Mrs. luiu A. tsayne ot this , jnterest;ecj from territory outside
erty pending her trial in circuit; View cemetery.
i » l ! £ ~ 8UmVe * 16 hU8“ and and of Forest Grove are cordially in -\ large number of men and women
Deceased was born in Ontario, father.
. . . .
vited to attend this banquet.
court under a bond of $100, with
and this afternoon she is enter­
Mr. Knight joined the local
her husband and W. 1). Wood as Canada, Nov 7, 1872. and seven-
taining in the same manner a
Cornelius to Pave
teen years ago, in North Dakota ¡Christian church in 1908 and has
of ladies.
was united in marriage with Miss | always been a faithful member.
The common council of the citv
Horseshoers Elect Officers
Margaret Avery. Twelve years He was a loyal husband, a kind - Cornel lius last night awarded
Yesterday was one of the birth­
The members of Local N o. 686, ago the family moved to their father and exemplary citizen.
nfintraM« ¡u fnii««*» fnr tiu>
day anniversaries of Comrade
Master Horseshoers, met in this farm, a mile northeast of this!
Funeral services were held at contracts as follows for the mater- George Thomas, a member of the
city Sunday in annual meeting! city, where they have since re- the Buxton chapel at 10 o clock ial to pave four blocks on th e , local G. A. R. post, and after the
and elected officers, as follows: A. ¡sided.
0m morning. Rev. Sias of Mc- Base Line road and two blocks on regular post meeting, M r. Thomas
W . Mills, Banks, president; L. M .l
Mr. McKibbin is survived by Minnville and Rev. R. L I utnara Pine street: C. B. Buchanan 15501 and some of the other boys served
Goit, Reedville, vice president; J .' his widow and four children, Har- '° f th's c*’ y officiating, and the re- barrels of Portland cement; Col­ a dinner baked and prepared by
G. Lenneville, Forest Grove, sec-1 old. aged 16; Nellie,aged 14; John, mains were taken to Portland by umbia Contract company, sand, j Comrade Thomas, the guests be­
retury; E. I ). Kerr, Hillsboro, | aged 12, and Gladys, aged 9. He j Undertaker Ruxton this afternoon gravel and crushed rock; Trusted ing the members of the post and
j leaves two brothers in Minnesota, for cremation. ______
, Concrete
i Steel
n • company,
n .
the ladies of the Relief Corps. Mr.
Thomas baked several of the
The Express learns that the
“ V*; a[,a<,aa^ ° " ^ 8ister* Mrs-
People down frOm Upper G ales! bituminous road binder,
cakes used at the dinner and the
high price of feed has induced •” >" n 1 aylor ol tms city.
Creek today report, that the pro-
George Ortman was in town to­ ladies admit that he is some baker.
many milk dealers to raise prices
George McKibbin was a loving , moters of the new railroad are
a cent a quart,, beginning May and atfectionate husband, a kind taking up rights-of-way, prepara- day, buying material to finish up A nice musical and literary pro­
his new house.
gram was rendered.
father and a good neighbor and tory to beginning work.
Albert and Robert are twins.