EXIRA SESSION IS AMERICA RÜST IO CALLED APRIL 2ND GREET NEW RUSSIA 1 North Yakima The Yakima County Game commission announces that it will employ as deputy game warden for the coming season E. C. Greenman, a fish culturist, who has had experience in Federal, state and private hatchery work arxl is well known to sportsmen here. The change is made because Game Warden Bryant will be in B rit­ ish. Columbia developing mining prop­ erties. With Mr. Greenman to look after the fish hatcheries and another deputy l(joking after the game birds ami game animals, the commissioners feel they can m aintain the present' high starxiard the county has attain«*! in the state. Of the 7100 hunting arxl fishing li­ censes in the county it is probable j that two-thirds are for fishermen and the tim e has arrived for the fishing in-1 terests to be given more care. This is j the reason given for employing a spe­ cialist in th at line. Fish Specialist for Yakima. RADIUM LACE FOR WAISTS TEST ALL SEED CORN Yield Per Acre Can Be Greatly Increased Thereby. Petrograd The United States is the first nation to recognize formally the Work Can Be Done In Late Winter or Declaration That State oí War Early 8pring When Time Other, new government of Russia. Ambassador Francis made a prelim­ wiao Would Be Lott— Simple Exists Is Expected. inary call Saturday on Foreign Minis­ Tester Described. ter MiluknfT immediately on the receipt of instructions from the State depart­ Mr. Average Farm er, Is your time at Washington. worth $4 an hour? That sounds like a Ï0 PROTEO U. S. INTERESTS ment Accompanied by his staff, including get-rlcb-qulck scheme, doesn't It? Well the naval and m ilitary attaches, Mr. It Isn’t J. C. Ilackleman of the Mis­ Francis went to the Marinsky Palace, souri eolh-ge of agriculture figures that where the council of ministers was as­ you can make that mnch testing seed l’rt'oidriit'* ('«II ConrrrnM "Grave M al­ sembled, made the formal recognition, com. The average Missouri farm er and presente«] congratulations arxl fe­ ler« of N*li»n«l Policy” Whirh raises about tw*/nty-slx acres of corn licitations on behalf of the United each year. He fails to test his se«*l Need Immediate Attention. States. com whereby he loses $1.50 (this is a The m ilitary and naval attaches ap- conservative estimate) an acre. peared in full uniform, while Ambas­ Mr. Hacirieraan says that about ten sador h rancis and his secretaries wore hours of actual labor would be required Washintgon, I). (’. President Wil­ afternoon dress. Apples May not Be Wrapped. son, recognizing that Germany practi­ The ambassadorial party was re- cally la making war on the United ceived in the council chamber. All {¿ewiston, Idaho — “ The 10 per c e n t' States on the seas, Wednesday called the minisers were present arxl stood in advance in the cost of paper this year 1 congress to assemble in extraordinary a r««w behind the semi-circular table. over last makes it im perative that the session on April 2 to deal with the sit­ Ambassador Francis stepped from the shippers of the Northwest discontinue uation. group of secretaries arxl addressed the the wrapping of apples, except the e x -! The pur|M>«e of the session, now ministers, saying: tra choice variety,” said George E. j called two weeks earlier than the Pres­ “ I have the honor, as the ambassa­ Crum, of the firm of White Bros. & ! ident's proclamation, is to receive a dor and representative of the govern­ Crum Co., which is the largest ship- i communication from the chief execu­ ment of th<* United States accredited ( per of apples in this territory. “ There tive concerning ‘‘grave m atters of na­ to Russia, to state, in accordance with , is no justification for wrapping apples, tional |s>iicy whirh should he takeu im­ instructions, th at the government of i anyway,” continued Mr. Crum, “ ex­ mediately under consideration.” the United States has recognized the cept the extra fancy grade of the best Pockets are becoming quite a dlstinc- i The President in his address to con­ new government of Russia, and I, as varietit*. It is an unnec«issary cost, tlve teature of milady's frocks and The draped pocket in this which the consumer has to pay ulti­ dresses. gown is strikingly novel und quite pro- j mately. I am confident the producers, The delicate blouse is of silk ‘ shippers and consumers will be glad to nounced. do away with this needless wrapping.” i radium luce und paisley georgette and the two go to make one of the most pleasing combinations sw n yet. The Cantaloupe Crop Will Be Large. hat is of the turbun style slightly re-- Portland—W ith 4000 acres more of modeled and adorned with pompon. cantaloupes this year than were plant­ ed last year in the Imperial valley, | S LIM H IP S S T I L L IN V O G U E shippers are already beginning to dis- I cuss the coming crop and its distribu­ Barrel Skirt, Hung Low, Permits No tion and sale. At this writing, says j Voluptuous Curves in These the Brawley correspondent of the j Models. Packer, about 85 per cent are plante«!, most of which are up out of the has been thought that the looM ground, some very far advanced in hip It model which is now called the bar­ growth. Plants that are showing rel skirt demands a specially curved | above the ground seem to be very corset, but this is not true. Corsets healthy and in good condition. Prac­ tically the entire amount is estim ated cut according to the latest designs are more than ever snug below the waist l as a perfect starnl. over the hips as well as in the buck und | front. The bucks and fronts are liter- \ Farm ers Start Field Work. and even when this effect Is Od«!8sa, W ash.—Farm ing operations ally flat achieved by widening the waist Corn From Tested Seed. have started here in a small degree. only three or four Inches it is done in order A few farm ers south of town went produce the proper outline. , to test the seed for the 20 acres. By into the fields the last few days, har­ to Anything testing the yield can be lncreas«?d but a snug hip treatm ent I ut such least rowing their ground in preparation for $1.50 worth. Hence the spring seeding. Work is expected to would make the new skirts look decid­ time required to test the seed Is worth start in earnest this week south of edly frowsy, and since the draping usu­ about $40, or about $4 an hour. The town, although the frost is not entirely ally begins six or eight Inches below more corn a farm er grows the more out of the ground. North of town it the waist, and that is set low, there money he can mnke by the test. The will be several weeks until spring must be a definite line from which to man who raises 100 acres can increase expand. Also most of the arrange-1 his eurnings at least $150. This Is work can be done. m«»nts are so devised that from o n e 1 practically clear gain since testing is angle at least a smooth, unbroken line done during late winter or early spring Is given. Sometimes two draped scarfs when the time would otherwise t>e lost. are applied to the sides of the skirt and One of the simplest testers Is the these leave a slender hip panel plainly sand box or sawdust. It consists of a This is the official photograph of the In the f«>reground at the knees of the deposed rayal family of Russia, sent czarina is the new boy czar, (in name Portland — Cattle — Steers, prime, visible, sometimes the flare is produced box about 4 inches deep and 30 Inches by a straight piece of material drawn square, with about two inches of sand forth Hince the beginning «»f the war. only), twelve years of age. $9.251(7 9.65; good, $8.900/ 9.25; me­ across the front of the skirt or shirred j or sawdust In the bottom to hold the dium, $8.250/8.75; cows, choice, $7.75 into a belt and then left to hang in moisture to keep water from stand­ gress will detail how Germany practi­ ambassador of the United States, will <«/8.00; me«!ium to good, $7.000/7.50; graceful cascades at the sides. In this ing around or the A piece of old cally has been making war on the be pleased to continue intercourse with ordinary to fair, $6.500/ 7.00; heifers, arrangem ent the back of the skirt Is sheeting or other corn. cloth will ab­ United States by the ruthless destruc­ Russia through the medium of the new 6.500/ 9.00; bulls, $5.000/8.00; calves, treated in a similar manner or is left sorb moisture, but will not that allow it to tion «>f American lives and shi|»s on government. $ 8 . 000 / 10 . 00 . perfectly plain. In either case the ac­ stand on the surface, should be the high seas in contravention of all ” May the cordial relations existing Hogs — Light and heavy packing, tual hip line is not obliterated nor al­ stretched over the surface and marked the laws of nations and humanity. between the two countries continue to $14.000/14.50; rough heavy, $13.000/ into 2-inch squares. Put six ker­ Congress then is expected to pass a obtain; may they prove mutually sat­ 13.50; pigs and skips, $12.750/13.00; lowed anything but the slightest curve. off nels from various portions of the mid­ resolution declaring that a state of isfactory and beneficial.” stock hogs, $11.500/12.75. dle of ear to be tested into one Two Tones in Everything. war has existed between the United S heep— W ethers, $11.50 («/ 12.00; The season’s agog with two-tone ef­ of these each squares and give the ears and States and Germany for some time. Co-Eds in Red Cross Work. ewes, $8.750/10.00; lambs, $10.750/ fects, lettuce green and gold, beige squares corresponding labels. Cover Such a resolution in itself will not I.aramie, Wyo— Red Cross work has 13.00. the box to prevent drying and k«*ep it be a declaration of war in a technical been taken up by women students of Wheat— Bluestem, $1.72; fortyfold, and wistaria, rose and silver, and at room tem perature—about 70 degrees sense, although practically it will the University of Wyoming, with a $1.68; club, $1.67; red Russian, $1.62. among the others every now and tlmn Fahrenheit—for six days, then find the is black over white. It never occurs amount to the same thing. view to serving the country as nurses Oats— No. 1 white feed, $37.25. ears from which kernels failed to ger­ the other way, however. Some of the As a consequence the Unite«! States in the event of war. Young women Barley—No. 1 feed, $39.00. minate, throw them into the feed box will take further steps to protect its members of the faculty of the institu­ Millfeed—Spot prices: Bran, $29.00 very prettiest blouses are of white and those that showed a good interests on the high seas and else­ tion also are taking a keen interest in per ton; shorts, $33 per ton; rolled rather heavy crepe or chiffon veiled strong retain test. In very thin black gauze and some Figures, where against the warlike acts of Ger­ the training. The classes are under barley, $42.00(«/ 43.00. based on the acreage and many and whether an actual state of the instructor in physical training for Corn—Whole, $51 per ton; cracked, women have discovered that while the yields in Missouri the last eight one thickness transparent sleeves are years, indicate that «luring war will come to exist in its full sense women, who says several of the mem­ $52. the losses Incident will depend on the future acta of the bers are ardent in their desire to evi­ H ay—Producers' prices: Timothy, very unbecoming, making their arms to neglect of seed corn testing will imperial German government. look unpleasantly bare, an Inner lin­ dence their patriotism by actual w«>rk. Eastern Oregon, $19.00 (a. 20.00 per amount to at>out $11.000,000 this year. Since last Sunday, when three ton; alfalfa, $14(st “According to the soil surveys made diate summoning of congress in extra normal Poultry — Hens, 19/i/20c per pound; gracefully into a wristband of em­ by the United States departm ent of ag­ time shall be re-establishe«l at session. springs, 18C(/20c; turkeys, live, 22((£ broidery. riculture about 65 or 70 per cent of 11 p. m. October 7. 24c; ducks, 20((/22c; geese, 12(iz 14c. soils here need drainage,” said Pro­ U-Boats Lurk Off Maine. Veal—Fancy, 14(014Jc per pound. fessor Crabb. "Of this amount from Feminine Fripperies. Maryland Troops Called. Rockland, M«i. — A statem ent that Pork—Fancy, 17J((/18c per pound. 25 to 30 per cent is badly In need of Jabots are back in favor. But they German submarines are kn«>wn to be Baltimore, Md.—Governor H arring­ Vegetables—Artichokes, $1.10((/1.25 ire never the skimpy Jabots of yester- drainage and from 40 to 50 per cent ton Thursday ordered out two com­ not far from these shores and that an per dozen; tomatoes, $3.75 per crate; lay. They are of cascade variety, de- would be greatly benefited by drainage. attack on Maine ports is by no means panies of the F irst Regim ent Mary­ cabbage, $4.00/(/ 5.50 per hundred, egg­ ilgned surveys that have been made especially to be worn with a Orchard unlikely was made by Lieutenant land National guard to guard the Penn­ plant, 25c per pound; lettuce, $2.50@ suit of the by the New York state departm ent of Iucroyuble order. Jam es O. Porter, United States navy, sylvania and Baltimore & Ohio rail­ 3.25 per box; cucumbers, $.!((/ 1.50 per agriculture show that from 25 to 30 There are some very effective gloves road bridges over the Susquehanna at the naval recruiting m eeting here dozen; celery, $l(dT.50; Florida, $5 cent of the orchards are only fair­ Thum lay. The port, according to river at Havre de Grace. All the north per crate; cauliflower, $2.60 @ 2.75; 'or street wear of heavy cream kid, per ly drained, 10 to 12 per cent are poorly and south traffic of these two roads >ound with brown and stitched with Lieutenant Porter, is to be the base peppers, 50c per pound; sprouts, 121c; drained and 2 to 10 per cent are badly: for 70 patrol boats operating in and passes over these bridges. rhubarb, $2.50(i/2.75 per box; peas, 15 trown. In need of drainage. about the mouth of the Penobscot river ((/171c per pound; asparagus, 20c per The paisley rage has extended to and bay. Call Made on Red Cross. pound; spinach, $1.25<(/T.50 per box. landbags. And the newest ones are Plant American Mountain Aah. New York—The first naval base hos­ Potatoes — Oregon buying prices, nnde either with a metallic clasp or The American mountain ash should Philadelphia — Miss Ix>retta Walsh, pital of the American R« m 1 Cross, sta- $2.50 0/ 2.75 per hundred; new Flori- Irnwn up in a shirring of silken cords. be planted their red autumn frnlta. Stencil patterns pursue us still. Birds also for of this city, said to be the first woman tione«i in Brooklyn, has receive«! won! das, 10c per pound. are fond of these. to enlist in the United States navy to h«>ld itself in readiness for active Onions — Oregons, jobbing prices: They have Just made their way Into under the new order of Secretary Dan­ service, it was announced late Thurs­ No. 1, $9.00/(79.50 per sack; No. 2, $6. h e realm of bagdotn. Bags of silk Do you keep a notebook for record­ iels adm itting women to the navy, en­ day. Its equipment is stored at the Green F ruits — Apples, 90c((/$2.00 ire shown In many sorts of stenciled ing m atters of interest about the farm, per box; cranberries,$8.00 per barrel. batterns and these are usually mount- and orchard? rolled here Thursday. New York navy yard. id on metallc frames. Deposed Royal Family of Russia.