I s D E L U D E T E P A K a TON O F THE O / ' ETHEL HUESION I L L U S T R A T I » BY W .C . T A N N 1 •Copy right. by C H APTE R U i« Uobbs-AlurriU C om pa n y.) Fairy had tried to win her conB moving In her room upstairs. Then she went Into the kitchen and built the tire deuce, und had failed. “You are a ailing. Fairy, but I real­ for breakfast. ly do uot want to talk about 1L Oik no, Indeed, It Is all my own fault. I C H A P T E R XII. told I i I iii i > go, and not come again. No. you are wrung, Fairy, 1 do not re­ She C ork i to Grief. Fairy was one of those buoyant, gret It. l do not want him to come uuy warm-blooded girls to whom sleep Is more." Mr. Starr, ton, had tried. “Prudence.” Indeed me ¿rent restorer. Now she stood lu the kttchcu door, tall, cheeks be said gently, “you know very often glowing, eyes sparkling, and smiled at men do things that to women seem wrong und wicked. And maybe they her sister's solemn back. “You are the little mousey, I'rue.” lire! Hut men and women are differ­ she said. In her full rich voice. “I ent by nature, my dear, and we must didn't hear you come to bed last night, remember that. 1 have satlstliHl myself and 1 didn't hear you getting out this that Jerry Is good, and clean, and man­ morning. Why, what Is the matter?" ly. I ih* not think you should let any For Prudence hud turned her face to- foolishness of Ills lu the past come be- wurd her sister, and It was so white j tween you now." und so unnatural that Fairy was ; f r o lit: CONTINUKO.) T n c C o i/A T c ^ C o, For li. «l Mutlral InatnimsntS In tniaal harmony Main to mtm how « uh | th*»v ran la*, not how murh I hay will hnn« Violin. Mandolin, liultar. Ilaos*. tlkalvkv Hlo«an "If you don't find ‘am h»tl«-r than any, a»nd 'am hsrli al our aa|n-naa " III tu III l.ahl». Illds . 071« Waah HI.. I'urtland. Ora. o F O R D C A R S fcyary I'nnl <'ar ahould carry ana CI- Irs lira It aav* rhanslns on tha nnal. THE T W I N RIM Ala ladh fn>nl and roar whsvl A|>|dt*d In I min- ii tea Havaa H um ', rlothaa, lom|o-r ami rolls Ion. 1‘rtre 1*1 Ml Honl earral |>ual prapal.l. upon ro eole* o f erlcw DUOS* »SlCAilllBS CO . s n XU H urn a id « at., "Tho T lro N h oe " Portland. Orw*on " C . B ." M IN E R S & CO. XI— Continued. I this morning before breakfast anil — 14— I — never come again.1 t I T I I H I I I I I M I I I H M l IICUIlCISC. It diil look horrible, from above as she clung to hhu us she said this, shocked. ■. I. Coa fa ts MO « h i m I t l M tT U S S , M IM S ' “Prudenee I You are sick r Go to M O R E T H A N N O N S E N S E M A K E R well ns below. Hut Jerry, when he felt but her voice did not inlter. “And you the first light twinge ns Connie lifted must not write to me uny more. For. bed and let me get breakfast. Here, the rope, foresaw what was coming oh, Jerry, If 1 see you again 1 can get out of this, and l will—" Edward Lear, Known to Moat as Gen­ “There's nothing the matter with me. and was ready for It. As he went down, never let you go. 1 know It. W ill you tle Humorist, W as Also Famed H t n ig k l. S o ld . M mm I sm I a n il I had a headache, and did uot sleep, he grabbed a firm hold on the branch i do this fi • me?" WA L K hit hUCCTHtC WORKS aa a Painter. KurnniiU. CM« lüth. l ’or t lami. Oro. on which he had stood, then he drop- “You are nervous and excited.” he but 1 am all right now. Are I he girls ped to the next, and held again. On said tenderly. “Let's wait until after up yet?” Most of u* when we think of Edward L X A K N A T R A D E . O m T r « r lw and Aut«. Fairy eyed her suspiciously. “Jerry Lear think vaguely of someone who i i m » M U m « ? i In t S r m n m l W * aro giving • com tlie lowest limb he really clung for breakfast. Then we'll talk It all over >Iris’ rourw In bulh fur ths* prieo of un® tuition. tifteen secouds, and took lu his bear­ with your father, and It shall he as he Is out unusually early, too. Isn't he? wrote dclectuble rhyme*. of nonsense *»r • «hurt tlm® only Lnr*® rloM now tfrmdunt ami hiV « rt«u» for few ntorw nirn t «L«k<«f Ills door is open." ings. Connie had dropped the rope says. Won't that lie better?” mid fun, a mun who made queer pic­ !u«f ami de tail, fir r f c o * l . Trait WWs. .1» I “Oil. no. For father will say what­ "Jerry has gone. Fairy.” Prudence’s tures of ImposslI*lo creatures to go when the twins screamed, so he had P o ri Und. O r o fo a . nothing more to fear from her. lie saw ever he thinks will make me happy, lie back was presented to view once more, with his rhymes, who comput'd a weird Prudence, white, with wild eyes, both must not know a thing about It. l ’roiu- and l ’rudc ice wus stirring the oatmeal natural history and botany all his W K W R E C K A U IO M O H II 1 S ist>. Jerry, that you will never tell biui with vicious energy, "lie left «airly own, anil spent his life making odd For Ihrir nn*«l part«. l*arU at half prltw W« arms stretched out toward him. can «lupliratr moat any part. W® h«v® wrrrkcvt j this morning— 1 .->uppo.-.«> he Is hatf-wuy Joki's. “O. K„ Prue,” he culled, and then he one word." uvrr liw tilfT«rrtil make« uf cars of mr®nt data. If of arty writs* Ui Auto W r« king Co.. IV “I promise, of course. Prudence. 1 to l»«*s Moines by now.” dropped. He landed on his feet, a lit­ \Ve have sung, or hi*nrd soiu«'one in i i p m I Bfotdvti i * LOm | “O h !" Fulry's voice was noncom­ els«* slug, his “Owl uud the Pussy tle jolted, but none the worse for his will let you tell him." Hut she shook her head. “Ho will mittal. “ When Is he coming buck?” fall. Cut"— and and— well, that's ubout FRED P. GORIN, Pilrat Attorney He ran at once to Prudence. “I’m never know. Oh, Jerry I I cau't b«'ar Please all. “H a Isn't coming hack. Orttnlirr am! |Mv«ltjp«r I'a tm ta « w u r a l or F * » all right.” he cried, really alarmed by to think of never seeing you uguln, hurry. Fairy, and call the others. Tin* Hut Edward Lear's nonsense hooks KafumU«! KUKK. Toy X Kay I’ U tr »how s t*v*ry Unis in your body righ t ihmurrh your clothing. the white horror in her face. “Pru­ and never getting letters from you, and oatmeal Is ready." were the very smallest part of the Huitra TUI. TU1A. TUlll. 70IC- Cwntral bid*.. 8 »a tlW dence ! Prudence!” Then her arms it seems to kill uie luslde. Just the work of u long and busy life, and his dropped, and with a brave but feeble thought of It.” STUDY buukkrwping. abort hand. ts»U*grai»hy. reul labor was thut of a painter ruther »*]<*• man »hip. hngliah branch®«, at an arrrmiiLad smile, she swayed a little. Jerry took "Sit here in my lap. Put your head than n writer. arhuol. writ«’ t*r phono Main f.ir raultqri»*, her In his arms. “Sweetheurt!” he on my shoulder, like that. Let me rub More than what ho did. ev«*n. was ■ raduat*»« guarani®««! poaitkm«. lUhnkr Walkrr llm llia a s ( ’«illn gr, 167 4th H t iw t , Morrtaon. whispered. “Little sweet hen r f ! Do— your face a little. Yourw feverish. You what lie wus— u lovable and ehurmlug P o rt U n d. O reg o n . are sick. Go to bed, won't you, sweet­ do you love me so much, dearest?" mun, adored by children, with the gen Prudence raised her hands to his heart? We can settle this later on." tlcst heart lu the world, n great lover A Natural Question. "You must go right away, or 1 can­ face, and looked Intensely Into his of l*«‘iiuty and «levoted to his frl<*nds. An Irlshmau went Into a jeweler's not let you go at a ll!” eyes, all the sweet loving soul of her Lear's real character amt work have shop to buy a clock. Th<* shopman “Do you mean you want me to get shining in her own. And Jerry kiss«?d been described In St. Nicholas, hy 1111- showed him on« for tlO. my things and go right now?" her. "M urdher! Ten dollars for that bit degarde Hawthorne. Though L«*ar’s “Yes." She hurled her face In his The twins scrambled down from the of a clock? Is there anything wonder­ work was in general so serious, to “If— If you stay in your maple, speechless and cold with terror, shoulder. the end o f his life In 1S.S8, Miss ilavv- ful about it? "Certainly," said the shopman, "that and saw Prudence and Jerry! Then room until breakfast time I will lock (home says, lie continued to write his Is an eight day clock.” they saw Connie, staring at them with you in. so you cannot leave me uguiu. ridiculous verses nnd make his fuuny I know It. I am crazy today." "A n d what's that? ask«xl the pros­ Interest and amusement. sketches lu letters to his frli'iids. pective purchaser. “Don't you think you owe me some­ “I think we'd better go to bed, all "W h y It goes eight days without thing, as well us your father and sis­ three of us,” declared Lark sturdily. Great English Monarch. winding.” ters? Didn't God bring us together, And they set off heroically around the "S o much us that?" said the Irish­ For years King Alfred warred and make us love each other? Don't man. scratching his baud. "Hegorrs. house. But nt the corner Carol against the Dunes, often defeat««!, hut you think he Intended us for each oth­ turned. never fulling In courage, not even there's wan thing I’d like to be after er? Do you wish you had never wet askin’ you. if It goes eight «lays with­ “Take my advice and go Into the me?” win'll driven luto the imirshes or out winding, how long, for the sake woodshed." she called, “for all the Av- when he was forced to pay hlnekmiill of St. Patrick, wilt It go If ye wind “J erry!" erys are looking out of their windows.” to buy peace. From Ids first years It?"— Pittsburg Chronicle. “Then, sweetheart, be reasonable. Prudence did not hear, but he drew Your fnther loved your mother, and upon tlie throne be worked to build n her swiftly to the darkest corner of the married her. That Is God's plan for all navy that should wrest from the Dunes T A K E « O FF D A N D R U F F , HAIR 8TO P8 F A L L IN G side porch— and history repeated It­ of us. You have been a wonderfully the mastvry of the seas. At lust he self once more! suou«*ede«!. and the heritage thut he , brave and sweet daughter and sister. left to his countrymen has time und 8sva your Halrt Get a 25-cent bottls At twelve, Jerry went upstairs to i know. Hut surely Fairy is old enough of Danderlna right now— Also bed. his lifs tingling with the fervent to take your place now.' again preserved the British Isles from stops Itching scalp. tenderness of her parting kiss. He Invaders. Fairy's going to be n professor, and The Dun«'* were able to hold pos- stood at his window, looking soberly — girls do not mind her very well, Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy session lu the middle of England, hut hair Is mute evidence c a neglected out Into the moonlit parsonage yard. An*! she Isn’t as much comfort to fa- Alfred's victories tunde tlit* English of scalp; o f dandruff that awful scurf. “She Is an angel, a pure, sweet, unself- ther a . 2 nin. It's Just becuuse I am There Is nothing so dt'Structlvo to other hostile kingdoms hull him us lsh little angel,” he whispered, and his most like mother, you see. But ntiy- Will Come.” their leader. When he ry little, sitting moat A . L U N D BERG CO., self. And father especially most dropped on the floor, and lay there, of her leisure time staring out tba win­ New Jersey factories employ 1107 T h ir d A v t , S e a t t le . »ev er know. I want you to go away face downward, until she heard Fairy dows. operative«. UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP ELECTRIC MOTORS Q Q Q E v e r y N ig h t F o r Constipation Headache,Indicjestion, RAN DRETH PILLS Safe and d Sure n araci m a “RUPTURE