The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 29, 1917, Image 1

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.¿ ¿ u t
i * L A -
Jfar tst dann' lExtnraa
Vol. 2. No. 12
$6,000,000 Bond Issue
Comes Up in Debate
Forest (Jrove Commercial Club to Hold Public Meeting
and Banquet, at K. of P. Building
Next Tuesday Evening.
——— 4
William MeCready, j r ., who
was taken suddenly ill Sunday, is
$1.50 per Year
The Pythian Hosts
Captured Forest Grove
This is “ Patriotic Week,” by
Several hundred Knights of brotherhood, which has done
proclamation of the Governor. Pythias captured Forest Grove much for humanity, and deserves
Put up your flags.
Saturday night and held the city the growth
growth it
it is enjoying in this
Joe Fairchild lost a valuable from 6:50 p. m until almost 3
, , Many business places were dec-
Jersey cow from heart disease the , , . _
o clock Sunday morning, when the orated wjth the K . of P. colors in
first of the week.
m a jo iity o f them left by special honor of the celebration and a
Don’t buy Easter wearing ap­ train for Portlandand intermediate large crowd lined the sidewalks to
parel until you have read King’s
points. The invasion was due to see
Parade and drills.
bargain list, in this issue.
four justifiable reasons— to assist
John Baxter Is Dead
Mrs. L. J. Corl of Corvallis re­
John Baxter, a well-known resi-
turned home today, after a visit the members of Delphos lodge,
with her daughter, Mary, of this No. 39. in celebrating the twenty- dent of this city, passed away at
sixth anniversary of the organiza­ Salem last Monday of pneumonia,
Mrs. Oscar Baldwin returned tion of their lodge, to assist in giv­ aged almost 79 years, and the
yesterday to her home at Condon, ing twenty-one new members the body was interred in Forest View
cemetery yesterday a f t e r n o o n
after a visit with the Harve Bald- final degree, to witness the pre­ after services at the Forest Grove
win family.
sentation of Veterans' Jewels to Undertaking chapel, conducted by
H. S Johnson of Mitchell, who three members (Messrs. J. S. Bux- Rev. R E. Dunlap of the local
married Beulah James of this city ton
Staley and j. W . M . E. church, assisted by Rev.
four months ago, has been very „
, .
, .
A. W’ells of the Salem Nazarene
ill, but is convalescing.
Hughes) and to enjoy a sumptuous church.
1 banquet, prepared and served by
. ~ , ,
. .
,. John Baxter was born at Kin-
Billy Ralston is home from San
Francisco, where he wi nt f o r members of Delphos lodge and cardine, Scotland, on June 7th,
treatment for rheumatism. He is their wives a n d o Wh e r lady 1838, and came to America in
1882, joining his two brothers,
considerably improved.
and William, in Scog-
M .S . Allen has sold to A. G
With a $0,000,000 bond issue
coming up for good road», the eti- *,s composed of lumber.
.......i caa , u
With the lecture were 100 col-
l,• of 1,500 vw jtor. In ,jre(l , |i(|„ , howing lh(,
June, (old soldiers and their lady 'timber resource« of Oregon JogwinK
friends; and the possibility of get- camps and sawmills, the result of
ting a rail outlet from this city to forest fires and the measures be-
Tillamook, the directors of th e : ing taken by the state and the
Forest Grove Commercial club timber owners to avert losses,
realize that they have enough which have been greally reduced
work ahead to justify them in ask- in the past six years,
ing that every true citizen of For-1 A. T. Iiuxton of this city, a
est Grove get his shoulder to the j member of the s t a t e forestry
wh«s*l and assisting in building up fioard, was instrumental in secur­
a “ Bigger a n d Better Forest ing the lecture for this city.
Grove.” The directors are today
Mr. Siecke lectured to the
asking you, and you. and all of school pupils in the afternoon.
you, to do thiH. “ Either help
your town grow or get out of the
way,” is the way one booster has
stated His views.
Next Tuesday evening, at 6:30
Following the president’s orders
in the K. of P. building, ground j .
.. ,
floor, there will be a “ get-together” 1° recruit the National iuard to Huffman a six-cylinder Paige car a parade, headed by the Forest'
^ aJIf.^’ b ^ r
dinner, price 35c per plate, for the war strength, Sergeant Koeser of and both gentlemen went to Port­ Grove band, twen:y-four members the Presbyterian church. He was
united with Miss Elizabeth Dixon,
purpose of discussing the import- j company F, third Oregon infant- land this morning to bring the
of the D. O. K. K.,from Portland, who assisted him in his church
ant questions a I eady mentioned ry , Tuesday opened a recruiting machine home.
and a uniformed degree staff from work. Nine years ago the family
C. E. Spence, master of the state 0flice ¡n this city and has enlisted,
W. O. Wagner, formerly a res­ Vancouver, Wash , gave exhibi­ moved to this city and M r. Bax­
grange, who is much opposed to
the issuing of bonds, will talk up to 3 o clock today, Ghas. L . ident of this city, but now of tions of semi-military drills and ter joined the M . E. church. He
against them, while Whitney L. j
Andy \ ost, Jess Stegleder, Marion, was oj>erated on at a maneuvers at the intersection of was prominently identified with
Boise, of Portland, who is sure Henry Atkins, Louis Munkera, V\ Portland ho-pi'al Saturday and Main street and Pacific avenue the prohibition movement, was a
is recovering nicely.
w e must and should have the J- Burnworth, Ghas h. Williams,
that were very pretty and attrac- kind father, a dutiful husband
bonds, will tell why he holds these Roland Alexander, Jim Dilley and
ed much attention. Hillsboro uni­ and a good citizen.
As the result of two severe falls,
viewH. It will lie a red-hot de­ Billy Thacker of this city and
form Rank also had a company of
Iz)ui8 Erher of Cornelius. *
bate. Come and get the facts.
members in the parade, but they M r. Baxter has been in poor
In addition to these boys, the
At this time plans will be out­
not g i v e an exhibition of health for several years and the
final breakdown came t h r e e
lined for taking care of the old three Bush brothers, Billy. Louie
After the officers o! the G. A .
After the exhibition, the local months ago, when he was taken
soldiers and their ladies when they ami Dick, have been called to join
the same company.
R. had changed the date of their and visiting Knights went to the to the state hospital at Salem.
come, the last week in June.
Men who have interviewed the
He is survived by his widow,
Verle Stanley, a P. U. student, encampment, scheduled for this hall, where the decree staff of
railroad builders will tell of the has* been called to company Band city on June 27, 28 and 29, to Ivanhoe lodge. Portland, conferred Mr? Elizabeth Baxter; a daugh
outlook, as given them by the Claire Martin has been summoned June 14, 15 and 16, the promoters ^ third dergee upon C. G Staley, ter, Miss Jean Baxter; one broth­
engineering company
. . .
Fred Davidson, W. J. MeCready, er, Alexander, of Salem, and a
to join company G, 2d infantry, , „
of Pon land arose show took these Ottice
n t<
rur E.
p B.
r RP™lrhorX
The directors of the Commer at Vancouver, Wash.
Brookbank. niece, Mrs. W. T. Patton of Port­
cial club have reducer! the annual j
The sergeant leaves this even- dates for their show and now the G. A . Bryant, H. B. LaM ont J. land .
H. Camanado,
dues to $1.00, believing there Is; ing at 6:30 and asks that any G. A. R. officials and the directors R. Giltner. A
Young Wife and Mother Called
not a bacinea, professional or ¡young m n who want fto M rve of the Forest Grove Commercial Fred Lesser, C. W. Olson, H. E.
Don H . Norton, of Port­
K appel.O . S. Higby, Gavin Dun­
working man in Forest Grove who their country come to the armory
30, passed away at the
can, A. E. Brodersen, Robert B.
would not give that much to pro- uf company F, in Portland. Their
Evans, R. W. Vail, John A. An- home of her mother-in-law, Mrs.
mote the welfare of the tow’n railroad fare will be refunded them June 27, 28 and 29.
Considerable of the money raised and he says Uncle Sam needs A B has been arranged for the G Hereon, A. A. LaMont, W. W. F. H. Norton, Third avenue,
this way will go to entertain the men now, not next week or next A R. to ho d lU sessions at Marsh W olf and w B R Ugg!es.
south, between Third and Fourth
G. A R and W. R. C. encamp- month
He expects Forest Grove Hall, the VV. R. C. at the Con­
This work took until 2:30, after streets, this morning as the result
ment in June.
I to furnish 25 men.
hall and the Ladies of the G. A. which everybody adjourned to the of a complication of ailments.
On Saturday of this week, three
. . . .
banquet hall on the ground floor, Deceased came to this city Satur­
teams will start out on a member- j M .J . Abliott, the local optic- R. at the K. of P. hall
where a fine banquet, consisting day to visit her husband’s mother
ship campaign
and when they ian and jeweler, was operated on
of fried, baked and stewed chicken and was taken ill shortly after her
Church Convention in Session
come to you, be
prepared to give Monday at a Portland hospital
and various and sundry other arrival. She is survived by a
The Christian churches of the good victuals had been spread on
your membership (and your d o l-: for a c hronic ailment and is doing
husband and one small son.
ar.) Your town needs your help. . .
. ,
Northwest district convened at three tables almost 100 feet in
Funeral services will be held at
A t the name time the committn* ¡Vce
John Anderson
visaed the Christian church yesterday length. Tw o hundred and sixty-
the residence at 10:30 a. m. to­
will offer for sale tickets to Tu es-! him yesterday,
afternoon for a three-day session, eight persons were served at the morrow and the remains will be
day night’s dinner and it is the I
with a goodly attendance of dele­ banquet, the wives and other lady intened in Forest View cemetery.
desire of the directors that this b e 1
friends of the members assisting
lib e r a lly a tte n d e d .
If the com-i Wm. Beighler has sold his four-acre gates.
Fred Williams, who married a
in the serving.
m itte e fa ils to see you, tick ets ranch to Mr. Whitfield, of Canada, and
B. J. Simpson of this city ad­
of William Blum, living
The Veterans’ jewels were pre­
may lie had at the Littler drug
«* farm in the Kan««« dressed the convention on the
was killed between
sented by Supreme Represen ta -..
City district.
s u b j e c t , “ T h e Non-Christian live Edgar Curtis of Portland and *w°
Portla" d Mon-
Thursday evening a number of young World,” this afternoon and at 8
A “ Bigger and B e t t e r Forest
was bu^ ,ed in
_ _ ft
people gave a surprise party on Tony o’clock this evening A. L . Crim of
i rove.
feeling and patriotic manner to t b e Hil cemetery, near Gaston,
Are you enlisted in this cam- Heesscker a t h i s home, north o f Eugene will deliver an address.
the presentation. His reference at ^ 0 ^
tb,s |i?orn,n^ f .aftei;
Thatcher. The evening was spent in
paign i? i
The session closes at 3 o ’clock to the Stars and Stripes during
| games and music, and at a late hour tomorrow afternoon.
. ' his response called forth a patriotic chu^ch; Rev. Dunlap of this city
j the guests were treated to an oyster
The public is invited to the demonstration seldom s e e n or conducted the service.
i supper, after which they departed for sessions.
heard nowadays and several times
\ Talk on Libraries
their homes, having spent a general
during the evening was it demon-
r _rnp.:a Marvin
good time.
strated that the Knights of Pyth-
, T !? „ S
A number of contractors who I Alvin Ballinger is on the sick list,
¡as are lovers and upholders of the
h^ n “ 0 “ '
desire to hid on the new timber He haH been ill with sciatic rheumatism
Stars and Stripes.
addressed the members of the
Washington County Editorial .\8»ociation
railroad to be built from Wilkes- j for the past week, hut is slowly im-
- W omans club on the question of
News Bureau
Among the notable Pythlans in county libraries, advocating one
boro to Gl' nwood were over the proving.
attendance wers ( .us Mosher and
library, supported by the
ground last Saturday in order
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Circuit Court
that they might know something I-eon Sills are glad to have them again
E. D ; C urtis, Supreme Repre-
county, with a paid librarian,
John Constantines has brought suit sentatives; (.rand Vice Chancellor They have such a library at Salem
about the kind of work on which in their midst. Mr. Sills moved from
Forest Grave last week onto the Rob­ for separation from Ida Constantines k/r>' ^ ™uch and. ’ r.a5,d R eePer and find it fillsagreatn eed .h av-
they are to build.
ertson property.
on the grounds of cruelty and desertion. °[.R^ciIr( *,aad.
Vf.G. Gleason jng assumed the proportions of a
Carl Thielman is s u i n g Sheridan all of 1 ortland.
mad order library. Such a library
An Interesting Lecture
and Mrs. A. Wheaton, et al, to collect $»>5 with int­
Presen^ , is able to keep expensive books
E. O. Siecke. deputy state for- din"* r Sund*y with Mr
. , ,
. .
from twenty-seven lodges and bey 0nd the reach of the smaller
ester, la st night g a v e a very in t r
Eugene Dopp had the misfortune to
August Tews has sued to collect $50, seven states and, while Portland libraries
esting lecture at Marsh Hall on lose his driving horse. Bill, last week. with interest from Arthur Johnson.
sent the largest delegation, there
Mrs. George G. Paterson opened
In the estate o f Sarah E. Ewing, were goodly representations from the program with a vocal solo.
the tim b e r industry in general an d The horse stepped in a hole and broke
o f O re g o n
particluar. The his leg and Mr. I)opp was compelled to Martha Dodge is petitioning for the McMinnville, Yamhill, Gaston,
appointment of Mary F. Barber and Banks and many other towns in
Mrs. Cora McBride, past de-
speaker said Oregon contained shoot him.
partment president of the Wf. R.
one-sixth of the standing timber
Tony Heesacker left Saturday for herself as executrixes, as they were this and adjoining counties.
The parade made an imposing C., Mrs. Slater, a candidate for
of the United States; that almost j Idaho, where he has a position on a named in the will to act as such. The
value of the estate has been placed at spectacle and did much to impress the position of president, and
half of the people engaged in man- large ranch.
non members with the importance Mrs. Otis, all of Portland, visited
ufacturing in Oregon were in the
Dewey Beighler has about recovered $ 4000 .
Marriage Licenses
of Pythianism and the twenty- the local Relief Corps Thursday
lumber i n d u s t r y . More than from his recent attack of mumps.
The Lousenau Lake is higher than it
Fred A. Mills and Mildred I. McCon-
one new members were, no doubt, last and engaged quarters at local
$70,000 per «lay is spent in Ore­
gon for lumber by other states, Jiaa been at any time this winter,owing naughey; Carl Wehlschlegel ami Eve- conscious of the auspiciousness of hotels for their stay during the
lina Hutchens.
their entrance i n t o t h i s grea t. encampment.
and 80 per cent of outgoing freight to the recent heavy rains.
Forest Grove Boys
Will Be Soldiers
Encampment Dates
Are June 27,28 and 29 did1
looking Over
Railroad Route
The County Seat