GERMANY DENIES CZAR’S HIDDEN GUNS FOUND DESIRE FOR WAR Illegal Acts of Old Regime Investi­ gated by New Government. Kaiser Said to Have to Attack United London A R e u te r’s Petrograd dis- |>atch aaya th at a Hpeeial commission I ihm begun an investigation of illegal No Intent artM com m itted by ex-m inisters, heads of departm ents and other official* of States. the old regim e. About 600 machine gun* have been found hidden in differ­ ent parts of Petrograd. According to the Hourae G azette I R asputin's body haa been buried near Petrograd. HOllWEG DELIVERS SET SPEECH STATE NEW S 1 Financing and Feeding of Allies Two IN BRIEF. Most Important Problems. WE MUST GROW MORE FOOD ,0|>erating revenues of the Portland Gas & Coke company for a year were $1,832,792.64, w ith op«'rating e x p o s e s of $695,619.02, according to a report filed w ith the Public Service commis­ sion. As a result of the great patriotic celebration held in Dallas last Sunday, Company L, Third Infantry, Oregon National Guard, then only of a strength of 30 enlisted men, went to Vancouver 112 strong. Petrograd, via Iamdon The grand W ith applications on hand for loans Chanci-llor Maya If Claah Com«* Re­ dukea ami tiie royal princes, in a joint am ounting to $52,500 out of the rural telegram addressed to the provisional credits fund, the S tate Land board has sponsibility Will Rest With Amer­ governm ent Wednesday, not only for­ decided to advertise at once for the mally associate them selves w ith the ica I -Hoot W arfare Defended. sale of $250,000 worth of 4 per cent abdication of Grand Duke Michael, but rural credit bonds. also turn over to the new governm ent The first Oregon wool of the 1917 their official wealth, namely, th eir Merlin ( Hy wireless to Sayville) holdings of crown lands and other clip to be shipped E ast went from state g ran ts heretofore attaching to Echo Monday. It was purchased and “ Germany never had the alighteat sent by Thomas Koss, Echo wool their station. intention of attacking the United Statea buyer, to the Crim mins & Pierce com­ W ashington, D. C. • Conditions in pany, of Boston. The price was not of America and doea not fiave auch in­ tention now. It never deaired w ar Kuaaia were reported by Ambassador made public. Francis Wednesday to be steadily im­ Spence W ortm an, deputy sealer of againat the United StateH of America proving. A pparently the acceptance and doea not deaire it today,” waa the of the new governm ent by the grand weights and m easures, was informed ] by A ttorney General Brown recently declaration made by the German Im- dukes announced in preaa dispatches th at the enactm ent of the recent legis­ |M-rial Chancellor, Dr. von Hcthmann- haa been accompanied by a more fa -1 lature requiring all gasoline containers llollweg, in a apeech in the Keichatag vorable a ttitu d e on the part of the to be plainly marked with the word radical elem ent, which for a tim e it “ gasoline” and the specific g rav ity of Friday. waa feared m ight s ta rt a counter-revo-! The chancellor made imfrortant d e c -; lution against the m oderates in con- i the product so contained, applies to all dealers, as well as to wholesalers. larationa concerning G erm any's |adicy ! trol. At a fu rth er conference in W ashing­ Kejiorts to the departm ent are toward the United Statea and Kuaaia. steadily becoming fnore optim istic ton, I). C., w ith members of the Helm “ How did theae thinga develop?” I about the future in Russia. Naval commission Mayor Harley, of asked fhe chancellor in speaking of A storia, learned th a t the initial appro­ priation of $300,000 to be recommend­ the rclationa with the United Statea. Old Regime Plots Begin ed in the forthcom ing report is merely He then proceeded to anawer the ques- to Harass New Russia a forerunner of other appropriations to tion by review ing the caae which led be recommended later, fully to estab ­ up to th e German uae of subm arines in Petrograd, via London—The work of lish and equip a subm arine and av ia­ unreatricted w arfare. Declaring th at agitators, whose efforts are designed tion base a t the mouth of the Columbia Germany had undertaken unreatricted to hinder the successful accomplish­ River. m ent of the revolution, is becoming aubmarine w arfare for ita defense, Dr. ’ apparent with the subsidence of ac­ Total deposits in the banks of the von Itethm ann-iloliw cg said: tiv ity on the p art of the m ilitary, state of Oregon on March 5, 1917, “ If the American nation considers which forced the supporters of the old were $162,201,549.49, or an increase of $35,561,469.51 over the am ount this a cause for which to declare war regim e to keep in hiding during the shown in the report of March 7, 1916, early days of the upheave). against the German nation, with which The indications of such work in P e t­ according to a statem en t issued by S. it has lived in peace for more than 100 rograd, which are indefinite in form, G. Sargent, superintendent of banks. years, if this action w arrants an in- ( are confused with the |>ossible designs The tim e and savings deposits during crease of bloodshed, we shall not have a horde of crim inal prisoners who this (>eriod increased $6,342,693.06 and $552,- , . , i » * , _ ...... . were released from the jails w ith po- the postal savings deposits to bear the burden of responsibility for .... , _ , * ^ 046.44. r litical offenders. One definite instance It.' has been recorded, however. Wednes­ The sheriff of Baker county is hunt­ day a m otorcar speeding along the ing for the slayer of Thomas Cavan­ Tongs to lie Held for M urder. stre e ts scattered proclam ations calling augh, a prom inent young rancher of San Francisco—The county grand on the people to undertake wholesale the Brownlee d istrict, who was last seen on March 12. W hile th ere is no ju ry announced Friday night th a t it m assacre of the intelligent class. The m ilitia is thoroughly alive to proof th a t he was murdered, a bloody would take steps a t once to indict for the danger of such counter m anifesta­ ! cabin and the fact th a t the rpissing conspiracy or m urder the leaders of the tions and the commandant has issued man failed to keep an appointm ent w arring Chinese tongs whose recent stric t orders for vigilance. -- 1 w ith his cousin in W eiser, Idaho, has activ ities have resulted in a numtier of j convinced the au th o rities th a t he m et deaths in different Pacific ('.oast cities. Kaiser Offers Peace to Russia. | w ith foul play. As the result of an investigation it has London- A dispatch to the Exchange The Damascus Cream ery company been decided th a t the killings were Telegraph from A m sterdam says: and the Portland Pure Milk & Cream carefully planned and carried out as “ According to a Berlin telegram re ­ company, of Portland, have combined the result of a specific order. ceived by the Am sterdam bourse, B er­ and have opened a cream ery at S heri­ lin is filled w ith rum ors th at Germany dan. They will commence m aking ASTRONOM ICAL N O T ES , A P R IL, 1917 has offered a separate peace to Rusisa. b u tter a t once. Machinery has been The term s offered are said to be com- ! ordered, C. H. Houser, who haa con­ Compiled hy Prof. K. II McAlister. University of plete autonomy to Poland, the in te r­ ducted the Damascus station there, is Ore «on nationalization of Constantinople, the retained as m anager. If th is venture The planet Mercury, always near evacuation by Russia of A ustrian te r ­ proves successful a cheese factory will the sun, will be in alaiut as g o o d |tnsi- ritory and a Russian protectorate over no doubt be established also soon. tion for observation during April as Armenia. ” Plans for a big co-operative cannery it ever is. It will reach its g re a te st in Albany were launched recently a t an Villa Again A ttacks C hihuahua City. angular distance east of the sun on the Juarez, Mexioc— F igthing w'as re ­ in stitu te attended by more than 300 24th, and it will then set about an sumed at Mapula, 20 m iles south of farm ers and fru itg ro w ers of th a t vi­ hour and a half a fte r the sun. During cinity. W. H. Paulham us, of Puyal­ all the la tte r half of the month it may Chihuahua City Tuesday a t 4 o ’clock, lup, W ash., spoke. If the farm ers will according to an unofficial m essage re­ be found in the early evening tw ilig h t plant 1000 acres of W’ilson straw b er­ a few degrees alatve the horizon, not ceived here from a reliable source. ries, 500 acres of phneomenal berries The fighting betw een Villa and Car- j far from the |a>int where the sun sets. and 500 acres of black raspberries, the From the 15th to the 20th, Mercury ranza forces was general south and ! added [ Oregon Electric Railroad company will be near the b right planet Ju p iter, southw est of the city, it was but slightly north of Ju p ite r, and this ! an(T a general assault upon the capital promises to build a big cannery and over t° a co-operative company fact will help in locating Mercury, I is expected from the south, southw est | ^urn C h ih u a-!to operate, and Mr. Paulham us will which is much fa in te r than Ju p iter. and west, the m essage from handle the product of the plant. The g re a t m ajority of people have hua City stated. The S tate Board of Education has never seen Mercury, and even one em ­ Bible to Test Literacy. recommended th at the high schools of inent astronom er of the «>arly days la­ W ashington, D. C.- Reading m a tte r \ the sta te give to any pupil who wishes mented the fact th at he had never been able to catch a glim pse of the for a literacy te st for aliens under the to join the National guard, full credit new im m igration law will be taken in all those subjects in which he has planet. Venus will be nearly opposite the from the Bible, the departm ent of made a passing grade. Passages will be sun from the earth during April, and Labor announces. W ith eight men a p arty to one in­ cannot be found with the unaided eye. selected in more than 100 languages dictm ent and four others indicted on Mars will rise shortly before the and dialects. other counts, the March term of C ir­ “ This is not because the Bible is cuit court for Benton county will not sun, but will be invisible in the com­ considered a sacred book by many peo­ be required to try a single case. All ing dawn w ithout telescopic aid. J u p ite r will be visible in the w est­ p le ,” said the d ep a rtm en t’s announce­ those indicted have confessed and re ­ ern sky in the early evening during m ent, “ bu t because it is now the only ceived th eir sentences. most of the month, but by the end of book in virtually every tongue.” The Klam ath county lum ber mills April will se t so soon a fte r the sun Eleven Killed by Storm. are preparing for a record run this th a t it will be hard to discern. As Montgomery, A la— At least 11 lives season as soon as the w eather perm its. noted above, J u p ite r will be close to were lost in a storm which destroyed The logging operations of the Pelican iM ercury on the 17th. Saturn will be visible during the many houses in C entral Alabama early Ray Lumber company, the K lam ath fore p art of the night, crossing the W ednesday. Six of the known dead M anufacturing company, and the Al- m eridian about dark in the early p art were negroes. The storm centered in goma Lumber company, which have of the month, and before sunset in the the vicinity of P etrey, a small town in the three largest m ills, are in such la tte r part. The rings of Saturn are Crenshaw county. Every building in conditiont th at th ere will be no sh o rt­ well placed for observation with the the town was demolished and four p er­ age of logs early in th e season a t least. sons w ere killed, among them R obert telescope. “ Total deposit in th e 26 banks and The crescent moon will appear very J. Je te r, a w ealthy planter. tru st companies of Portland equaled close to the planet Mercury in the $87,326,383.61 on M arch 5, 1917,” Defense M illions Asked. evening tw ilig h t on the 22nd, Mercury said Superintendent of Banks S. G. Portland, Me. — An im m ediate ap­ being a little to the south of the moon. Sargent, of Salem, in issuing the com­ In the early evening of the 27th the propriation by the legislature of $1,- parative statem en t of Portland banks. moon will appear about a degree and 000,000 for defense was recommended by the sta te com m ittee on public A represen tativ e o f four surety com­ a half south of Saturn. Resolutions also panies which furnish the bonds held by Moon’s PhaseR, Pacific Standard safety Wednesday. w ere adopted, urging Maine senators S ta te T reasurer Kay and his employes Time. Full moon, April 7, 5:48 a. m .; and representatives in congress to completed an exhasutive exam ination last q u arter, April 14, 12:12 p. m .; vote for the adoption of a resolution of the tre a su re r’s books for the com­ new moon, April 21, 6:01 a. m .; first declaring th a t a sta te of war exists pany and report ev erything to be s a t­ w ith Germany. isfactory. q u arter, A pril 28, 9:20 p. m. CHANGE IN HANDLING GRAIN IN OREGON Washington, D. C.—Government offi­ cials look upon the speeding up of the Wheat in Bulk Instead of Sacks foodstuffs production in the United S tates as one of the most im portant Gives Fine Opportunity for means of assisting in the w ar against Growers to Sample. Germany, should the U nited S tates take an active p art in it. “ Of the most im portant tw o things O. A. C., Corvallis, Ore. — (Special th at th is country could do for its allies in case of w ar—namely, to finance and to th is p ap e r.)— P reparations for the to feed them —perhaps the more im­ change from sack handling to bulking p o rtan t is to m anitain a steady flow of grain in the Pacific N orthw est is of foodstuffs to th eir shores,” says an authorized statem en t by A ssistant laying a new demand upon large wheat S ecretary Vrooman of the departm ent farm ers, country buyers and others of A griculture. who are vitally interested in the mar- “ I t looks,” the statem en t adds, " a s k eting of grain in bulk. I t is now though it would be a good business : possible for them to sample th eir own stroke for the farm er this spring to ; or th eir purchased wheat, according to sow his normal oats acreage to spring the new classifications and grades in w heat and it is certan th a t would be a i process of establishm ent by the U. S. valuable step tow ard national agricul- Office of M arkets and the S tate of tu ral preparedness.” Oregon. Since the policy of stim ulating food H eretofore grow ers merely took production would have to be supple- th eir wheat to m arket, and had it mented by a policy guaranteeing the classed and m arketed for them . They farm er ag ain st loss due to possible were unable to check on the classifica- overproduction, the departm ent holds tion applied by the grain sam plers, be- th a t congress alone can deal with this cause there w ere no standards estab­ question effectively, although the de­ lished. If they were dissatisfied with p artm ent can do som ething toward results in one m arket, they had re­ speeding up production within certain course to sw itching to another d istrib ­ lim its. u tin g point next tim e. If they felt th a t they were being flimflammed by agents of one company, they could Plan Acreage of 30,000 change companies for the next crop— in Field Peas This Year and tak e chances. Growers not only Spokane — Pea contracts closed re­ had the prices set for them , but they cently by S. B. Coon, industrial H p p r p . i likewise came to m arket powerless to tary of the Spokane cham ber of com­ 1 have a say in th e classification and merce, with farm ers on Peone prairie, gradations of th e crop. ith the tate will bring the Spokane county pea j . W vvun ine new- new F re ederal-S o e ra i-s ia ie system sysi acreage this year up to 10,000 acres, ln °E>eral*on» th is may be changed, It exclusive of nearly 20,000 acres in the ‘8 ^rue th at grain will E>e sampled and Fairfield section. In the extension of j <;la“ «d by official sam p le« , but it will pea culture in the county the chamber ^one by men w ith no direct personal has worked in conjunction with J. R. m e r e s t ¡n the results. More than Shinn, county ag ricu ltu rist th at, farm ers can learn to sam ple th eir Mr. Coon closed the contracts for the 8Ta>ns f° r them selves and determ ine B arteldes Seed company, of Lawrence, c^a88es an(i grades for a check Kan., which agrees to pay the growers uP°n tbe reports of the sam plers. 2J cents per pound for peas delivered Those who do not know how to do before December 1, 1917. Peone prai- tb *8’ an(T th ere may be many among rie in the past has raised some peas, SP"ower9 and run till th e farm ers or deal- of commerce. These are the Alaska ere u k i n * th e m are fully able to tak e variety, and the company expects to aamples, classify, grade, m ake w eight g et 1000 bushels for seed purposes an<^ m oisture tests, and if, they so de- from the Peone P ra irie growers. ! sire ’ the * luten tests. Equipped with ________ | th is power they will be able to d e te r­ mine ju s t how th e ir crop ranks, how it is classed and graded, and w hat it is w orth at current m arket prices. I t is expected th a t this system and its opreation will be a factor in selec- P ortland—W heat— Bluestem, $1.75; tion of w heat classes th a t are most fortyfold, $1.71; club, $1.71; red Rus- profitable for seed in each o f the g re a t sian, $1.65. | grain grow ing b elts of the s t a t e / The Oats— No. 1 w hite feed, $39 per ton; advantages of good seed selection of barley, No. feed, $40.50. th e m ost profitable sorts will be very C attle—Steers, prim e, $9.25