AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2, No. 13 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 5. 1917 $1.50 per Year paved east and west through this' county, by way of Hillsboro, Forest Grove and Gaston and he hoped the people of the county would vote "right.” Graham made an ap-' Washington, April 4.—The res­ Detailed plans of the War De­ One hundred resident! of Wash­ for the bonds, saying the advo­ peal President to local having vacant j olution declaring that a state of partment for raising an army num­ ington and adjoining counties met cates of good roads were asking room« to rent people during encamp­ war exists between the United the people to vote now for $0.- ment, at it was going the al the Hotel I.aughlwi dining room 000,000. to be a big States and Germany was adopted bering millions if that is necessary might later ask job to accomodate all the visitors. Tuesday evening for a Commer­ for more They as Mr. Spence He suggested rate of $1.00 per. in the senate tonight by an over­ i “to bring the government of the cial cluh dinner and to hear the suggesO-d, t*onds, hut until they did majority. It will be German empire to terms” were [>er night, for either one or ! whelming road bond question discussed. there was no need to worry. He bed placed in President Wilson’s taken up for two occupants; 25c for breakfast tomorrow. passage in the House hands was satisfied that if the bonds and President Graham of the Com­ carried, today in the form of a bill 25c for dinner and supper, i Senators who cast the negative could and John mercial cluh presided and. in open­ would do the all commission Thornburg moved that j votes were Gronna, of North prepared by the General Staff and be­ "this body; ing the meeting extended an in­ tween 500 and it claimed—pave not as aCommer-' Dakota; La Follette, of Wiscon­ reviewed and revised in part by 000 miles of state rial club,” but take on the vitation to all residents of the highway Portland would pay 40 bond question. On a a vote Norris, of Nebraska; Lane, of Secretary Baker and the general rising vote, sin; county to join the club, stating per cent of the bill and would not ninety Stone, of Missouri, and officers who are his military ad­ the hundred present Oregon; a mile of the road, as the bill voted in of the visors. Vardaman, of Mississippi. that with the G. A. R. encamp­ get affirmative, after prevented building any of them ment, the important road work incor|>orated cities and towns. which the meeting adjourned. contemplated and various other in "You all want better roads,” he Among those present were a matters needing attention, there said, "the oidy question is how number of women, who seemed they shall be paid for. If you vote to take as much interest in the was plenty of work for all. the bonds, the auto owners will debate as the men and President President Graham then intro­ do paying; if you don’t, you’ll Graham invited them to join the duced Simon Benson of Portland, not the get roads unless you vote club. Interested delegates were Determined to bear a part of a member of the state highway direct the tax.” He cited instances present from Orenco, Beaverton, the burden in case Uncle Sam be­ M. W. A. County Camp commission, who proceeded to tell a where farmers near Gresham had Hillsboro, Banks, Gaston, Dilley comes involved in war, a number The county camp of the M. W. A. about the provisions of the $0,- been paying $.‘J per ton to get and Wapato and all showed a of the young ladies of the city j for Washington county convened at 000,000 road bonding act and freight into Portland, but with deep interest in the question. Banks yesterday afternoon, with H. G. what the commission proposed to the coming of a paved road, Mrs. Sherrett of the Laughlin have organized a unit of the! King and E. P. Martin of this city act­ do. He stated that the bonding trucks had been delivering auto did not know she was to have the Girls’ National Honor Guard in ing aa chairman and secretary. Henry act specified where the roads were farm produce on Front street the for banquet until 9 o'clock the pre­ this city and will offer their ser- Atlee of Banks was elected delegate to to be built and estimated that the $1 00 per ton. Of course, all farms evening and she was put to vices to the government as nurses, the state camp, to be held at LaGrande money from the bonds, the reve­ would not be on the paved high­ vious the test preparing for so many clerks, stenographers, hospital May 2d, with H. G. King as alternate. nue from the quarter-mill tax and ways, but they all lead to markets guesrs, as in she was at first told to cooks, auto drivers and in various The next m eeting of the camp will be the money provided by the fed­ after the counties were re­ prepare for 75, but she made good, other capacities. in Hillsboro in 1920. A t 6 o’clock the eral government would in five and of keeping up these trunk as she always does, and the ban­ The first meeting was held at delegates had a fine dinner at the years hard-surface GOO miles of lieved they could use their road quet was satisfactory. state highway; that the state lines, Verts’ hall Saturday afternoon, Banks hotel, after which they witnessed tax money to build laterals to the When the Commercial club was would take care of this highway highways and the farmers could with Miss Helen Phillips, presi­ Banks camp initiate four new members, when completed, leaving the get their produce to market much reorganized ten days ago, its mem- dent of the Newaka Camp Fire followed by an oyster supper a t mid­ counties free to spend the money cheaper than now. This would l»ership was confined to its officer-, Girls, presiding, ami a number of night. now put on these highways into enhance the value of every acre of but Saturday morning Messrs. the girls listened to addresses by Those from this city in attendance laterals or roads leading to the farm land. In closing, Mr. Boise McCready, Fenenga, Littler, In- Miss Mann of Albany and Miss were H. G. King, E. P. Martin, W. B. highways. The $6,000,000 bonds paid a glowing tribute to Mr. low, Broderson and Hollis got Ixingley of this city. A number Potwin, E. U. Cate and J. M.Tucker, arrived home ju st before daylight would be paid by the men who Benson as the master philanthrop­ busy and by the close of the ban­ enrolled at this time and at a who this morning. quet Tuesday night they had con­ own and operate automobiles, as ist meeting held at Langley hall of Oregon and stated there vinced an even hundred citizens Monday afternoon with Miss a bill had been enacted by the would l»e no graft in the paving of that it was to their interest to be­ Langley presiding, many more CONDENSED NEWS NOTES lust legislature which doubled the highways so long as Ben-en come meml>ers. This is probably were enrolled. The girls of the license fee on motor vehicles and the on the job. He also appealed the largest paid membership the Kappa Delta society of Pacific Mrs. W. A. Ross of Eddy is these fees, with the other funds was to all to stand up for I club has ever enjoyence, Aid have kindly con- are planning for a big time on pay as you bui'd. If son or any of the other boosters it’s bonds you want, just take the to muffle the sound. Nitroglyc­ sentedto lake over the girls for the May 12th, when a Portland de- for ‘’peacock” highways. But he advise of these gentlemen and erine was the explosive used. p am sewing a a ime. gree team . will , confer . . . the . degrees Class m swimming will be held at the ° wanted to pay for the roads as vote for them.” P. U. gymnasium, Friday afternoon at on a n u fNbPr m c a n d id a te s. they were built and was more in­ Asked how wide the proposed The safe is rather old and of an­ 3:30 bring their own Mrs. j q Lenneville was in terested in roads for the farmers paved roads would be, Mr. Ben­ tiquated make, but it appears, bathing The suits girls and will ^w els Sunday to see . her broth- than for paved auto highways. He son replied that that would be de­ like a pair of sox, to have gained Military Drill of the entire Guard will Portland nr u am • would be willing, he said, to take termined by the amount of travel; strength with age, for it refused be held in the P. U. gymnasium on Sat- Walter Morns, who was m- at 1:45. Mr. Ray Williams has jured in a train wreck six weeks the auto licenses, year by year, left to to the commission; ; to open, although badly sprung urday, kindly consented to direct this work. ago, and found him improving and build so much road yearly as it he was thought the average would be and bent, and the burglars left Dr. The W*ard first aid work will be directed by nicely. this fund and the quarter million about and lectures will be an-! The "Star Points” of the East­ without any loot. The safe is 12 feet. levy provided. He contended that nounced later. | said to have contained a check these funds would pave the GOO Asked when the last million 'or $1,000 and about $75 in mon­ The classes in automobile driving ern Star chapter will give their miles asked for in seventeen years, would be spent, he replied that : ey, be opened as soon as the weather first Easter Monday party at burglars evidently fig­ will permits. M a n y o f t h e automobile Masonic hall on April 9th. All without paying $4,000,000 inter­ the law make available one mil­ ured but that the considerable money owners and dealers have kindly con­ sisters and brothers are cordially est on $0.000,000 bonds. He as­ lion in 1917, two in 1918 and the might be found therein. tax Prison­ to give their time and machines invited. Program and refresh­ serted that it was proposed to remainder would be used as fast ers in the county jail heard the sented to the work and a number of the girls spend $1,500,000 of the $6.000,- as the work could be done. will be instructed in driving and caring ments. at 2 o’clock, but had no for automobiles. 000 on the Columbia highway, D. B. Reasoner, county judge explosion of notifying anyone of the Mrs. A. T. Buxton will direct a class Bert Doman and Harry Hogue which would not leave < nough to of Washington county, was in fa­ way proceedings, but they began to in home cooking, and specific announce­ have gone to Portland to enlist in do all that was promised by the vor of the bonds; he was not in shout and make so much noise ments of this class will be given later, i company F, third infantry, and bond boosters. This big bond is­ favor of Mr. Spence’s piecemeal, that the burglars left. people of the town have been par- several more boys have tried and to The sue, he feared, was merely the pay-as-you-go plan; did not want the fact that the keys to Owing ticularly in assisting the girls in roioofod regiment has the jail this work kind and the spirit of co-operation ! been moved, - but The first of others to follow. More to wait 17 years for the paving of were in the safe, the prisoners the is evident. bonds would be asked to save 000 miles of highway. He pre­ could not be fed until about noon, Eighty-six girls had joined up to last has ordered that no government information what work had been started. He dicted that the bond issue would after blocksmiths had, with sledge evening. as to destination be made public. was, apparently, afraid some pav­ carry and feared that if Washing­ hammers and chisels, opened the Mrs. H. R. Bernard and Mrs. ing company was going to mtike ton county did not vote favorably Christian Church Convention John safe. were last night some easy money off the paving we couldn’t expect very much battered Toward the close of the district con­ elected Templeton The same night somebody cut vention delegates to the thirtieth contracts. "Iiet us try out our from the commission. Mr. Spence a panel of the Christian churches in of the back door of this city last Friday, the old officers annual session of the Rebekah commission this year with about »ski'd if that was a threat to club the C. C. out Hancock store at Cor­ were re-elected, as follows: F. T. Por­ state assembly, to be held at Eu­ $1,000,000,” he said. ‘‘If they Washington county voters into nelius and carried away $75 worth ter, Salem, president; B. L. Hicks, gene on May 22. Mrs. Bernard show that they can build roads line and the judge replied that it of shoes, shirts and other as district dep- honestly, then we can give them had always been the policy of the chandise, including a few pies mer­ Newberg, secretary. , was . recommended . , . and some more money.” He believed county court to help those road cakes. It was decided to hold four county U ^ Presl ®n * Mr. B e n so n to be honest, hut districts that tried to help them­ conventions next year, instead of a dis­ There have been rumors for charged that he was so prejudiced selves. John Masbn, who has charge trict convention, the dates to be ar­ some days of several men up in favor of VVarrenite that he Senator Wood of Hillsboro said of the department of oratory in ranged Creek being arrested for couldn’t see anything else in use. he was about as close in money the Oregon City high schools, at­ other. so as not to conflict with each 1 ! Gales making traitorous remarks about He believed the patents on the matters as anybody; believed that tended assembly Tuesday morn­ The convention sent a telegram to the government, but the Express Warrenite expired in two years was why he was elected, but he ing at the high school here and President Wilson assuring him of the cannot learn of any actual arrests, hearty support of the delegates in any aIth h th . r a number of and then roads could l>e built was for the bonds as the quickest, gave a number of excellent read­ action the government might take in TT „ e cheapest and easiest, way to get ings. Several other interesting the threatened cheaper. U. S. s cret service men in every Whitney L. Boise, a Portland good roads. The bonding a c t numbers were given by local It was a fine war. convention, but not so COUnty in the State, watching attorney, followed with an appeal specifies that a highway shall be talent. largely attended as it might have been, suspects. ROAD BOOSTERS DEBATE ISSUES U. S. SENATE VOTES 82 to 6 FOR WAR PATRIOTIC GIRLS HAVE ORGANIZED Burglars Attack Sheriffs Safe t