sr. ( trw \ ( ^ / L'C. á t ' /S - 'O SS $awBt droit? lExjtrraa AN IN D EPEN D EN T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Voi. 2, No. 14 FOREST DROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 12. 1917 $1.50 per Year The exercises closed with! the same millinery store with her the audience singing ' The Star Dads Liquidate sister, Gertrude, who went to A NEW ROAD PATRIOTIC SPIRIT minutes. Spangled Manner/' the Scouts Montana several weeks ago leading in the salute to the flag as Miss Joan Pierce, who mover! IS AROUSED Thomas and Legislate TO TILLAMOOK the last n o t e w a s sounded. , from here to Bend, Ore., last fall, Isaacs directed the sing­ The Express has several times if marching in the rain and fill­ With the mayor, recorder, treaa- ¡»visiting with Mrs. Chris Peter- ing Marsh hall to the rafters ing. urer, chief of police, city engineer !son near Hillsboro and will visit recently stated that a move was means anything, the people of and all councilmen in attendance, her many friends in this city be- on foot build a railroad from this Hillsboro Is Patriotic city to Tillamook and last Satur­ Forest Grove are patriotic to a The county seat of Washington Forest Grove’s lawmakers held ^ore ret urn*nK t° her home, marked degree. The first of the day’s Portland Journal confirms week M. J. Fenenga and Ray T. county has furnished in the neigh­ their monthly meeting at the city ! Dn Tuesday night the Camp the belief, in the following lan­ Fire Girls, for whom Mrs Bush- guage: Williams began arranging for a borhood of thirty recruits for hall Tuesday evening. . . . . ! nell been such an ideal guard- patriotic demonstration and invit-1 Uncle Sammy’s fighting forces After the reading of the treas-, treas­ ¡an has “Construction of t h e Gales met and Kavp her a farewe|| ed Captain Cicero F. Hogan of during the past thirty days and urer’s monthly report, the month­ call at Marsh Hall and presented Creek & Wilson River railroad is Portland to add re s the meeting. last Saturday afternoon a big pa­ ly bills were allowed, the treasurer fo start as soon as weather will From 4:15 to 5:50 yesterday the triotic meeting was held in the was instructed to take up a street her with a beautiful and approp­ permit. Forest Grove Hand, the G. A. It , Cresent Theater, w i t h Judge improvement bond ($100,, and pay riate gift. “Announcement to that effect Mrs. M. R. Johnson Tuesday was made today by John Pearson, W. R. C . P. U. Students, Honor Thomas McBride and Judge the interest on a number of other Guard and Hoy Scouts paraded Wallace McCamant, judges of the bonds; also to refund overcharge afternoon delightfully entertained president of the organization. thirty-three ladies at a Kensing- the streets in the rain and at 7:510 s t a t e supreme court, and William on a water bill. “ The first building will be 15 hist night the same lineup, with G. Hare, a local attorney, as the Councilman Coon reported hav- [_or1, ev5’[lf' being in honor of miles of road out of Wilkesboro a delegation f r o m t h e K. of speakers. The theater was packed ing v purchased niireh;med for theeitv for the city a ;i street her slater, Airs A. J. Demorest, up Gales creek toward the Wilson who recently came from Harris P. lodge and citizens added, and many were turned away. grader. burg to become a resident of For­ river, by which route the road paraded to the de|>ot and wel­ Before the meeting, there was a Street committee wa> instructed will eventually reach Tillamook. comed Captain Hogan, marching parade, with the G. A R., W. R to look after the repairs to the est Grove. “Organization of the board of thence to Marsh hall, which was C., fire department, uniform rank 1913 paving Through President Glenn Mor­ directors of the company was com­ soon tilled to overflowing. j K. of P., and several hundred gan, the senior class of P. U. last Chief of Police Watkins report­ pleted today. Pearson heads the Hire Mayor Geo. G Paterson school children in line. Monday presented to the College ed many complaints because cat­ directorate during the formative presided at one of the most en­ a large American flag. The emblem tle being driven through city dam ­ was accepted on behalf • of the stage, with O. M. Clark, president Cornelius in Line thusiastic patriotic meetings ever aged parkings and lawns. No school by Glenn Jack, president of of the Chamber of Commerce and held hi re. While the band played Hendricks hall, at Cornelius, action laken. ” I ‘Star Spangled Banner, the was crowded by a patriotic crowd the student body. Appropriate of the Clark-Wilson Lumber com­ Claim of Carl Pfeiffer for dam­ Boy Scouts went through the flag- Tuesday night to hear William G. exercises were held in honor of the pany; Ralph E. Wiiliams, well- known as head of the Republican ages from sewer construction re­ raising e x e r c is e s , Scoutmaster. Hare of Hillsboro and Ray T. event campaign in Oregon during the VV illiams directing. ; Williams of this city, who made ferred to finance committee. Frank Gordon has rigged up in la->t presidential election; E. Z. An ordinance requiring fire es­ onejof the w:ndows in the Gordon M J Fenenga then offered a ! musing speeches, imploring loy- prayer for the guidance of our > to the flag. Mr. Williams capes on all buildings (except resi­ hardware store, a battleship,made Ferguson, prominent realtor and leaders during the impending j»ayg few audiences show more in- dences) of more than two stories, of articles of hardware, plumber's timber holder, and Jesse Stearns struggle. i dications of patriotism than that was passed and ordered posted, to supplies and auto accessories that as directors. “Two bids have been received become effective in 30 days. is worth BoiniI mi!es to sfce The 0 . M. Sanford opened the Cornelius, speaking by a very impassioned j Ordinance regulating street traf- exhibit is so good that an adequate from big construction firms and address, in which he stated that Still Enlisting fic of horse and motor vehicles description is hard to write. Go are now being checked up by H. D. Haley of the Lumbermen’s this was a gn at test day for our | Whl|e Forest Grove has given and providing license fees for and see it : Engineering company, who is to nation; a day when we should take nearly two dozen boys to the persons who haul freight or pas- Mrs. j u|ia A. Glenn, wife of G. stock of ourselves and resources. army and navy in the past fi'teen sengers for hire was given first w. Glenn, passed away at the be chief engineer of the road. He importuned his hearers to be days, they are still offering their and second readings and laid over fami]y home in South Park last The award will be made shortly work will start as soon as loyal to the flag, which had too services to May meeting Sunda night, aged 60 years, the and weather will permit. long been neglected. The speaker Ordinance regulating amount of cau.-e of death being cancer. The Oliver Buxton and Kenneth clo-ed by reading Franklin K. “The road is to tap a section of gunpowder, dynamite and nitro- body w a s s h i p p e d to New Hawke have enlisted in the navy lin e 's tribute to the flag. country between the end of the that may be kept on Meadows. Idaho, for burial. Mr. After the playing of ‘ America” and are on their way to Frisco glycerine ¡the United Railways and Tilla- hand inside c’tjr was given two and Mrs Glenn came to this city by the band,Scoutmaster Williams ^!r tracing; F,arle Waldron of J mook having 15,000,000.000 feet presented a dozen of his scouts Kansas City and Windsor Moore readings and laid over one month. from Idaho about eighteen months of standing timber on it. An agreement whereby A. T. ago. They have several grown with promotion certificates, recit- Banks have enlisted in the “A branch is to be built into Buxton is given the use of the children. ing each scout’s qualifications and *,ran‘’h and T o m Tod«, Forest Grove also. Negotiations landing Howard Jones and John Frost overflow from the city reservoir Honor Guard Rules are now on with the Hill and Har- in consideration of taking care of Mayor Paterson then intro- h®?e_off?_T/,_th5Ìr “The Girls’ National Honor riman systems to determine which duced Captain Hogan, who began sicians, while G. D. Hodges of same was modified and returned Guard” has fonnd it necessary in road will give the best traffic by explaining that he had recently Gaston has joined the army. to Mr Buxton for his signature. all communities to make known agreement for connection with After ordering the Stars and the rules and regulations pertain­ Portland. talked so much that his voice was Harold Sappington was rejected. so husky and he might have dif­ Most of these enlistments were Stripes hoisted over the city hall, ing to the use of the Name and “The road will be constructed ficulty in making himself heard. made through Postmaster Wirtz.: council adjourned. Badge. with long curves and a less than FJmer Hamilton, a former F'or The captain was not here to flat­ It is not realized that the 1 V o per cent maximum grade, so CONDENSED NEWS NOTES est Grove boy, is in the naval ter us on our Americanism, as was “Girls’ National Honor Guard” th at timbers of over 100 feet in soon made evident, for he started militia band. Save your Telegram coupons is an organization under govern­ length can be hauled. Dr. H. R. Kauffman and Dr. in by telling the audience how ut­ for Miss Helen Phillips. ment supervision. “The road is to be more than a terly unprepared we were for war. Pollock of this city have offered Found — Two pieces of g o l d The Guard is intended for real logging road,” declared Pearson. their services for the medical re­ Oregon, with a population of chain. Call at Express office. service, not for self-improvement “ It will when completed give a serve. 750,000. had been fifteen days en­ Mrs. B. F\ White is receiving or any petty reason. Whether route of 75 miles from Portland to listing H00 men to bring the Third enlistments for the Red Cross so- actual hosti!it*s occur in this sec­ Tillamook, tapping an undevel­ Oregon up to war strength and 40 tion of the country or not. only oped country, It will be built cW ty. per cent of the recruits were the sons of foreign-born parents. He A special sale at King’s always those enrolled are permitted to along standard lines.” “ The Gales Creek & Wilson was ashamed, he said, of his home means reduced prices. See page wear the Arm Band of Service. Under the auspices of the li four. Special permission must be ob­ River Railroad Co., was organized city of Portland, which was not doing her share. The people may brary committee of the Woman’s j Ladies, are you trying, for one tained from the leader for the use over 15 years ago. but due to a have thought they had a regular club, the members of Miss Rag- of those prizes Goff Bros, are of­ of name for any purpose what­ factional fight between the people ever. of Forest Grove and Hillsboro as iimy to depend on, but that »tad’s class in public speaking fering? See ad on page 8. branch was totally inadrquate to have consented to give the play By order of the State manager, to which route it should take, was There is a nice patriotic and protect our borders, to say noth ■ "T h e Honeymoon,” at Marsh war-like display in the window of the membership lists will close never completed. ing of going abroad. There are hall on Friday evening, April 20, the Roe & Co., furniture store. April 15th, as they may be called “The present company is in­ 137 points on the Atlantic where for the benefit of the Rogers pub­ out for service at any time. corporated at only $100,000, but Mrs. A. P. W e s t returned landings may be made by an en­ lic library. The cast follows: its capital will be increased as the The class in plain cooking and Thursday from an extended visit emy and tin* Pacific coast is in The Duke Aranza Irwin T urner at Newport, where she had a de­ dietetics will me t -Mrs. Buxton needs of construction demand.” just as bad condition. at the Congregational church par­ The Count Montalban Glenn Jack j lightful visit. While his company was on the B althasar, a painter Baseball Season Is Here lors on Saturday at two o’clock. Orlando Komig Mexican border it was equipped Hostess of a Tavern Elizabeth H ervey I Mrs. Olive Walker was a Port­ Drill will be at the University Tomorrow morning the Pacific with six machine guns, while the Lampedo, a horse-doctor H arry Romig land visitor Tuesday. She is here gymnasium from four until five University baseball team leaves assisting in the Pentecostal meet­ on Saturday. Mexican force across the border Pedro, a servant for Corvallis to open the season Kenneth Jones ings which are now in progress. had 42 machine guns, with full Jacques, a mock duke Thomas Smith with a game with the 0 . A. C Undertaker J. S. Buxton is hav­ CATHOLIC SERVICES crews. We have nothing to brag Rolando, a w om an-hater A rthur Jones i earn. Pacific has always had a about. Months and months will Lopez, a peasant good baseball «team and Coach Herschel Obye ing an auto hearse of latest design be required to train the boys now Volante D aughters of MildredScobee constructed in Portland and ex­ E aster was most fittingly observed at Handlin believes he has a pen­ enlisted and if 100,000 should be Juliana j B althasar I Dorothy Hall pects to bring it to this city about St. A nthony’s Catholic Church. The nant-winning bunch this year. | “ Vidi Aquam” was intoned and is used sent to the border or to Europe Dancers Noah Jones, Ralph Jones, ( the first of next week. The faculty of the Conservatory as raw recruits, few of them would Morieta Howard, Helen Newman and j M . J. Abbott, who was operated during the E aster Season. At the Gloria the organ pealed forth while of music of Pacific University will ever return. The president had B ertha Flannigan. on in a Portland hospital three both a lta r bells and the bell in the tow er present in recital a group of stu­ asked for a million men, but there The scene is laid in Spain. weeks ago, returned home last ev­ are not enough officers to train a Music kindly furnished by C atherine ! ening, being able to walk from the were rung, denoting the resurrection. dents on Saturday evening of next F ath er Buck sjioke on the R esurrec­ week, April 21. The recital will million men. He blamed the par­ Davis, Beth Crandall and Russell Mor- j train to an automobile. ents largely for allowing their sons gan. Hallie Moorehouse directing the | A new lot of men’s and boys’ tion, saying the terrible w ar now rag ­ be given in Marsh Hall and will ing was surely m eant by God as a re­ to grow up believing they were ,iance. suits just received at John Ander­ minder of the irreligion of the world begin promptly at eight o’clock. The public is invited. A second too good to wear an army uniform Ch Aydelott’s sister, Mrs. son’s, where quality is always th at the resurrection of C hrist was recital will be given on the follow­ “America will win, he said, but Norris, of eastern Washington is ahead of price and where style is and she would win much easier and vigiti here with relatives and never lacking. Come take a look. a pledge of our resurrection a fte r death. ing Wednesday evening, April 25. A large class will receive th eir first quicker if we had more trained friend* She wi„ 8pend most of If the grand jury which has Holy Communion in the Forest Grove Mrs. Kirry went last week to soldiers. 'her time with her mother at Kan- been in session for the past week church at 9 o ’clock Mass on next Sun­ Tillamook to the bedside of her He asked those in the audience found any indictments, they have day morning. father, Mr. Owen, in response to to stand behind the president, but ,s On n ex t Saturday, April 14th, the a telegram. Mr. Owen is known Twenty n ew members were not been made public/according ladies not so far behind that the presi­ of the Cornelius Catholic church dent wouldn't know they were taken into the local M. FT church to advices from Hillsboro today. will hold an annual celebration, a t which by a number of Forest Grove Miss Bertha Kirkwood left there will be many novel features. people, as he has spent some time last Sunday. The F’.aster services there. Portland a week ago for Missoula.1 n inn/ r ?" exceUent one will be serv- with his daughter here. He is were very interesting, both tnorn- When the captain concluded! not expected to recover. Montana, and is now employed in , the audience applauded for several i ing and evening. Romantic Play for Library Benefit