Preparedness Public sale bills printed at the Express otlice. “ UNIVERSAL” Kitchen Efficiency Contest K. O. Stevenson was in from his farm Monday. Born, on Sunday, to Mr. and The experience o f the past Mrs. Frank Allen, a baby girl. years has shown in a practical O. V. B. gaiden tools ut Gor­ 10-tf way the need o f a reserve don's hardware store. fund. The Express prints butter wrap Crops are not always as­ pers with non-poisonous ink. Ed Davi has sold his property sured and markets are not al­ on Gales Cieek street to Hugh ways good. Any man may be Smith. Universal ( 'offee Pereolator, 4 to 14 cupa. 93.60 to $"..50 found unprepared for advers­ Lime and Sulphur spray, by ity once, but no prudent man the gallon or barrel, at Liltler’s will be found unprepared for Pharmacy. The latest Columbia records o f 1 the same emergency the sec­ All is fair-n o fee, no favor. All women have equal the new songs on sale at Iitiler'sj ond time. opportunity to win three valuable prizes during Uni­ Pharmacy. If you are one o f the many A trial order is all we ask; next | versal Kitchen Efficiency Week, April 9th to 1 1th. Four Sizes who had no reserve to fall to post office. Buggies Cleaning This contest is open to all, without expense or obli­ Works. 52 back upon the past few years, gation o f any kind. Mrs John Heisler of Gales begin NOW to get one. Be­ Creek visited her daughters in gin early in 1917 with an ac­ 1. Prize for Homemade Itread town Tuesday. count in this bank. For the best loaf o f Homemade bread submitted, irre­ Original Recipe for Mrs. Claude Hutchins a n d spective o f size o f loaf, kind o f Hour used or method b other. John Garrigus, of Banks, ( ’hopped Food. o f making, we will give a Universal Coffee Urn, 6-cup were in the Grove on Saturday. size. George G. Hancock, real es­ Forest Grove, Ore. tate. farm loans and tire insur­ 2 . Prize for Rest Original ( hopped Food Recipe ance, new Anderson block. 50 Member Federal Reserve Bank To the woman who sends the i>est recipe for Salad. Mrs. S W. Patton went Sunday Croquettes or other food prepared in a F cmm I Chopper, to the Patton farm in Chehalem we will present a Set o f Universal Breakfast Carvers. \ alley, where she wdl remain a CONDENSED NEW S NOILS week. 3. Prize for Best Coffee Testimonial You’ll enjoy mowing the lawn Money to loan— Valley Realty For the best reason why Coffee should lie made and Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf if you get the easy-ad jus ting, can be lK*st made in the Coffee Percolator, we will do­ light-running ‘ ‘ Eclipse” mower. Mrs. J. Van Meter visited in Adjusted by a single thumb-screw nate a Universal Austrian Enamel Tea-Ball Tea Pot. Portland Satuiday with M r s . and is self-sha: pening. See it at ASK US for Contest Blanks and Complete details. Teagarden. the Gordon Hardware store. Mrs. H. S. Lilly of Gales Creek 'the ladies of the Cornelius is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Catholic church will hold their J. Van Meter. annual Easter Fete and dinner at 1 2 3 Ben W ard of ^ Gaston attended Cornelius on Saturday, April 14»h Universal Coffee Urn Universal Breakfast Universal Tea • Ball t h e dairymens convention in Dinner will be served after five For Best I .oaf o f Carvers For Best Tea Pot For Boat Cof- Universal F<«*1 Ch<>|>|xT, four si**;». Portland Saturday evening. j o ’clock. A cordial invitation is Bread Food Keei|ie fee Testimonial $1.25 to $2.25 Mrs. Reba Secour and son, Fd- extended to everyone, win, visited in Hillsboro Wednes- At Monday night’s meeting of day wtth Mrs I)an Emerick. 11 he local I O. O. F. lo jge, Past For Sale— F a u l t l e s s Stump- Grands R. C Hill, W. K Curtis puller, complete and in good con- and V. S. Abraham were elected dition. Phone David 251. 1-tf \ to represent the local lodge at the International Sanitary Hover, lodge met ting, to he he'd the successful, economical brood- ^as re^ommended1 hv .he In a!i Mr. Kilpatrick and family, re known. They yield more mfor- Seymour, Clayton Lasham. Oscar er, for sale by G. M. Littlehales * ■ > ' ; . cently from Iowa, have mov-d mation in clearer form and less Humburg Frank Brodcr^on, Law- Wonderful. realistic and stu- , 1 * K as r. ¡nto tj,e Gibson cottage on ‘ C ” t h a n any other. They rence Pierce. Paul Connet, Wil- pendous — “ Civilization” — Star Chapter D., P E. O.. met street. show what to spray for, what liam Martin, Harold Sappington Theater, Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. » ,, with, at what time, and how to and Milton Simons. Thc-eScouts night Harry Mes.lames Bailey . A pn t 8U,r.plr,!V , p Kichams t i L l hriflav -«-t-# apply the V . „ Goff .. and , , - „|V ........ spray. They likewise passed 95 per cent or better, there Your neighbors are planting and ;*nd Buriingham read interesting J ti , l l , 1 A. i \ . K . n ' ichtsard L , i Indies i „ .i,,! «how show at a glance how to dilute being nine with KM) per cent. ‘ Pakro Seedtape.” Buy y it it for for P:‘ P ^ F>er^on T h e U t i ' S T « " S T ” of ¿ c t i t v , wblo brought , h ^ for required strengths and how to Eight b o . failed, The first five combine for two or more troubles. named will be entitled to certifi­ your garden. Ask Littlers Pbar- fj,, , 1 . kite of L- B. Sanborn. macy about it The hostess served a nice lunch to : w,th rhnn “ nd made h< Illustrations show stage of hud, cates and uniforms There will macy about it. her guests The next meeting will eVtn,nK rr> J h' «*v‘ nT leaf a n d fruit development at be a f o r m a l presentation of Mr. McAlear of Hillsboro visit- be with Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse on " nK .wa ? p' nl V a' which applications are made. badges one day next week, and ed here Sunday with the families April 10th music and all enjo\td the occa parents and triends will tie invited. Since spraying is often the diff­ Mr. W J. Good and Mr. D. N. ‘ p r U;|, c „, , . sion imm-nsely. er nee between a profitable and \ 1 nrri« Mrs. K. C . Hill Saturday night The Ray Terry Williams Troop 1 ' entertained a dozen ladies at what John Beahen Monday brought unprofitable c r o p , these li’ tle is registered as Troop 2 and Mr. Paul Abraham, assistant cashier she called a “ hen” party and the to Expr> ss otlice an egg meas- columns may mean a great deal Shotwell’s 'Troop, as Troop 1. of the Gaston State Bank, i> walk- ladies then and there present do uring 6* ¿x7' j inches and weigh­ to v rowers. The boys cleared $9.50 alwive ing with a crutch to relieve the affirm that they had one fine time inK 3} .¡ounce-.. The egg was laid expenses on their “ movie” last pressure from a sprained ank e. at various amusing frames that by 14 black Minorca hen weighing Boy Scout Exam ination The “ Slidewell” tie slips through made the time fairly slide along. «L1 £ pound* and Mr. Renhen says On Saturday March 24th, the W« ek The boys arc working hard to the collar so easily you’ll enjoy After t h e game- th“ hoste-s «he lays almost ever> day at this following S c o u t s successfully earn their *uits. Any one need­ your Easter more thoroughly if i served one of her famous lunches season of the year passed a very difficult examina­ ing any job done, call Scout­ you wear one of these ties. Ask much to the enjoyment of her tion at. the Central School: Don­ master. guests. John Anderson. ah f Me M is • «. || . . ¿o' f i e r Feelers. tr ir rs. i Donald /o iia io m i n z i , in INPW Isulietins Ralph Parker. Bruce Roe, George Job printing phone 821. - - April 9th to 14th - - 3 FREE PRIZES 3 No Entrance Fee! Universal Bread Maker $1.75 to $3.50 First National Bank THREE HANDSOM E P R IZE S! GOFF BROS. Forest Grove Cornelius Right Spraying Shown Forest Grove Electric Store Agent Vacuum Cleaners WILLARD STORAGE BATTERIES FOR KENT Auto Batteries Recharged and Repaired Ear Phone Batteries All Kinds o f Electrical Repairing and Installing Hylo Mazda Lamps Parts for Hot Point, American Beaut>, Universal, Fan Steel and G. E. Irons. Yes, the cost of living’s high, But we’d rather live than die. And, since we must all live and eat, let us supply your wants. We have Meats, Vegetables and Fruits in season and at Reasonable Prices. Right on the Corner Phone Your Wants The Pacfic Market Phone 0301 C. H. GIGUERE, Prop. O. A C., Corvallis. Ore., March 27.— T o give Oregon orchardi ts in brie! form successful methods of combatting pests and diseases with the right materials at the right time and used in the right way, four spraying bulletins have ' just been issued by the Oregon Agricultural C o l l e g e Extension Service. Since it is already time to apply the first of the sprays recommended, growers are noti- j tied that they may secure any or all of the e bulletins immedietely. The series is as follows: Spraying apples and pears, No 193; Sp'aying prunes and plums, No. 194; Spraying peaches. No. 195; and Spraying cherries, No. 196. “ Spraying aims to kill the pest or parasite by hitting it with the proper solution when it is unpro tected. or to coat the susceptible parts of the tree or ftuit with a killing substance so that fungicide or pest can make its attack at no point not suitably protected with a poisonous material,” says the apple and pear bulletin. That is what each number of the series tells how to do for the particular kind of tree for which it was written The spray tables are new and different from any heretofore pub­ lished on spraying, s o f a r as DRY LUMBER r k U R PRIDE is Dry Lum- her. We have the only sheds in Washington county big enough to house every­ thing. We keep everything to build with. Lumber al­ ways bright and new. Cement and Plaster always fresh and quick-set­ ting. We keep it that way. If you want to build a house, a barn, a garage, a chiek- en house or a silo, we have the stuff right here. We don’ t have to order it. Drive in and get it. We give you a posi­ tive guarantee that our READY ROOFING will last you for 10 to 15 years. We buy in quantity. We buy cheap and we sell cheap. Come in and talk. That is what we are here for. The Main Street Lumber Yard Copeland & McCready