The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 22, 1917, Image 8

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Some banks “ don’t care to bother” with small
accounts. We do. Not because we are philanthro­
pists, but because it pays.
Some of our very large accounts were once
very little.
The First National Bank
“A Strong Hank in a (¡ood Town”
Harry Gotf had business in
Portland yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. S A. Walker
went to Portland today to partic­
ipate m a big Artisan blowout this
The high school Junior-Senior
banquet, which was once post­
pone«! «m account of the epalcmic
of the mumps, will be held next
Silt unlay night.
R. G. Ott an«l family passed
through town yesterday. «nroute
from Hood River to Polk county,
where they expect to locate. Mr.
Ott is the son of H. D. Ott of thi>
Florence Oil Cook Stove
No wicks to trim, to smoke, smell and soot up
the house. No valves to wear out, clog or leak.
Their heat is easily and quickly regulated by turning
a simple little patented lever.
When once set, the Florence Burner requires no
“ turning up,” because there is no wick to burn off,
and the flame will remain the same until the lever is
Each burner costs about one-half cent an hour.
Very much cheaper than coal or gas. to Organize
O. V. H. garden tools at Gor­
deputy national
don's hardware store.
Order of
Money to loan—Valley Realty
Mrs. C. L. Mocroft entertained Moose, will hold a meeting on
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf the M. E. Aid society yesterday.
Thursday evening, March 29. at
A daughter was born Tuesday
Lime and Sulphur spray, b y 1
a place to be announced later,
morning to Mr. and Mrs. Gavin the gallon or barrel, at Lit tier’s and all old members, as well as
any men between the ages of 21
Mrs. C. R. Lasham attended the
The latest Columbia records of an(j 50, who desire to become
Royal Neighbor convention m the new songs on sale at Littler’s charter members of Forest Grove
Poitland the first of the week.
L. O. O. M. are invited to attend.
For Sale—F a u 111 e s s stump-
We honestly believe the FLORENCE type of
trial order is all we ask; next Som"thin|i
inu’" 'st 10
puller, complete and in good con­ to A post
ma" wi" 1,0 s,ar" d « th“ ' um»
office Ruggì«. Ch iming The
stove is the best. Come and See.
Moose is the third ranking
dition. Phone David 251. 1-tf
fraternal society of the world to
Mrs. M. I. Con well of Portland
Exclusive Agency for
Herbert 1 unlap, who is work- dav and a local lodge here will be
spent the week-end with h e r ing m Portland, visited his parents u fine acquisition to the city.
y Wh,,D*r *!to «hi» city ¡»«unlay.
B usin«, and ,,o f ,8.ional m.n
ana iamuy.
“Civilization” a t th e Star are especially invited t«> attend
Wonderful, realistic and stu- Theater next Monday, afternoon the meeting Place will lie an-
pendous — “Civilization" — Star and evening. Adults 25c, children nounce«) on h «ndbills to be dis
Theater, Monday afternoon and 10c.
tribute«! the first part of next
Phone 6 S3
Forest Grove, Ore
Mr. and Mr* H. R. Bernard week- Wat h for them
Your neighbors are planting were in Portland today, laying in
Free Illusi rated l.erturo
Hit it w as proved th a t hi* w orked M county jail from S e a ttle last w eek,
■•Pakro Setdtape.” Buy it (or a supply of liohday goods fur the | Ix)cal people interested in for- «lay* a f te r he claim ed to have received charged w ith noh-aup|M>rt of hia 'w ife
K)n utOr6«
and childr«-n. Hi* reaidence i* H uxton.
your garden. Ask Littler s Phar­
.. n
.. , , estryhave arranged with the s t a t e w j u n e *
Ashley & Kumelin, hankern, a r e
Sidney Woodhoune, w unled hy the
macy about it.
Edison Mazda Lamps
. . . .
. forester to send a representative bringing su it a g a in st K. A. F ra s e r an«l county offlciala for forging a check on
the state convention *>f the Royal
. ,
Mrs. R. W. Reder returned Sat­ v- . , .
. ,
• i, .1
. 1 to this city for an illustrated lec- II. K. S pencer to collect $90, w ith int- th e A m erican N ational Hank o f llilla-
urday from a tour of the north­
e re a t.
Jo h n U rhak ha* b ro u g h t auit ag ain at
Fred W alter* to gain poaaeaaion o f a
cow an<l calf, w hich the d e fe n d a n t now
hold* anil which ia claim ed hy I'rh u k .
H a rrie t B. Kilim, e t al., a re auing
for a division o f ce rta in p ro p erty to
which she ia heir and in which se v e ra l
h i ,
T m T
Wh° for the gen. ral public. Admit»,„„ o th e r heirs hold n sh are.
ha\e been living at Menlo, VV ash , fr a n ( j th( puj)lir ,nvite«l.
In th e case o f th e S ta te o f O regon
f° r j he P*-st h,v* year returned
va. C harles and W ills, the tim e for th e
*Tlday to make th eir home in
(atholic ( hurch
ent o f coats has been ex tended to
their A street residence.
Next Sunday evening, at Verts O paym
ctober 1, 1917.
E. J Shot well’s troop of Boy j hall. Father Buck will close his A ction waa b ro u g h t by the F’aeific
Scouts i Troop No. 1) met at the serie- of lectures on “ What the F ru it & Produce com pany a g ain at tw o
Templeton home Monday night
. ¡.
Ja p a n e se living n e a r B eaverton, iri
ft,r dnl1 and instruction
This ' atno ,c n lurch Teaches.” The which the J a p s irigped it c o n tra c t to de-
™°P ,?ow. has two p a tro ls-th e subject will be. Intolerance ; St. livt.r onion*
t«j th«* Produce com pany a t
0w[s an,J ^
Panthers, with Bartholomew s Eve; Que* n Mary * H , tipu.
tip u lated *um. T he ri»e in price
another patrol being recruited.
of Englar d ” Admi-sion fr«e an«l followed and the onion* wi*r« not d e­
livered. A decision was ren dered in
You’ll enjoy mowing the lawn the public invited,
fav o r of the Ja p a n e se .
if you get the easy-adjusting, vf
west in the interest of the Ellison- Monday and Tuesday.
White Chautauqua bureau.
A1 Sexton writes from California
his health is getting better
Get t h e guaranteed “Pakro
Seedtape” for your garden, ft all the the time and he is bossing
is the most economical of them a gang of forty men on railroad
all For Sale at Lit tier’s Pnar- ' <™struetion .
prevention and control and other
phases of this important i n«I u - -
try. Th«* lecture will be deliver!d
at Mar h hall next Wedn sday.
March 28. afternoon and evening
for scho" 1
m y'
T he -S lid e w e H ” tie slips through
the co lla r so easily you’ll enjoy
your Easter more thoroughly if
you wear one of these ties. Ask
John Anderson.
Mr. and M js . Eb. Nicholson
and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller of
Cailoway, Neb., are spending a
few days in this city, visiting with
former neighbors and friends.
. .
^ . _
M. O. Evans of the O. A. C.
Extension Service is this week
vpiting Washington county farm
Marriage License*
ers, granges and other farmers’ licht-running
. . . . . .
, - ,
, mower. Money to Loan at
organizations to learn if a county Adjusted by a single thumb-screw
Low Rates of Interest B u t one m a rria g e license ha* been
issued d u rin g the wet-k ju s t passed.
i.rran. ic
seIf-shar pening. Se«* it at
Gity property o n
Fifteen firoann
Oregon «in«!
anM is
1S »«ii-snarpening
is tron.D/i
wanted, Fifiw...
issued to C arl Pick and Ila r-
counties are now using agncui , _
one of ' n e t . V
,, was
repayment plan.
plan Are you
turai agents.
. Ui d,?ln
^ Christ
5 ° r v^ will
.V ?n
the 92 percent that can never re- j
Dr. Thomas McClelland, ex-
president of Pacific University held at the Christian church in pa> a ' r'‘uK , i m e oan- 1 nder} K. E. Parson*. John McGee and II
tieen H(>
has submitted his resignation from th* c‘7 Wednesday, Thursday our plan the incumbrance is grad- Meade, all of Orenco. have been
the presidency of Knox College at j ?nd Tridav of ri« xt week, with an ually reduced and at a low rale pointed ap p raisers o f the e s ta te o f
A ndreas Kish, who has been declared
Galesburg, III., according to word in er^ ln", Program, embracing of intei«*st. In ve tigate
received from him by iocal friends.
religious workers of
D. I) B U M P , Loan Agent.
P e te r M iller wan re tu rn e d U» the
Dr. McClelland retired as the head the state.
of Pacific University in 1905 and
Mrs Julia A. Spring of Albany
has been president of Knox con- came Tuesday for a visit at the G eorge Lee an«l Mr. K alsch have
tinuously since that date. Pa- home of her sister-in-law. Mrs. sick cow* and M att Mine* lost one o f
cific was very prosperous under L S. Phillips She will later go ! his b est cow*.
Dr. McClelland’s management.
to Oregon City to visit a sister,! j e ff H ayden’s children h a v e the
R. P. Hutton, superintendent Mrs. Chas. Canfield, who has just meag|e8
of the Anti-Saloon League, s p o k e returned from a trip to the Ha-. D octor K auffm an was called to see
at the Congregational church on wanan Islands.
Mrs. H arrison H eisler.
Sunday morning and E. A Baker,
The moving picture, “The A d - Ja m e s C hurchill is plowing for Joe
f t U R PRIDE is Dry Lum-
president of the same organiza- ventures of a Boy Scout,” put on Lilly.
ber. We have the only
tion, s p o k e at t h e Christian by the members of Ray T. Wil- Mrs. A yres took dinner w ith Mrs.
sheds in Washington county
church. In the afternoon both liams’ troop at the Star la«t night, Lee S unday.
big enough to house every­
men addressed a mass meeting at drew a good-sized c r o w d arid John R aines has bought th e Coat*
We keep everything
the M. E. church, when they ex- plea.-ed a ll very much. The drills Plac*: consideration $ 1 , 200 . Ed Lee
to build with. Lumber al­
plained the provisions of the b y the local Scouts, executed on bought th e house and is m«»ving it.
“ Bone Dry” law and suggested the stage, were also vere much Ferry G a b b e rt’» folks h a v e t h e
ways bright and new.
m easles.
methods for its enforcement.
i appreciated.
boro, la under a rre a l a t San I.uia Obia-
p<>. C alifornia, and a t p reaent ia being
tri«-d hy the otlh-ialH th e re on a aim ilar
ch arg e. If the proaecution faila th e re
he will be re tu rn e d to W aahinglon
county f«»r tria l on hia first offense,
The check he caahed waa for $7.r>,
Woodhouae ia a fin e-appearing young
m an, b u t hia record seem s to he a little
M aterial ia tieing placed in poaition In
p re p a ra tio n to th e laying o f hard-aur-
face p av em en t e a st from H illsboro
along t h e llillahoro-B eaverton roa«l
and w ork will com m ence as soon as the
w e a th e r se ttle s into th e sum m er groove.
N olice o f Final S ettle m e n t
N O T IC E is hereby given th a t th«-
undersigned, a d m in istra to r o f th e E s­
ta te o f L u th e r ( ’. Cooper, deceased,
haH filed in th e C ounty C ourt o f W ash
ington C ounty, Stati* o f O regon, hi*
final account as such a d m in istra to r o f
said E sta te , and th a t Mnndny, the 2.’ld
day o f A pril, 1917, a t the hour o f Id
o ’clock A, M. <if said day, has been
fixed hy said C ourt as th e tim e for
h earin g o f ob jectio n s to said r«*|M>rt,
and the s e ttle m e n t th ereo f.
C. M. C O O PER .
A d m in istrato r o f th e E s ta te o f
L u th er C. Cooper, D eceased.
M. B. & I). I». Bump,
A ttorney* for the E sta te .
Ye9, the cost of living’s high,
But we’d rather live than die.
And. since we must all live and eat, let us supply
your wants. We have
Meats, Vegetables and Fruits
in season and at Reasonable Prices.
Riprht on the Corner
Phone Your Wants
The Pacfic Market
Phone 0301
C. H. GIGUERE, Prop.
Mr. E llio tt w as tra d in g in G ales)
C reek T uesday.
Josie M iller was in P ortland F riday, j
v isitin g h er b ro th e r who is a t th e h o s - !
Mrs. B u rre was visiting h is d a u g h te r, j
Elsie, who lives in P ortland, re tu rn in g
home M onday.
M rs. Jonh Adkins is on th e sick list, j
The County Seat
W fuihinicton C o u n ty KHitorial A sso ciatio n
N ew s B u reau
Circuit Courf
B ecause his wife, Evalina, has made
th re a ts on his life and m ade him fe a r
bodily in ju ry , Levi H. Chaffin has filed
su it fo r divorce,
F ran k H ess o f Hillsboro lout his su it
ag a in st th e S ta te A ccident Commission,
Cement and
always fresh and quick-set­
ting. We keep it that way.
If you w ant to build a house, a barn, a garag«*. a chick­
en house or a silo, we have the stuff right here. We don’t
have to order it. Drive in and get it. We give you a posi­
tive guarantee that our READY ROOFING will last you for
10 to 15 years. We buy in quantity. We buy cheap and we
sell cheap. Come in and talk. That is what we are here
The Main Street Lumber Yard
Copeland & McCready