The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 12, 1917, Image 2

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S EV S K B E U IB K S W [ | N
U. S. rjMtfs Over Interne»! Ships as
Precautionary Measure
Washington, D. C. — Austria Hun-
gary, ranging
herself un reaerv sally
with Germany, has teverani diplomat
Brazil and Central American
relations with the United Scat«*, pre­
Nations Become Restless.
cipitating a «ituation which generally i
is expected here to lead to war
Banin Erich Zwiedmek. the Austrian
charge, asked the State department
Monday for passports for himaeff. hi#
«Calf and the Austrian consular force
in this country, and simultaneously
Amanean Minister Stovall reporte«! Argentina Ihvidcd Over World War
from Berne that Austria (liai ann«xinced
and tattle Kweoaragrmrnt From
the break tn relations to the American
That Source la l-ookrd for.
embassy m Vienna.
Immediately the Treasury lepart- !
ment oniere«l the «eizure o f all Aus­
trian merchant «hipa in American har­
Washington. D. C. Early entrance
bor*. The Austrian crews were taken.
several o f th* South and Central
olT ami *ert to immigration «tatiocs
ami American guarís put on board. American nations into th* war against
The measure was expíame«! as purely Germany is reganied here a* practi­
«me o f precaution, but it is realized
cally certain. Brazil, arouaed by the
that it may be interpreted by Austria
as an a«*t of war. In a «m ular situa­ sinking o f her steamahip Parana, is
tion, after the break with Germany, expected to berome a belligerent this
no «hipa were «eiz*>d until a state of week and it is assumed that her lea«!
war actually ha«i been declare«!
will be followed pr«imptly by other
Whether Bulgaria an«! Turkey are
preparing to follow suit ta unknown,
Reports of divided opinion in Argen­
but officials generally believe that
sooner or later they will do so. Bul­ tina have given officials here little en­
garian Minister Panaretoff called or. couragement to look for aggress;ve
Secretary Lansing Late in the day to
action by that country.
ask i f th;» government had any in-
A ctive support of the United States
formati«in from Sofia, but was told
by at least two o f the five Central
r.on.e had been receive«!
Bulgaria, it is believed here, i* American republics and possibly by
weary o f the war. but German >lomina­ four w.Aild not be surprising. Official
tion o f the Central European alliance reports that Eat rails Cabrera, presi­
i* expected to drive them, as it drove dent o f Guatemala, ia contemplating
Austria, to break with Germany’s new seriously a break with Germany have
been received.
So long as M n ir o ’s course ia unde­
fined, unusual interest is attached to
Richard Olney. Ex Secretary of
the priettion of the Central American
specially Guatemala,
State, Dies in Boston, Aged 82 « ov“
controlling the southern frontier of
Boston— Richard Olney, statesman, Mexico. In the event o f the develop­
once Sc-mtary o f State and always a ment o f an unfriendly situation in
noted student o f international affairs, Mexico, it is realized that Guatemala's
di«d at his home in the Fenway, in the role would be far from unimportant.
Back Bay district, at 8:45 o'clock Sun­
In Guatemala. Cabrera has built up
day n ig h !
Ward o f the passing of what is regarded generally as the moat
the great citizen was not given to the efficient army in Central America and
public until Monlay.
with it he would be in a p>eition to
The end came after a protract«! lend valuable assistance to the United
period o f intense suffering, which hail States. Antipathy between the Gua­
failed, however, to shake the courage temalans and the Mt-xicans there has
or good humor
that had marked his 82 existed for year*.
It is known that earnest efforts have
>esrs or to divert his mind from the
interest which he had maintained in Lieen made by counsellors o f Cabrera to
our qurral with Germany.
induce him to enter promptly into the
Richard Olney served successfully as war. I f he doe* place his country in
attorney general and secretary o f state the list, it is expeettd that Nicaragua
during the administration o f Presi­ w ill shortly follow, and the long-stand­
dent Cleveland, and, although at the ing difference# between
thoae two
head o f the State fiepartem«.-nt for the countries and Salvador and Honduras
short period o f one year and nine may be swept away in a desire to pre­
months only, he won reputation as a sent a united Central America.
itltllB IM«ling ability an«i
__________________ .
fo n * . His greatest triumph was his
IJ /
sur«« - «fui insistence upon arbitration \ ^ U O ( J / > t l t i ^ T S
H C iY
o f the boundary dispute between Great
Britain and Venezuela.
London— In terrific air fighting dur­
ing Saturday and Sunday in Northern
France. British airplanes -am ed out
m ím enla ranis and 'dropped mors than
sight tors o f bombs. Twenty-eight
British macrun.e* are missing, say* the
official «tatement from British hewi-
.piartem in F racen, and tS German
aeroplanes were seen to -rasn to the
ground and 31 German machines were
Waahingtoa. D. C. The renofatMH
Washmtgnn, D. C. Actual and po­
driven down.
4erU ring Chat a «tat* a F war ex:*ta
Ter. German balloons, the «tatemen« tential resource*, which, *11 told, prob­
| « M a the United Scat*»!» ar.«i G*r-
ably never have beer, equaled by any
a«ids, were brought down in fiâmes.
n u r 7 alraarfv paiwiet! by th* *er.*t*.
other nation tn the history o f the
(manat'. th* hooM «hortLy after I o’ clock
Berlin — The entente allies lost A4 world, are brought into the great war
Frvt*> « o r a -. r.g by a sot* o f 371 to SO. airplanes on the western front, «ay* under the America.- fiag.
I t forma, ly accept* the «tat* o f bet-
In the balance against Germany are
the officiai «taterrent issued by the
l.gerernry for-ert by Germany’ * aggr»;*-
German army
hea«i«y tarter*
«taíT. thrown a navy in «trength and effi­
awxia and authorizes and <1; recta the
Thirty-three of the Br.tish or French ciency among the foremost afioat; an
Fr»su«ier.t to empioy the military and
mach-nes were deetroyeii in aerial en­ army, comparatively very «mall, but
n a n . force* ar.d the r e » « r - e * c f the
Five German a.rplanes, highly efficient, bacaed by a eitxxenry
nation to brt*.g ear against Germany
o f upward o f 20.000. 'WO capable o f
the «taterr.ent aiids. did not return.
to a «ncresef .il term, nation.
military du ty; industrial resources, in­
Without roiica.^* the house rejected
comparably the greatest m the world,
ail aaMMtmenta, .ar Lading proposal to
already mobilized for public «ervice.
prohibit the «ending o f any troop*
and the moral force of more than 100,-
w r v n without congressional aaT.hor-
000,00») A m erican, awakened to their
country’s peril and anted behind their
Adopt.on of the resolution followed
Persident with a pair.- tic fervor rein­
17 hour* o f he bate. There i m no at­
carnating the spin! of ’76.
tempt to filibuster. but the pacifist
Although much remaina to be done,
group, under the leadership of Demo­
officials believe the nation'* destinies
cratic Leader Kitckin, prolonged the
are ««cure now, no matter how »tub-
discos* on with iir.pamoned «peeche*.
bom or prolonged may be the presaure
Mr. K itdu n declaring would
o f German militarism, or how wide the
not permit him to support the Presi­
«cope o f German
d e n t'« recommendation that a state of
The r.avy, always the first line o f
war be declared.
defense, has cleared its deck* o f anti­
If-«* Rankin, o f Montana, the only
quated incumbrances, has aided new
o f congress, «at
units, modernized to meet the German
Washington, D. C. — The resolution tactics, and the patriotic co-operation
thro»./-, the first roll-all with
Head, failin g to answer to her name, declaring that a state o f war exists o f «hip and material maker* is hurry­
between the United States and Ger­ ing to completion other fighting craft
tw ice called by the clerk.
On »econd roikall «he rose and «aid many was adpoted in the senate Wed­ that w ill be the last word in power and
in a nobbing voice: “ I want to stand nesday night by an overwhelming ma­ efficiency.
by my country, but I cannot rote for jority. It was immediately taken up
Authorized but 10 days ago to re­
for passage in the house.
war. ”
cruit to th* full war strength o f 87,000
Senators who cast the negative votes men, the r.avy already has almost at­
For a moment then »he remained
atard.r.g. supporting herseif against a were Gronna, o f North Dakota; La tained the total. To provide additional
desk, and as cries o f “ vote, vote,” Poilette, o f Wisconsin; Norris, o f Ne­ officers a class o f midshipmen has beer,
cam* from several parts o f the house, braska, Lar.e, o f Oregon; Stone, o f graduated three months ahead o f its
she sank back into her seat without Missouri, and Yardaman. o f M.saisaip- time. A newly organized coast patrol
voting »;>.*: bly. .She was recorded in pi-
of submarine chasers is on duty, and
The war resolution was adopted by hurdreds o f small craft to augment it
the negative.
the senate by a vote o f 82 to 6.
are under construction.
Senator McCumber's substitute to
Army preparations are less com­
declare the existence of a state o f war plete, because o f the uncertainty over
on the sinking o f another American what congress w ill authorize.
ship by Germany was defeated without regulars, numbering nearly 120,000,
Chester, Pa.— An explosion at 10 ’ a roilrail.
and trained and equipped in a way
o ’ clock Tuesday morning, in the plant
The resolution drafted after con­ which their officers believe matches,
o f the Eddystone ammunition corpora­ sultation with the State department unit for unit, the boasted efficiency o f
tion , at Eddystone, Pa., near here, is and already accepted by the house com­ Germany’s best, are ready to respond
reported to have killed 50 to 150 per­ mittee, says the state o f war thrust over night to whatever call may come.
Several hundred are «aid to upon the United State* by Germany is
The national guard, 150,000 strong
have been injured.
formally declared, and directs the and hardened by months o f service at
The fire, which was cor.fined to the President to employ the entire military the border, already has many units in
ahrapn*i loading building, in which it and naval forces and resources o f the active service for police duty through­
originated, had been subdued. In thia government to carry on war and bring out the country, and can be fully mo­
building about 400 mer., women and it to a successful termination.
bilized on short notice.
Without ad­
boy» and girls were employed as load­
Action in the senate came just after ditional authorization by congress, the
11 o'clock at the cloee o f a debate that regulars and guardsmen could be re­
10 cruited to a combined strength o f 700,-
Latest report* place the total ions had lasted continuously
o f life at 112.
The little Ches­ o'clock in the morning.
Havana Cuba, not yet out o f her
000, ar.d detailed plans for whatever
German Maps Are Seized.
| teens as a republic, is at war with
ter morgue is filled with bodiea and
larger army may Lie authorized have
New York— Government agents have Germany the first o f the Imtin-Amer-
they are piled upon the sidewalk out­ National Army of 2,000,000
Lieen prepare«! an«l great quantities of
seize«! m«ire than 2000 letters from the ican countries to range herself along­
side the hsuilding.
equipment purchased for it.
German sailors interne«! at the immi­ side the United States, her liberator
Men Plan of Government
It is stated the building in which I
Industrial preparations have pro­
gration xtatuin on Ellis Island. They and protector.
the explosion occurred was used for
Washington, D. C.
Detailed plans duced a great, compact scheme o f na­ also have come into possession o f dia­
making time fuses for shrapnel.
At 7:16 o'clock Saturday night Pres­
o f the War department for raising an tional resources with alm«/st unlimited grams, blueprints and blank txiok* con­
ident Menocal affixed his signature to
workers were mostly women and young
army numbering millions i f that is prissibilities.
taining information important to the the joint resolution adopted unani-
necessary " t o bring the government o f
military arxl civil auth«irities.
1 mously late in the afternoon by both
The Eddystone Ammunition com­
Munition Prices Ordered Slashed.
the German empire to terms’, were
The fart that beer is not |iermitte«i the senate an«l house without a dissent­
pany is understood to be an indepen­
placed in President Wilson's hands
Washington, D. C. — Thursday the on the island is said to be causing ing vote being raised, thus putting in­
dent corporation, and is engaged in
Thursday in the form o f a bill pre-
much discontent ______
among the sailors
to effect the declaration that a state o f
manufacturing and loading shells for
pa red by the General Staff and re­ government invoker! f«ir the first time
war exists between Cuba and the im-
the Russian government.
The com­
Yorlt Harbor, Me,— A German who
viewed awl revised in part by Secre­ its drastic p«iwers to strike a death
peria German governm«‘n !
pany has r.o connection with either the
tary Baker arid the general officers blow at exhorbitant war profit*. Un- «aid he was Frank Spikehom, formerly
Midvale Steel company or the Iteming-
who are hi* m ilitary advisers.
der authority o f the last naval appro- of Baltimore, was arrested here Tues-
ton Arm* company.
The President, as Commander in priation bill a manufacturer was di- day.
Maps o f the coast with mHrgin- Emperor William Asks Plans
Chief, a!reaily has approved the basis rected to furnish a large order o f war al notes in German and a notebook
on Reforms for Germany
adopted for the war army.
Secretary supplies at a price fixe«! by the govern­ filleil with writing were f«iund in his
Amsterdam, via Dindon Em|>eror
Baker said the measure would go to ment far lower than the figure volun­ possession.
Wiliam has ordere«! German Imperial
f ( i r t f '/ J J C
flY 1 the house and senate committees as tarily submitte«!. I f the order is not
- c f f l- t p MO M M i l wjfjn jy,
war revolution was adopt- ohieye«! the plant w«iuld Lie taken over
Chancellor von Hethman-Hnllwcg to
Wilson Insists on Draft Plan.
submit to him certain pr»(>o.salH for the
WashingV/n, D. C. How the g w - eel.
and «iperate«! by the government.
«?rTi»rierrt plans to raise a war army of
Washintgfin, D. C. — President W il­ reform o f the Prussian electoral law to
Official* would not di*cl«s»e«i the
1,500,000 within a year and 2,000,000 i
Mia* Wilson Gives $1000.
name o f the manufacturer nor the son threw the weight o f his [lersonal lie discussed and put into effect after
An official
within two year* was disc hosed upw,
Washington, D. C. Miss Margaret agency through which this order was influence into the scales Tues«lay in an the conclusion o f peace.
jMssage o f the war resolution by the Wilson, the President’* daughter, Sat- given. It is *aid, however, that Pres­ effort to overcome op|>oeition in con- telegram from Berlin announcing this
urday handed the Red Cross her per- ident Wilson and his aiivisers were gress lo the administration army plans order adds that it foreshadow* also the
reform o f the upper chamber o f the
The bill, prepare«J by the General sonal check for $ 1000 the proceed* of firmly res«i]vefl that only fa ir an«l rea- based on the draft system,
Staff and approved by the President, her spring concert tour.
Her check sonable charges sh«iuld be paid by the i Summoning Chairman Dent o f the Prussian diet.
fo r submission to congress, provides Was dated April 2, the day o f the I’ res- natifin to its citizens fo r the things house m ilitary committee, now consul-'
that are necessary t«i make ready for ering the bill, the President made it KaiKcr's Allies to Break With II, S.
fo r the immediate filling up o f the r e g -; ¡dent’s address to congress,
j clear that he believes the safety o f the ! I»ndon -Pas*(Kirts have been placed
ular army and national guard to war
The money goes to the fund for use war.
European government* are paying I nation hangs on the action o f congress ' at the dixpoHal o f the American em-
strength of more than 800,000, by among American sailors and soldiers,
d ra ft unless enough volunteers enlist | Miss Wilson won w ill make another an average o f 10 per cent profit on war in this regard.
tiassy in Vienna, according to a dis­
quickly arid f««r bringing into the serv tour in the South for the name pur- material pur« hased in the
He w ill make a similar exposition of patch to the Exchange Teb.-graph com­
ice by the late summer o f the fir*t (io*e.
States. It was asserted authoritively the military situation to Representa­ pany from The Hague, quoting tele­
500,000 o f the n*:w for«’e «if y«iung men
that the government o f the U n it«! tive Anthony o f Kansas, who has led grams receivc«i there from the Aus­
between the age* «if 19 arid 25 year*,
States inten«la to buy it* own supplies op(*i*iti«in to the draft (dan among Re­ trian capital. The dispatch *ay* that
French to Fly (J. S. Flag.
to Li* «-ailed to the color* by selective
less than that rate o f profit to the publican memLicrs o f the m ilitary com­ Bulgaria and Turkey have also decided
Bari* — The American flag will Lie
<*onscri ption.
to break off relations with the United
flown from all public building* in seller.
States, and that Holland w ill probably
France a* the result o f an order i*sue«i
T. R. May Consult Wilson.
Ex-E zarina’ » I-ad y in Cell.
(>>uiB j Mai vy, minister o f the in-
Auslria Sure to Break.
look after Austrian interests in Wash­
Washington, D. C.— Theodore Roose­ ington and Americans in Vienna.
Ixiwlfin Mme. ViniLsiva, the lady- terior.
The mayors o f many towns
Vienna — It appears certain that
in w aiting to the ex-ernpreas, who in- have requested that the American Austria-Hungary w ill sever diplomatic velt came here Tues«iay from New
trodur-e«! Gregory Rasputin, the mytic «-ol«irs Lie displayed on private resi- j relations with the United States i f York and although he decline«! to make
Brazilian Not Warned.
monk, to the Ru*s*ian e»,ijrt( ha* Lieen derices.
| Congress declares that a state o f war a statement it was reported he would
Rio Janeiro—-The captain o f the tor­
Fir«sight fr«»m T*arskoe-Sel«i to the
exists between America and Germany. confer with President Wilson and offer pedoed Brazilian
Ex-Rebels Raise Flag.
Tauroia Palace and then taken to the
The gfjvemment has placed a special his services for the war. It was said tables that in addition to the killing o f
prison o f St. Peter and St. Paul, says
Raleigh, N. C. — Old soldiers o f the car at the disposal o f U. S. Amliassa- he also contemplated seeing Secretary three members o f his crew, several
*i Reuter dispatch fr««m
Petr«igrad North Carolina Home for Confe«lerate dor Penfield, who w ill probably leave Baker to discuss tho volunteer army di­ sailors were wounded by the explosion
Before leaving, vision which the colonel had offered to o f the torpedoes. He says the ship
Veterans raise«! the Stars and Stripe* Vienna on April 5.
Mme. Viruliova is a fellow prisoner over the institution Sunday for the Mr. Penfield w ill he received by Em­ recruit. The general staff plan for an was attacked at midnight without
o f Mme. Soukhomlinoff, w ife o f the first time. Heretofore the home ha* peror Charles. The Ambassador will army raise«! by selective conscription warning and denounces the conduct o f
-ex minister of war.
makes no provision for volunteer units. the Germans as barbarous.
, flown «mly the state flag.
travel by way o f Switzerland.
Ifwtr Body («firm s Vinto of
Sowie 373 to 50.
foiiMiy Forced ta Com bat Vast
R e s a c o and f a b Mm.
Upper House Declares for War
Willi Only Six Dissenting.
Against Germany
A rmy of Million