©fy* 3fínr?0t (f&ruu? îExpr Hiram Johnson's parting address Next Sunday is Faster, so get to the California legislature. into your “ glad rags” and be I ' u I.IÌ h I i .U every Thursday ut Korent (ìrove, Oregon. Take those words to Washing­ glad you have them. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. ton with you, Senator Johnson, Notice o f Final Settlement and keep them crying aloud in neeotni class matter Jan. 12. 1916, at the Ml postofflc# at Forent Grove, N O TICK is hereby given that the Oregon, under the A rt o f Mitrrh 3, 1H79 your soul, always. Going to Wash­ undersigned, administrator o f the Ea- ington has corrupted many a good 1 tate o f Luther C. Cooper, deceased, T H U R S D A Y , A P R II. 5. 1917 man. Hiram, you will not find ha* filed in the County Court o f Wash- at Washington tens of thousands ington County, State o f Oregon, hi* final account a* such administrator of of honest, men-loving, lemon- naid K*tate, and that Monday, the 23d o f April, 1917, at the hour o f 10 raisers, bee-keepers, raisin-produc­ day o’clock A. M. o f said day, ha* been I/oyalty to the fia« does not require you ers and small business men to fixed by *aid Court a* the time for to hate your neighbor, even tho he may keep the vision fresh. You will hearing o f objection* to »aid report, have been born under the flag of a tyrant. and the settlement thereof. ___________________ get the frozen stare if you exhibit C. M. COOPER, tlon thereof being on Thursday, the 6th day of April, 1917, and set up by way of answer any claim you, or any of you may have in or to the real prop­ erty hereinafter described, and you and each of you will please take no­ tice that if you fall so to appear and Entered answer said complaint for want there­ of. the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her com­ plaint, to-wit: For a decree adjudging the plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple and In the actual possession of all the following described real property situate In the County of Washington and State of Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point 425.7 feet South 8* 30' West and West 269.5 feet from the Northwest corner of Administrator o f the Estate o f the Stokes Donation Land (Malm, said There in a federal law again t .¡.ting in finding room, in (g i » a | “ y. vUlo"vth ,t I? “ "«» w w beginning point being In Section 31, Luther C. Cooper, ¡Jet-eased. the United States flag being U s e d home» for the visitor» (at 50c per * In Township One, North. Range Three . Yo“ Wl" ,'1' T " « 1 M. B. & D. D. Bump, West of the Willamette Meridian, for advertising purposes, but there person for night). Th e« people your vt.ion .how. ..giu of weak-, Attorneys for the Estate. ll-5 t ; running thence North 8" 30' East 160 in nothing in the law to keep mu­ will bring to the city between ne" on feet; thence South 89* 30' West 865 » ° h<* °/ a" SUM MONS nicipalities from flying Old Glory *5.000 and $7,(KM) and every citi- 5,' ,u.ca" ,or ’ i “ " * 1'. and V » " * In the C ircu it C ourt of the State of feet to the extended East line of North Main Street In the city of for W ash in g to n . County. »»telhte.. Your vnion of hu-| E. J. Oregon over the neat of local government. zen will be benefited; they „ i l l Forest Grove, Washington County, Lambert, Plaintiff, man progress will be a cat in a Oregon; thence South along the East vs If the auto license fees will pay bring more in three days than the strange garret among the brazen line of North Main street 164.5 feet: Ella Watt Jackson, Henry J. ! thence North 89* 30' East 840.6 feet for the paving of 600 miles of Commercial club has cost in ten Jackson, Emma Watt Trullinger, visions of public graft and indi­ J. F. Watt, Jessie Smith Watt, j to the place of beginning, containing state roads, as the prompters y<,ars< W ithout some such organ- j 3.22 acres. vidual cinch, of which the Wash­ Mary Ross (or Minnie Watt Nay­ 1 And adjudging that you and each of claim, those of us who do not 'zaP ° n Forest (»rove could not lor.) A. M. Naylor, Anna Gould ington atmosphere is full you be barred and precluded from Naylor, Eleanor P. Naylor, Fred own gas buggies shouldn’t kick on have st*cur‘’d the encampment, claiming or attempting to claim any K. Naylor, Evelyn Watt Blosser, Will your firmness yield to the interest, title or claim to, or lien upon this method of spending the li- And this is but one of many things Grace Watt Ross, Agnes S. Watt, the real property hereinbefore just Olive Prichard, John Prichard, the Commercial club has done tor deluge of official and social flattery cense money. described, adverse to the title of the M. E. Hoxter, Charles S. Naylor, until you fe I yourself greater plaintiff therein and thereto, and that the community. George H. Marsh, Emma Marsh, Even if potatoes shouldn’t he the title of said plaintifT to said real than your people, as so many J. Wheelock Marsh, Winifred If you think, brother, that the property herein described be quieted Theodore high-priced next year as they now others have? Will your courage Marsh Whittelsey, absolutely as against any claim or I Club is not doing all it should, Whittelsey, G. F. Schmldtke, are, it won’ t hurt the town family any right, title or Interest therein or weaken when you find that you F. E. Schmldtke, and-------------- that its officers are not moving in thereto on the part of you or any of to raise enough for its own needs. are just one of a thousand big Schmldtke, his w ife; also all you, and that the plaintiff have judg­ the right direction, take a m < m other persons or parties un­ Very little ground is required to ment for her costs and disbursements one-, instead the big one of a known, claiming any right, title, herein, and that she have such other estate, lien or interest in the real raise enough spuds for the average bership at $1.00 per year and thousand? and further relief as may be just and estate and premises described in family and the exercise is good give the officers the benefit of equitable in the premises. Keeping the faith, Hiram,means the complaint herein. your advice; they want and wel This summons is served upon you for the town man. Defendants standing by just the plain, com­ come the advice of members, but To Charles S. Naylor, F. E. by publication in the Forest Grove Schmidtkc. his Express, a newspaper published and Forest Grove is probably as men who will not h«*lp the organ- mon. sweating people. Washing­ Schmidtke and w ife; Mary Ross, or Minnie Watt circulated in Washington County. Ore­ ton life means parade, dignity, the clean as the majority of cities of j ization have no right to criticise Naylor, and to all other persons or gon, pursuant to an order of the Hon­ highfalutin, the association with parties unknown, claiming any right, orable George R. Bagley, Judge of the equal size, and it has its annual j its actions or lack of action entitled Court, made and en­ dazzling wea'th and dazzling titles title, estate, lien or interest in the real above »•state and premises described in the tered on the 20th day of February, clean-up campaign, but the Ex-j Have you done your share? If and the solidity, the genuineness, complaint herein.. Defendants: 1917, and which order requires the press wants to see a week devoted ! not> KO to Secretary Johnson, at In the Name of the State of Oregon: summons to be published in the For­ the bigness of California are not You and each of you are hereby re­ est Grove Express for a period of six to this work this year. Few of the First National Hank, and ex-1 there. You are going from the quired to appear in the above entitled consecutive and successive weeks be­ us would want the old soldiers¡change a dollar for a membership! with the issue thereof dated home-spun into the midst of the court and cause and answer the com­ ginning an p i n n a n f L l .. a/ the may ^ ! ci 1 1 ) . 1 • , . > ... s . * sv% . . , , . . Should the bonding act carry, there will be funds sufficient, it is asserted, to place all the highways designated on this map in condition for traffic, includ­ ing about 600 miles o f paved highway. Should the bond issue fail, the Commis- sion will do the best it can to cover as much o f the designated mileage as pos- sible. The funds for eonstruction would be in small annual amounts for the five years, and probably would be required, the Commission has indicated, to put the ( trunk r u n l r b highways i i r K u r a v a i in n a K a n n in U a n n lA iia »\n » 4a a 4 .,4 k ,,4 .. shape in 4 the more n populous parts o f f f U the state, but even . . on those trunk highways there would be no money available for paving. a a o a