ORDERS NATION PUT ON WAR TOOTING A A A a a a a Æ. a a a a a a a a A ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ W W W ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ DEMOCRATS COUNT VICTORY Independents Said to Have Given Promise to Speaker Clark. Í STATE NEW S £ IN NORTHWEST INFANTRY CALLED California, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Washington to Arms. WORLD HAPPENINGS OE » CURRENT WEEK The donkey engines for the new log­ Washington, D. C. — Organization of San Francisco, March 25. Orders ging camp to be established by John­ the new house by the Democrats is de­ have been issued for the mobilization son & Moores, Inc., near Seaside, are to be assured by Representative President Directs Recruiting of clared expected to arrive at once and the o f National Guani infantry regiments, Brief Resume Most Important Raiutalll, o f California, Prohibitionist camp w ill he in operation within a one each in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and one o f the five so-called indcpend- Navy to Full War Strength. j t ents, and Montana, and three in California, Daily News Items. on whom the political complexion week or ten days. ! o f the house seemed to hinge. A meeting o f fruitgrowers o f the immediately and at full war strength, Mr. Randall has returned to Wash- Albany section o f the state at which it was announced Sunday at the head­ ' ington from Ix>s Angeles. On reading co-operative marketing anil plans for quarters hero o f the Western depart­ j a statement issued by Republican the establishment o f a cannery there ment o f the army. 1 Leader Mann, offering to retire from w ill be discussed, w ill be held in A l­ Oregon’s Third regiment o f infantry the race for the sjteakership in favor bany next Wednesday. has been eaUed to the color«. I o f Speaker Clark i f a bi-partisan or Another Hvde-Henson case has been Orders came late Sunday night from Tw o New Military Departments Cre­ [ non-partisan organization were agreed decided in favor o f the state. Attorney Secretary o f War Raker direct to Gov­ Events o f Noted People, Governments | on, he said Mr. Mann was too late, General Brown receiving word from ernor Withycombe, who promptly com­ ated and 11 Regiments National that he was in a position to say that and Pacific Northwest and Other Circuit Judge Calkins, o f Jackson municated them to Adjutant General enough o f the independents would vote Guard To Do Police Duty. county, that he has so disposed o f the Things Worth Knowing. j with the Democrats to g ive the latter cause in that county, involving about White. The order« from the Secretary o f a m ajority and assure the administra- 2300 acres o f school land. war came to the governor by telegraph tion controll by its j»arty o f both j houses o f congress. [ I. N. Clark and G. Callighan, o f in the following lunguage: Washintgon, D. C.— President W il Berlin claims to have sunk 80,000 “ Having in view the necessity o f son took steps Sunday to place the na-1 There have been indications for sev- j Oakland, Cal., have taken a long-term tons shipping capacity in the “ last eral days that the Democratic leaders | lease o f the box factory in North Mend affording a more perfect protection tion on a war footing. few days. “ had received satisfactory information from the Southern Pacific Railroad ugain«t the (WHsible interference with By executive order he directed that concerning the independents. Speaker company and bought the machinery postal and commercial fa cilitie« on the President Wilson will issue within the navy be recruited without delay to Clark and other spokesmen o f the from F. W. Kern, who formerly m ilitary channels and instrumentalitiea the next few days an order requiring full authorized war strength o f 87,000 | party have predicted the outcome ap- »[«-‘rated the industry. The new own- o f the United State« in the state e f examinations for candidates for nomi­ Oregon, and being unable with the nations as flrHt, second and third-class j era w ill repair and make additions. enlisted men. Taken in connection parently with complete confidence. regular troops availatde to inaure the |Mistmastcrs to go into effect April 1. with emergency naval construction al- ! » h . P n r i n ' n f m ' !!!," Provision in a joint resolution o f the - ^ .. the organisation tights with - 14 m im -; recent legislative assembly that tax faithful execution o f the law« o f the Thu London Daily Express says it ready ordered, this means that the hers each and 218 votes are required ret.,.ipta aha|| bl. made uniform in the Union in thi« regard, the President I iuh learns that Prince Friedrich Karl, o f thought proper to exercise the author- President has exercised the full lim it to elect the speaker. So four o f the various counties w ill have no effect Prussia, shot down by artillery while Inasmuch as all tax re- | ity vested in him by the constitution (lying in an airplane over the British o f the legal powers as commander in live independents must join the Demo- this year and laws to call out the National Guard i erata to re-elect , peaker t lark unless eei|,ti» for this year have been printed, lines near Peronne, has died from his ch ief to prepare the navy for war. ! there are defections from the Republi- HIMj ¡,urne o f them put into circulation, necessary for the purpose. injuries. For the army, the President directed “ I am in consequence instructed by can rank.-. nu effort will be made t<> establish a the President to call into the service President Wilson denies an applica­ that two new military departments be Representative Mann said he proba- uniform receipt, o f the United States forthwith, tion for pardon o f Maury I. Diggs and created in the Atlantic coast region. bly would see some other Republican ! W hile high school districts in many through you, the following units o f the F. Drew Caminetti, convicted at San He is The order means that the task o f or­ , leaders to present his views. 1 willing, he said, to make the race for parts o f the state are making arrange­ National Guard o f the state o f Oregon, Francisco under the white slave law. ganizing whatever army congress may speaker i f a majority o f the Republi- ments for establishing military train­ which the President desires shall be This means that the men must begin authorize w ill be divided among six | cans favor such a course, despite his ing squads under the provisions o f an assembled at the [dace designated to ! prison sentences. departmental commanders instead o f personal belief that it would be to the act o f the last legislature, which goes j you by the Commanding general o f the A carload o f bottled goods manufac­ disadvantage. Partisan into effect May 21, there seems to he Western department at San Francisco, tured in St. Paul and described by the four, in the interests o f speed and effi­ country’s affairs should have no place in the in- grave doubt as to whether they will Cal., and which said commanding gen­ | manufacturers ns “ a malt and hop ciency in mobilization. ! coming house, he said, and whether ever be able to perfect such squads eral has been directed to communicate tonic,” was seized at a Seattle rail­ The third step was to assume as a 1 the country is to have peace or war it under the terms of the act, owing to I to you: road terminal by Sergeant Victor Put- “ Third regiment, infantry, Oregon national duty the task o f protecting I is essential that all parties unite at lack o f equipment. I uuin, o f the (sdice dry squad. National Guard. American industries from domestic | once to exfiedjte irrqiortant public bus- Sheriff Gage and his deputies, o f I The possibility o f American partici- “ B AK E R , Secretary o f W ar.” disorders in the event o f hostilities. ines. Marshfield, found 80 bottles o f whiskey | j pation in the war on the side o f the For this purpose 11 full infantry regi­ in the berth o f the sailors on th e ; allies was dismissed ss a minor matter ments, two separate battalions and one steamship Breakwater, and arrested A. 37 Dead at New Albany. by General von Stein, Prussian minis­ separate company o f national guard Erickson, E. Ross, John Christensen, ter o f war, in an interview with the New Albany, Ind.— Six additional John la k k is and W alter W ilterm eier. j w ere called back into the Federal ' Berlin correspondent o f a Kuda|>cst service to act as national police in im ­ deaths reported Sunday made a total The sailors could not g ive bail until Portland Artillerymen Called Out to j newspaper. portant districts. Supplanting these o f 37 persons who lost their lives be­ the agent communicated with the home Defend Arteries of Traffic. Torpedoing o f the Norwegian steam­ troops, a regiment o f Pennsylvania cause o f the storm here Saturday. office in San Francisco and was author­ er W ilfred, with two Americans guard and two companies o f Georgia Three-fourths o f the wrecked area has ized to sign for $150. infantry, en route home from the or­ been explored, and the list o f missing Portland — Oregon National guard alsmrd, and the British schooner < 'hur­ J. Fred Larson, interested with der for muster out, were ordered re­ is being reduced almost hourly by re­ troops have received their first call to ley, with three Americans, was rcjsirt- ports from missing persons who have Portland capitalists in a plant to estab­ war duty. ed Tuesday to the State department. tained in the Federal service. lish at $200,000 shipbuilding plant at The W ilfred was warms! by the Ger­ The President’s orders were made been cared for in private homes. Acting under orders from Governor O f the 100 or more who were in­ Florence, the seaport town o f Western Withycombe, known in terse official statements is­ the Eighth company, I man submarine that sunk her, but car­ Lane county, made the first announce­ sued by both departments. N o ex­ jured, it was said probably 75 were ried no contraband or armament. ment o f the project at Eugene, when Coast artillery corps, Oregon National planation accompanied them except the badly hurt, but that less than a dozen guard, o f Portland, was called out F ri­ Reuter’s Stockholm correspondent he stated that $150,000 had been sub­ statement that organization o f the were in a serious condition. scribed toward the project in Portland ! day night by Adjutant General George cables that the Swidish minister o f The institution o f relie f measures m ilitary departments, effective May 1, A. White to guard the North Bank i foreign affairs has let it be known that Citizens o f Louisville and that the remaining $50,000 will be ! railroad bridge across the Columbia was designated to faciliate decentral­ was prompt. no attempt at peace mediation has subscribed in Lane county. subscribed $12,000 and sent motor ization o f command. river, connecting Oregon sml Wash- l>een made by Sweden. This denial Following is the executive order trucks loaded with food and clothing. As a reward to those boys and girls ington, and the Haniman railroad was called forth by a New York dis­ Later in the day the chamber o f com­ bringing the navy up to war strength: o f Oregon who can establish records o f bridge in Portland, patch, published in a Ismdon news­ ‘ ‘ By virtue o f the authority vested merce here issued an appeal to the having been neither absent nor tardy N o other troops arc to be called out paper, in regard to alleged attempts country for aid, estimating that $200,- in the President by act o f congress” during the school year, J. A. Churchill, for the present, but the National guard in this direction by Sweden and Spain. approved August 29, 1916, entitled 000 was needed. State troops are su­ superintendent o f public instruction, is ready for any emergency, A great crowd o f |>easanta, soldiers ‘ An act making appropriations for the pervising the work o f clearing away is preparing a beautifully lithographed They will guard Imth the Oregon and naval service for the fiscal year ending the wreckage and searching the ruins Certificate o f Award. This certificate Washington ends o f the bridge, as well and workmen, Hay a dispatch from June 30, 1917, and for other purposes,’ for bodies. will be signed by the teacher, the as the approaches on the Oregon side, Petrograd, went singing and cheering It is hereby directed that the author-1 county school superintendent and the j which included the separate bridge to the house o f the lute Count Tolstoy at Yasnaya Poliana Wednesday ami ized enlisted strength o f the navy be i superintendent o f public instruction. across the Oregon slough. Liner St. Louis in Port. increased to 87,000 men. A number o f the county school super- By arrangements made by General sent a deputation to greet the widowed Washington, D. C.— The American inetndents have expressed a desire for (Signed) “ W OODROW W IL S O N .” White with Captain Ernbach, United countess in behalf o f the Russian The navy must enroll immediately liner St. Louis, first armed American such certificates to present to their States army, in command at Vancou­ people. The countess was Hsked to approximately 20,000 men to reach the ship to cross the Atlantic, has arrived pupils, and it is the b elief o f Superin­ ver barracks, the two platoons o f the come out with the portrait o f Count Thereupon required strength, Secretary Daniels safely at her destination, Secretary tendent Churchill that the presenting Eighth company w ill be quartered Tolstoy ami Hhe complied. supplemented the order with personal Daniels announced Tuesdy. o f these certificates w ill do much to there. Arrangements also have been all knelt and chanted. telegrams to newspaper editors a l l ! Information as to the arrival o f the stimulate perfect attendance among made for their subsistence at the army The bodies o f the two missing Can­ over the country urging them to aid steamer came to the Navy department the boys and girls o f the state. Any post. yon Creek, Douglas county, miners, D. from the offices o f the American line the department. teacher who wishes to secure these As in time o f war the North Bank F. Stearns and E. E. Lautzenhiser, in New York. The company wished certificates for her pupils may do so railway bridge would be o f the great­ were found by the searching party i to make known the fact to relieve the j by applying to her county school super­ est importance, General White issued from Kerby Tuesday in the wreck o f Germans Framing New Peace ; anxiety o f those having relatives or intendent. his orders for their guarding at once. their cabin buried under an eight-foot friends on vessels. There were 14 Offer, Says Newspaper Both the North Bank bridge and the bank o f snow. The men were the vic­ A new method o f smuggling liquor American passengers aboard. i into bone-dry Oregon was unearthed Harriman bridge have for some time tims o f a Hnowslide at least two weekH Berne, via Paris — Peace negotia­ Jews Get A ll Advantages. by the police at Albany when two men I ^e®n un,^'r guard by watchmen and ago. The bodies were found lying in tions were begun Monday, says the the bed, indicating the slide occurred Washington. D. C .-A b s o lu te equal- traveling as hobos were captured with ; P ™ * « ^ ¡ ^ ' X . w e v e " it w ^ f e l t Journal de Geneve, which does not re­ during the night, the men being ity o f Jews in Russia with all others 24 quarts o f whisky in their posses- the^ t wo Uaflic arteries w e r i o f veal the source o f its information, but to own Dronertv to reside in anv 8,on‘ This liquor was concealed In n«t int.se iw > Irani arteries were or crushed down and suffocated under the weight o f the snow. The upper part declares it is absolutely reliable. Ger­ place, to serve in the army and navy, navy [ blanket rolls, exactly like those carried to any danger o f damage, and so troops o f the cabin was carried away. many would offer to restore territory to participate in educational advan­ by workmen beating their way on will protect them indefinitely. The Russian government has ordered she occupies in France, except in the tages and at the polls has been pro­ freight trains. that the deposed emjieror and his con­ mining district o f Briey, in exchange claimed officially, says advices re- Miss Irene Medinnes, aged 23, o f T. R. Would Hear “ Dixie” sort shall be regarded as having been fo r a channel port, Calais or Dunkirk, cieved at the Russian embassy. ' Portland, was killed, and Mrs. M. L. o f their liberty, and that they Therefore, it is understood, there Granning, also o f Portland, sustained and an indemnity Of 15,000,000,000 on War Front in France deprived Bhall be brought to Tsarskoc-Selo. w ill be no further restrictions on the is­ serious spinal injuries when their auto­ fanes. Jacksonville, F la.— Theodore Roose­ “ Germany would also offer,” says sue o f passports to Russia or American mobile, driven by Mrs. Granning, Admittance to the residence o f Pre­ the newspaper, “ to restore the t e r r i- ( Jews who desire to visit Russia than ; turned turtle off a grade half a mile velt, in an address here Sunday, said mier Lloyd George was gained Thurs­ torial integrity and the sovereignty of those common to other persons. north of Corvallis about noon Monday, he would have a division o f American day by a man supposed to be o f un­ Belgium on condition that Belgium j They were the only occupants o f the soldiers in the trenches o f France sound mind. It was only with diffi­ within four or five months if permis­ would not be allowed to maintain a na- , Germany to Seize Grain. car. culty that he was overpowered and ar­ sion would be given by the govern­ tional army and that Germany would ! Berlin— The German government an- rested. Douglas county’s largest quicksilver ment. be permitted to garrison Namur, L iege „ounces that all grains still in the The statement was made just after President Gompers and Secretary and Antwerp perpetually” hands o f consumers above limited mine, a few miles from Yoncalla, will I t is added by the newspaper that quantities w ill be seized for the bene­ be in full operation some time next the band had played “ D ixie,” and Col­ Morton o f the American Federation o f “ I Labor, presented to Attorney General Germany must have control o f the Bel­ fit o f the public. This is a result of week, according to E. B. Perrine. The onel Roosevelt had remarked: gian railroads and ports and be favor­ the recent census which revealed a mine, idle for 15 years, has just been would like to hear that tune against Gregory Friday a protest against the declaration o f the Supreme court in ably treated in an economic treaty. shortage from the expectations o f last thoroughly renovated. The mine was Von Hindenburg’s line in France.” The Colonel said the United States the Adamson law decision, that the This is not the program o f Pan-Ger­ fall. Special committees accompanied recently acquired by Montana capital- mans, but the actual terms o f the Ger­ by military aid w ill visit all farms. ists, and J. A. Anderson placed in should carry the war to Germany. He right o f railroad employes to strike is pleaded for universal m ilitary training. limited by the public interest. man government, says the Journal. Secreted grain will be confiscated and charge. paid for at the rates in the Berlin dis­ The New Hampshire house o f repre­ As the fruit o f agitation lasting two Fellowship is Memorial. Labor to Be Replaced. trict in 1916. sentatives [lasses a bill which would years, the O.-W. R. & N. company has Cambridge, Mass.— The Harvard cor­ Washington, D. C.— Commissioner establish state-wide prohibition on determined to institute a motorcar German Crewa Moved. poration announced recently the accept­ May 1, 1918. General Caminetti, o f the Immigration service between Elgin and La Grande. service, announces that the United Philadelphia— Several hundred mem­ The service is an experiment and i f ance o f a g ift o f $24,782, to estahlsh a fellowship as a memorial to Victor The 35th Texas legislature adjourned States employment service, with its bers o f the crews o f the German aux­ unprofitable w ill be abandoned. Chapman, the aviator killed in action Friday after a renewed unsuccessful more than 80 branches, is prepared to iliary cruisers Krownprinz Wilhelm The price o f common labor, it is near Verdun while a member o f the attack on the “ bone-dry” county op­ unify the labor resources o f the coun­ and Prinz Eitel Friedrich, interned at try. Plans are being made for locat­ the Philadelphia navy yard since last concluded, w ill be forced higher in flying corps o f the French army. The tion bill passed by both houses earlier ing, ready for call, persons to replace October, started Tuesday under a Marshfield, for there is a scarcity of fund, which was raised by 74 persons, in the day. The bill prohibits manu­ men taken into the active service o f heavy guard o f marines for Fort O gle­ men. The Riverton mine, which has will be used to award a fellowship an­ facture in any “ dry” county o f intoxi­ cating liquors for sale, for any purpose the army and navy. The employment thorpe and Fort McPherson, Ga., recently renewed stopes and the entire nually to a student from France. Chapman was a member o f the Har­ whatever, in prohibition territory in service is co-operating with the Na­ where they w ill be kept until further interior o f the property, is short about the state. vard class o f 1913 tional defense council labor committee. orders. 20 miners. DANIELS MAKES STRONG PLEA COMPILED LOR BUSY READERS OREGONIANS GUARD BRIDGES