KING & COMPANY’S Great EASTER CLEARANCE SALE Offers you a rare opportunity to buy your Easter Wearing Apparel at a very moderate cost. Extra Special Prices for Easter Hats, Coats, Shoes, Hose, Gloves, Underwear, Corsets and many other articles. $4.00 Trimmed Hats at $»‘5.50. showing’of Fancy Wash Goods Ladies’ Hats Grocery Specials All beautiful designs and colorings, in Cotton. Voiles, Crepes and Flowered Lawns, on Sale: 50c Embroidered Cotton Crepes . . . . . 37c 35c Embroidered Cotton C r e p e s ............ 19c L'oc Flowered Lawns, S p e c i a l ......................18c 20c Flowered Lawns, S p e c i a l .................................................. 15c 15c Flowered Lawns, Speciai . . . . . . Up CURTAIN* S C R IM S for Spring House Cleaning are greatly reduced in price. 30c Printed Scrims, cream or white, yd . . . 23c 25c Printed Scrims ecru or w h i t e ............... 19c 15c Printed Scrims, ecru or ¿ w h i t e ............. H e jv>\al ( rown Hour - » .I .» We have a fine showing of Pattern and Tailored Hats at very 1 lb Royal Baking Powder .tS c reasonable prices. “ V: .. V. . “ “ I $4.00 Tailored Hat . . . . $ 3.50 4 lbs. Bulk Macaroni 8.50 l*attern Hut . . . . 7.50 } 2 lb Ghiradelles G r o u n d , Chocolate - 17c Shapes greatly reduced. 1 lb. Ghiradelles G r o u n d Chtxrolate •-»Hr Hersht ys Cocoa, per can 1 7» in all the new spring styles, on sale. h Tree Tea - - I Be $5.00 Kid, Lace Boots 8 inch tops . . . $4.10 25c Bottles Sniders Catsup I !>< 25c can L. & I) Shrimp • l i t » 4.00 Kid, Lace M o o ts 8 inch tops - . - 3.10 Booths Cr scent Sardines 1 s< 3.50 Patent or Gun Metal, Lace or Button - - 2.98 15c Pkgs Ottei Raisins H e 3.00 Patent or Gun Metal, I .ace or Button - • 2.29 20c Hill-dale Asparagus - lttc • 2.19 1 lb. cans J. M. B Cotf< e - .'J."»«’ 2 75 Children’s Patent, Cloth Top, Button - - 2.10 $25 00 Jersey Coats, Mustard,Wisteria, Green, 30c cans Allan in Coffee 2 6 c 2.50 Children’s "C-Saw” Patent and Gun Metal Blue and all the new colors - $19.50 Libbys canned Kraut, percan 11c 3.00 Children’s Patent or Gun Metal Hutton - 2.39 1.35 Children’s Shoes, Special Price - - 1.00 18.00 Mustard Color Broad Cloth - - 14.75 1.15 Children’s Shoes, Special Price . . . 89 15 00 Blue Worsted . . . . 11.00 12.50 Plaid Mixtures . . . 9.05 10c Kid Curlers $3.50 and $-1.00 Si k Jersey or Messaline Petticoats, SjH*cial $1.98 25c Electric Cui lers $5 00 Worsted Skirts, Special Price $2.98 25c Unbreakable Combs 17c $4.00 All Wool Middies $2.98 9.00 Worsted Skirts, Special Price 4.98 15c pkg> Bone Hair Pins lie 12c Pearl Buttons 09c 10c Pearl Buttons - 06c Dye . . . 1.29 - - 07c In all colors and sizes either silk Guaranteed - - 53c 10c Bias Taj*; 97c 65c Table Linen $1.25 Voile Waists 75c Blue Chambiae Work . . . 03c - 97c 5c pkg Pins 1.09 $1.35 Table Linen or satin $1.35 Voile Waists Shirts - . 63c 1.19 - • 07c 10c Ribbons $150 Table Linen - 1.13 10c pkg Pins $1.50 Silk Waists - »9c 06c $1.25 Soft Collar Shirts 143 $1 75 Tab e Linen $1.75 Silk Waists - - 1.29 10c Ciochet Cotton, 2 spools 15c 15c Ribbons 11c $1.50 Soft C'ollar Shirts - 1.10 $5 00 Ladies’ Bath Robes 3.98 15c Children’.- Garters - 11c 20c Ribbons 14c $1.50 Dressing Jaci ets - 98c 15c Crochet Colton - 11c 25c Ribbons . 17c 10c Linen Handkerchief - 06c Special - - 2.19 No. 2 size Safety Pins, doz. lc 3Uc Ribbons 20c Linen Handkerchiefs - 12* $2 50 Hats at . 1.9» 35c Ribbons 28c $1.75 Khaki Trousers 25c Linen Handkerchiefs - 15c - 1.39 35c Linen Handkerchiefs - 19c in Gingham, Peicale & Chambray 37c $1 50 Khaki Trousers - 98c $1.25 Percale Dresses - »9c $2.00 Corsets 1.59 Our entire stock of $1.50 Percale Dresses - 98c $2-50 Corsets ! .s'.) 8c Laces or Embroideries - 5c $1.75 Gingham Dre-ses - 1.29 2 19 25c Cotton Bats 19c - - 57c $3 00 Corsets - 10c Laces or Embroideries - 6c 65c Aprons $4.00 Corsets 85c Aprons - - $73c 79c 12* 1 ¿c Laces or Embroideries - 8c 3.19 Regular prices from $1.75-$3 50 $100 Cotton Bats - - 89c $5.00 Corse s 15c Laces or Embroideries - 10c $1 00 Aprons 3.98 Special - - 1.29 $1.25 Cotton Bats 98c Ladies’ and Childrens’ Shoes Ladies’ Coats and Skirts Notions s Silk and Voile Waists Ribbons Table Linens Linen Handkerchiefs Sweet-Orr Overalls Men’s $3.00 Hats Spring House Dresses Dossard Iront Lace Corsets Rd.bons Laces and Embroideries J. C. C. Corsets Cotton Bats Last Saturday the p e o p I e of m en ts will again be w orn and the m u­ April 30th, A. I)., 1917, and bids will Quartet Made a Hit Orenco heid a rousing good roads sic will once m ore be of th e b rig h t and be received a t my office, in the A nder The member of the P. U. son building, in F o rest G rove, W ash­ J. F. McGill had business in meeting and this afternoon a like Quartet, Messrs Stanley, Webb, ch eerful kind. S erm ons will lie preach ­ ington county, O regon; th e te rm s of ed a t both M asses. E veryone is in­ sale will I m meeting is being held at the Ga.-- - fo r cash, gold coin o f the Portland yesterday. Morgan and Live ay, with Her­ vited to join th e services, both d u ring U nited S ta te s, o f which ten p er cent ton school house. White kid gloves cleaned, 10c shall he (mid a t the tim e of su b m ittin g number of the member- of bert D< u< II reader and imjer.-o- the week and on E a ste r. On th e S un­ sa tisfa c to ry bid, ami the balance shall per pair at Buggies', next to post the A Congregational day following, A pril 15th, a larg e class WorKing so­ r.ator, retu red Sunday from their be naid a t th e tim e o f confirm ation of office. 52 ciety, their husbands and other trip to St. H- en , Ore , Ch